
Monday, January 16, 2012

Blue-Man Teaches Us About the Aryans

I would like to introduce to you Blue-Man, a slightly odd and not very intelligent person who is blue. Blue-Man always finds himself in weird situations but somehow manages to learn about the ancient world. Move over, Johnny Rawten, Blue-Man is here to help us learn. (Don't worry, Johnny, you are still our main character). Blue-Man loves to watch t.v., but gets annoyed because the t.v. is broken AND a mysterious person is randomly shouting facts about the Aryans. Your job? No, not to fix the t.v. Your job is to post a comment telling me 5 things you learned about the Aryans from our first Blue-Man comic of the year. For now, Blue-Man is obsessed with his television, but what is next? Stay tuned.
TASK: Post a comment with 5 things you learned from the Blue-Man comic. Number each piece of information. (1. 2. 3. 4. 5.)
Points: 20 points
DUE: Friday, January 20th, 2012. 11:00 p.m.


  1. 1.Aryans used Sanskrit to write things.
    2.The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.
    3.The Hindus, or Aryans, meditated.
    4. The "untouchables" were at the bottom of the Aryans caste system.
    5.The Aryans were powerful because they had horses.

  2. 1. The Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.
    3. The Aryans were Nomads.
    4. They had a Caste System.
    5. Top is the Brahmins, next is the Kshatriyas, third is the Vaisyas and fourth is the Sudras.

  3. 1. the Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2. the Aryans also brought Hinduism to India.
    3. The top is brahmins next is Kshatriyas third is the Vaisyas and fourth is the Sudras.
    4.the Aryans had many stories and songs in the VEDAS.
    5. They had horses that made them powerful.

  4. 1. the Aryans used sandscript to write.

    2. The Aryans also brought Hinduism to India.

    3. The Aryans were nomads

    4.The hindus had a caste system

    5.The Aryans had horses wich made them powerful

  5. 1. Aryans used Sanskrit to write

    2. The Aryans also brought Hinduism to India

    3. Aryand are nomads

    4. The Hindus meditate they also had a cast system

    5. Top is the Brahmins, next is the kshatriyas, third is the Vaisyas and fourth is the Sudras

  6. 1. the Aryans used sanskrit to write.
    2. they also brought Hinduism to India.
    3. they had a caste system. top is Bramins, second is Kshatriyas, third is the Vaisyas, fourth is the Sudras.
    4. the Aryans had horses which mde them very powerful.
    5. the Aryans had many stories and songs in Vedas.

  7. 1. Aryans brought Hinduism to India.

    2.Aryans used sanskrit to write.

    3.Aryans had a nomadic life.

    4.The Hindus meditate.

    5.Top is Brahmins next is Kshatriyas third is Vaisyas fourth is Sudras

  8. 1. They used sanskrit to write.

    2. The hius meditate.

    3. the Aryans brought hinduism to India.

    4.Caste systems, top is the Brahmins,
    next is Ksahtriyas,
    third is the Vaisyas ,and fourth is sudras last is the untouchables.

    5. The horses made the Aryans powerful.

  9. 1. They used sanskrit to write.

    2. The hius meditate.

    3. the Aryans brought hinduism to India.

    4.Caste systems, top is the Brahmins,
    next is Ksahtriyas,
    third is the Vaisyas ,and fourth is sudras last is the untouchables.

    5. The horses made the Aryans powerful.

  10. My 5 things I have learned:
    1. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.
    2. Aryans used Sanskrit t owrite!
    3. The Aryasn were nomads.
    4. The HIndus meditated.
    5.The "untouchables" were at the bottom of the caste system.

  11. 1. Aryans used Sanskrit to write

    2. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India

    3. Aryans were nomads

    4. Aryans used caste system

    5. The Aryans had horses which made them powerful

  12. 1.The Aryans used Sanskrit to write.

    2.The Aryans brought Hinduism to India

    3.The Aryans were nomads.

    4.The Aryans had horses which made them powerful.

    5.Aryans had many songs and stories in the vedas.

  13. 1. Aryans had many stories and songs in the vedas.
    2. Aryans had horses which made them powerful.
    3. Untouchables were at the bottom of the caste system.
    4. Aryans are nomads.
    5. The Aryans brought Hinduism.

