
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

WSG Welcomes Chamberlain, SD

As the creator and owner of Water for Sixth Grade, I would like to personally welcome the 6th graders of Mrs. Neuharth's class from Chamberlain, SD to our blog. We are happy and honored that you are with us in this long distance collaboration. Students of Chamberlain, thank Mrs. Neuharth for accepting my invitation and for participating in this collaboration. You are lucky to have a teacher like her. To my students, sometimes we get locked in our own world and put blinders on to what else is out there. For this unique blog opportunity, we are going to "connect" to the 6th graders of Chamberlain, SD and learn together about Ancient Egypt. Water for Sixth Grade is a powerful tool, and this is yet another example of what can be done with blogging. As we begin our Ancient Egypt unit, we are going to have some help from the 6th graders from Chamberlain because they have already completed this very fascinating ancient world.

Details for Chamberlain students: You will begin this online collaboration by using the knowledge Mrs. Neuharth has taught you about Ancient Egypt by posting questions to Water for Sixth Grade for my students in Brandon. You are going to help us get introduced to ancient Egypt with these questions because my students will then search for the answers either on the internet or through books and post the answers when they find them. So make sure you check back to see if they answered your questions correctly. Please ask questions about the main items from Egypt, using topics such as Nile River, Pyramids, Daily Life, Mummification, Gods/Goddesses, Pharaohs, etc.

IMPORTANT: When you post your question about ancient Egypt, sign your name like this:"Chamberlain (Full first name, last initial)"

Details for Brandon students: You will wait for the Chamberlain students to post questions for us about ancient Egypt. Once questions have been posted, research the internet or in books to find the answers to their questions. When/if you find the answers, comment back to that person with what you think the answer is. This will help us get introduced to Egypt by forcing us to search and discover.

IMPORTANT: When you post your responses to the Chamberlain students, sign your name like this: "Brandon (FUll First Name, Last Initial)"

As we begin our first long distance collaboration, make sure you get involved. Take advantage of this unique opportunity. Alright, Lets do this.


  1. I think this is going to be fun!

  2. Chamberlain SD,Tynice L.November 1, 2011 at 10:52 AM

    What was the 3 main Gods/Goddesses named and what were they known for?

  3. Hello is your first question...

    What is the main thing people did near the nile river?

  4. Hi Brandon, SD
    What did the Nile River do to help the Egyptions?

  5. Did the Egyptains take out everything in the body during the process of mummification?

  6. Chamberlain Jacob M.November 1, 2011 at 10:55 AM

    Hi Brandon, SD here is your question....... what pharoh united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt?

  7. Chamberlain Carson PNovember 1, 2011 at 10:56 AM

    What type of writing utensil did the Egyptians use to write on papyrus?

  8. Hello again is your next question...

    Who was the first person and there army to conquer ancient egypt?

  9. Chamberlain Miranda FNovember 1, 2011 at 10:56 AM

    what was qween Hatshepsut's stepson's name?

  10. Chamberlain Collin MNovember 1, 2011 at 10:57 AM

    Hi brandon, S
    what did the nile provide for egypt?

  11. What was the biggest pyramid called and who was it built for?

  12. Chamberlain Allison BNovember 1, 2011 at 10:57 AM

    Hi Brandon, SD this is your Question what did the egyptions use the nile river for?

    What did they do for the poor people when they died?

    What did they build in the pyramids?

  13. Who was the god pf the sky?

  14. Another question...

    What was each egyptian god know for (what do they controll)?

  15. Which way was the Nile River flowing?

  16. Why was the desert important?

    What was its Nickname?

  17. Hello Brandon here is another question for you...

    What did the Egyptians want from the Nubians because they were so skilled?

  18. Hi Brandon,SD
    Why did they bury them with their possessions?

  19. Hi Brandon, your question for today is...

    How many dynasties were there in Egypt?

  20. In the Middle Kingdom, what did they do instead of war?

  21. Hello Brandon here is another question for you to awnser?...

    Why did people not want to attack Ancient Egypt besides Nubia?

  22. Chamberlin S.D. James M.H.November 1, 2011 at 11:03 AM

    Why did the Egyptians rule for so long?

