
Friday, January 20, 2012

Navy SEAL David Rutherford Visits BVMS

Last week, David Rutherford, US Navy SEAL, visited our school and talked to us about his life philosophy called Froglogic. This name, very cleverly, combines the ancestors of the Navy SEALs called frogmen and the brain making a new way of thinking. David talked to us about the eight mission: positive attitude, PT/living healthy, motivation, mentoring, setting goals, integrity, having fun, and earning respect. These missions, as David points out, are all free. It doesn't cost anything to have a positive attitude, it just takes a conscious effort to change your thinking. You all wrote great reflections about David's visit. Now, I challenge you to not just say you are going to change but to ACTUALLY change. Follow through with what you said you were going to do. Pick a mission from froglogic and focus on doing it. Set a goal. Wake up in the morning and tell yourself you are going to have a positive attitude. Find a mentor. Go have fun. Get some exercise. Eat healthy. Be great and make a difference in this world. You have that ability. Just ask David.


  1. Mitchell.G

    Mr.Ruthhaferd was great in the fact that he give lessons on what you should do. He makes his spechesfar all ages too. he is now my role model because of his lessons.

  2. Madison A. Stamp pd. 4

    I think he changed my ways of setting goals. The way it was before I kept changing my mind on what I wanted to do in the future. Now that he had told us to set our goals on what to do in the future. Now because of him my goal is set and im am keeping it at that. So thank you for teaching me that wonderful lesson on life. Hope you come tp our school again. You r now my role model!!!!!!

  3. What i did after i was done i went home i set up my goals in my mind to go for.

  4. The missions get a lot of attention from all of the students. We thought the speech was really good. Knowing that navy Seals do all the stuff you saidit really makes kids want to be better.

  5. Emily R.

    What I learned was having a positive attitude makes you live a really great life knowing that you can just wake up and be happy.

  6. David Rutherford imspired me by setting a goal and i never thought that i would do that but i whent home and told my mom that my goal was to be a perfectional bow and pistal shooter and she asked who imspried you to set that goal and i said David Rutherford. She was so happy and pleased about it and i told my dad and sister what happened that day.

  7. PT & healthy living

    I haven't been exersising lately.

    Thanks David Rutherford

  8. The things that stuck in my head was earning respect. I learned that if you want to earn respect you have to be respectful. like if you have a mean comantent and you want to say it then just say something nice because if the only thing you have to say is mean then just replace that and say something nive other then bringing someone down.

  9. I am so glad that i am in this school this year for the oppurtunity to see you. The thing that i remebered the most was the 5 days you had to stay up. Did you get to eat? thanks for coming to our school
    P.S. you are my new role model and now I want to be a navy seal. OH and first I thought you were a real animal seal,but then I saw you were wasy more intelagent than a animal seal!!!!!!

  10. I think David is a good example. He taught me a lot of things on January 17th. I really would have wished he would have stayed there longer. It is really awesome a NAVY SEAL CAME to MY school. Lots of students don't have the opportunity to meet a Navy Seal. His words spoke to me. Thanks for COMING;)

  11. I enjoy how he talked about integrity I think it is the baseis for all of are missons. integrity blets us folow are role modle. It also makes us a role modle for somody els. He was the most confident speeker I have ever herd. He knows the missons not by memorizing them but by appling them to his own life.

  12. Dylan B.

    I like what you said when it's free. Also I like you adding having fun with others when I work out like you said.I also like when you talked about motivation. HOO-YAAH!!!


  13. I think you talking about the tp is very cool and helped me alot and i am going to do it.

  14. Natalie

    Mission number 1 was positive attitude. Positive attitude means a lot. If you have positive attitude you will never let yourself down. Then he talked about setting goals before he said that i never even thought to set goals for myself.

  15. Mackenzie- I liked how he said to have a positive attitude and how your life would be better if you had a positive attitude. I also liked the part how he said to have fun.

  16. When David Rutherford came I thought it was really cool at what he had to say. I learned out of all those things that anything is possible if you try hard. In my life i'm going to set goals for my self. And if I follow those goals I can complete them. Out of the the eight missions he talked about the motavation was the hardest.

  17. He taught me to try and always have a positive addtiude. Also he taught me to try setting goals.

  18. The thing that stuk out to me was when he was talking about being positive snd being helhty.

  19. What stood out to me was when he broke into a compound and there was like 20 kids in there and they didnt have any parents!

