
Friday, February 3, 2012

Be Number One...

What It Takes To Be Number One
Watch this video and then read what I have written below.
As the weekend of the Super Bowl approaches, lets think a little bit about this game. To me, it is more than a game, it is an event that crowns one team CHAMPION of the NFL, the best team in the world. The winner, whether its the Patriots or Giants, will be Number One. Let's turn this event around and look at ourselves. What can you do to be Number One? What can you do to be a Number One student? Son? Daughter? Brother? Sister? What can you do to be a Number One Person? That is the question that you need to ask yourself. Is it turning in your homework? Is it helping out around the house? Is it respecting your classmates? Is it being Nice? Is it sitting by joining someone who is sitting alone at lunch? I think it is all of those things, and more. To be a Number One person, I don't think it takes a huge amount of effort. It just takes focus and a conscious effort to be that Number One Person. Whether you are in school, at home, playing sports, or hanging with your friends, do the right thing. Make good choices. Excel at life. Be Number One.


  1. I love all the green and gold

  2. I am a big Packers fan. I love how everything is all about the Packers. Not many people like them, it seems to be. It might be because the Packers are really good and beat all the other teams, and nobody likes to see their team get beat. I know I don't. I hope that that video showed some people how great the Packers are, because they ARE great. Just because the Packers lost in the play-offs, doesnt' mean that they are horrible, as some people might think of them. A big pet peeve of mine is when a team loses and everyone discards them. I dont't think people know how big it is to be in the NFL anyway, even if you're a second or third string player. You have to be REALLY good to get in. I think, and I want to make it known, that all players should be given a LOT of credit. It doesn't matter if they're a big name or not. They are good, and have worked hard to get where they are today. I sometimes wonder what players would think if they heard us say some stuff that we do. How bad someone is, or how good someone is. It doesn't matter though, because we all know that they are all good. Way better than the average person. I can be critical sometimes. I get mad if the Packers lose a game or if they miss a big play. I also get mad when the opposing team scores, or does something really good, and then they do the belt. We all know that that move is Aaron Rodger's move. He said that some old wrestler did it when he was a kid, and now he does to honor (and copy) him. I have typed a lot about this, so I think I will stop right here. I am hoping that some people learn from this.

  3. go big or go home

    that refers to the packers go green or go home


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