
Monday, November 28, 2011

Animal Mummies!

If the PREZI is NOT working, click "Ancient Mummy Animals" right above this sentence to view it from Thank you.
Ancient Egypt is so fascinating, I have decided to linger in this ancient world a bit longer. This week, as we transition our scaprbook project into the binders, we are going to take this opportunity to learn about one more interesting aspect of ancient Egypt: Animal Mummies. The above prezi will guide you through a brief presentation about animal mummies in Ancient Egypt. This excellent prezi was produced by my #1 assistant, who did a great job.
Task: Navigate through the animal prezi above and post a comment telling me 3 things that you learned. That's it. Make sure you get this done. If prezi doesn't work at your house, then use a computer at school. You have 5 days to figure out how to get to a computer that works, so make it happen. Five days is plenty of time.
DUE: Friday, December 2nd. Midnight.
Points: 20 points.

We have a big month ahead of us. Let's get focused.


  1. 1:Not only were the pharoahs mummified, but animals were too.

    2:the 3 most common animals to be mummified was the dog, cat, & monkey.

    3:heart is kept in body for the weighing of the feather; for the afterlife.

  2. 1:I didnt know that animals were mummified.
    2:I didnt know that the egyptians used the animals as offerings to the gods.
    3:I didnt know that they left the heart inside the body during the process.

  3. 1. The most common animals that were mummifies were the: dogs, cats, monkeys.
    2. Egyptains loved their pets and wanted to presurve them so that they might be together in the afterlife.
    3. Egypians used them as offerings to gods.

  4. 1. The most common animals that were mummifies were the: dogs, cats, monkeys.
    2. Egyptains loved their pets and wanted to presurve them so that they might be together in the afterlife.
    3. Egypians used them as offerings to gods.

  5. I learned that the dog, cat, and the monkey were the most common animals mummified. also I learned the to mummify a animal was similer to mummifying a human. The last thing that I learned was that Egyptians really loved there pets so they wanted there pets to be mummified so they could be together in the afterlife.

  6. 1: One thing i learned is that i didnt know that they mummifeid alot of differnt animals besides a cat.
    2: Also i didnt know that they did this so that the Egyptians pet would go into the afterlife so that they could be with there owner.
    3: and i didnt know that the most common animals that were mummified was cats,dogs,adn monkeys.

  7. 1. The Egyptians preserved their pets hoping that they would meet in the afterlife.
    2. The Egyptians preserved dogs,cats, and monkeys.
    3. The ancient Egyptians used the animals as offerings to gods.

  8. I learned that Egyptians thought highly of the pets, and took time and care to mummify them. The steps they took to mummify animals I found similar to the ones that they fallowed to preserve humans. One thing different is that they stuffed the animal's body with stuffing after removing organs. Egyptians mummified cats, dogs, fish, monkeys, gazelle and a number of many other animals found in Egypt and kept as pets.

  9. I learned that mummifing a animal is a long time. I also learned that it takes a lot less steps other wise it was prety much the same. The last thig I learned is that sientist were a lot less interested in animal mummy then human mummy, but they found a lot out about ancient egypt with them.

  10. 1. Egyptians used the animal mummies as offerings to gods.
    2. The most common animals mummified were dogs, cats, and monkeys.
    3. Step 2 for the embalming the body the organs were removed only the heart remained.

  11. 1.3 most common animals to be mummified:dog, cats, and monkeys
    2.They left the heart in the animal's body
    3.animal mummies revealed more of ancient Egypt's secrets

  12. I learned...

    1.They mummified animals because they thought it would keep them together in the after life.

    2.The animal mummies told many things about Ancient Egyptians.

    3.Egyptians used them as offerings to gods.

  13. 1. animals were mummified
    2. mummified animals were gifts for gods
    3. the most common animals were monkeys, cats and dogs

  14. I learned that Egyptians mummified animals too so that they might be together in the afterlife.

    The left the heart in the body because they believed it was the center of intelligence and emotion.

    The most common animals mummified were: Dogs, cats and monkeys.

  15. 1. Egyptians useed animals as oferings . animal crulty!

    2.Egyptins loved thare pets and wanted them to be preservd . at lest the pharos loved thare pets.

    3.The most commen animals were dogs, cats and monkeys.

  16. My three facts are:
    1. Egyptians used animal mummies as offerings to the gods.
    2. Egyptians loved their pets so they wanted to perserve them for the afterlife.
    3. Most common animals that were mummified were dogs, cats, and monkeys.
    I liked the prezi.

