
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Fabulous Four

Mesopotamia, being the first civilization of the world, had the unique opportunity to invent many things. A lot of "firsts" occurred in Mesopotamia, which you will see in this third White Shirt Production called: "The Fabulous Four." What you will be watching is NOT how the inventions actually came to be, but, it will show you how important each one is. All four inventions of the Fabulous Four are used everyday in our world. For this video, you have 3 tasks. See below.

Task #1: What are the four "fabulous" inventions? Explain how the video showed the importance of money, wheel, and irrigation. For writing, what was the "secret message"?

Task #2: Which of the four inventions do you think is the MOST important in our world?

Task #3: What would the world be like without these inventions?

In-Class blogging.


  1. Task 1 Wheel, Irigation, money, Writing He showed how each one was important. task 2 I think irigation was the most important because are crops need to be watered. task 3 the world would not have the wheel,irigation,money and writing are world would not be able to to all of the stuff these things did.

  2. 1. Money, Wheel, Irrigation, Writing

    2. Irrigation

    3.Not as good/less efficient

  3. #1 wheel #2 irrigation #3 money #4writing. The wheel was important because if you want to ride on a wagon then you would have to be abloe to go fast.

  4. 1:wheel, money,irrigation,writing.The wheel helped the wagon to move.The money got izzy to give the toilet to Mr.klumper.Irrigation helped the plant grow.2:money because everything cost something in the world.3:It would be hard to travel without the wheel.It would be hard to understand what people want to say without a writing system.

  5. tASK 1: The frist inventene was Money. Money is inportant because Izy did not want to tade you unless you gave her money.

    Wheel: It alous us to move form one place to anouther easly.

  6. task 1 - writing , weel , irigration and money

    task 2 -

  7. writing IS INPORTANT because

  8. 1. writing,because without writing no one will understand irrigation,money,wheel
    2. i think money in the most important becuase without money you wont be able to live in a house becuase you have to pay tax and you wont be able to eat
    3. it would be chaos becuase with the wheel you would not be able to get anywhere and then people will get mad and without irrigation plants would not be able to live and then girls will get mad

  9. #1 THE 4 inventions are WRIGHTING, WHEEL, IRIGATION, and MONEY.

    1Writing is important because we have no idea what the sybols mean.

    2 Wheel it is important because it helps us get to places faster.

    3 Irigation is important because it helps us grow plants.

    4money is important because is helps us buy things.

  10. 1.Wheel, Irrigation, Writing, and Money.
    The wheel is important so you can transfor stuff to places easier.
    Irrigation is important so that water can get to plants easier.
    money so that you can get stuff to buy.
    2.Writing. because it would be super hard to find out what people meant by what they drew.
    3.It would be an easier life without money because then pople wouldn't ber living on the streets like they are now.

  11. Task 1#- Wheel, money, writing, irrigation, The wheel you need to have because it wont go.

  12. task #1 the four inventions are weel, irrigation,money and writing. the weel is important because if we didint have weels we could not have cars and the weel makes things move. irrigation id important because it helps plants grow and if we did not have irrigation, plants would not grow.

  13. task1:the weel,money, irragation, and writing. task2 money because we wounldn't be able to get stuff that we need .task3 we wouldn't be able to drive,buy things,grow things and talk thourgh writing

  14. Task #1 money Izzy would not trad him a tolit for a lot of barbie stuff but then he should her the money and she would trad it for that be cause money was importent.

  15. task #1:wheel, writing, money, and irrigation. The wheel is helpful to move things better. Irragation is the grouth of something. Money is how we get things from stores and shops.Task#2 irrigation is the best because it produces trees and plant that we live off of.

  16. 1.The Money helped by trading things and getting things you need

    Wheel it helped by taking people places and bring things to other places.

    Irrigaation it helped by farming which helped use get food like corn and beans and wheat so we need irrigation.

    Writing helped so people can talk to each other and help people be able to tell each other things

  17. 1.The Money helped by trading things and getting things you need

    Wheel it helped by taking people places and bring things to other places.

    Irrigaation it helped by farming which helped use get food like corn and beans and wheat so we need irrigation.

    Writing helped so people can talk to each other and help people be able to tell each other things

  18. task #1 money he shows it in the movie by playing barbbies with his daughter and he wants the toilet and he ask if she would traid him and she said no so he said want some money.

    task#2 i think money because every thing we have coust money

  19. Task #1 wheel,irrigation,writing,and money.
    It showed that you can't drag a wagon with out a wheel. The plant doen't grow with out water

  20. #1 money. you cant trade things you have to give money.
    #2 wheel. When you have a wagon you have to have wheels or it wont go.
    #3 irrigation. the way you get water to a plant.
    #4 writting. it would be hard to understand anything.

