
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just Tell Me Something...

As a student in the 21st century, you have a huge advantage in learning. What is this huge advantage, you ask? The Internet. I am a huge fan of computers and the internet (perhaps even obsessed) but I honestly think it is a great tool to use in our learning, and I think most people would agree. Being that we have the internet and tons of instant information at our disposal, it would be a shame for us not to use it. As we start out in our Ancient World journey, lets dive in and see what we can find. For this blog activity, please, Just Tell Me Something! Your task is below.

Task #1: Using the websites under "Browse the Ancient World" on the right side of WSG, read about the ancient world and tell me Five (5) things you either learned or thought was interesting from the websites. Try to tell me about a variety of places, not just five things about one place. I want YOU to tell me something about the ancient world. Use complete sentences and number each piece of information you share. (1-5)

Remember, sign your name with the correct format: 3Dan K. (if i were in period 3)

IMPORTANT: This blog activity is worth 20 completion points. DUE: Friday, September 9th, at Midnight.


  1. Task 1:

    Stone age= Grill
    Mestapotania= Bun
    Anceint Eygpt= Meat
    Anceint China= White Cheese
    Anceint India= Egg
    Anceint Greece= Peanut Butter
    Anceint Rome= Top Bun

  2. Bottom bun:Stone age mesaponia:burger egypt:Cheese indiea:fried egg chinese Peanut butter top bun rome

  3. Task # 2 The grill is stone age. The bottom part of the bread is mesopotamia.The hamberger is acient Egypt,the cheese is acient china, the egg is acient in india, the peanut butter is acient greece, the top part of the bread is acient rome. and that is it

  4. It is a surprise to most people to learn that not all the Seven Wonders existed at the same time. Slaves were very important to the Romans

  5. The grill is the stone age
    mesopotamia is the bottom bun
    the burger is acient egypt
    the cheese is acient china
    the egg is acient india
    the peanut butter is acient greece
    acient rome is the top bun

  6. The bottom bun was mesopotamia. The meat was ancient egypt.
    The cheese was ancient china.
    The egg was ancient india.
    The top bun was ancient greece.
    The ranch was ancient rome.
    The grill was the stone age.

  7. 1. The grill was the stone age.
    mesopotami was the bottom bun.

    the burger was egypt. the cheese was china. Greece was peanut butter. India was egg.

  8. Stone age-grill
    Mesopotamia-bottom bun
    Greece-penut butter
    Rome-top bun

  9. grill stone age bottom bun hamburger is mesoptamea chesse egypt egg china peanut butter india top bun greece ranch med times

  10. 1. I am very interested in the ancient Rome army. 2. i am also very interested in the gods and goddeses. 3.

  11. This week my cousin put a snake in his shoe and pretended to put his shoes in the car so now he has a snake lost in his car and his mom freaked when she saw it

  12. 1.The Minoan and Mycenaean cultures dominated Greece during the Bronze Age.

    2.The earliest Egyptians buried their dead in small pits inthe desert.

  13. Task I learned that in Ancient China they buried the servant far away from the lord. I learned that Ancient Rome was the largest city in then known world. In Ancient Greece I learned that Zues was named "The Thunder". In Ancient Egypt what I thought was interesting was that there are eighty known pyramids. I did not know that Mesopotamie is a greek word that means "between the rivers".

  14. stone age is the grill. mepatamia is the bun. aicent ejipt is the burger. aicent chiana is the cheese. aicent indea is the egg. aicent greece is penutbutter. aiceny rome is the top bun.

  15. The grill is the acient stone age and thats where it all starts. The first thing on the bottom is the bottom bun which is called mesopotamiea. Next is Egypt which is the patty. Then China comes and that is white cheese. Then is India a perfectly fried egg. After that is Greece which is extra creamy peanut butter. Seconed to last is Rome the top bun. The mid evil times is ranch for the dipping sauce.

  16. in ancient china a lot of interesting things are made of bronze

    in the ancient greece the gods and goddesses are really wierd but awesome but some are cruel and some are nice

    in ancient egypt mummification is creepy and the pyrimids are just tombs

    in ancient rome the houses are dangerous for cooking in

    i didn't know that in mesopotamia had good or bad spirits because i thought they were just bad

  17. First it starts as the Stone Age so called the grill. Then we move on to Mesiopotania the bottom bun after that we go to Ancient Egypt the burger next stop is Ancient China the cheese then we keep going to Ancient India the fried egg we are almost to the end but there are tree more stops. So next we go to Ancient Greese the PB then we go to Ancient Rome the top bun. Are last stop is Medievial Times the dipping sauce buttermilk rance and that is it.