  17. 1# That animal were mummified too.

    2# That most common animals that were mummified were dogs,cats,and monkeys.

    3#They believed that the heart was the center of intelligence.

  18. Task #1

    The first thing i learned was that animals were mummified.

    The second thing i learned was that the most comman animals mummified were Dogs,Cats and Monkeys.

    The last thing i learned was that it took 70days to embal the animals body.

  19. 1.that animals were mummified too
    2.the animal mummifcation processes took 70 days
    3.the heart was kept in the body
    4.the common animals that were mummified were a monkey, dog, and a cat
    5.the body is washed and cleanedbefore anything else is done to it

  20. 1. egyptains used the animals as offerings to the gods.

    2. egyptians loved their pets and wanted to perserve them so they might be together in the after life.

    3. The animal mummies reveal many things about Ancient Egyptains.

  21. 1. I learnt that animals were mummified too.
    2. I learnt that Egyptians used the animals as offering to gods.
    3. I also learnt that Egyptians wanted the mummified animals to go to the afterlife with them.

  22. animals nwere mummified just like humans

    humans mummified there animals so they could be in the afterlife together

    the most often mummified would be

  23. Task1

    1 The animals were offerings to gods.

    2 The most common animals mummified were dogs cats and monkeys

    3 All kinds of animal were mummified ,even a beatle would be mummified.

  24. 1. Egyptians used the animal mummies as offerings to gods.
    2. Egyptians loved their pets and wanted to preserve them so they might be together in the afterlife.
    3. The most common animals that were mummified were: Dogs, Cats, and Monkeys.

  25. 1. Egyptians used them as offerings to gods.
    2.Most common animal were Dogs,Cats Monkeys
    3.They filled the body with stuffing

  26. 1. animals were mummified too they used them as offerings to the gods

    2. it took 70 days to embalm the animals that were being mummified as so the priest would wear the mask of Anubis

    3. the believed the heart was the center of the intelligence and emotion so they left it in the body

  27. . Egyptians used them as offerings to gods.

    . They left the heart in the body.

    . It took 70 days to mummify an animal.

  28. I learned that
    1. The most common mummified animals were dogs, cats, and monkeys.
    2. The process from start to finish lasted about 50-70 days.
    3. The process was basically the same as a human mummification. The animals were precious to the Egyptians, so the animals were mummified to be able to have their owners in the afterlife.

  29. 1 That you coould mummify animals.
    2 Animals were used as sacrafes.
    3 That they mummifed monkeys.

  30. 1 I didnt know animals were mummified like humans.
    2 they used the animals as offerings to the gods.
    3 the 3 main or most animals they used was cat dog and monkey.

  31. 1 I didnt know animals were mummified like humans.
    2 they used the animals as offerings to the gods.
    3 the 3 main or most animals they used was cat dog and monkey.

  32. 1. Egyptians used animals for offerings to the gods.

    2. Also they mummified animals from to very small beetles to oxen.

    3. natron salt came in big rock shaped natron it took alot of those to mummify a body.

  33. Task #1

    1. Scientists and eqypologists have overlooked animal mummies.

    2. Egyptians mummified their animals to take them to the afterlife.

    3. The most common animals to be mummified were

  34. first off i did not know animals were mummified
    2 when animals got mummified it was the same proccess as a human\
    3 i did not know that it took about 70 days for an animal to get mummified

  35. 1. Most common animals mummified were
    2. They left the heart in.

    3. Egyptians used them as an offering

  36. #1 Egyptians used then as offerings to the gods.

    #2 Egyptians loved their pets and they waned to preserve them so that the might be together in the afterlife.

    #3 The most common animals mummified were




  37. 1 the 3 most common animals to be mummified was the dog, cat, & monkey

    2 Egyptians used them as offering to gods

    3 it took about 70 days to embalm a body

  38. 1. the most popular animals mummified were dogs, cats, and, monkeys

    2. the heart was allways left in the body took fron 50 to 70 days to finish the whole process

    P.S. love the video!!!

  39. Task: #1. Animals were miffied. #2. The process lasted 50 to 70 days. #3 Insted of taking the heart out they left the hart in.

  40. 1: They left the heart in the body.
    2:The most common animals mummified were dogs, cats, and monkeys.
    3:Egyptians loved their animals and wanted to preserve them so the could be together in the afterlife.

