
Friday, August 24, 2012

Lino It!

iPad day #2 is going to put the iPads back into your (clean) hands and allow you to do more creating. We practiced using Socrative yesterday and found much success in using that app. Today, we shall attempt Lino, which is an app that allows you, the student, to do more creating. I think its awesome when my students create stuff, and I think Lino will be one of the many great tech tools that will allow us to do that. Here's the deal with Lino: Imagine a giant cork board. It is blank. Your task is to fill it up and create a Lino board representing the ancient world.  For your tools, you  have virtual sticky notes and any pictures that you need.
Your Task:
1. After reading/skimming the Ancient World article, post a comment telling me what 2 ancient worlds sound the most interesting to you, and WHY.
2. Create a Lino board with the Lino app. Instructions to be delivered in class.  


  1. Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome are the best by far

  2. I want to learn about the stone age and learn about Ortiz and the wall art. Also I want to learn about ancient china and all of their inventions

  3. I want to learn about the stone age and learn about Otzi and the wall art. Also I want to learn about ancient china and all of their inventions

  4. Stone age because of the caveman and mamlllo and the primay becase it seem to be cool

  5. I want to learn about anchent Rome because the gladiators and the mid evil times because of the war crusades

  6. I want to learn about Egypt and the midevel times because I want to learn more about mummification and king and queens and how they rule the kingdom. I want to learn more about their lives

  7. Ancient Greece because I have never read or watched any of the Peycy Jackson books or movies. Stone age because I want to learn about the animals.

  8. My two favorite worlds are the stone age and Egypt cause the reason why.Is cause the stone age is cool they had cool animals.I picked Egypt cause they have mummies tombs.

  9. I think that the Stone Age would be a cool place to study because there is a lot of animals that I have never seen before.

    I also think that Ancient Egypt would be cool to because I would like to see all of the pyramids!

  10. My two favorite worlds are the stone age and Egypt cause the reason why.Is cause the stone age is cool they had cool animals.I picked Egypt cause they have mummies tombs.

  11. Stone age because I like the sabra tooth and ice age.
    I also like ancient egypt because I want to learn about the pyramid.

  12. I think that I like the Stone Age the best and then Ancient Greece because they seem to be awesome in my own opinion.

  13. I think that one part that sounds interesting was went there were talking about the cave man and in one part they really white teeth because they eat good and healthy food

  14. I think it would be fun to learn about the stone age, cause I would want to know how the stone age people lived. It would also be fun to learn about Mesopotamia cause I wonder how they could farm.

  15. I think that Stone Age will be interesting because I like animals and I would like to learn what Stone Age animals are like. I would also like to see what Ancient China is like to, because I've always wanted to go to China, and now I want to learn what it was like back then.

  16. I 10,000.B.C. Would be cool to do research on this year because of ice age movies reall tell how they lived back then.!!!!!!!!

  17. Stone age is my favorite please it have 10000 bm .

    Egiat is cool because of it the perrmids.

  18. ACIENT Rome and Greece are pretty simalar but also different.It is awesome to learn about it?

  19. ACIENT Rome and Greece are pretty simalar but also different.It is awesome to learn about it?

  20. Stone age is my favorite please it have 10000 bm .

    Egiat is cool because of it the perrmids.

  21. Ancitejit and the mumaficson
    Ancitchina and it's rolres

  22. I like the stone age because the Flinstones because they were caveman.

  23. I like the stone age because the Flinstones because they were caveman.

  24. Ancient Rome was about Gladiators and how they survived there whole live they trained to go in the colosseum and fight to the death. Gladiators sometimes would have to fight other gladiators or sometimes animals or both.

    Stone age times were tough for Neanderthals they had to fight off the cole and the harsh winters but mostly the animals like the mammoth and the saber tooth tiger also the giant sloth. Don't believe everything you believe in movies about these guys some of the stuff isn't true.

  25. My favorite places in the Ancient world is Ancient Greece, by far my favorite from them all. That's because I like all of the Greek Gods and Godesses. Here's my favorite Gods: Poseidon, Zues, and, Hades. I love to read about Greek Mythology!!!!!! My second favorite is of course Ancient Rome, agian the Gods and Godesses except this time in Roman. Here's what I mean Neptune, Saturn, and, Pluto.