  18. Stonage,Mesopotamia,Ancient Egypt,
    Ancient China,Ancient India,
    Ancient greece,Ancient Rome,Medieval Times.

  19. 1. Ancient China have Great big Wall.
    2. One of the most famous buildings in Rome is the Colosseum.

  20. Buddhism is a guidance. The Buddha (Enlighted one) gave advice and was wise. Hindi is the most popular religion in India. 2 importanat gods are Shiva the destroyer and Vishnu the creator. Vishnu was born from a bellybutton and created the world,and then Shiva destroyed it.

  21. Sparta was one of the best know cites in Grece. If a slave married and had children they would be slaves to. Pyrimids are used for tombs.

  22. i didnt know that they believed after your dead your life carried on

  23. First it starts with the stone age thenmesopotamia the bun then the hamburger as Ancient Egypt then cheese as Ancient China then fried egg as Ancient India then peanut butter as Ancient Greece then Acient Rome the Midevil times

  24. 1.Ancient Egypt- Mummification because its interesting that they buried them in pits in the desert.
    2Ancient India- writing. they developed and recorded different type of information.
    3Ancient Roma- roman slaves. I think its sad that they sold some slaves.
    4Ancient China- Tombs and ancestors I think its wierd that they think that they the dead carries on after the die.
    5. Ancient Greece-Daily life i cant belive that woman have to keep on private wives and mothers

  25. there are 8 pyramids known today.craftmenin acient Eypt were usally trained and skilled labourers. most craftmen worked in workshops. they invented written scripts that could be used to record this information.the large temple buildings were made of stone so that they would last forever.

  26. 1: The pharaoh is the most powerful person in ancient egypt.
    2: The ancint chinese believed that life went on after death.
    3:The water system of ancient india was the most sophisticated in the ancient world.
    4: The ancient greeks believed there were a lot of Gods and Doddesses.
    5: The baths of ancient rome were huge.

  27. Ancient Egypt there times are really different, i would love to know how to tell it. Mesopotamia its writing is really cool, did u know they had to change there writing signs developed into a script we call cuneiform. India did u know writing system which was used for several hundred years it would be cool to lean how to read it. Ancient Greese the men were expected to tack active in public of their city. Rome Rome has lost several important battlesin the past.

  28. 1. Ancient Rome was largest city in the world.
    2. Greece has more than 1400 islands.
    3. In ancient China the very far north-east, close to Russia the temperature can drop to -50 degrees in the winter.
    4. Mesopotamia is a Greek word meaning "between the rivers".
    5. Ancient egyptians thought of Egypt divided into 2 types of land "black land" and "red land".
    The "black land" was used for growing their crops. The "red land" was a desert that protected Egypt on 2 sides. The deserts seperated ancient Egypt from neighbouring countries and invading armies.

  29. 1.each greece city had a different calender.
    2.there were 100 of gods who were responsible for everytihng in the world.
    3.soem traditions have endured long spans of time and others have been unigue to particular time period or civilization.
    4.The rich lived in a single story house on rome.
    5.From about 1500 to 1050 B.C the people known as the Shang came to rule the area.

  30. Task #1: I thought the Mesopotamia writing is cool! I learnt that upper and lower Egypt split. I didnt know that the Yellow River in China really has a yellow appearance. I learnt that in India they have occasional extreme weather like drought and monsoons. I didnt know that Zeus was all so called "the thunderer" or "the cloud-gatherer".

  31. 1. ancient egypt built the pirimads as tomds for the pharose.
    2. ancient chinese people belived that life would carried onafter death.
    3. in ancient india the vast number of settelments were built. on the bankes of indus river.
    4. most city-states built importatnt tempels were built on roky mound or hill.
    5. mesoptamia people belived that there world was contrould by gods goddesses, demons, and monsters

  32. 3. Ancient Greece believed in god and goddess and one of them is Zeus and another was Medusa.( There More)
    4.3 of the Stone Ages animals was Sabre Tooth, Mammoth, and Giant Sloth.
    5.The Major River for Ancient Egypt is the Nile River.

  33. 3. The heat and dryness of the sand dehydrated the bodies quickley creating lifelike and natural mummies.

    4.Over many centuries the ancient Egyptians developed a method of preserving bodies so they would remain lifelike.

    5.The ancient chinese believed that live carried on after death.

  34. Hey Mr.Klumper!!!!


    Hint: Medieval Times! ;)

  35. The ancient Chinese believed that life carried on after death. Tombs were arranged with the objects that people would need in the afterlife - weapons, ritual vessels and personal ornaments.