  23. Chamberlain Carson PNovember 1, 2011 at 11:03 AM

    Why was Nubia called "Land of the bow"?

  24. Chamberlain Maria S.November 1, 2011 at 11:04 AM

    Hi! Brandon my question did the great builders of the great Pyramid do to keep out grave robbers?

  25. Chamberlain Carson PNovember 1, 2011 at 11:05 AM

    How was the lives of the peasants?

  26. 1:What was one of their achievements?

    2:What kind of writing did they use?

    3:About how long would it take to build a pyramid?

    4:What was the average weight of each stone on a pyramid?

    5:What were the 5 gods and godesses?

    6:What is Afterlife?

    7:Why was the Nile River so important?

    8:How come there was a Black & Red land?

    9:How did Jean Francois Champollion bring back hierglyphic writing?

  27. What was the life called after death? Who was the god of that life?

  28. Chamberlain Collin MNovember 1, 2011 at 11:07 AM

    What was Nubia known for?

  29. Hi Brandon, your question for today is...

    How did the Egyptians get the blocks to bulid the pyramids from Nubia to Egypt?

  30. Hi Brandon,SD,
    How much did the stones they use for pyrimids weigh?

  31. Chamberlian Michaella SNovember 1, 2011 at 11:08 AM

    2) What was the name of the 2 lands?

  32. Why was the Nile so important?

  33. Why was the Nile so important?

  34. What were the three Kingdoms?

  35. Chamberlian MIchaella SNovember 1, 2011 at 11:10 AM

    3) How did they clean out the pharaoh’s body when they died for the mummy process?

  36. Chamberlian Michaella SNovember 1, 2011 at 11:11 AM

    How did it take to make a coffin for a paraoah's

  37. this is going to be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ;)

  38. Chamberlain Michaella SNovember 1, 2011 at 5:44 PM

    1)Why did they bury the pharaoh’s with their possessions?

  39. Hello Chamberlian Allison.
    The egtptians used the nile for a water source for their crops.

  40. Dear Chamberlain Collin M. the Nile River provided them to go places and trade

  41. Chamberlain Izzy T the anwser iss tehy used the nile river for transportaation and water for crops.

  42. Collin.M my answer us it provided them water for farming

  43. Dear Jacob M of Chamberlain

    bI think it was King Narmer in 3000 BC

  44. dear camberlain Muchaella
    The anser to you question is
    70 days.

  45. dear emilie the 3 kingdomes were the new kingdome middle kingdome and the old kingdome

  46. Dear Chamberlain Nyq'e L,
    Yes, they did take everything out of the body.

  47. Dear Nyc'e L they take out everything but the heart Brady DeJong Brandon, SD

  48. Brandon 4 Courtney MNovember 2, 2011 at 11:02 AM

    Dear Chamberlain Nyq'e L, you asked who was the god of the sky. My answer is Nut.

  49. Dear Chamberlain Izzy,
    The Nile River helped the Egyptians with irrigation, because the Nile would often flood, and then, all of the land would be fertile.

  50. Dear Chamberlin Emilie C,
    The three kingdoms are the old, middle and the new kingdoms.

  51. Dear chamberlain Devin, your answer is it gave mosture to their crops.

  52. Dear Chamberlian Izzy, the answer to your question is to grow food and it was sort of a road for transportion in Egypt.

  53. To:Chamberlin Jacob M.,

    The answer to your question is King Narmer, in about 3000 B.C.

  54. dear,nye`d l

    no they didi not they left the heart in there bodiese sorry i got that one right cause that is a topic we leard

  55. brandon SD 4weston sNovember 2, 2011 at 11:09 AM

    emilie your answer is hte old kingdom the middle kingdom and the new kingdom

  56. emilie c your answer is The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom.

  57. chamberlain Nyq'e L. The godess of the sky is Nut

  58. dear chamberlain,
    hi my name is Mackenzie. To answer Nyq'e L's question i think it is no because they took out all the organs except for the heart.

  59. the nile river was flowing north!

  60. Dear Chamberlain,Collin M. My answer is.......

    1.Reeds, called papyrus, grew along side the Nile and were used to make paper and boats from the reeds.

    2.The Nile also gave the ancient Egyptians food. They used spears and nets to catch fish.

