
Monday, December 5, 2011

Welcome to Ancient China

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Ladies and gentleman, I would like to welcome you to ancient China. For this ancient world, we will be traveling to the far East, in search of knowledge about many different topics. We will learn about the landscape of China, the Dynasties that shaped this great civilization, inventions that still impact our world today, and finally the Silk Road, a journey that will test you physically and mentally. This three week unit will go fast, so buckle up and get focused.
Task: To start the ancient China Unit, I would like you to explore the Internet for ancient China information. I have provided a list of links for you to use on the side of WSG. Browse through one site or all the sites. It is up to you. Post a comment telling me something you learned about ancient China from the sites I've provided. Good Luck.
DUE: Friday, December 9th, 2011. Midnight.


  1. That the great wall of china was buit by slaves.

  2. The chinese worked on the Great Wall for over 1,700 years!!

  3. Task #1. Jade was one of the most prized matierials.

  4. this is the best show ever i didnt iknow that people could move that fast.

  5. I didnt know that the chinese worked on the great wall of china for 1700 years.

  6. i learned that the himulayns are not located in modern day China.

  7. Ancient chinese people wrote on bones which were called oracle bones. The most common bone was on the top of a skull because it was flat and big.

  8. I learned that the first people reached China in about 50,000 BC

  9. they believed that the color red is a sigh a good luck because in a tale it said that Nian scared everyone. the villagers found out that Nian had a few fears himself. they scared Nian and never heard from him again. so at festivals they always wave red flags and make lots of noise. just in case that Nian is still lucking around.

  10. Kids in China lived with there parents but also lived with there grandparents,aunts/uncles, and there cousins.

  11. I learned that the Chinese worked on the Great Wall for about 1700 years.

  12. Today I learned that the Ancient Chinese people worked on the Great Wall for over 1700 years.
    I had also learned that the Great Wall is over 3700 miles long. Thats a big wall.

  13. Task 1#- I learned that the difference of the Korean, Japanese, and Chinese Dragons. The Korean has four toes. Chinese dragons have five toes. Lastly, the Japanese's only have three toes.
    - The first emperor Qin wanted a strong wall to protect his people and wanted the wall to be 30 feet wide and 50 feet tall.
    -The Chinese New Year is very important to the people of China.

  14. I learned that the silk raod led to Rome t oChina and it was a 4,000 mile trip.

  15. 1. The chinese belived in the afterlife

    2.The chinese used loggram for writing

    3.Jade and Bronze were the most prized materials

  16. The Yangtze River is the 3rd longest river in the world.

  17. Capital city: Ch'ang-an, the capital city, was a rather big town of over one million people! The city was designed like a checkerboard, with broad wide streets, and side streets, and city blocks. There were 110 blocks, each like its own village, with a marketplace and temples.

  18. The dynasties are
    -Qin Shi Huang

    Regional centers where along the Yellow and Yangtze river.

    The Himalayan Mt. are not located in modern day China.
    The HImalayas iclude ten of the highest peaks in the world.

  19. I learned that the Great Wall of China is 5,500 miles long.

  20. I learned about an early Chinese textbook, actually, it was the earliest mathematical textbook of China. The book was named "Nine Chapter", and it had many questions with all the answers. The questions had things to do with life, like city planning, taxes, and amounts of rice. These taught the pupils how to calculate areas, percentages, and square and cube roots. There were also questions on multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

  21. i learned that some dynasties are: song,ming chang and tang. i leard that chinese opera began at this peiod in history and is sometimes referred to as china's age of invention. i learned that there are 250 pound pandas living in china

  22. I learned that Ancient China covers 11,000 years of history.

  23. Task #1 The Sil Road was a 4,000 mile long trip!

  24. 1#There is a big wall named The Great Wall of China.

    2# That they wore ninga kind of stuff.
    3# That their flag had 4 stars and a red background.

  25. Mulan's father in the story taught her how to fight.

  26. Pagodas were used as temples.

  27. What i learned that during the han dynastie the demand on silk was high anf the silk road was made so they could transport silk to rome.

  28. I learnt that the Chinese raised sheep and chickens.

  29. One fact I learned was that jade and bronze were the most priced materials in Ancient China.

  30. i learned that ronmans looked for the Silk Road for along time

  31. Task 1: The ancient chinese Worked on the Great Wall for over 1,700 years.

  32. In 1989, the death of pro-reform official HuYaobang helped to spark the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, during which students and others campaigned for several months, speaking out against corruption and in favourof greater politcal reform,including democratic rights and freedom of speech.

  33. These are some things i learned while looking at some websites...

    1. Calligraphy, sushi, and bonsai are all millennia-old art that later spread to Japan and Korea.

    2. Between the beginning of the second millennium B.C. and 221 B.C. three dynasties ruled the area around the Yellow River Basin, one after another.

  34. One thing i found very interesting was that when they were building the great Wall of China, whenever a worker died they just threw him over the wall.

  35. The ming dynasty was a time of adventure. They were the creator of the great wall

  36. The Great Wall of China was not very strong because it was very unconnected. The purpose of The Great Wall of China was to protect them from the Mongolian invaders.

  37. The one thing I learned is that the ancient Chinese believed that life carried on after death

  38. the great wall of china was built by slaves.chines belive that the dead carries on.

  39. There is dead bodies in yht Great Wall.

  40. The Great Wall of China is the longest cemetary and to build it, it was built by slaves.

  41. The Chinese worked on the Great Wall for over 1700 years

  42. that slaves build the great wall of china

  43. The earliest written record of Chinese past so far discovered dates from the Shang Dynasty in perhaps the 14th century BC

  44. 4 wepons that where used in cina are the staff,chopsticks,the fist,and the throwing star

  45. In the Han Dynasty the silk road was created. The silk road is a trade route across the fierce deserts.

  46. I learned that the Silk Road was not a road. the Silk Road was a name for any route that went across China to Rome and at one end was China and the other end was Rome. (:

  47. The Silk Road was a name given to any route that led across China to Rome.:) :) :)

  48. The Chinese worked on the Great Wall for over 1700 years.

  49. people were buried under the great wall if they died

  50. people were buried under the great wall if they died

  51. people were buried under the great wall if they died

  52. I learned that it took the workers nearly 1700 years to build the Great Wall of China!!!!!!!!!

  53. I learned that the chinese invented the fireworks.

  54. I learned that Qin used captured enemies, criminals, scholars, and anyone else who irritated him, and put them all to work building the Great Wall. Also that Chinease worked on the Great Wall for over 1700 years.

  55. The great wall of china was built by slaves, farmers, and servernts and it took 1700 years to make it!! Thats along time if you ask me.

  56. I learned that the chinese people used logograms

  57. i did not know That the great wall of china was buit by slaves. Hi Mr. KLUMPER!!!!!

  58. i dint know they beleived that red is the sign of good luck

  59. That china has created a lot of things and they made fireworks

  60. the ancient chinese believed that there was an afterlife and that they would carry on their lives after they died

  61. I learned that the Silk Road was not a road. the Silk Road was a name for any route that went across China to Rome and at one end was China and the other end was Rome.:D

  62. That jade was the most importent jem for them.

  63. The chinese worked on the great wall of China for 1700 years. that is a lot of years.

  64. While building the great wall of china 100,000 people died of starvation or exhoustion.

  65. I learned that it took over 1,700 years to work on The Great Wall of China!

  66. They had "dynasties"?

  67. it took 1,700 years to build the great wall of china

  68. I have learned that the Chinese worked on the Great Wall for about 1700 years.

  69. when a worker died they through him over the wall cruel but had to be done :(


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