  36. Egypt poeple build homes with mudbick
    2 chineese people made a lot of medle stuff
    3 india has big elephants
    4 in greese the god was Zeus
    5 romans houses are cool

  37. 1 Eygpt: I didn't know that they used to burry bodies in small pits in the desert. But later on they used to put them in coffins so animals couldn't get to them.

    2China: I didn't know that they used logograms and that a symbol represents a meaning or a word.

    3India: Its cool that hinduism has been one of the main religions in India for over 2,000 years.

    4Greece: I didnt know that men were expected to take an active part in the public life of there city. And that woman were expected to lead a private life as wives or mothers.

    5Rome: Its cool to know that one of the most famouse buildings in Rome is the Colossum.

  38. 1. Daily life in ancient Egypt revolved around the Nile and the fertile land along its banks.
    2. Modern China is a vast country. It is the world's fourth largest country and is home to approximately 1.25 billion people.
    3. After the Buddha's death, his pupils continued to spread his teachings.
    4. Life in ancient Greece was quite different for men and women. Whilst men were expected to take an active part in the public life of their city, women were expected to lead a private life as wives and mothers. Their lives were centred on the home.
    5. Ancient Rome was the largest city in the then known world. It is thought that Rome’s population was over 1 million people.

  39. Things I learned- Woo I did not know the Mesopotamia had gods. I did not know that temples in Egypt. I did not know that China writing is called logograms. I didn't know that India have different kinds of writing. I didn't know that acropolis means high city in Greek. Well that is all.

  40. task #1: China: People in china generally wore tunics. Egypt: There are about 80 pyramids here today from Ancient Egypt. Rome: The Colosseum was the greatest building in Ancient Rome. Rome: It is thought that on the day that the Colosseum opened 5,000 animals were killed. India: Buddha means "Enlightened One."

  41. I learned that there was a Colossus of Rhodes Stood only a little more than a half a century and that an earthquake toppled it.

    Greece- That once every four years, men would do great athletic festival in Elisand that is how we came up with Olympic games because the place great athletic games where played in was called Olympia.

    Egypt- That Egyptians only wore cloth wrapped around them and not one or two pieces. Men working wore usually short skirts.

    Romans- Romans lived mainly on usual foods like around the Mediterranean sea, barley, olive oil. But if you where rich you could eat beef, pork, lamb, chicken, and fish.

    China- Chinas gods where mainly Shang Dynasty, they worshipped all gods of China. The other ones Lei-Kung, Heng O. That there is a statue of Kuan Yin.

  42. 1. Something about Mesopotamia: I didnt know that demons and monsters were there gods and goddesses

    2. Egypt: I didnt know that the temples design ment something.

    3. Rome: I didnt know that slaves were important to the Romans and without they wouldnt be so wealthy

    4. China: I didnt know that the chinese belived in the living dead is still alive

    5. India: I didnt know that where the indus river is, and the settelments, is now Afghanistan

  43. 1. In Ancient Rome a wealthy Roman could buy a slave in a market.
    2. In Ancient Greece festivals were a very important part of life and was a central part of worshiping the gods.
    3. In Mesopotamia each city was protected by its own god or godess and their family.
    4. In Ancient Egypt pharaohs owned all the land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt against foreigners.
    5. In Ancient China the Chinese kept the production of silk a secret for hundreds of years.

  44. Task1: 1.Ancient Egypt I thought that the relics were mysterious and really old. 2.Ancient China I thought it was cool how the chinese buried the people in the tombs. 3.Ancient Greece Its cool how they have festivals and olympics like we do now. 4. Ancient Roman Its cool how well the Roman houses were built. 5. Mesopotamia I thought it was weird how they believed in monsters and weird creatures.

    Austin Skow

  45. Task#1: China is the fourth largest country in the world.
    #2: In ancient India was the Ganga.
    #3: Mesoptanmia is a greek word that means between the rivers.
    #4: Greece has maore than 1400 islands.
    #5: There are 80 pyramids know today.

  46. The ancient Chinese believed that life carried on after death. People believed they would continue to do the things they had done in this life in the afterlife. Tombs were arranged with the objects that people would need in the afterlife - weapons, ritual vessels and personal ornaments.

  47. 1. Mesopotamia - its cool how they believed in gods and other stuff like monsters. 2.Ancient Egypt - Its cool how when important people died they mumafied them. 3.Ancient China - Its cool when people die they burried them in tombs. 4. I think its cool how they had a Buddha that tought people about 1 path to salvation. 5. Ancient Greece - Its cool how they had Games and festivals that were very important to there part of life.