  20. Felicity- I liked how he said to have positive attitude, setting goals in life, and having fun. He made me feel like I could do anything!!!

  21. Since u have talked to us i set a goal to keep my self to live healthy and PT. since u have talk to us i have at least done 40 min a day of eaither running or lifting weight and aslo eatin healthy.Iv tried eatin some stuff that i dont like and now today i actually like it.Im gald u have came to our school and taught us the 8 missions....HOO-YAA!!!

  22. Seth

    The most important to me is to set goals because i would like to go to a good college when i graduate. I would like to be respected by everyone. also pt because i want to live a healthy life because i want to be a pro wrestler when i grow up so that means a lot

  23. One thing that really stuck out to me when David Rutherford was talking was when he mentioned positive attitude. I usually do not have a positive attitude. I am usually really negative and think things to myself like i cannot do this and i cant make it. One goal I am going to set for myself is to always have a positive attitude. If i have a positive attitude i will be happier in my life wll be able to accomplish things a little easier.

  24. The things that really stuck out were the positive attitude and the PT. the positive attitude is something that we all should have because it really affects others. The PT was interesting because you really need to work at having a healty body. The speech really has changed the way I now think about things!

  25. He was very pumped up up about his job. And very excited to be there.
    And he set life goals that he fallows.

  26. Thank for coming to are school.
    Having a positive additude. If you can have a positive additude what you be through i can too. Second setting goals one goal of mine is to be teacher so i can be a mentor for kids like me.Thank you again you have change my life.

  27. I connected to mission 3 because when I was in the Hershey's meet (a running event). I went to state and I had to practice, and practice, and practice. Every day my dad would also encourage me to run up the hill faster and down the hill faster and that is what froglogic reminded me of.

  28. I think I will set more goals since you have been here. I want to accomplish these goals to instead of blowing them off

  29. What stuck to me was #8, have fun. You have to have fun in your life. I learened that fun can be with eneyone. Fun can be eneything you enjoy doing. I think everyone should have fun.

  30. David really inspired me! Im going to set goals and try to accomplish them. thank you so much for coming to our school and talk to us!!!

  31. I think that what Mr.Rutherford said was encuoraging. It really helped when he talked about keeping a positive attitude. Because keeping a good attitude when you dont want to do some hing it makes the task go faster. That helped me what he said was awesome


  32. Maggie L.

    I really like PT and being healthy. Everyday i do push- ups or run.Thank you so much for coming to BVMS.HOO-YAA!!!!!!!!!

  33. Mission 8 have fun stood out to me because I like to be able to have fun. One thing that I'm going to try to do more is have a positive attitude because that is very important.

  34. Thanks for coming to our school!!!!!! :) I enjoyed it. My fovorite one was having fun because nobody can just sit there and be mad all the time it is not FUN! I <3 having fun!!!!

  35. What stuck out to me was when David talked about having fun because having fun makes you happier and about having a positive attitude because it gets you a lot farther in life.

  36. it was super fun to have him at our school. He was super pumped bout it and it looked like he was having alot of fufn. it was super motivating

  37. I think that fun and role model stood out to me the most.

    Fun because you need to have fun in your life.
    Role model because my mom is a good role model for me, she teaches me from right from wrong.
    Thank you for reading.

  38. I am very thankfull that he gave us these very special Froglogic lessons! The positive addititude has taken a great deal in my life! Also earning respect is very hard and that is one of my goals in my life!!!!

  39. I am very thankful that he came and gave us these very special Froglogic lessons! The positive additude has taken a great deal in my lif! Also earning respect is very hard and that is one of my goals in life!!!!!!!

  40. While he was talking about having a postive attitude it made me think that more than half of impossible is possibe
    (look at the words on the bottom line) =)

  41. I am glad you came to talk to us. It was really intresting. My favorite part was when you talked about positive attitude. Thanks.

  42. Hey David i am glad to tell you that with your speech me an dmy brother are getting along and i have eard my trust back by telling the truth am so glad you came to tell us that and it really cool how you swam with sharks and once agine thank you for giving the speech it really help me by alot
    Your Friend

  43. Since Mr. Rutherford said motivating your friends is a great thing to do I think I'll try harder to motivate my friends.