  61. Dear Chamberlain Izzy T. The Nile helped the Egyptians by having fresh water to drink and bathe in. It has helped to grow crops, with rich and fertile soil. The Papyrus weed that grows along the Nile was used to make material for building, clothes and even paper.

  62. Dear Chamberlain Michaella they buried them with their possessions because later they could know who it is and also so nobody could steel their possessions.

  63. Dear,Chamberlain Nyq'e L. Nut was the sky god h

  64. Dear Chamberlin Nyq'e L,
    They cut a hole in the left side of the body and take out the internal organs. And to take out the brain a long stick was put up their nose and they pull the brains out.

  65. will lizz it is to heip thim git water

  66. Dear Carson P,
    the utensil egytians uesed to write is called a reed.

  67. Dear chamberian, Michaella S. the stones weighed as much as two adult elaphants.

  68. Dear Chamberlain Emilie C, The three kingdoms are The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and The New Kingdom.

  69. I am answering the question "Why did they bury the pharaoh's wiht their possessions?"

    My answer is they wanted the pharaoh's to have that stuff if they needed in the after life.

  70. Dear Chamberlain Michaella S,

    The answer to your Q is that Egyptians believed that everything used in present life would be needed in the afterlife, so clothing and other items were buried along bodies.

  71. Hi im gerrit v.form brandon here is the anwser.Jacob m. the anwser is King Menes.

  72. THis is my answer to Michaella s

    THey buried the pharaohs with their possessision because they wanted them to use them in the after life after they died

  73. Brandon 8max w.
    Dear Chamberliane Izzy T, the answer to your question is, the egyptians used the Nil River for drinking water, using for farming, and fishing.

  74. Dear Chamberlain Devin they manily farmed near the nile because after it flooded the land is perfect for farming.

  75. Hi Michaella S from Chamberlain, this is my answer. They did it Because they wanted to give them the things they needed after their after life!!!

  76. Hello chamberlain Allison B! For your first guestion, what did the egyptions use the nile river for, yesterday I was looking in an egyption book and i read about the nile river and i think it was for cargo and transportation.

  77. Hi,Izzy

    I think the answer to your qustion is it helped them by makeing extremly fertail land. so i hope you respond back to me.

  78. Dear: Izzy T. The Nile river had good fertile land next to it.

  79. Dear michaella

    to show respect

    Brandon KeananB

  80. Dear Chamberlain Michaella S,

    Pharaohs were buried with their possesions because they beileved they would need to use them in the after life.

  81. The annual floods brought rich black soil to the banks of the Nile River and made it possible for farmers to grow crops.

  82. The Nile river helped the people of Egypt get water for their plants, people, and animals.

  83. The nile provided food for the egyptians. They used spears to catch the fish.

  84. they built pyramids because to increase religousness and so they can bow down to the god or gods.

  85. The Nile river was used to get water for their plants, animals, and people.

  86. Carson P,

    Nubia was known as the Land of the Bow because their archers were fierce and expert. They also protected people.

  87. yes they did take out everything in the body for mummifacation.

  88. Chamberlian Emilie C

    The Old Kingdom
    The Middle KIngdom
    The New KIngdom

  89. Teah SL: The nile was so imporant because it gave the egyptians food,water, and transportaion.

  90. This is derek and I think the egyptians did take out everything in the body in the process of mummification.

  91. The Nile river was used to transport messages and goods. It was also used to water the crops.

  92. Collin M. this is my answer to your question about what did the nile river provide for the egyptians.
    The Nile River provided food, wet mud to grow crops, and an easier way to travel or get goods around.

    P.S. any number you see in front of our name means that is just what class period we have our teacher in.

  93. BRANDON SD 4MACKENZIE HNovember 2, 2011 at 5:02 PM

    Dear Chamberlain,
    To answer Nyq'e L's question I think it is no, because they took out all the organs except for the heart.

  94. lzzy t this is your answer. They depended on it for food, water and transportation.

  95. Chamberlain, Emilie C
    The Old kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom.

  96. Dear,Chambelain Collin M.
    The nile was used to make clothin,paper and other protict with the pappirs that grew around it.Plus it was used for a fresh water/bath.

  97. I was transportation and water for them to drink


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