  48. Greece-During the 5th century BC Sparta was very powerful. This was due to her army, which was feared by other Greeks. Sparta focused on producing good soldiers and all Spartan male citizens were part of the army. The Spartan army played an important role in the Greek victory over the Persians, in 480-479 BC.

    Egypt- Many pharaohs went to war when their land was threatened or when they wanted to control foreign lands. If the pharaoh won the battle, the conquered people had to recognise the Egyptian pharaoh as their ruler and offer him the finest and most valuable goods from their land.

    Mesopotamia- Demons were created by the gods with human bodies and animal or bird heads. They could be either evil or good. Monsters were a mixture of animals and birds.

    Rome-The Roman Army developed fighting techniques that were linked to a ferocious training regime. All new recruits to the army became very fit and disciplined. Training was harsh, as were punishments for failure. In a battle, new recruits were always placed at the front of the more experienced soldiers in the army. There were three reasons for this. The first was to give them confidence as behind them were experienced soldiers who had fought in battles before. Secondly, it stopped the new soldiers running away if their courage deserted them. Finally, those who were more likely to be killed in the initial phase of a battle were at the front. The hardened and experienced legionnaires were at the rear. The Roman Army could ill afford to lose experienced legionnaires whereas if a new legionnaire came through a battle alive, he would be blooded and experienced and a valuable addition to the army. If he was killed, then the loss of his inexperience would not be too great.

    India- Through seeking guidance and meditation, Siddhartha achieved Enlightenment. From that point, he was known as the Buddha, which means 'Enlightened One'. For the rest of his life, the Buddha travelled great distances teaching people about one path to salvation

    Egypt- The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom.

    There are about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt. The three largest and best-preserved of these were built at Giza at the beginning of the Old Kingdom. The most well-known of these pyramids was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It is known as the 'Great Pyramid'.

    China- Jade and bronze were the most prized materials in Ancient China. Jade was believed to have magical properties and to preserve the dead.

  49. 1. ancient egypt built the pirimads as tomds for the pharose.
    2. ancient chinese people belived that life would carried onafter death.
    3. in ancient india the vast number of settelments were built. on the bankes of indus river.
    4. most city-states built importatnt tempels were built on roky mound or hill.
    5. mesoptamia people belived that there world was contrould by gods goddesses, demons, and monsters. That was infomable.

  50. Task #1

    I didnt know that there were hundreds of gods who were responsible for everything in the world,from rivers and trees to making bread and pottery.

    Task #1
    The ancient Egyptians thought of Egypt as being divided into two types of land,the'black lsnd and the 'red land'.

    Task #1
    Slavery was a central feature of life in Greece.

    Task #1
    The ancient Chinese believed that life carried on after death.

    Task #1
    In about the sixth century B.C.Siddhatha Gautama was was born into a royal family.

  51. (1) One thing I thought was really cool would have to be Egyptian Life. I thought Egyptian Life was cool because when it was yearly flooding the water actually helped them by giving them good harvests and wealth to the land.
    (2) Another thing I thought was cool was the Pyramids. The Ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the Pharaohs and their queens. The Pharaohs were buriedin pyramids in many different shapes and sizes.
    (3) Something i found very interesting is china. China is the worlds fourth largest country and is home to approximately 1.25 billion people! That is nearly a quarter of the world's population.
    (4) Out of all the ancient and goddeses and stuff i like Ancient Greece the most. Sparta is ruled by two kings and a council of Elders. During the 5th century BC Sparta was very powerful, this was due by her army.

  52. 1. I did not know that people in the Middle Ages ate barley for almost every meal.
    2. I didn't know that in Mesopotamia a god or goddess protected a city.
    3. I didn't know that the Olympic Games in Greece were held in honor of Zeus.
    4. Learning in Roman schools was based on fear.
    5. The first stone pyramid built in Egypt was called the "Step Pyramid."

  53. Task 1 Ancient Egypt I thought that the relics were really old. Ancient China I thought it was cool that they buried people in tombs. Ancient Greece Its cool how they had olympics like we do. Ancient Rome I think it is cool how roman houses were built. Mesopotamia I thought it was weird how they believed in gods and monsters.

  54. I think Egypt is neat because of the pyramids and there are eight left. China is cool because of the tombs. India is cool cause of the writing they have. Greece is cool cause of the wars and battles. And I like Rome because of the houses they make.

  55. 1. Ancient Greece,
    Olympic games were not just for fun but were religious festivals to honor the Gods.
    2. Ancient Rome,
    Romans liked watching other people die. they honored their gods by fighting to the death.
    3. Food for the Greeks, had all sorts of religious meaning. The Greeks never ate meat unless it had been sacrificed.
    4. Hinduism just means somebody that lives near the Indus River.