  44. Somethings that stuck out to me when David was talking to us are that sometimes eating better and exersicing more can help change your attitude. Another things is that setting goals can make alittle life easier so you have something to work for. -Tessa

  45. i think number three stuck out to me the most and i think that it will change the way i set my goals from now on and i wanted to thank you for all you did to come out to brandon to speak to us that was amazing i loved it.

  46. the whay that it chandes my life is I am setting goils and i will not stop till I make it

  47. What really stuck out was having a positive attitude and earning respect. Because to earn respect you have to be nice to everyone, help others, and sometimes put otheres before yourself. And if you have a positive attitude you'll be a happy person and you go futher in life. So you just need to wake up every morning knowing today is a new day and yesterday is in the past.

  48. i think that he had some really good advice and stories to share with us. I would defintly like to hear him talk agin and hear more things to do

  49. David was awesome he taught me how to set more goals and better ones to. I have learned alot since he has been here he taught me how to have courage and do what i want to do not what someone else wants me to do.

  50. i learn that u always have to keep a positive attidude and to always keep your head up.

    Thanks David Rutherford

  51. im happy that the kids that where not able to go cuz they had something going on that they finly where able to. im glade now that kids where able to

  52. 1 don't fight with my family and friends.

    3 go on a run more often

    5 set good goals that i can acheve

    7 trust people listen to what they say

  53. I think it was very fun to have David here. Even though he told us stuff we already had heard he expanded on them and made them seem more possible.

  54. It is true we heard many of the things we heard before, but coming from a person who has seen and done so many things I am sure people will try to fallow all eight of the missions. I know I will continue running, something I started a few weeks before David Rutherford asked to come to our school, and try to be a little more positive. I hope everyone found the visit as inspiring and as interesting as I did.

  55. I though about working out and now i am working out every monday wensday and fridays thank you.

  56. David you are amazing and I can't thank you enough for what you have done before I even knew you. You have tought me a lot and I will remember them for the rest of my life. I am so glad there is people around like you to make it so having a positive attitude is that much easier.


  57. While davis was telling all of this good information,i started to think, what can i change about myself, and my friends and how i can help them. Another thing i was thinking is that I should always be posotive, and being positive can help me regain my self-confidence.

    Thank you!:)

  58. he changed my way of geting up in the morning instead of "URGG what is it going to be today!" its "YES a brand new day what do you think im going to do to day."

  59. I want to be more positive. Im not saying im a negative person. I just think i should be more positive. positivity=up negativity=down


  60. something that had and impact on me was having a positive attitude.Because instead of me having a nagative attitude pretty much.i have more of a positive attitude.

  61. Something that I remember him saying, is to always have a possitive attitude. To never say that you cant do this or u cant do that to say that you can do wutever you want To not have a down and sad attitude, to have a happy and ongoing attitude It was really cool to meet David Rutherford!

  62. i think i need to work on my pt at i her is how i will do this i will give up candy for a hole week and run 1/4 mile a day.

  63. David Rutherford really taut me something the other day. He shoud me how to have confadense in myself, how to belive in myself. he told me I was worth more than I can imagine.
    I have never met a man like David. I now know that I can be whoever I want to be. As long as I belive in myself and work hard I can do anything.

  64. I think that I should set goals and stick to them and actually rty to do it and I think that's a thing to do.

  65. I really enjoyed your speech. I learned alot of new lessons. You made me want to try harder to be a better person. Thank you for coming and sharing what you had to say!

  66. Because of what he said Im going to try to set higher goals and do more PT

  67. Setting goals like getting better grade and always try your hardest in eveything.

  68. My overall opinion is that he taught alot of things that could help you in your own life. My goal is to have a positive attitude and to work out or exercise more on a daily basis. My overall opinion is that you can use alot of things in your own life.

  69. I learned to keep a positive attitude and that navy seals always say the 6 letter navy seal word HOOYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe someday i'll become a navy seal and i can say HOOYAH! as loud as david ruthiferd
    Oh yah! i forgot to say thanks ha ha ha! silly me!

    Thanks David R. for coming to our school so you can see us all. navy seals are awesome!!!!! P.S. you were awesome because you made me laugh

  70. Hello Mr.Rutherford my name is Amanda Ode from Souix Fall SD. Unforantly I was sick the day you came, but I have two things I wanted to tell you. The first is a fact about myself, well here it is I'm a cancer suvivor. The cancer was in my brain. Here is my second one it is my grandpa is an old war vetrian. He fought in Veitnom and the Korean war to. By


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