
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Caesar: Great Reformer or Cruel Dictator?

One of the most famous Roman leaders is Julius Caesar. He had many military conquests, which earned him respect, honor, and wealth in Rome. He became the ruler of Rome and made a lot of changes. Some people think the things Caesar did were good, others think he was out for ultimate power and fame.

The Caesar Debate Website
So, the question is: Was Caesar a Great Reformer or Cruel Dictator?
Read each side of the argument and post a comment with your OPINION. Tell me whether you think he is a reformer or dictator and support your opinion with facts.

In 6th grade, we need to start developing opinions and learning how to support them. Use your brain and think! There is no right or wrong answer. Just tell me what you think of Caesar.

DUE: Friday, March 30th. Midnight.


  1. In my opinion, Caesar was a GREAT REFORMER, because he brought order and peace to Rome. He also granted citizenship to more people and he even helped the poor!! Julius Caesar was a good guy to me, bacause he did so many great things to help Rome.

  2. I think he is a Great Reformer, because he brought order and peace to Rome, and he granted Roman citizenship to more people.

  3. Great Reformer: because he restored cities tht have been destroyed, started public jobs to aid the poor, and granted roman citizenship to more people.

  4. I believe that Julius Caesar was a Great Reformer because he started public jobs programs to id the poor, he granted more citezenship to more people, and he restored cities that had been destroyed by the republic.

  5. I think he is a GREAT REFORMER because he won suport of his soliers and bruoght order and peace to Rome

  6. Task #1
    I think Caesar is a great reformer because...he stregthend to expand Rome.Also because..he treated many defeated enemies.

  7. I think he was a cruel reformer because he trys to make himself good and he ended the republic.

  8. I think he was a cruel dictator because he treated his defeated enemies cruelly.Kept hidden facts that did not make him look brave and intelligent.

  9. It think he is a good guy because most of the bad stuff he did i didn't know what they meant.

  10. Great reformer because he did alot more good things than bad.

  11. I think that Julius Caesar was a Cruel Dictator because he kept hidden any facts tha tdid not make him look brave or intelligent. And he started civil war that led to the destruction of the republic.

  12. I think Julius Caesar was a Great Reformer because he did good things to even help others. even though he did bad things their may be a reson for why he did that bad thing. Such as he destoyed people in a cruel way;they might have meet before and the enimy might have made him mad. Also i just think that he did better good things then he did good bad things.

  13. i think he is a great reformer because he helped create jobs and expanded rome

  14. My opinion is that Caesar was a great reformer because all the things that he did was great such as bringing order and peace to rome.

  15. I think that Julius Ceasar is a bad, cruel dictator. I think this because he often treated defeated areas badly and basically refused to do what the senate said to do. He punished those who did not uphold the traditions and laws of the republic. He kept hidden facts about him so he could gain more power. He was a power monster with cruel thoughts!

  16. I think Caesar was a Great reformer. Because he started jobs to program to aid the poor. And that he ended the rule of corrupted ronman nobles. And brought order and peace to rome.
    So that is why i think he is a great reformer!

  17. my vote is braking even, i think he is a good leader but a taruble person.

  18. I think that he was a good guy. He didn't win that opinion by much, though. He had done a lot of bad, but all of the bad things were things that people anywhere would do, such as hide facts that would bring down their reputation. But things that he did that were good, helped a lot of people. For example, he helped the poor. That probably meant a lot to the poor people. He helped a lot of people get citizenship to Rome. I think altogether that he was a pretty good guy. I think that it was extremely unfair that he was killed because people were afraid that he had too much power. Had he done anything drastically bad with that power. I sure don't think so!

  19. I think he was a Great Reformer.
    1.Ended the rule of corrupt Roman nobles.
    2.Strengthened and expanded Rome.
    3.Started public jobs programs to aid the poor
    4.Won support of his soldiers through strong military leadership.

  20. I think he was a great reformer because he brought order and peace to Rome and he streghtened and expanded Rome.

  21. I think Julius Caesar was a Great preformer because he brought peace to Rome, restored the cities that have been destroed, and treated defeted enimies generously.

  22. i think he is a great performer

  23. I think ceser was a good person because he did a lot of people good and gave the people a lot.

  24. Great reformer because he expanded the goverment and rome

  25. What i think he is that he is a wait for it...... A GREAT REFORMER! why is because he would rebuild cities after they were destroyed by the republic.Also that he strengthened and expaned Rome. Finally is that he started public jobs to help the poor and and that he also granted roman citiznship to more people.

  26. I think Julius Caeser is a great reformer because he restored cities the republic destroyed and treated some of the people he defeated like they were born there and sometimes gave them a spot in the government. Sure he did some bad things but he also did some bad things but WHO CARES? Not me of course and that is why I think Julius Caesr is a great reformer.

  27. I think Julius Caeser is a great reformer because he restored cities the republic destroyed and treated some of the people he defeated like they were born there and sometimes gave them a spot in the government. Sure he did some bad things but he also did some bad things but WHO CARES? Not me of course and that is why I think Julius Caesr is a great reformer.