    5. Ancint China,Confucius' main interest was tofigure out ways for the government to do a better job of taking care of the people

  56. 1. I thought that Mesopotamia didn't write at all so that's cool
    2. I didn't know that Egyptians worship Gods and Goddesses
    3. That China was the longest Living Empire ever
    4.I did not know that a Roman bath was allot of hard work
    5.That Greek people had a war with the Persian

  57. Rome: Gladiators fought to the deat in the colosseum.

    Mesopatsamia: The people in Mesopatamia believed in hundreds of gods.

    Ancient Egypt: The giant pyramids were a big tomb.

    Ancient Greece: They celebrated festivals for the gods and usually doing sacrafices.

    Ancient China: Many people thought wheen people died they would still be alive.

  58. The Pugio was a small knife used in combat if all else failed.

  59. 1 - I learned that the animals in the stone age are the mammoth and the sabbor tooth tiger.

    2 - People who faught until death were called gladiators. I would hate to be a gladiator because you would have to make a choice to win the game almost half dead or die in the game.

    3 - In Egypt the people there put the dead people in tumbs and then put them in the pyramids.

    4 - In India the tallest mountain in the world is there MT. Everest. That would be hard to climb:)

    5 - In Medevial Times bloody religious battles were caled Crusades. I would not want to be in one of those:)

  60. Ancient Eygpt was interisting because of there belifes and there life style in hyroglefics.

    Ancient China was interisting beacuase they have the same beliefs in budhhism as india.

    Ancient India was interisting because they had alomst every god with an elephants head or more then one arm.

    Rome was interiting beacuse the had the galdiators.

    Greece was interisting because they have so many gods an goddess.

  61. Mesopotamia believed that their world was controlled by gods and goddesses, demons and monsters.
    People in Ancient Egypt was mostley survived off of the nile river for farming, water ,and raising cattle. Ancient Rome would have fights between gladiators and would see who wouldsurvive the longest. Ancient China was the first to invent paper (thank you) and fire works. In Ancient India there were many rivers making the ground fertile. One of the main rivers was the Indus river in the north west.

  62. 1. In Ancient Greece they have multiple gods that represent each aspect of Earth. 2. There are about eighty pyramids known today from Ancient Egyptions. 3. The Roman Army was said to be the most advanced of its time. 4. The Roman Colloseum could hold 50,000 people.5. The basic princapals for chinese writing still remain today.

  63. Egypt: Khufu's Great Pyramid is 756 feet long on each side,and 450 feet high.

    Greece: the women were expected to lead a private life as wives and mothers.

    China: the bronze was one of the most highly prized materials in Ancient China.

    Rome: Roman entertainments are Roman roads, Roman baths,and Roman villas

    India:In about the sixth century B.C. Siddhartha Gautama was born into a royal family.

    Mesopotamia: Mesopotamia is a Greek word meaning 'between the rivers'.

  64. I learned that greek, barely ate meat because of religion. Julius Caesar was the first roman army commander to invade England.
    In Mesopotamia time the earliest writing was based on pictograms.In India after Buddha's death, his pupils contined to spread teachings. The ancient chinese belived that life carried on after death.

  65. bottom bun mesopotamia.
    grill stone age.
    hamburger asia.
    cheese china.
    ranch medievil times.

  66. 1. Daily life in ancient Egypt revolved around the Nile and the fertile land along its banks.The yearly flooding of the Nile enriched the soil and brought good harvests and wealth to the land.

    2.The ancient Greeks believed there were a great number of gods and goddesses. These gods had control over many different aspects of life on earth. In many ways they were very human. They could be kind or mean, angry or pleasant, cruel or loving. They fell in love with each other, argued with each other and even stole from each other.

    3.The Roman Army is recognised by historians as an extremely effective fighting machine. Ironically, its success also led to its downfall. The lowest level of soldier in the Roman Army was the legionnaire. Between 5000 and 6000 legionaries made up a legion that was commanded by a legatus. Legionnaires were trained to fight in a disciplined and co-ordinated manner. A whole legion could be punished for failing to fight well in battle - even if the Romans did win the battle itself. Training was brutal and tough but it paid huge dividends for the Romans.

    4.The ancient Chinese believed that life carried on after death. People believed they would continue to do the things they had done in this life in the afterlife. Tombs were arranged with the objects that people would need in the afterlife - weapons, ritual vessels and personal ornaments.