  14. 1. aryans used sanskrit
    2. aryans brought hinduism to india
    3. the aryans were nomads
    4. the hindus meditated
    5. the aryans had a caste system

  15. 1.hindus meditates
    2.they had a caste system
    3.they were nomads
    4.aryans brought Hunduism to India
    5.Aryans used Sanskrit to write

  16. 1.Aryans use Sanskrit to write.

    2.The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.

    3.Aryans were Nomads, or people who travel place to place without a permanent home.

    4.The Hindus would meditate and they had a caste system.

    5.The Aryans had a secret weapon that made them so powerful:HORSES!!!!:)

  17. 1.Aryans used sanskrit to write
    2.Aryans had a caste system
    3.The top is Brahmins,next is Kshatriya,third is the vaisyas and the fourth is Sudras
    4.Aryans had horses and thats why they were so strong.
    5.Aryans had many stories and songs in the Vedas.

  18. 1 Aryans used Sanskrit to write
    2 Aryans brought Hinduism to India
    3 The Hindus meditated
    4 They had a castle system
    5 They had horses which made them powerful

  19. 1. Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2.The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.
    3.The Aryans were nomads.
    4.Caste system:1.Brahmins,2.Kshatriyas,3.Vaisyas,4.Sudras
    5.Untouchables are the bottom of the caste system.

  20. 1 THey had horses
    2 they had a caste system
    3 they wrote in a language called sundres
    4 they had lots of stories and songs inthe vadas
    5 they brought hinduisim to india

  21. 1. The Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2.The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.
    3.The Aryans are Nomads.
    4.the Hindus meditated.
    5.the Hindus had a caste system.

  22. 1. The Aryans used sanskrit to write.


    3.The Aryans brought Hinduism to India

    3 1/2. Blue man likes iCarly

    4.The Aryans were nomads

    5.Horses made the Aryans Powerful

  23. 1. Aryans used sanskrit to write.
    2. Aryans had horses witch made them powerful.
    3. They have a book called a vedas
    4. they had a caste system
    5. the started meditating.

  24. 1.aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2.the aryans brought Hinduism to india.
    3.if your legs where broken you would not be able to be a namad like the aryans.
    4.the aryans had a caste system.
    5.the aryans had horses which made them very powerful.

  25. 1. The Aryans had a Caste System.

    2. Aryans had a lot of stories and songs in the Vedas.

    3. The untouchables were at the bottom of the Caste system.

    4. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.

    5. Aryans used Sanskrit to write.

  26. 1 Aryans used Sanskrit to write

    2 Aryansalso brought Hinduism to india

    3 Aryans were nomads

    4 Hindus meditated

    5 Aryans used horses to make them more powerful

  27. 1. Aryans used sanskirt to write
    2. Aryans bruoght hinduism to indai
    3. they had a caste system
    4. they had horses
    5. Aryans had many stories and songs in the vedas

  28. (1) the Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    (2) The Aryans also brought Hinduism to India.
    (3) They also had a caste system.
    (4) The untouchables are at the bottom of the Caste system.
    (5) And lastly the Aryans had horses which made them very powerful

  29. 1. Aryans used Sanskrit to write.

    2. The Aryans also brought Hinduism to India.


    4.The untouchables are at the bottom of the Caste System.

    5. The Aryans had many stories and songs in the Vedas.

  30. 1. Aryans used Sanskrit to write.

    2. Aryans brought Hindusim to India.

    3. Aryans meditate like the Hindus.

    4. The untouchables are at the bottom of the caste system.

    5. Aryans had horses which made them powerful.

  31. 1.Aryans had many stories and songs in the Vedas
    2.Hindus meditat
    3.Aryans brought Hinduism to India
    4.Aryans used Sanskrit to write
    5.Aryans are nomads

  32. well he got realy mad cuz he didnt iknow who the Aryans where

    then he kept asking for the voice to go away .

    then it looked like he was meditating like the Hindus did back when.

    and then the voice asked if he broke and he said no he was just mad cuz his tv was broken.

    but then all at the end he he could stick his head into the TV it was cool.

  33. aryans used sanskrit to write 2nd the aryans also brought hinduism to india

  34. 1. is 'untouchables' are at the bottom of the caste system.

    2.(Caste system) on top their is the Brahmins, next is the kshatriyas, third is the Vaisyas, fourth is the sudras

    am i done yet? Nope. aaaaaawwwwwww!

    3.Horses were used for the aryans wich made them powerful

    Powerful like superman? no!!!