  21. Task #1 Money: She won't give the barbie stuff without money.
    Wheel:The wagon won't move without wheels.
    Irrigation: The plant needed water to stay alive.
    Writing: It easier to read.

    Task #2
    Irrigation because we need water to stay alive.

    Task #3
    It would be different because you need Irrigation to stay alive.

  22. Task#1:The four inventions are the wheel,irrgation,money,and writing. The video showed that it was easier to do what needed to be done.
    Task#2:I think writing is the most important invention. I love to read and I wouldn't be able to read without writing.
    Task#3:The world would be like it was before these things. We would be helpless. Life would not be as easy.

  23. Task 1: 1) The first is money, wheel, irrigation, writing. The money helprd him get the toilet. The wheel helped make the ride mmore fun. Irrigation made the stick turn into a branch off a tree.
    2) I think money is the most important, beccause without it we would not be able to buy food.
    3) The world would be a sad place.

  24. money{helps to buy are food}
    whell{helps us move cars}
    inrgation{helps plants grow}
    wrighting{helps causeso if you cant speak you can wright}
    are all importent cause without it the world is not the same and mr klumper you are 28 and you where playing with baries

    do not play with barbies

    <3 Tia :]

  25. they are the wheel, irrigation, money and writing.
    i think money because you can buy things with money.
    not as easy because you could not read with out a writing thingy. with out a wheel you could not go places faster and far there away. with out money you could NOT BUY THINGS. with out irrigation we would not have crop.

  26. task 1 The fabulous four sre writing,irrigation, the wheel, and money. The video really helped me explain how the fabulous four work.

    Task 2 I think the most important invention is writing because without it we would not have english and nobody could communicate.

    Task 3 The world would be very hard without the fabulous four if we didn't have money we couldn't get all of the things we have. If we didn't have writing nobody could talk. If we didn't have irrigation we wouldn't have crops and we wouln't have a lot of food. If we didn't have the wheel we would have no way to travel unless you were on foot.

  27. Task 1- Money, wheel, writing, irrigation

    Task 2- I think the money was the most important because it was for food, water, and trading.

    Task 3- Without these invention we wouldn't be able to have buses or cars, money to buy things with, have plants that would survive, or have books to read. We wouldn't have these inventions if we didn't have Mespotamia.

  28. 1) The four fabulous inventions are wrighting, money, wheels, and irrigation.l
    2) I think most impotent invention from the fabulous four is money because how else are you going to get things.
    3) The world would be boring, hard to understand, and slow.

  29. task #1- wheel, irrigation, money, and writing.
    Task #2- wheel, because otherwise it would take a long time to get to places and for wheels its easier to travel or bringing so;mething to somewhere.
    Task#3- the world would be a lot harder, because it would be hard to have our plants and food and also us and animals, to keep alive. It would be hard to settle how ur going to buy something from the store. It would be hard to try to talk to your friends that live far away and when you don't have a cellphone.

  30. Task 1: The fabulous four are, Wheels,Iragation, Money, writing.
    How the video showed wheels was that it is a lot harder than you think it is pulling a wagon with no wheels. Iragation is it will grow faster with water. Money tradig. Writing they showed symbols. Task 2: irrigation because without it we wont have no harvesting food witch harvesting food is healthy for us.
    Task 3: it would be like everybody would be homeless and starving.

  31. Money is important because you can get things with it.
    Wheel is important because it makes things go faster.
    Irrigation is important because it helps plans grow.
    Writing message is you look like you might be my lover lets go surfing in 4 to 6 days ill get and a+ if i get this right.
    most importan tis money I think because other wise we wouldnt beable to get things.
    We wouldnt have cars or veggies or other things or books.

  32. 1.The 4 inventions are:writing, irragation, money, and wheels.
    2.I think that writing was the most important because we today do many things with writing. For example, writing in school, on texting...almost everything is in words.
    3.Without these fantastic inventions, our world would defenitely not be the way it is today, because we would not have veggies, if not for irragation, we would not be able to communicate very well if there was no writing, it would be hard to travel long distances and there wouldn't be any use for cars, without money we couldn't have anything;like food, cars, or houses.