  26. AncIent Grecce and Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome


  27. Achan Egypt because of the eragashon system.And midevil times because of the knights and the round table.

  28. Mesopotamia sounds interesting to me because I have never learned about it so I want to see what it's about.india also sounds interesting because I would like to learn more about their culture.

  29. Mesopotamia because I have never heard of it and Egypt because of mummification and the pyramids

  30. Stone age is really interesting because there is a lot more animals in the stone age. Ancient egypt is intertristin because of the mummification. And to learn more about them.

  31. I would like to learn about Ancient Eygpt and India because I would like to learn about there culture and what they did back then!!! :)

  32. China and Anciet Egpyt. China because it has intresting culture. Egpyt because I want to learn about mummifation

  33. Greece and roman because I want to learn more about gladiators and old ancient greece mythology

  34. Mesopotamia sounds interesting because last year when my brother was learning there was a song that you told him to look up and heard it and it sounded cool.
    Also the Stone Age sounds interesting because I would like to learn more about Neanderthals.

  35. Greece because I've always enjoyed mythical stuff I think it's interesting because it's mythical.
    China because China has been one of my favorite places. Because I would love to learn about Shang the crazy king.

  36. Mesopotamia sounds interesting to me because I have never learned about it so I want to see what it's about.india also sounds interesting because I would like to learn more about their culture.

  37. Ancient egypt because of there culture!!!!!
    Stone age because the animals and people sound cool!!!!!

  38. Ancient egypt because I loveprone pyramids, hiroglifics, mummification and every thing else.I even know how Osiris died.Ancient china because my dad and I have liked a lot of Chinese stuff since I was little so I learned a lot about china and I like china so I would like to learn more things that I don't know already

  39. Ancient Greece and egypt

  40. The stone ages because the animals sound interesting

  41. Stone age I think it shownds interesting be cause of all of the diffrent animals. Mestoureourre because of the irrigation

  42. MedIeval and Ancint greece because

  43. Ancient Egypt sounds interesting cause I want to some day read hieroglyphics.
    And stone age sounds cool cause did they mostly stones?

  44. Ancient Greece and egypt

  45. i think The stone Age sounds intreasting because I love to learn things about the past and because I want to learn about the saber tooth tiger and the giant sloth and Egypt beacause of the pyramids and the Nile river!

  46. I think stone age is cool because it has saber to tigers in it and wolly mammoths

  47. Stone age because I want to learn about nethandrals and other ancient animals ex:mammoth saber tooth and I don't know if this was in the stone age but dire wolves. Also I would like to see egypt to I want to lean about hyrogypics and mummifacation that's all

  48. I would like to studie the stone age because it sounds interesting to studie because I've seen a lot of movies about it and too studie extinct animals that I have never seen before. I would also kline to studie aincent Egypt because I would like to studie hyroglyphyics and to studie mummies because they r dead people

  49. Stone age cause they have cool animals. Ancient Egypt cause they are mummifying people.

  50. I can't wait to learn about Rome and the gladaters how they fight to there death! And the stone age sounds fun too. Otzi sounds cool and sloths and saber tooth tigers! Can't wait til social studies!

  51. Ice age because there are many movies about that and I want to know what really happened. The second one is ancient Egypt I know just about nothing about that so I think it would be cool to know.

  52. Ancient greece because I think the greek gods are really cool. Ancient Egypt because the pyramids and mummification are awesome.

  53. Ancient Egypt because it sounds like a cool place to learn about. And I also want to learn about ancient China because I love to learn about China.

  54. I want to learn about the stone age because I want to Learn about diffrent types of animals. I also want to learn about medieval times because I want to learn about what knights did.

  55. Medieval times and ancient rome, I liked medieval times because of the fantasy and science fiction and the excitement. I also enjoyed learning about ancient Rome because of the Gladiators and how they trained just to fight to the death at the colleseum which I thought was weird but pretty interesting.

  56. Suonds like a project coming on wonder whats going to happen next?

  57. I think stone age and midevil times sound interesting. I want to find out how the knights did in the war. I also want to find out what kinds of animals are in the stone age, and how people lived in the stone age.

  58. I would like to learn about the Mideivel times and and Ancient Grecce. I would like to learn about Greece because mythology and Mideivel times because of knight and stuff about war.