    4.Hindus use to always meditate.
    5.Aryans had many songs and stories
    the one about superman? no!! are you sure? yes!!!!

  35. 1: Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2:They also brought Hinduism to India.
    3: All of them were nomads.
    4:The "untouchables" are at the bottom of the caste system.
    to be continued...

  36. 1.aryans used sanskirt to write.
    2.the aryans brought hinduism to india.
    3.the hindus medited alot
    4.the aryans had a system: the top was Brahmins next was kshatriyas and third is the Vaisyas and the fourth is the Sudras.
    5.the aryans had horses and they made them powerful.

  37. 1. Aryans used Sanskrit to write!
    2. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India!
    3. The Hindus meditated!
    4. They had a caste system!
    5. Horses made the Aryans powerful!

  38. 1. I had no idea what a "nomad" was

    2. I didn't know what started Hinduism

    3. I didn't know they used sanskrit

    4. I didn't know that they classified people

    5. people in Indea meditated?

  39. 1.Aryans made stories and put them in books called Vedas

    2.Aryans had horses that made them powerful because no one else had any.

    3.Aryans had a caste system witch is levels of power

    4.The untouchables are at the bottom of the caste system

    5.They brought Hinduism to India

  40. 1. Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.
    3. The Aryans meditated like the Hindus.
    4. The case system was Brahmins, then the Kshatriyas, third the Vaisyas, and fourth the Sudras.
    5. Horses made the Aryans powerful.

  41. 1. Aryans used sanskrit to write.
    2. Aryans used horses to make them powerful.
    3. Aryans brought hinduism to India.
    4. they would meditat.
    5. Untouchables are at the bottom of the casty system.

  42. 1 used sanskrit to write
    2they brought hinduism to india
    3they were nomadsthey d]have a cast system
    4aryans had horeses witch made them strong
    5 had many books.

  43. 1.Aryans used sand skirt to write

    2.The aryans also brought hinduism to india

    3.They had a caste system

    4.Top is the brahmins, next is the kshatriyas, third is the vaisyas and the fourth is sudras

    5.Aryans had horses which made them powerful

  44. Aryans were nomads they made a caste system they also wrote in sanskrit and brought Hinduism to India. The Hindus meditated.

  45. 1. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.
    2. Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    3. Horses made the Aryans powerful.
    4. Aryans had songs and stories in the Vedas.
    5. The Hindus had a caste system.

  46. 1. The aryans used sanskrit.
    2. The aryans brought hinduisim.
    3. The hindus meditated.
    4. They had a caste system.
    5. They were nomads.

  47. 1. The Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.
    3. They had a caste system.
    4. At the top is Brahmins next is Kshatriyas third is Vaisyas and fourth is Sundras.
    5. The untouchables are at the bottom of the ccaste system.

  48. Arayans used Sanskrit to write, The Aryans also brought Hinduism to India,they are nomads (move from place to place), they meditated and know3 a caste system, top is the Brahims, next is Kshatriyas, third is the Vaisyas and fourth is the Sudras,the untouchables are at the bottom of the Caste system, they had horses wich made thm powerful, Arians had stories and songs in the VEDAS!!!

  49. 1. Horses ade the Aryans powerful
    2.They invented a caste system
    3.Ayrans were nomads
    4.They brought Hinduism to India
    5.They used a sanskirt t o write

  50. 1 the cast system
    2 at the bottom of the cast sytem are the untouchables.
    3 areyans are nomads
    4 the first in the are branhans
    5 the 2 from the top is the kshatriyas.

  51. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.The Hindus had s caste system and meditated. On the top is the Brahmins, next is Kshatriyas, third is the Vaisyas and fourth is the Sudras. Untouchables are at the bottom of the caste system. Horses made them powerful. Lastly they uses Sanskrit to write.

  52. 1. Aryans used Sanskrit to write
    2. The Aryans also brought Hinduism to India.
    3. The aryans meditate like the hinsus?
    4. the untouchables are at the bottom of the caste syetem.
    5. if your leg was broken you wouldent be a nomad.

  53. 1. The aryens used sanskreet to write
    2. The aryens had horses wich made them powerful
    3. The untouchables are at the bottom of the caste systems
    4. The aryens also brought Hinduism to India
    5. The aryens were nomadic

  54. #1 the aryans used Sanskirt to write.
    #2 The Aryans also brought Hindusism to India.
    #3the aryans built nomafs.
    #4 top is brahmins next is kshatriyas, third is the vaisyas and the fourth is the sudras
    #5 the untouchables are at the bootom of the caste system.