  33. money is the most impotent cause without it you will starve cause now we spaend the to buy food and coths and barbies
    LOL sorry it is funy cause you where playing with them and wiyhout these 4 things the world would be a mess

  34. There are the wheel,irrigation,money, writing.Well the wheel is inportent to go somewere.THe irrigation is were water gets to the crops.Money is used to get a car a house and food.Writing is were you learn in a book about how they came up with writing.

  35. Task 1
    wheel makes it easy to get around
    irrigation gives the plants water to stay alive
    writing makes it so that we can understand how thay lived
    money makes a way of onership
    Task 2 irrigation so we can eat and stay alive.
    Task 3 the world would still basicly be in the stone age beacause thay set forth modern day sosyity

  36. Task #1 Writing, Wheel, Money, irragation. Money is important because if we didnt have money we wouldnt be able to buy anything for our live to survive. The wheel is important because if we didnt have wheels on a wagon it would be hard to push and if we didnt have wheels we wouldnt be able to get anywhere. Irrigation is important because if we didnt have water for our crops we wouldnt have food to eat.

    Task #2 I think money because if we didnt have money we wouldnt be able to buy things we need to live.

    Task #3 It would be different because if we didnt have money, irrigation we wouldnt be alive because we need those things to survive. Also if we didnt have wheels we wouldnt be able to get anywhere in time or fast enough.

  37. task 1:irigason so that things can grow, money to bye or trade for things, wheel so you can move things faster, witeing so you can see what people mean faster.

    I think the wheel is most important because you can move things faster.

    the world would be harder because thing could not grow and we could not live.

  38. 1: Money, Wheel, Iragation,and writtening. They helped us have tranportation and a community.

    2: Iragation becaus ewithout it they could have died cause you need sertain foods that plant pevide.

    3: It would be very painful have to walk everry where you could not tranportate things as easly to another place and we would not know alot about the pas without writting.There would not be as much plant life and fewer people.
    And know way of getiing rewaared for a actual job without money for certain people

  39. without it we couldn't get things like food.
    2.wheel if noone invented it we would never have had cars or bikes.
    3.irrigation without irrigation we would'nt know how to grow food.
    4.writing could'nt teach people or kids.

  40. 1 Money: with out we couldn
    't get stuff
    Wheel: we could't drive wagons
    Iragation: It help the dead plant grow.
    writein system: we read things

    2 I think irragation because with out it we could't grow crops very good.

    3 It would be dry. There wouldn't be a good way to drive. You could't buy stuff. you coudn't read.

  41. Task #1 The four inventions are money, wheel, irigation, and writing.
    Task #2 I think the most important invention is money because if there was not any money we would still be trading things for oter things.
    Task #3 I think it would be different because we wouldn't be able to write, we would still be trading things for other things, we wouldn't have cars or wagons and we wouldn't be the best farmers.

  42. Task:1
    The wheel, irrigation, money, writing are the fabulous four. Money is important so we can keep our things and have something else to trade. The wheel is important because its easier to get around. Irrigation is important because if we didnt have it we wouldnt have any fruits and veggies to eat because the ground is to dry.
    I think the most important invention is the wheel because if they didnt make it many more people would have died when they traveled to the on another comment

  43. money: If you do not have money you can not buy food, water, or shelter.

    weel: When I turn 14 I cant drive.

    irrigation: If we didn't have irrigation our crop wold not grow.

  44. Money, Wheel, Irrigation, and Writing it made it easier to live without as much work. The seceret messege is I Love Water For Sixth Grade
    Task 2:Most important is Wheel because it lets us travel and there not be paved roads and you could not harvest as easy, Plant as easy, get around as easy, and we would have to walk or ride horse to get around
    Task 3: It would be very bad because without money you could get whatever and that could be bad or good. With out the wheel is what I said in task 2. With out irrigation there be no crrops and we would have to depend on rain. wITHOUT WRITING THERE WOULD BE NO KNOLWEDE BECAUSE NO BOOKS.

  45. task 1:wheel, irrigaiton, money, and wrighting.The wheel helps with transportation, irrigation helps with crops, and money helps with buying goods.
    tsk 2:money, because it helps with all the supplies you need to survive.
    task 3:everybody would walk, people would starve, everybody would be confused.

  46. 1. The inventions are:
    writing system
    2. Irrigation; without the food source would go way down and we would starve.
    3. We would be uncivilized. We wouldn't have advanced so far in technology.

