
Thursday, May 17, 2012

6th Graders No More...

The school year is over and you are 6th graders no more. No matter what happens in the future, it will never be the same as it was this year, when I got the awesome opportunity to be your teacher. As I sit down at my computer, I can't help but look at the clock, checking to see what class period we would be in, thinking about what types of activities we could be doing, wondering what would be going on, listening for the door to open. But no students will pass through my door today. My room will remain silent and empty, with just me and my thoughts of this school year. You, my 6th grade students of 2011-2012, will never pass through my door as my students again. I hope that you will not be strangers as you get older and pass through the grades. I hope that you would still find time in your ever increasingly busy lives to come see me or send me an email, or just say Hi. Why do I hope this? It is simple: because I care. I care about you. I care about your future. It is because of this, that you need to know something very important: I am here for you. I am your supporter. I am in your corner as you take on whatever life throws your way. You need to make sure you know that if you ever need anything, I will do all that I can to help. Though my title is no longer "teacher" for you, it has become and will remain "friend."  Yes, I will definitely miss you all but I am excited to see what you become in life. You have so much potential. Please realize this and don't waste it. Continue to think, to search, to discover. Be fearless in life. Make a goal and do whatever it takes to achieve it. Don't let anything stop you. Go out and dominate life and if you ever come across an obstacle, know that I am there to help you. Take care and have a great summer. 
-Mr. Klumper

PS: If you have time and would like to, post a comment to this blog post about anything you are thinking about that you would like to say to me...


  1. hi mr. klumper i am having fun hangong out with my friend krista hopfully she will get u next year as a social studies teacher. have fun shingling houses

  2. You were one of my favorite teachers I have ever had!! :)

  3. Thank you, T. That is very kind of you. You are a great kid. Have a fun summer.

  4. Felicity, I will try to have fun shingling. Some days aren't too fun though. :) Have a great summer.

  5. Guess what ur on the top 2 favorite teachers iv had! Oh yeah and by the way can we still post on here even if we r in 7th grade?!

  6. It's going to be sad not seeing you this summer!! In 7th grade I will for sure come and say hi ! :)

    Rylie Nettestad

  7. Dear Mr. K,
    Thanks for being a great teacher. Hopefully you can have some fun shingling houses. Have a great summer and I will maybe see you next year when I am a 7th grader.
    Thanks again.:)

  8. I cant believe that the school year is over already. One day we walked into the buildling as 6th graders the next day we walk out as 7th graders. this has been one of the most fun years. Have a great summer!
    P.S. Im sad to!

  9. Hope you have a great summer! You were my favorite teacher I will miss having you as a teacher next year. You made 6th grade the best year because you made it fun to learn in s.s this year!!!

  10. 6reesv (former 7th grader)May 17, 2012 at 12:14 PM

    Well tessa said ONE of her faveorite teaches you were my NUMBER ONE FAVEORITE TEACHER I HAVE EVER HAD. Have a great summer bye.

    P.S. Your website (water for sixth grade) is BEAST!

  11. Have a good summer Mr. Klumper. I miss going to PHMS but with you and your students it was fun blogging this year. I hope to come back to this blog even as a 7th grader at PHMS. Water for Sixth Grade is a fun place to be. Have a good summer.

  12. Brady aka Flaming FlamingoeMay 17, 2012 at 12:27 PM

    Flamingoes are champions, nuff said

  13. Paige D (I would put a 6 in it but im not in that class anymore)May 17, 2012 at 12:29 PM

    I am sooo bored and want to come back to school becuase all I dont have anything to do but clean and that does not sound fun. I wish we still had school but I wish it started at 10:00 and we got out at 2:00 just for whenever we want to come to school and their would be all our teachers and for the teachers that didnt want to come there was a virtual thing of them and they could talk to us from home, that would be sooooooo fun. I wish you could be my next year teacher except for the fact that I am moving. I will totally write to you from wherever I move (most likely to Mew York) :'( You are one of my favorite teachers EVER (you and Mrs.Klumper)

  14. Paige D (I would put a 6 in it but im not in that class anymore)May 17, 2012 at 12:33 PM

    you should post things for us through the summer about the year lke questions and random questions things like that and when you do send us a text message and do you know about the make a wish kid yet????????

  15. Hey Mr. Klumper!!!!!!!!!!I hope you have a great summer and dont get hurt shingling!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  16. Summer is already boring. I think I would rather go to school insted of staying at home all day! I miss u and have a great summer too

  17. Thanks for teaching this year Mr. Klumper. You are a very inspiring techer and i hope u will have fun with the kids next year! (they cant even get close to how awesome and cool we were and still are)

  18. Students, you are very kind. I appreciate your comments. Please visit next year. You can continue to blog on WSG for as long as you want. Mackenzie, Grace, Paige, Rees, Arianna, Rylie, Natalie, Sydney, Brady, and Courtney: You are all very smart and talented. You and your classmates made this school year splendid.

  19. Hey Mr.K you are awesome.

  20. Hey Mr.K you are awesome.

  21. Hey Mr.K you are awesome.

  22. i would rather be at school then sit in my stupid apartment nothing to do but sit there and watch tv and sleep and now at Nick L house not so bored here have a great summer bye.

  23. SPLENDID?!? Idk what that means but oh well! And thanks!

  24. Well it looks like this will be the last time i put 3 first name last initial on ur blog again. Thanks for being the best teacher EVER!!!!!!!!!

  25. louise the iron man kramerMay 17, 2012 at 9:54 PM


  26. I had a great time in social studies! You were one of my favorite teachers! I will miss telling Braiden what to do:( So now I am retireing:( I have my certificate hanging up:) And I cant wait to walk threw those doors and be 7th grader. I will say hi to you everyday of the school year so bye!!!

  27. Why!!! dose school have to be over i miss going to school :(

  28. Mr. Klumper I am working on my scrapbook and on the first day of school I am going to bring it to show you!!!!!!!:)

  29. Hey Mr. Klumper(:

    Even though I didn't have you as a teacher for Social Studies, your pretty awesome!! You were a awesome study hall teacher to (:

    --Peyton Roesch

  30. I'm moving on to water for seventh say hello to the sixth graders for me! Loved the sixth grade!

  31. thanks for the great school year!

  32. Mr.Klumper when will we know who the make a wish kid is? Also you should make it more exspensive for the new 6th graders(study hall)!!!
    Also im gonna talk to you alot during the school year next year!
    Its kind of funny i used to hate ss. but since u didnt use the txt books; that made it WAY more fun.

  33. Sydnee Pottebaum 9May 22, 2012 at 8:02 PM

    Dear Mr. Klumper

    You were the best teacher I ever had! You made things really fun!! I will always remember you and the things you did!!!! You're INSPIRING!!!!!

  34. Students, you have no idea how much I appreciate your kind words. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to be your teacher this year. I had a lot of fun getting to know you. As a group, you have unbelievable potential. I am excited to see what you all do in life.


Sign your name: (class period) (group name) (First name)
Thank you.