  55. 1: aryans used sanskrit to write.

    2:the aryans brought hinduism to india.

    3:nomads moved around a lot.

    4:the hindus meddiated and had a caste system

    5:the horses brought power to the aryans. they had songs/stories in the vedas.

  56. 1. The Aryans had horses which made them powerful.
    2. The untouchables were at the bottom of the caste system.
    3. The Hindus meditated.
    4. The Aryans were nomads, which means that they didn't stay in one place. They traveled from place to place.
    5. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.

  57. 1. The Aryans had horses which made them powerful.
    2. The untouchables were at the bottom of the caste system.
    3. The Hindus meditated.
    4. The Aryans were nomads, which means that they didn't stay in one place. They traveled from place to place.
    5. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.

  58. Aryans used Sanskrit to write. The Aryans also brought Hinduism to India. Hindus Had a Caste system and they meditate. On the top is Brahmins, next is Kshatriyas, third is the Vaisyas and fouth is the Sudras. Untouchables are at the bottom of the Caste system. Lastly is that the Aryans had horses which made them powerful.

  59. Task #1
    #1 i learned they used sanskrit to write.
    #2.The Arayans brought Hinduism to India.
    #3.They have a Caste System.
    #4.untouchables are at the bottom of the Caste System.
    #5.Arayans had horses wich made them powerful.

  60. 1. Aryans used Sanskit to write.

    2. Aryans brought Hinduism to India.

    3.The Hindus meditate.

    4.The Aryans had horses so that made them powerful.

    5. The Aryans had many stories and songs in the vedas.

  61. 1. aryans used sanskrit to write
    2.the aryans also brought Hinduism to India
    3.Hindus meditated and had a castle.
    4.At the top is Brahmins next is the Kshatriyas third is Vaisyas and last is Sudras
    5.They had horses

  62. 1. Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2. They brought Hinduism to India.
    3. You can't be a nomad with a broken leg.
    4. Hindus meditaded.
    5. They had a caste system.

  63. 1. they used sanskrit to write.
    2. they brought Hinduism to India.
    3. they had a caste system.
    4. the untouchables are at the bottom of the caste system.
    5. tehy were powerful because they had horses.

  64. 1Aryans used sanskirit to write.

    2Aryans brought hinduism to india.

    3Aryans had horses

    4had castle system

    5Aryans are nomads

  65. 1.The Aryans were nomads.
    2.The "untochables" were at the bottom of the Caste System.
    3.Horses made the Aryans powerful.
    4.The Aryans had many stories and songs in the Vedas.
    5.The Aryans used Sanskrit to write.

  66. Aryans had many stories and songs in the Vedas. They were nomads. They brought Hinduism to India. They used sanskirt to write. The to[ of the caste system was Brahmins nect the Kshatriyas third is th vaisyas fourth is the Sudras the untouchables are at the bottom or the caste system.

  67. 1:Aryans used Sanskrit to write
    2:Aryans also brought Hinduism in India
    3:Aryans are nomads
    4:They meditate
    5:they had a caste system

  68. 1. They used Sanskirt to write
    2. They brought Hinduism to India
    3. They were nomads
    4. They meditaded
    5. They had a caste system
    6. They were the first to have horses which made them powerful

  69. the arayans wrote on Sanskrit

    the bottom of the caste system is the untochables

    the hindus meditate a lot

    the arayans are nomads

    the arayans brought hinduism to india

  70. 1. Aryans used Sanskirt to write.

    2. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India

    3. The Vedas was a book filled of stories and songs.

    4. The Aryans were made powerful because the had horses.

    5. They had a caste system made up of the Brahmins, Kshtriyas, vaisyas, Sudras, and the Untouchables.

  71. Continued...

    5: The Hindus meditated

    P.S- Blue-Man is awkward.

  72. 1. Aryans used sanskrif to write
    2. They brought hinduism to India
    3.hindus had a caste system
    4. They had horses which made them powerful
    5. They made stories and songs in the Vedus

  73. #1 Aryans used Sanskrit to write

    #2 The Aryans brought Hinduism to India

    #3 top is Brahmanism next is Kshatriya third is the vaisyas and fourth is the sundras

    #4 they had a caste system

    #5Aryans used horses which made them powerful

  74. 1.They used Sanskrit to write.2.they brought Hinduism to India3.They were nomads4.They had a caste system5.their horses made them strong

  75. 1.They meditated.
    2.They where nomads.
    3.There writing was sanskrit.
    4.There social class was called Caste.
    5.Aryans brought Hindusim to India.