  47. 1. Money, wheel, writing, and irrigation. For money it showed buying or trading goods. For the wheel it showed that with wheels transportation is way easier. Irrigation showed plants and crops grow easier with irrigation. The secret message was I love water.

    2. Money because its how you get your things.

    3. It would be harder more challenging.

  48. Task #1 wheel, writing,money, and irrigation. For money it showed if u buy then u get what u want. For wheel it showed that u can get places with wheels. For irrigation it showed for growing things if u get water. And for writing it was, I love water.

    Task #2 money because thats how you get everthing.

    Task #3 Without theses inventions the world would be like harder and more challenging

  49. irragation money wheel writting it makes life easar I love water I am good at math

    wheel you can pull things easer

    it would be a desaster and we would not very smart

  50. 1 Wheel,Irragation,Writing,Money
    the imporance of the wheel is it makes things move smoother the importance of money is it helps you pay for things in life the importance of writing is it is way easier to read them trying to read the symbols and the importance of irragation is it helps you grow plants for food the important message is I Love Water for Sixth Grade

    2 I think money is the most important invetion because we use it everyday to pay for things if we didn't have it we wouldn't have the things we have today.

  51. wheel,money,iragation,writting money helps us buy stuff, the whell helps us get around faster, writting helps us talk to people far away, and iragation helps us by keeping our plants alive. I think the secret message was I heart waves. then six A+s. I
    think that money and the wheel are the most improtant. It would be chaos whithout these inventions

  52. Task #1:TheWheel,Irrigation,Writing, money.

    BONUS#: The secret code... "I love WSG"

    Task #2: The wheel,we wouldnt have cars or bikes or skateboards and that stuff is really important.

    Task #3:There would be no plants from irragation,no transportation with no wheel, no government without money, and no history without writing.

  53. 1 money writing wheel and irrigation.
    2 I think money is the most
    inpotent thing so you can bay stuff
    3 it whoud be poor dry and boring

  54. 1. Wheel, irragation, money, and writting.

    The wheel is important because it makes things move.
    Money is important because you need money to buy food. Writting is important because you need to know how to commutnicate with out speaking. Irragation is imprtant because it helps us grow food.

    the secret message is, I Love Water for Sixth Grade

    2. The most imporatant invention is money because you need it to buy food, food for animals and you just need it to live.

    3. The world would be very different with out wheels because you need wheels to drive a car so a car probably wouldnt be an invention either. With like irragation, money, and writting life would probably be differtent but we would not no such a thing.

  55. Wheel, Money, Iragation , and Writing

    Wheel helps us get to where we want to go faster., Money lets us buy things we need, Iragation gives us crops to eat and us, and Writing helps us comunicate easier.

    2.Iragation because it gives us food to live. wouldent be anything close to what the world is like now not alot of people would have a house beacsuse you usually have to buy a house. and we need crops to live. and we wouldent be able to go places faster.

  56. Task 1 money, wheel, writing, and irrgation. helps us buy stuff. helps us move frather faster. helps us grow plants. I love waves and i love getting an A+
    Task 2 irragation because without it the plants would never srurvive.
    Task 3 The world would be in chaos and we would all be very hungry!

  57. Task #1: Wheel, money, irrigation, and writing

    Task #2: Wheel, so we can go places.

    Task #3: We couldn't go places without wheel, we can't get credit for work with out money, without irrigation our whole world would be bland, without writing we couldn't communicate that well with people.

  58. 1. Money, Wheel ,and Irrigation he used a wagen with no wheels and then he used wheels and it went more smoothly.

    2. money because you cant do any thing without money right now cause every thing cost money.
    3. The world would be like the stone age where they had to try different stuff see what it would made

  59. 1. money,wheel,irrigation,writing. the message is saying that this is a city.
    2. The wheel because we got around faster.
    3. It would be the stone age.

  60. task 1: Money, Wheel, and Irrigation the importance of the inventions are that they're the first out of the world to be invented. The message might be I love water for 6th grade.
    task 2: Money because that if we didn't have money we would have to use trade and everybody wouldn't agree on what they wanted to tradethat would lead to war.
    Task 3: There wouldn't have been farming in the desert,and there would probably be no united states because Columbais got paid to go to India and he wouldn't have sailed the ocean blue.

  61. 3 I think the world would be different without these inventions because if we didn't have money we wouldnt have the things we ahve today without irragation we woul dhave plants or certain types of food without wrinting we would have a hard time reading without thw wheel we wouldnt have cars to travle in.