  41. they mummed dog, cat, & monkey.
    they thare bodys
    thay are offering to the gods

  42. 1. The main animals they mummifed were dogs, cats, and monkeys.

    2. One of the steps is that they were stuffed.

    3. they wanted them to be preserved so that they could be together in the after life.

  43. I learned that the most common mummified amimals were dogs, cats, and monkeys. I also learned that Ancient Egyptians loved their pets and mumified them so they had a better chance of being in the afterlife with the owner. Finally i learned that Ancient Egypitians mummified thei pets as offerings to the gods so thei pets could be in the afterlife.

  44. 1. I didnt think that the process of an animal mummy would be so like the human

    2. I didnt know that the body was stuffed

    3. I wouldnt think someone with a pet would be so close to their pet that the would want it with them in the afterlife. Thats the ultimate pet lover!!

  45. pharaohs were mummified as well as animals

    the 3 ost common animals that were mummified were dogs, cats, and monkeys

    egyptians used them as offerings to the gods

  46. 1. animals are muffified
    2. Egyptains loved thier pets
    3. the most common animals mummifid were dogs, cats,and monkeys

  47. 1~Eygiptions loved there pets alot and wanted them preserver.
    2~The most common animals mummified were dogs, cats, and monkeys.
    3~ It took 50 to 70 days for the whole procces.

  48. 1. Animals were mummified like humans

    2. In the past scientasts overlooked animal mummies

    3.Egyptians were used as offerings to the gods

  49. 1. The most common animals to be mummified were dogs,cats,monkeys.
    2.The heart was left in the animals body.
    3. The egyptians thought they could meet up with their animal in the after world.

  50. I learned that not only people were mummified but animals were. Also that they thought the animals would be with them in the after life. Last thing I learned was that the most popular animals mummified were dogs, cats, and monkeys (those animals are some of the popular favorite animals today)!

  51. 1. Animals were offerings to the gods.

    2. Egyptians loved there pets and wanted to bring them to the afterlife.

    3. The most common mummified animals were dogs,cats,and monkeys

  52. 1. Animals were mummified too just like pharsohs
    2. The most common animals mummified were the dog, cat, and monkey.
    3. The humans wanted to mummify them so that they could be with them in the afterlife.

  53. Task#1: most common animals were the monkey cat and dog. Egyptions loved there pets. one step was that they were stuffed

  54. people used the animals as offringsf to the gods.

    The most animals that were mummified were dogs cats and monkeys

    since they believed that the heart was the center of intelligence and emotion they left it in the body.

  55. task 1 most common animals were the monkey cat and dog. Egyptions loved there pets. one step was that they were stuffed

  56. 1.Animals were mummified like human.
    2.The most animals that were mummified was the cat, dog and the monkey.
    3.The Egyptians loved there animals.
    4.The human wanted the animals to be with them in the after life so that is why they mummified them.

  57. Task 1: The animals were mummified so that they could be with thier owners in the afterlife.

    The most common were the dog, cat, monkey.

    The steps are the same to mummify an animal and human.

  58. I learned that....
    Animal were mummified too
    egyptians usedthem as offerings to gods
    the most commen animals mummified were dogs, cats,and monkeys

  59. 1. egyptians used them as offerings to the gods.
    2. Egyptians thought that if they mummified them they would be together in the after life.
    3. The heart was left in the body.

  60. Animals were also mummifiide.
    The three most commoon animals were the monkey,cat and dog.
    They left the heart in the body...

  61. 1.It took seventy days.
    2.That they were awfirings to gods.
    3.That they wanted them with them in the after life.

  62. 1- they mummified animals to- Dogs caats and monkeys
    2- They left the heart in the animals
    3- They were offerings to the gods

  63. sorry my first comment did not go through i guess.1. People used to ignore animal mummies 2. The Egyptians had pet monkeys. 3.They were sometimes offerings to the gods.

  64. 1: One thing i learned is that i didnt know that they mummifeid alot of differnt animals besides a cat.
    2: Also i didnt know that they did this so that the Egyptians pet would go into the afterlife so that they could be with there owner.
    3: and i didnt know that the most common animals that were mummified was cats,dogs,adn monkeys.

  65. 1 just like humans animals were mummified to
    2 egyption used them as offerings to gods
    3 common mummified animals are cats dogs and monkeny

  66. 1.animals were mummified
    2.egyptians had pet monkeys
    3.the were sometimes offerings to the gods

  67. 1.animals were mummifide
    2. egiptions had munkeys as pets
    3. and were somtimes killd for offring


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