  76. 1.arrived in 1500 b.c

    2.arayans were the one who found hinduism, not a single person

    3.they came from Europe

    4.nomatic way of life for the arayans

    5.a new technology called horses drawn chariots

  77. 1. The Aryans had horses, which made them powerful.
    2. Aryans are nomads.
    3. They brought Hinduism to India.
    4. They used Sanskrit to write.
    5. They wrote stories down in the Vedas.

  78. 1. Aryans use Sanskrit to write
    2. the Aryans Brought hinduism to india
    3.The Aryans wheere nomads
    4.they had horses
    5. they had many songs in vedas

  79. 1. Aryans used sanslirt to write
    2. the Aryans brougt hinduism to india
    3. if your leg was brocken you wouldnt be able to be a nomad or lime th aryans
    4. the hindus has a caste system
    5. aryans had many storis and songs in the vedas

  80. 1.Aryans used Sanskrit to write
    2.Ayrans brought hinduism to India.
    3.Aryans were nomads.
    4.Aryans had horses which made them powerful.
    5. Aryans had many stories and songs in the Vedas.

  81. 1.Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2.They brout hinduism to India
    3.if your leg was brokin u would not be a nomad
    4.The hindus have a cast system next kshatrias thenvaisyas

  82. Aryans used sanskrit to write.
    brought Hinduisum to India.
    They meditate.
    They rode horses.

  83. 1. at the botom of the sosale list is the untoucables.

    2. horses maid the arains vary powerful.

    3. the hindus would meditate to clare thare minds.

    4. the aryans created hinduism.

    5. aryan used sanskert to wright.

  84. I learned that the Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    brought Hinduism to India.
    they meditate.
    caste system Brahmani, Kshatriya, Visayans,Sundas, untouchables.
    they rode horses.

  85. Madison Stamp (Maddi Stamp Rocks!!!)January 20, 2012 at 1:20 PM

    1. The Ayrans used Sanskrit to write.
    2. They also brought Hinduism t India.
    3. They meditate to clear there mind.
    4. The top is the Brahmins next is the Kshatryas third is the Vaisyas fourth is the Sudras Lastly is the Untouchables.
    5. That the Aryans had horses so that made them powerful.

  86. task#1 the Aryans used sanskrit to right

    Task#2 the aryans also brougth hinduism to india

    Task#3 hindus had a caste system

    Task#4 top id the brahmins next is kshatriyas thrid is the vasyas and fourth is the sudras

    task#4 the blue man loved his tv!!!!

  87. 1. Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India.
    3. Aryans were nomads.
    4. They meditated.
    5. They had a case system.

  88. 1.The television
    2.that he is not blue
    3.used sanskirt to write
    4.The aryans brought hinduism to india
    5.aryans are nomads


  89. I learned that the Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    Brought Hinduism to India.
    They meditate.
    They rode horse
    Caste system brahmani Kshatriyas visayans Sundas untouchables

  90. task 1:
    1) the aryans used sanscrit to write
    2) They brought Hindusim to India
    3) They were nomads
    4) they meditated
    5) had horses

  91. 1.I learned that Aryans had horses which made them powerful.

    2.AlsoI learned that they brought Hinduism to India.

    3.Also that the Aryans used meditation.

    4.Also that the Aryans used Sanskrit to write

    5.And finally the Arans are Nomads

    EXTRA also that Blue-Man is not very smart.... =)

  92. the Aryans wrote with Sanskrit and the Aryans showed them Hinduism

  93. Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    They brought Hinduism to India.
    They were nomads.
    Caste System Brahman, Kshatriya, Visayans, Sundas, Untouchables.
    Horses made them powerful.
    They had the book of Vedas.

  94. i can learn from this comic that the aryans used sanskrit to write. i can also learn that the aryans brought hinduism to india. i can also learn that the aryans if they had a broken leg they would not be able to use nomad. also they had a cast system. i can also learn that the top is brahmins next is kshatriyas third is vaisyas and forth is sudras. this is all i can learn from the blue man comic

  95. 1. They used Sanskrits to write.
    2. The Aryans brought Hinduism to India
    3. They meditate.
    4. The top is Brahmins next the Kshatriyas third is Vaisyas and last is Sudras.
    5. They rode horses.