  28. I think that julius caesar is a bad dude. because he started the badness of rome in the republic. and he only wanted himself to look good to everybody its not true to say that he never made mistakes.

  29. I think Julius Ceasar was a great reformer because even though he did alot of bad things the good things he has done like, started public jobs programs to aid the poor and expanding Rome overuled the bad things he as done.

  30. I think Caesar is a great preformer becuse I averig the stuff he did good and the stuff he did bad and so ya I think he is good.

  31. Good-

    Because he started public jobs programs to aid the poor. He strengthend and expaned Rome

  32. I say that he is a bad peron because he refuse to come back to Rome and he was cruel to the enemies that were slaves that they capcher

  33. #1 I think caesar was a great reformer because he won support of his soldiers through strong military leadership and started public jobs programs to aid the poor.

  34. good leader beacause the bad side dose not seem to have the knowedge like the good side

  35. Cruel Dictator
    he hid secrets that would make look bad to the people of Rome

  36. great reformer
    because he brout order and peace and stoped cerrupt roman nobles down.

  37. I think he was a cruel dictator.

  38. I thinki he was good because of the strenght he gave Rome and aided the poor. i know he did some bad things, but doesn't everyone make mistakes?

  39. I think Caesar was a cruel dictator because treated his defeated enemies cruelly, and punished those who wanted to uphold the traditions and laws of the republic, weakened the senate to gain absolute power over

  40. I think he is bad because though he did good things, the bad things he did were unacceptable. he probobly only did good things to cover up for the bad things.

  41. Great Reformer, because he tried an did improve Rome. Most leaders wouldn't try to improve the city of Rome if they didn't like the people. Caesar also did more generous stuff for Rome, like brought order and peace to Rome.

  42. I think it is a close tie between the two but if I had to pick one it would be cruel dictator because he was very selfish and I just don't like the idea of dictatorship.

  43. I think julius caesar was a cruel dictator because he was selfish and wanted alot of power.

  44. I think that Julius Caesar was a cruel Dictator because he did some mean stuff and i rather have a Dictator that does not hurt people unless they done something really bad.

  45. I think he is a good person because he treated his defeated enemys generously and with kindness.And because he supported the army and made them stronger.He repaired destoyed cities.He expanded Rome and made Rome more stronger.

  46. I think he was a great reformer because he got more citezenship for the Romans. I also think he's a great reformer because he started public jobs programs to aid the poor and for bringing order and peace to Rome.

  47. I think Caesar is a Cruel Dictator because he was mean to a lot of people and that is not a good person to me.

  48. A great reformer because he help his millitary and supported it.

  49. I think hes a cruel dictator because he weakend the rebublicans to gain more power over rome and he started the civil war of rome witch lead to death.

  50. I think he is a Great Reformer, Because he ended the rule of corrupt Roman nobles.

  51. I think that he is a great reformer
    because the worst thing on the cruel side was that he treated his DEFETED enimes cruely hint DEFETED ENEMIES.

  52. Great Reformer because he won a lot of wars.

  53. Great Reformer because he won a lot of wars.

  54. I think that Caesar is a cruel dictator because anyone that is mean to i think they are cruel.

  55. he was a bad leader because he kept hiden any facts that did not make him look brave and intelligent.

  56. CRUEL DICTATOR!!!!!!!-Refused to follow the Senate's order to return to Rome. Started civil war that led to the destruction of the republic. treated his defeated enemies cruelly. punished those who wanted to uphold the traditions and laws of the republic. weakened the Senate to gain absolute power over Rome. Kept hidden any facts that did not make him look brave and intelligent. South glory for himself at the expense of the republic. Bad person! even though he did good things he was probably just trying to be nice if you wanted to be a nice guy then why did you do all of the bad stuff?

  57. I belive that he is a Cruel Dictator because,he had started a civil war that destroyed the republic he also weakened the Senate to gain absolute power over Rome he even refused to fallow the Senate's order to return to Rome like that would obveously tell me that he should be known as a

  58. i think julius ceaser is a cruel dictator because he started the civil war and it led to distruction to the republic.

  59. He was ad bad person because he just wanted fame and glory.

  60. I think he was a cruel dictator because he punished people severely for small things and he kind of took over rome for power.

  61. I think Caesar was a great reformer. I think he was a great reformer because he reduced slaves and increased jobs.

  62. I think he was a cruel dictator because he punished severely for small things and took over rome with power.

  63. Cruel

    Because he refused to follow the Senate's order to return to Rome

  64. i think ceaser is good because i think that the statements thaat say he is are more beievable in a way.

  65. i think that he is good because the statments that say that he is good are more believable in a way.

  66. he is a good gay and he help poor people

  67. he is a good gay and he help poor people

  68. Great Reformer

    won support of his soldiers through strong military leadership

  69. I think he is a cruel dictator because he refused to follow the senates order to return to Rome.

  70. i think he was a a a Great reformer because he started public jobs programs to aid the poor and he brought order and peace to Rome.

  71. he Refused to follow the Senate's order to return to Rome so i think he is out for ultimate power and fame.