    5.The people of Mesopotamia believed that their world was controlled by gods and goddesses, demons and monsters.There were hundreds of gods who were responsible for everything in the world, from rivers and trees to making bread and pottery.

  67. Grill is Stone Age

    Bun#1 is Mesopatamia

    Meat is Egypt

    Cheese is China

    Fried Egg is India

    Peanut Butter is Greece

    Bun#2 is Rome

    Ranch Dressing Is Medieval Times

  68. First is the stone age witch had mammoths, sabertooth cats, and giant sloth. My faorite age is the midevil age, witch had kings, queens, and knights. The ancient greece is cool becuase of the gods they made up like Zues and hadies. ancient Eygipt is cool because they prieserve died botys with mummifacation, but we call them mummies

  69. 1 greek god are cool.
    2peak of power.
    3the war betewn persia and greece.
    4 god had temples.
    5 greece has more more 1400 islands

  70. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens.

    Sparta is one of the best known city-states of ancient Greece.

  71. they buried them in sand and the heated mumified themn

  72. In egypt they make lots of gold decorations. I enjoyed learning and looking at things from the stone age.It was fun to see the hand writings from long ago,and how we had to name the ancient worlds of the food.

  73. Task #1: Bronze was used to make ritual vessels, pots, bells, mirrors, and weapons.
    #2: The ancient Egyptians believed that temples were the homes of gods and goodness.
    #3: Mesopotamia believed there world was controlled by gods and goodness b ut also by demons and monsters.
    #4: Festivles were a very, very important life in acient greese.
    #5: The empire was conquered by the Roman Army and a Roman way of life was established in these conquered countries.

  74. Buddha was a real person
    Greeks honored gods with comatition

  75. 1. The three largest and best-preserved of these were built at Giza at the beginning of the Old Kingdom.
    2.The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to record and communicate information about religion and government.
    3.From about 900 B.C. Assyrian kings sent out their armies to conquer new lands.
    4.Rome had gladiators.
    5.The Persian king Darius first attacked Greece in 490 BC

  76. there was about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt

    Jacob miller

  77. 1# task- Greece, the goddess and gods fell in love with each other. China, their ancestors belived that the dead were still alive after death. Egypt, the most well known pyrimid was built for Khufu. Rome, was one of the heighest populations known over one million. India, hinduism has been one of the main religion in India for the last 2,000 years. 3Hannahh

  78. #2 Over time people in India have used many different writing systems.
    #3 Slavery was a central feature of life in Greece.
    #4 The Roman army is recognized by historians as an extremely effective fighting machine.
    #5 Jade and bronze were the prized materials in ancient China.

  79. 1. Mesopotania is a greek word meaning "between the rivers".

  80. 1. The Ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to record and communicate information about religion and governmant

  81. task # 1 The ancient Rome was cool cause you get to learn about the Greek gods and that's cool. Also the ancient Egypt is cool cause there are like all lot of stuff to learn about. But the stone age is my fave of all cause you have to cook every thing with out any electric stuff and you also have to make a fire with no lighter just a rock and stuff you can find around you, I am going to love learning about all of the ancient worlds in Mr.Klumper's s.s class.

  82. #1: Most ancient Egyptians worked as field hands, farmers, or craftsmen.
    #2: China is the world's fourth largest country and is home to about 1.25 billion people.
    #3: Siddhartha Gautama is known as Buddha.
    #4: The wars between Greece and Persia took place in the early part of the 5th century BC.
    #5: Ancient Rome was the largest city in the then known world.

  83. Mr. klumper could not find just tell me something comment post so I thought u would find it here. any way last night i got a pick 6 in football and we ended up losing but i still felt proud.

  84. Task#1 - Ancient Eygptians built pyramids as tombs for their kings and queens.
    -Ancient Romans liked their food expensive food was Lavish Villa wich showed others their wealth.
    -Men in Ancient Greece we expected to take part in public life of theircity and women were expected to lead life as wifes and mothers.
    -The Ancient Chinese belived life carried on after death. People belived they would do things they had done in this life in after life.
    -The people in Mesopotamia that their world was controlled by god or godesses.

  85. 1.If you were poor in Rome, you lived in flats or apartments.

    2.Greece has more than 1400 islands.

    3.The people of ancient India lived in a land of extremes.

    4.China is the world's fourth largest country and is home to approximately 1.25 billion people.

    5.The ancient Egyptians thought of Egypt as being divided into two types of land, the 'black land' and the 'red land'

  86. Neanderthals are what people are called in the stone age. The major river in Egypt is the Nile River. Chyna is controlled bye dynasties. The present day location in Mesopatamia is Iraq. Gladiators are people who fight to the death.