  96. *1I leaned the Aryans used sanskirt to write.
    *2They brought Hinduism to india
    *3The meditate.
    *4The caste system is Brahmani, Kshatriya, Visayans, Sundas,Untouchables
    *5The rode hourses and the horses were very powerful

  97. Task #1

    #1 the aryans used Sanskirt to write.
    #2 The Aryans also brought Hindusism to India.
    #3the aryans built nomafs.
    #4 top is brahmins next is kshatriyas, third is the vaisyas and the fourth is the sudras
    #5 the untouchables are at the bootom of the caste system.

  98. 1 the aryans used sanskrit to write
    2 the aryans also brought Hinduism to india
    3 the aryans built nomafs
    4 top is brahmin next is kshatriyas third is the vaisyws and fourth is sudras
    5 the untouchablesare at the bottom of the caste system

  99. 1. the aryans used sanskrit to write
    2. the aryans brought Hinduism to India
    3. the aryans were nomads of the caste system brahmin next is kshatriyas third is the vaisyws and fourth is sudras the bottom the caste system is the untouchibles

  100. 1.The aryans used samskit to write
    2. aryans to india
    3. the aryans moved to plce to place to place
    5. bottom is the untouchables

  101. 1.aryans used sanskrit to write
    2.the aryans also brought hinduism to india
    3.the hinduses can meditate
    4. they also had a cast system
    5.the untouchables are at the bottom of the cast system

  102. 1. aryans used sanskirt to write
    2. aryans brought Hinduism to India
    3. aryans were nomads
    4. At the top is Brahmins next is Kshatriyas third is Vaisyas and fourth is Sundras.
    5. they had a caste system

  103. the aryans wrote sanskit
    the aryans brought hinndism
    they had a caste system
    and they were nomadic
    They ame from europe

  104. 1. Thay came from Eurape. 2. Thay have bad aim. 3. Thay speak a different language. 4. Thay have wired legs. 5. Love tv

  105. 1) the aryans wrote in sansripit
    2)the aruands were nomads
    3the aryand brought over hindoism
    4they had a caste sytem
    5they had horses
    6 they had the vedas

  106. the aryans use sanskirt to write with!The aryans also brought hinduisim to india.hindues mefitat and they hve a caste system!they had horse!

  107. These are my 5 reasons
    1.The Aryans used sanskirt wright
    2.The Aryans also broght Hindusm
    3.They had a caste system
    4.Top is Brahmis is Kshatriyas
    6.third is Vaisyas
    7.Forth is Sudras
    8.The untochables are at the bottom of the caste system.

  108. 1. Aryans wrote in Sanskrit

    2. Brought Hinduism to India

    3. they were nomads

    4. Hindus meditated

    5. They had a caste system and the bottom were the untouchables

  109. 1.the Aryans used sand skrit to write
    2.the Aryans brot hidoisam to indea
    3.the top is Brahmis, nexed is Kshatryas, then is vaisyas ,last are sudras
    4.the bottom is untuchables
    5.the hourses made them stronger

  110. 1. the aryans used sandskrit to write things

    2. they brought hindewism to india

    3. the arayns were nomads

    4. the hindews meditated

    5. the arayns also had horses

  111. 1. The Aryans had horses which made them powerfull

    2.The untuchables are at the bottem of the caste system

    3.Teh Aryans brought hinduism to India

    4. the Aryans used Sanskrit to write

    5.Teh Hindus,or Aryans,meditated

  112. 1.They brought Hinduism to India

    2.The aryans were nomads.
    3.They had a caste system.At the top Brahmins next Kshatriyas third Vaisyas fourth Sudras and at the very bottom were the Untouchables.
    4.They had horses wich made them powerful
    5.They had many songs and stories in the Vedas

  113. 1the aranys used sandskirt to write things
    2 they brought hinduizen to india
    3. the aranys were nomads

    4 the hindwes used meditation
    5. they had horses

  114. 1.The Aryans used Sanskrit to write.
    2.They brought Hinduism to India.
    3.The Aryans were nomads.
    4.The Hindus used meditation.
    5.They had a Caste system.
    6.The Aryans had horses.

    sorry its late, but i still hope i can get some points to improve my grade.:)


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