  59. I think the to cool world would be ancient china and ancient Egypt,because the great wall of china sounds so cool,and eygpt brace of the mumified there.

  60. I would like to learn about the stone age and ancient Egypt.

    Stone Age: I would like to learn about the dinosaurs and saber toothed tiger. I would also like to learn about the mammoths.

    Ancient Egypt: I would like to learn about mummification and the pyramids and how they built them.

  61. I am interested in Egypt and Mesopotamia because I want learn the difference in our time now and the ancient times back then like how those ancient times worked why did they work that way? I want to learn all about ancient times and I know it will be fun for me and mr.klumper. By, Alanna

  62. Rome and Stone age. Rome because of the caliseam. Stone age becouse mammoths and saber tooth tiger and more animals.

  63. I think achent Indea is cool and achent Egypt!

  64. My favorite one was Ancient Greece, because I love the Percy Jackson books. I also liked Ancient Rome.

  65. I think that my favorite ancient world is China because they were the ones who made fireworks. The 4th of July is my birthday so I love fireworks. My other favorite ancient world is middle ages because of the gowns that the queens would wear we're cool.

  66. I liked Ancient Egypt because They mummified People and put the in pyramids for their tombs.

  67. Stone age I won't to Lear a bout the animals. Mesopotamia I've never heard of it and there farming ways are inchrustinc.

  68. Stone Age because it has some cool animals and what it was in the Stone Age see how they used their weapons and how they killed animals?

  69. I would like to see the Stone Age the most! I'm excited to learn about Otzi and I would like to learn about the stone carvings they did!

    The other place I would like to learn about is Ancient China! I would like to learn about all the things that they made!

  70. Stone Age because it has some cool animals and what it was in the Stone Age see how they used their weapons and how they killed animals?

  71. The stone age is very old and interesting I hope I learn a lot more in the stone age and in ancient china they both seem very intresting

  72. Ancient Greece:it would be cool to know why they bereaved it gods. Stone age:they use and made there own tools

  73. I like ancient Rome and medieval times I like battles and there was plot of swordplay in these times

  74. Ston age, and the Monopolos,

  75. Medieval I like princesses
    Stone age I like the movie ice age

  76. I would like to learn about the stone age because I think the ice age is cool. I also think that ancient Egypt is interesting because of the mummies and pyramids.

  77. I liked the stone age because it talked about some different animals that were in the movie ice age. And I liked the mediaval times

  78. Ancient china because Shi H sounds fun to learn about and the great wall.
    Ancient Egypt because the mummification and pyramids

  79. Scent greece because of Zeus I like zuesmand Percy I've read the first book so far. My next on is Rome because I like the gladiator fights.

  80. I like the world Ancient Greece because it has a lot of mythology and I think that is fun.My other world is Ancient Eygpt because of the mummification is really cool.

    And Mr.Klumper is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

  81. Ancient Greece because I think all of the stuff about the powers and strange this that happened to them r very interesting.
    Ancient Egypt because I think all the peiromyds and the mummification is quite interesting.

  82. Scent greece because of Zeus I like zuesmand Percy I've read the first book so far. My next on is Rome because I like the gladiator fights.

  83. My favorites were the ancient world of Egypt and the world of ancient Rome.

  84. I want to learn about stone age to learn about caveman and anchaint greese to learn about zues

  85. I like the world Ancient Greece because it has a lot of mythology and I think that is fun.My other world is Ancient Eygpt because of the mummification is really cool.

    And Mr.Klumper is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

  86. Stone age sounds exciting because they started to make movies then.
    aincient Egypt seems interesting becouse that's where the pyramids come in place.

  87. I would like to go mideval times course it has kings and knight and it sounds fun. And I would like to do stone age course it has movies and I live movie The movies Where made in bc times

  88. I think I would like to learn about otzi from the ice age I think it would be kinda fun.and I would like to learn more about Greece Ronald told me a lot about it and it's really interesting

  89. I want to learn about the stone age because it sounds really interesting and exciting. I also want to learn about ancient china because I have always wanted to go and learn about it since I was a Kid.

  90. Mommies in Egypt Rome

  91. I mostly like ancient china because it was interesting.

  92. the stone age sounds like it will be fun to learn about! all the animals that where there and how people servived. Medevil times sounds like fun with kings knights ect.