  87. The grill is stone age. The bottom bun is mesopotamia. The meat is ancient Egypt. The white cheese is ancient China.The egg is ancient India.The peanut butter is ancient Greece And finally the top is ancient rome.

  88. I want to learn how to use roman numerals.

  89. #1 In the stoneage they had no wrighting so the only way we can find out things about them is through artifacts.

    #2 The Xia are believed to be the earliest of these dynasties. However, so far no written evidence has been found that tells us about the Xia. From about 1500 to 1050 B.C. the people known as the Shang came to rule the area. In 1050 B.C. the Zhou, western neighbours of the Shang, rose against the Shang and defeated them in battle. In 771 B.C. the Zhou king was killed by an alliance of enemy tribesmen and a few Zhou representatives. The Zhou were finally deposed in 256 B.C.
    #3 The Roman Army was extremely important in explaining the success of the Romans and the expansion of the Roman Empire. The Roman Army, at the peak of its power, conquered what we now call England/Wales, Spain, France, most of Germany, the northern coast of Africa, the Middle East and Greece

    #4 With Carthage defeated, the Romans became the most powerful Mediterranean state. The victory over the Carthaginians gave the Romans all the opportunity they needed to expand their power in the Mediterranean. The more wealthy and powerful the Romans became, the more able they were to further expand their empire.

    #5 The ancient Egyptians believed that temples were the homes of the gods and goddesses. Every temple was dedicated to a god or goddess and he or she was worshipped there by the temple priests and the pharaoh

  90. grill= stone age
    bottombun= mesopotamia
    meat= aincent egypt
    whitecheese= aincent china
    egg= aincent india
    peanutbutter= aincent greece
    topbun= aincent rome
    ranch= medival times

  91. 1. rome: julious caesar was the ruler of rome.2. mesopotamia was the first ancient civilization.

  92. Task #1:
    1. The Greek believed in many gods and goddesses. Some were Zues, Hermes, and Athena.

    2. Mesopotamia was made up of different regions.

    3. The Great Pyramid is composed of 2,300,000 blocks of stone. Each block averaging 2 and 1/2 tons in weight.

    4.The first Indian script, developed in the Indus Valley around 2600 B.C.

    5.The Roman Army conquered what we now call England/Wales, Spain, France, most of Germany, the northern coast of Africa, the Middle East, adn Greece.

  93. 1.The rich lived in a single story house on rom

    2.If u were poor in rome you lived in flats or apartments.

    3. Greece has more than 1400 islands

    4. china is the worlds 4th largest country and its home to aproxmatley 1.2 billion people

    5. the Greek people had a war with the persian.

  94. In middevil times vikings were great with tools

  95. task 1. i learned that grill is the stone age. 2 i learned that the bottom bun is mesoptamia. 3. i learned that the meat is ancient egypt. 4 i learned that the cheese is ancient china. i learned that the egg is ancient india. the peanut butter is ancient greece and i learned thatthe top bun is ancient rome.

  96. Stone age= Grill
    Mestapotania= Bun
    Anceint Eygpt= Meat
    Anceint China= White Cheese
    Anceint India= Egg
    Anceint Greece= Peanut Butter
    Anceint Rome= Top Bun

  97. I thought it was interesting that..
    1. That they had astronomy in Babylon.
    2. The mummification process was interesting (Egypt).
    3. The writing in China is interesting.
    4. The cities in India were made from rock.
    5. In Greece they had slaves that belonged to the city as a hole, instead of single families.

  98. Stone age= Grill
    Mestapotania= Bun
    Anceint Eygpt= Meat
    Anceint China= White Cheese
    Anceint India= Egg
    Anceint Greece= Peanut Butter
    Anceint Rome= Top Bun

  99. the things i thought that were interesting were 1.the cities in indias were made from rock 2.the rich lived in a single story house on rome 3.greece had more than 1300 island greece they had slaves that belonged to the city as a hole instead of single family 5.the writing in china is interesting

  100. 1. Daily life in ancient Egypt revolved around the Nile and the fertile land along its banks.The yearly flooding of the Nile enriched the soil and brought good harvests and wealth to the land.

    2.The ancient Greeks believed there were a great number of gods and goddesses. These gods had control over many different aspects of life on earth. In many ways they were very human. They could be kind or mean, angry or pleasant, cruel or loving. They fell in love with each other, argued with each other and even stole from each other.