  72. I think Julius Caesar was a great reformer because he started public jobs programs to aid the poor so its not like he didn't care about them. He brought order and peace to Rome so we know he didn't just think all about him self.

  73. I think even no he did some bad stuff he is a great reformer, because first of all he`s not as bad as half of the rulers then and he strengthen and helped Rome.

  74. I think Caesar was a great reformer. He helped the people. I agree he did bad things but everyone does. Caesar helped the poor. He tried to make things better.

  75. I think Julius Caesar was a great Reformer because #1:treated many of his defeated enemies generously and appointed some of them to government positions.#2:Brought order and peace to Rome.#3:Restored cities that had been destroyed by the republic.

  76. I think he was a cruel dictator because even though you do something good that doesn't erase the bad things you did, but it does make it a little better.

  77. Cruel Dictator
    because he treated his enemies cruelly that's not very nice
    he also refused the senates orders that's so not cool

  78. Great Reformer-Brought order and peace to Rome

  79. Great Reformer-Cause he restord cities that had been destroyed by the republic.

  80. Great Reformer
    1. why
    Brought order and peace to Rome!!!

  81. Great Reformer
    1. why
    Brought order and peace to Rome!!!

  82. A great reformer because the bad things are not super horrible but the good ones are really great.

  83. I think he is a cruel dictor because I think he did worse bad things than nice good things.

    Especially when he treated his defeated enemies cruelly

  84. cruel dictator,
    he refused to follow the senate's orders to return to rome

  85. cruel dictator, he rufused to follow the senate's orders to return to rome

  86. I think Julius Caeasar was a great Reformer because he won support of his soldiers through strong military leadership. And started public job programs to aid the poor. Also he tried and did improve Rome.

  87. BRADYDEJONG boom BOOMMarch 30, 2012 at 1:03 PM


  88. I think great reformer because he ended the rule of corrut roman noble and restored cities and he sarted public jobs programs to the aid the poor!!

  89. In my opinion I think he is good and bad, but I think that for every bad thing he did he did something way way way better to make up for it such as he was cruel to the people that he defeated but then he was nice enought to the people he defeated generously and even appointed some of them to government positions.
    Therefor I think he was a great reformer. I think that because he brought order and peace to Rome, granted Roman citizenship to more people, restored cities that were destroyed by the republic, strengthened and expanded Rome, and he ended the rule of corrupt Roman nobles.

  90. i think that he was a cruel sictator because he Kept hidden any facts that did not make him look brave and intelligent. and Started civil war that led to the destruction of the republic

  91. i think he is a cruel dictator because he made the senate look weak. He treated his defeated enemies very bad. He tried hiding all facts that make him look weak. tried to rule or take over rome. Refused to follow the senates order to return to rome. Started civil war that led extinction to the republic. South glory for himself at the exspense of the republic.

    I think he got the cruel dictator from his father, and great reformer from his mothers side.

  92. I think he is a good guy because he got a job to help the poor so i tink that wright therer is a win win so i think he is a good guy.

  93. I believe he was good and bad. He brought peace to the people of Rome. But he try to make him self it seems likes it to be as powerful as possible. So in conclusion he did more good than he did bad so I think Julius Caesar is a good guy.

  94. i think that julius cesar was a reformer because he gave jobs to the poor and brought order and peace to rome

  95. I think he was a cruel because he cept secrets from his people.

  96. I think he was cruel because he treated his defeated enemies cruelly.

  97. I think he was not a very good dictator becaus he kept Things from his people

  98. My opinion is that he was a great reformer because he brought order and peace to rome.

  99. I think he was a "Cruel Dictator", because he tried to be a big tough guy, in control of everything, and he also kept secrets from his senate.

  100. I think he is a great reformer because, he helped the poor with providing jobs and he also was a strong leader for the military.

  101. I think he was a great reformer because he expanded Rome and brought order and peace.

  102. i think he was a great reformer because he expanded rome

  103. I think he was a great reformer because he brought peace to Rome

  104. I think he was a Cruel Dictator because he tried to be a big tough guy and he also kept secrets from his senate.

  105. I think Julius Caeser was a great reformer because he weakened the government to help the people. He benifited the people by giving more of them citizenship and creating public jobprograms to aid the poor. And when he had most power for himself he used it wisely, rebuilding cities destryed by the republic and strenghening Rome.

  106. I think Julius Caeser was a great reformer because he weakened the government to help the people. He benifited the people by giving more of them citizenship and creating public jobprograms to aid the poor. And when he had most power for himself he used it wisely, rebuilding cities destryed by the republic and strenghening Rome.

  107. I think Julius Caeser was a great reformer because he weakened the government to help the people. He benifited the people by giving more of them citizenship and creating public jobprograms to aid the poor. And when he had most power for himself he used it wisely, rebuilding cities destryed by the republic and strenghening Rome.

  108. I think Julieus Ceaser was a cruel dictator because he started the civil war that led to the destruction of th republic

  109. I think he was a great reformer he aided the poor

  110. I think he is a Great Reformer, Because he ended the rule of corrupt Roman nobles.


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