  62. i ment the messege means i love water for 6th grade

  63. 1.There was money,irregation,wheel, and writing. The video showed the importence of money by him buying a toilet. Then the video showed the importence of the whell by dragging izzy in a waggon. After that the video showed the importance of irregation by digging a trench and puting water in so the plant could grow.Finally they showed the importence of writing by showin us a messege with symbols and trying to figure it out. The messege was I love water for sixth grade.

    2. I think writing was the most importent.

    3.The world whould be in chaos!

  64. Task #1:Money, Irrigation, Wheel and Writing. Money is important because you need it to buy or trade things.Irrigation is important because it grows plants. The wheel is important because it helps you travel. The secret message is I Love Water for Sixth Grade!!
    Task #2 Irrigation

  65. the secret message is "I love Water for Sixth grade".Money is important because with out it you could not buy anything. the wheel is important because we put them on our cars to make them go.Irrigation is important because we use it to bring water to our plants when their is drought.Writing we use it every day we would not know what were saying without it.The most important invention is T.V,and food,videogames,also the bible.the world would be not like today because every body would not have cars or money and plants all over the world would die and everthing would be choas.,

  66. task #1: wheel, writing, money, irrigation,

    money: they used pennies for money.

    wheel: they used a wagon with out wheels the first time then they retought it and they put wheels on the wagon.

    irrigation: they used a box, dirt, plants, and plants for irrigation.they r all used for plant life.


  67. #1 money,wheel,irragation,writting.
    it was easier to use all of these and there all important in the ways you use them

    #2 I think the wheel because you could move around and atatch it to a wagon and it's easier to move around.

    #3 you woudn' be able to buy anything you would have to walk instead of drive you couldn't have any crops

  68. Task 1: money,writing,wheel, and irration. the video showed that money helps us by getting stuff that we want. The video showed that it is harder to figer out stuff with out writing. The video showed that the wheel makes it a lot easier to moove place to place. The video showed irration is water that travels from a small pond and suffle it to a plant.

  69. Task 1: WHAT ARE THE "FABULOUS" INVENTIONS??? EXPLAIN HOW THE VIDEO SHOWED THE IMPORTANCE OF MONEY, WHEEL, AND IRRAGATION. FOR WRITING, WHAT WAS THE "SECRET MESSAGE"??? The four fabulious inventions were money, wheel, irragation, and writing. Money was inmpotant for buying things and trading. Wheel was impotant in the video so Mr.Klumper could pull or push Izzy around in the wagon. He did not have any wheels on the wagon therefor it didnt move veary well, He found some wheels, put them on, and pulled Izzy around in the wagon with easy. So wheels help us go places. If we did not have wheels we would not have skateboards, cars, scooters, three whelers, and four whellers. Irragation helped make plants grow. For the writing part it said I HEART WATER FOR SIXTH GRADE!!!!

  70. Task #3: The world wouldn't have any transportation or that much food it would have any writing so no books and we wouldn't have any monet to buy things so we would have to trade things. So really I think the world would not be that great.

  71. Task 1: Wheel so we can get places faster,Writing so it's easer to read than hyroglphs,Irrigation so we can farm easer,
    Money os it's easer to get things instead of trading.
    messags: I Love Water For sixth grade.

    Task 2: the Wheel so we can get around faster.

    Task 3: Alot of walking, harder farming, trading, hyrogliphs.

  72. money so we can by stuff we dont need.

    wheel so we can make things to carry things.

    irrigation so we can water are plants.

    writting so we can have a laugig.

    writting is the best so we can write how we make the other ones.

    dul and boring.

  73. Task 1: Money, Wheel, Writing, and Irrigation, I love water for 6th grade. Wheel for moving or going faster, Money so we can buy things that we need, Writing to tell people what we what or telling them something, and Irrigation for planting crops and whatch plants grow.
    Task 2: I thing that the wheel is the most important invention in the world because if we didnt have wheels we coldnt move place to place.
    Task 3: the world would be a dump and a disaster if we did not have these inventions.