  93. My favorite part was the ancient china, I liked how the first emperor did an accident of suicide, I also liked how they made paper. My second favorite was the medieval times and how they had the Crusades war. The best thing that nothing in the world can beat is the knoghts

  94. I think the stone age is interesting because I love cave art and I think sabre Tooth

  95. I would like to learn about ancient Rome and the stone age. I would like to learne about neanderthals a lot because I would like to see what it was like in there time. And I would like to learn more about gladiators and how they would fight in the arena.

  96. I think that Ancient Rome and the medeavil times sound cool because of the gladiators and the war

  97. I like ancient egypt because they have mummification and pyramids which I think is cool.

    And the second thing is ancient Rome because they have gladiators and huge coliseums.

  98. Ancient India because of Buddhism. Ancient china because of dynasty and my moms friend is from their.

  99. I was really interested in Mesoptamia and ancient china.

  100. Stone age because they talk about a lot of mummification and I do not know why but I love mummy's and because they talk about the animals in ice age and I like the animals in that movie so that is my reason

  101. I thought that Rome and mediveal times were the best ones to read about

  102. The ancient worlds that I would like to study would be stone age because I think that the Neanderthals would be cool to learn about. The second one is ancient Egypt because I like mummy's and learning about mummys.

  103. The ancient worlds that I would like to study would be stone age because I think that the Neanderthals would be cool to learn about. The second one is ancient Egypt because I like mummy's and learning about mummys.

  104. The ancient worlds that I would like to study would be stone age because I think that the Neanderthals would be cool to learn about. The second one is ancient Egypt because I like mummy's and learning about mummys.

  105. I think that I would be interested in the Mesopotamia, and most certainly the Stone Age.

  106. I think it will be fun to learn about ancient Greese because of the Greek gods. I have read all of the Percy Jackson books and loved them! I have learned a lot about the Greek gods already, but am excited to learn more!!! I also think it will be fun to learn about the Medieval times. I learned very little last year and want to learn more!!!!!!

  107. I like ancient Greece and ancient China, beacause I would like to learn more about mythology.

  108. I am looking forward to learning about ancient Rome because I wanna learn about the gladiators and how they battled each other. I also wanna a learn about ancient india because I wanna learn about budhiusm

  109. I think the Ancient worlds I would want to be from would be Ancient Egypt. Wouldn't it be great to be mummified for "the afterlife"? The other would be The Stoneage because of how wrong movies are.

  110. SCtone age the most popular movies are the ice age movies. They started makeing movies about them in 10000 BC. Rome were gladeators fight in the Caliseum and gladeators and animals.

  111. I think ancient China was the first one because they invented some things that we use today or used to use. My second one is Stone Adge because my favorite animal is the savor tooth cat and that we cet to talk about the ice Adge and 10,000 B.C.

  112. I like to learn about Egpyt and Grecce because in Egpyt you get to learn about the pyramids and in Grecce you get to learn about the Greek mythology

  113. My first favorite ancient world is Ancient Greece because they believed in other gods and I like learning about those gods. Some of the stories about the gods are cool. The other ancient world I like is Ancient Rome because they had a Collosiem. I don't think that was a good idea but it would be fun to learn about.

  114. I was really interested in the Mesopotamia and Ancient China.

  115. Two civilizations that it rest me are ancient Greece because they discovered democracy.

    Another civilization is ancient Rome because they had battles in a place called the colosseum and the people that fought were called gladiators and the thigs they fought were other gladiators or animals or sometimes they would fight both gladiator and animal the people that fought were slaves criminals or volunteers.

  116. I like the stone age mostly because I like to hear about the ice age animals

  117. I like the stone age mostly because I like to hear about the ice age animals

  118. I would pick stone age and mid evil times the stone age sounds fun because I would be able to see all the historic animals and se how fire was created.All the movies about the stone age sound like they would have a lot of fun if they were actionly be a lot of fun.

  119. I would pick stone age and mid evil times the stone age sounds fun because I would be able to see all the historic animals and se how fire was created.All the movies about the stone age sound like they would have a lot of fun if they were actionly be a lot of fun.

  120. I would pick stone age and mid evil times the stone age sounds fun because I would be able to see all the historic animals and se how fire was created.All the movies about the stone age sound like they would have a lot of fun if they were actionly be a lot of fun.


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