
Friday, February 24, 2012

A thought you should be thinking...

Let me clue you in on a little secret. It's a secret that shouldn't be a secret. It's a secret that I want to expose to the whole world. A secret that should be exposed to the whole world. A secret that needs to be in your head. Ready? Here it is: You can do anything you want. There it is. That's the secret. I am not joking. I am serious. You can truly do whatever you want in life. You want to be an astronaut? Make it happen. You want to play in the NFL? Make it happen. You want to be President of the United States? Make it happen. The deal is this: You can be anything you want in life but you can't just say you want to do it. You have to have that goal in your head all the time and be a person of action. Now that you know the secret, I have one question for you: What are you doing to achieve your goal? It doesn't make sense if you tell me your goal is to play in the NFL and you sit around everyday playing video games for 2 hours. Unless you are in the VERY VERY small group of people born with enough physical gifts to be a professional athlete, you have to make yourself good enough. It takes sacrifice. It takes focus. It takes dedication. It takes all the things you always hear about but do you actually listen? Start listening. Start heading down the path you want to take in life. In 6th grade you have everything ahead of you. You have the opportunity. You have one life. Make it what you want it to be.

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