  74. the wheel is the most in portant because you can pull stuff with wheels on it. secrt message was I love water for six grade. wheel, irrigation, writing and money. you will have no food and drinks and water

  75. TASK 1 Money Wheel Irrigation and Written launge
    Money is important becuase some people don t want to trade so they could get money out of it
    Wheel is important how is that you could oull thing faster
    Irrigation is important becuase no water could get to the plants that were dead by making a stream
    Written language is important how is its easier to read and you can tell easy what they are sayin and the secrect massage was " I love water for sixth grade"
    TASK 2
    i think the most important is the wriiten lanuge now you can tell what people are saying and you can read and its easy to read
    TASK 3
    i think the world wouldnt be as advanced and we wouldnt have cars and we would be walking every where and that would take longer the worlpd would have less plants and less healthy foods eatr and more people would be fat and money we wouldnt be able to value some of the things that we have

  76. Task 1: wheel, writing, irragation, and money. The wheel makes the wagon go faster. Money made it to buy stuff that u needed Irragation made the plant grow alot faster. The secret message is "I love water. 100% A+.

    Task 2: I think it is writing beacuse with out it he would have no books and no writing system.

    Task 3: The world would be NO fun!!

  77. money you gave the money to Issey
    wheel you put the wheels to make it move easy
    irrigation you got a box that had a plant and dirt and you dug a little hole and a line that go to the plant
    writing I love water four sixth grade

  78. 1.The wheel, iridation, writing and $Money$. The secret message is "I love water for sixth grade".
    3.It would be hard if we couldn't write messages, we couldn't have cars or crops or trading.

  79. 1. I know money, wheel, irragation, and writing were important because you showed that it was easier to do what you were doing with the help of the Faboulus Four. The secret mesage is I love Water for Sixth Grade.
    2. I tink that irragation is the most important.
    3. The world would require more walking, not very clear understanding of symbols, sometimes people wouldn't like the things you offered in a trade, and there would be terrible farming.

  80. money,wheel,irrigation.
    When you we playing brabies your daughter only said yes for when you showed her the pennys,if there wasnt any money in the wrld no one would work and they would get everything free. And when their wasnt a wheel on the wagon it didnt move vary good then when you put the wheel on it moved faster and a lot more better if their wasnt any wheels their probably wouldnt be any cars and we would have to walk avery were. And then the secret code I love water 4 6 grade

  81. Task 1- Money, Wheel, Irrigation and writing, the mesage is I love water for sixth grade.
    Task 2- the wheel because it helps us move thing that are big.
    Task 3- Bad becuase they are the main things that are important in live.

  82. Wheel: It made it easier to move things when it had a wheel
    Irrigation: Makes it easier to grow food, plants, ect.
    Money: When you had money, you could trade it for important things.
    Writing: Made it easier to undersatand what someone was trying to say. Showed feeling and what people were seeing.

    I think the writing system was the most important because without books and writing, we woldn't be able to read or wouldnt need to read.
    If we didnt have these inventions, we wouldn't have books, cars and everything else that keeps us liveing and gives us better transportation. Also, without a writing system we wouldn't know how to read or write.

  83. Task #1 The four fabulous inventions are wheel,money,irrigation and writing they showed wheel by not having any wheels to getting wheeels and making it easy.for money they traded money for the toilet and for irrigation they had a plant with no water that was dead to a living plant and for writing they showed us what there writing was like and the secret message was "I Love Water For Sixth Grade."
    Task #2 Money because without it we wouldn't have a toilet or any of the other things we have like clothes food water. Task #3 boring because then we wouldn't be able to drive a car cause we wouldn't have a wheel and without irrigation we wouldn't have any plants. without money we wouldn't have money to bye new things.without writing we wouldn't have books to read.

  84. The four fabulous inventions are money, wheels, irragation, and writing. The importance of money is to buy things with it so it is not so hard. A wheel is important because it helps cars and other vehicles travel. Irrigation is very important because otherwise we wouldn't have very much food. The secret message was: I Love Water For Sixth Grade. To me the most important invention was the irrigation because otherwise we won't have very much fresh food or meat because the animals wouldn't have any food. The world would be hard to live in without these inventions because they help us with alot of things like getting places, buying things, eating, and reading.

  85. Task 1: MOney gets you things that you need. The wheel makes the wagon go alot faster and smoother!!
    Irragtion made the plant grow alot better!! The secret message was i love water for sixthgrade!

    Task 2: Four important inventions is cell phones, computers, email, and radios.

    Task 3:Well we wouldnt beable to communicate without phones. Without computers we couldnt get on the internet to look up stuff.Without emai l we wouldnt be able to quick send someone some advice or information they might need. Without radios we couldnt hear news and the latest songs.

  86. Task 1: MOney gets you things that you need. The wheel makes the wagon go alot faster and smoother!!
    Irragtion made the plant grow alot better!! The secret message was i love water for sixthgrade!