    3.The Roman Army is recognised by historians as an extremely effective fighting machine. Ironically, its success also led to its downfall. The lowest level of soldier in the Roman Army was the legionnaire. Between 5000 and 6000 legionaries made up a legion that was commanded by a legatus. Legionnaires were trained to fight in a disciplined and co-ordinated manner. A whole legion could be punished for failing to fight well in battle - even if the Romans did win the battle itself. Training was brutal and tough but it paid huge dividends for the Romans.

    4.The ancient Chinese believed that life carried on after death. People believed they would continue to do the things they had done in this life in the afterlife. Tombs were arranged with the objects that people would need in the afterlife - weapons, ritual vessels and personal ornaments.

    5.The people of Mesopotamia believed that their world was controlled by gods and goddesses, demons and monsters.There were hundreds of gods who were responsible for everything in the world, from rivers and trees to making bread and pottery.

  101. Task 1
    The grill is the stone age.
    The top bun is mesotania.
    The hambuger is acient Egypt
    The White cheese is acient China
    The egg is acient India.
    The peanut butter is acient Greece.
    The bottom bun is acient Rome.

  102. Giza Egpt.
    aroud 2560 bc.
    tamb of pharoah.
    still stand today.
    height 480ft 146m.
    mostly limestone.
    tallest building in the world till 1311 ad and again from 1647 to 1874.

  103. Ancient Chinese belived Jade to have magical properites and to preserve the dead.In India about the sixth century B.C. Siddhantha Gautama was born into the royal family. The people of Mesopotamia belived that thier world was controled by Gods,Godesses,Demons, and Monsters.Romans watched many events in the Colosseum and almost all of them ended in death. Egyptians first method of mummification was burying their bodies in the desert.

  104. 1. the stone age is grill
    2. mesopatanya is the bun
    3. egypt is the burger
    4. china is the cheese
    5. india is the fried egg
    6. greese is the peanut buter
    7. rome is the top bun

  105. otis was the odest cro magen to been dig up

  106. Ancient China-They beleived that life carried on in after life.

    Ancient India-The earliest reords of Hindu gods and goddesses were first written down in the fourth century.

  107. Dos Pilas was then an outpost of a large city known as Tikal. Then people from city state Calakmul which was 60 miles away invaded Dos Pilas and took the king prisoner.

  108. 1. Mesopotamia is the bun.
    2. Egypt is the egg.
    3. Greece is the peanut butter.
    4. Rome is the bun.
    5. Cheese is China.

  109. 1. In Ancient Egypt it was very hard to find a good paying job that you liked.

    2. In Ancient China Jade stone was very valuable.

    3. In Ancient Greece The people beleived that the gods had controll over everything.

    4. For romans training for battle was very hard, but had good rewards if they won.

    5. In the stone age the people had to be very good at hunting to even make it past a few years of age.

  110. The there largest and best-preserved of kingdom they were built at Giza.

    The anceint Chinese belived that after you died you got a new life.

    After buddha was died his people keep speading his teachings.

    Salvery was often seen often in anceint Greece.

    Rome had magnificent build,

  111. Cro-magnon is different than a cavemen. A cromagnon is more smarter than a caveman. They had better tools, and different structure.

  112. 1 The rich lived in single story Rom.
    2 Mespotamia is a Greek word meaning between the rivers.
    3 The ancient Egyptions thought of Egypt as being divided into two types of land.
    4 Modern China is a vast country. Its the fourth largest country.
    5 Ancient India had great civilization.

  113. I liked touring the Chinese tombs.

    I liked reading the story about Panini.

    I think the roman slaves were interesting.

    I've always liked the greek goddesses and gods. I learned more!

    I kinda like the mummification of ancient egypt.

  114. 1the rich lived in single story rome.

    2the egyptions though of egypt as being divided into two types of land.

    3inda had great civilization

    4modern china is a vast country . its the fourth bigest country.

    5mespotamia is a Greek word meaning between rivers

  115. Task #1 Stone age- grill
    Mesopotamia- bun
    Ancient Egypt- hamburger
    Ancient China- cheese
    Ancient India- egg
    Ancient Greece- peanut butter
    Ancient Rome- top bun

  116. 5 things about the Ancient world
    ----------------------------------- 1)2stone age animals are Saber Tooth, and Woolly mammoth.
    2)People along time ago couldnt talk,so they talked pretty funny and they also dressed way different then we do this very day.
    3)The Neathertalhs and the cro-magon the two different kinds of humans. Neathertalhs and short and the cro-magon and taller.
    4) The Neathertalhs discoverd fire.
    5) The Neathertalhs came up with the idea to chase the irsih elk off a cliff.

  117. 1) Ancient Chinese invented alot of things for example Wheelbarrow, Chopsticks, and a kite.


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