    Task 2: Four important inventions is cell phones, computers, email, and radios.

    Task 3:Well we wouldnt beable to communicate without phones. Without computers we couldnt get on the internet to look up stuff.Without emai l we wouldnt be able to quick send someone some advice or information they might need. Without radios we couldnt hear news and the latest songs.

  87. The 4 inventions are the wheel,money,writting,and irrigation.The wheel is important/ because it makes travel fun and fast.Money is important/ because you can get what you want.Irrigation because it helps crops,and writting because it make communication easy."I love water forty-five days."?????

    I think writting is the most important, because with irrigatoin we could just live by water,and money we could just trade instead,and the wheel makes us lazy.

    It would make communication hard,less crops,no Wall Street(this is good),no fast transportation.

  88. Task 1 money: so you can get things you need. wheel: so you can go some where and faster. irrigation: so the ( somthing ) can grow. writing : I love, waves, 46, A+'s

    Task 2
    writing becouse other wise you wouldn't be able to understand.

    TAsk 3
    we wouldn't be able to buy things that we need, go places, grow things, and understand.

  89. money wrighting wheele lerigashun

  90. The fabulous four are Money, the wheel, irrigation and writing. Money helps you get things you want that you can't trade for, and the wheel can get you some where much faster and easier. Irrigation can water crops, even when a lake or river is far away, and with writing people can understand what you are trying to say. I think the secret message said 'I love water...and teaching??' The two things in the middle look like the could be braile, but I forgot all the letters we learned in fourth grade.

    Even though all these inventions are very important to us in our lives, I think writing is most important. You can communicate with others, which is important if you want to show what you feel, think, and want people to know, and I feel that is very needed in the world today.

    The world, I think, would be like the Stone Age. It would have slow technology.

    With no writing we would need to go directly to a person to speak to them if you don't want to let someone sit there and struggle with your message. Plus, getting to someone to speak to them would take a long time without the wheel.

  91. The four fabulous inventioms were money,wheel,irrigation,and writing. The video showed that money can be used for trabing,it also showed what that the wheel is used to move things easyer,for irrigation the video showed how to gide water to your advantige. For writing it a message my translation is "I love water for 4 6th grade.

  92. The four fabulous inventioms were money,wheel,irrigation,and writing. The video showed that money can be used for trabing,it also showed what that the wheel is used to move things easyer,for irrigation the video showed how to gide water to your advantige. For writing it a message my translation is "I love water for 4 6th grade.

  93. task 1:money if the didnt have money the would not be able to trade or get stuff.wheel if the didnt have the wheel the would not have carts or wagons it would of made the world much harder.if not for irrigation there would be no plants.wrighting send messages or books never could read.task 2:i think money is the most important never would of byed stuff be pour task 3:the world would be so much harder could not drive there would be no books no plants no stuff to get.

  94. task 1:money,wheel,irragation,writing. money showed it was important so you could get better things. the wheel showed it was important so you could get from place to place without dragging arround a waggon. irragtion is impoorttant to grow crops.

  95. wheel helped transpertation. irrigation helps plant growth. money was used for trading or for buying. I love the fabulus four. ithink the wheel because it helped the transpertation.the world would be hard.

  96. wheels,irrigation, money, writing

    money was for trading, wheels made things easier, irrigation watered plants, the message was i love water for sixth grade


    no crops, wheels, trading, or writing

  97. I think wheels because they help us alot.The world would be hard without these things.

  98. 1, writing, wheel, irigation, money. It showed that the wheel made things move better, themoney madse things aesier to get, the irigation made more food, the writing made things easier to read 2, the wheel
    3, I think that the world would be chaotic

  99. I think that Irrigation is most important because we would not have been able to grow any crops and our main food source would be meat so we wouldnt be as healthy.
    The world would be a lot different because every where we would go we would have to walk or run. Without a written language we would not be able to comunicate or talk to eachother. If we didnt have money we basically woud not have anything in houses unless we made them.

  100. Task #1- money, wheel, writing, and irrogation. I love Water for Sixth Grade
    Task #2- Wheel, writing, money and clean water.
    Task #3- If the world be without these inventions we can fine something else to survive.

  101. The 4 inventions are money, wheel, irrigation, & writing. Money is good because if we didn't have money we couldn't buy anything. The wheel is ggod because it helps us move stuff.

  102. Money- We need money so we can buy things.
    Irrigation- We need irrigation so things can grow in dry places.
    Wheel- We need the wheel so we can get to places easier and faster.
    Writing- We need writing so we can understand things easier. S.M.- I love water for 6 A+'s

    I think money was the important beacuse if we didn't have it we wouldn't be able to have good or valuable things.

    The world would be very confusing if we didn't have these inventions because there wouldn't be writing, or fresh food, transporation, and money.

  103. TAsk#1:One of the fabulouse inventions is the wheel. The wheel showed that if You dont have them you will have to drag along the item. With the wheel you are able to go alot smoother.Anothe thing is the irrigation.The irrigation showed that watter makes things grow and you need to do certain things to make that happen.

  104. The four important inventions are Task money

  105. 1. Wheel, money, irrigation, and writing. It shows that without the four inventions life would be more complicated and alot harder. The secret message is I love water for sixth grade.

    2. Writing

    3. It would be harder and alot more complicated.

  106. 1.irrigation
    2.I think the money is most important because if you didnt have money you couldny bye anything.
    3.It wouldnt be very good because if we didnt have wheels we would not have cars if we didnt have money we wouldnt be able to bye anything and if we didnt have writing it would be harder to understand what they were writing if we didnt have irragation wew would nit hsve very many plants

  107. 1. money, wheel, irrigation, and writing. money u can buy stuffthat u need. wheel to transport places. Irrigation to plant food and stuff. secret message "eye heart ocean 4 6 A+"

    2. Irrigation

    3. the world whould be boring not very cool have to walk evey where. no phones no computers that would be butts. i would be very bored with my life. no going to see my friends unless they live by me. no traveling to Iowa or Florda.

  108. T@$k #1: Money, Wheel, Irrigation, Writing.

  109. Money-They showed with barbies trading and that was an important part in Mesopotamia because they traded alot.

    Irragation-They showed a plant that was completely dead,when they made a canal or irragation system they restored life in the plant.

    Wheel-They showed a wagon without wheels and how difficult it was to pull and when they put the wheels on it moved with ease.

    I heart water for sixth grade.

  110. Money-To get the toilet for the barbies you had to trade.
    Irrigation-You had to build a path for the water to get to the stick then poured the water.
    Writing-You got pictures then had us figure it out and it said I love water for sixth grade.

  111. $ you were able to buy things.
    Wheel Made it easyer to go.
    Irrigation lets water go to the plant.
    Writting makes it easy for us to understand differant language.
    We wouldnt be have any plants.

  112. #2 irrigation becuase if we didnt have that we woul

    #3 bad because if we didnt have money things would get out of hand, ir we didnt have invemt the wheel it would tke alot longer to get to place too place, if we didnt have irrigation we would not been beable to plant crops in the dry dessert and if we didnt have writing we wouldnt know how to read and learn about things.

  113. writing: I love water for 6th grade.
    2: I think money is the most important invention in the world cause it is worth something and if you could just take stuff there would be nothinig left in the world.
    3: without these inventions there would be no cars,no reading or writing,no plants and that means no animals and then no us, and u cant by anything.

  114. $-They were able to buy things.

    Wheel-it was easier to go faster.

    Irrigation-it made the plants and trees grow easier and healthier.

    Written-it makes it easier to understand diffrent languages.

  115. #1 wheel #2 irrigation #3 money. the wheel was important because when u go on a wagon ride then u need wheels because then u move faster. Irrigation u need so that the plants or trees will grow. MOneny because Mr.Klumper wanted a tolit but Izzy would not giv it to him so he had to brib her with money.
    money, writing, and irrigation.
    Well if the world had no wheels then we would not have cars,and skateboards. If we had no writing then we would not know what people txt to us or write to us. If we had no irrigation then we would not have plants or trees. If we had no money we would not have food, clothes, or anything but little things that u can find in the woods or hunt.
    the eye stood for good the heart stood for great anf the waves stood for awesome super.

  116., the wheel,irrigation and finally the writing system.

    2.The wheel because without the wheel we would have to walk to long places from where we live and that would take forever.But If there was no wheel probably scientests will figure out the wheel a year later don't ask me why scientests are weird with there crazy contraptions.

    3.without money, wheel, irrigation, or the writing system this world would be the most weirdest place to live at. But if the world was like that aliens would soon take over

    I love water for sixth grade

  117. writing is important because if we did not have writing, then we could not send letters to our friends. money is important because if we did not have money we could not buy anything.


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