
Monday, April 18, 2011

Where Do You Come From?

One unique thing about the Medieval Times unit, unlike other units, is that it is the place that many of our ancestors came from. Ancestors are your relatives from long ago. Not all of our ancestors came from Europe, but compared to the other units we have studied so far, a lot have. I think it would be interesting to share with each other where we came from. Where did your ancestors live? What countries? On my dad's side, one of my great grandpas was born in the Netherlands and the other one was born in Germany. On my mom's side, one of my great grandpa's was born in Germany, and the other one was born.....hmm, ya know, I don't know. I guess I will have to ask my mom. For this blog post, I want you to share where your ancestors came from. If you do not know where your ancestors are from, you better ask your parents. I think it will be fascinating to see all the different countries that we come from. Perhaps your family is mainly from one or two countries, or maybe a lot of countries like my wife (8 different countries). Either way, I look forward to learning a little about your family history.
Task: Post a comment sharing where your ancestors are from. If you do not know, ask your parents. If there is an interesting story that goes along with one of your ancestors, by all means, share that as well. If your ancestors didn't come from Europe, that is okay, still share!
DUE: Saturday, April 23, 2011.
Good Luck!


  1. NORWAY, Germany, Whales, France, England, Thats it that I know of.

  2. My ancestors came from ireland germany and norwegian

  3. My ancestors are from Norway, Holland, and Germany.

  4. My ancestors are from Norway, Holland, and Germany.

  5. My ancestors are from Luxenburg and Germany.

  6. Dad's side: Germany, but they were immigrants from Russia. Russia opened up a big area of free land so the Germans moved to Russia for the land. And I think a little Irish.
    Mom's side: Her dad's side came from Germany. But, her mom's side are French-Canadians. Which are French who moved to Canada.

  7. Moms side- French, German,and Native American.

    Dads side- German, and French.

  8. I'm from Ireland,Norway,Czech Republic,Germany,I'm also Dutch.

  9. I have a story about my family history ok so I asked my dad about our ancestors and he told me about our last name.... so he told me that some of my ancestors lived in norway and they had their last name origanally Earicson and their were to many people with that last name and then they had to change thier last name so now it is today Harstad.. On my moms side of the family she said that her grandmother was from germany and her grandfather was from Ireland. My mothers great grandperant were part of the "wounded Knee" and that is a thing where there was people that would kill the Native Americans and her greatgrandparents were apart of the surving group. That is my family history.:)

  10. Norway,Germany,France,Ireland

  11. My Ancestors came from:
    My MOMS side:
    My DADS side:

  12. My Ancestors are from:
    My MOMS side:
    My DADS side:

  13. On my moms side they came from Germany,Checklasavakia. On my dads side Scotland.

  14. Hey my ancestors came from Poland, Ireland, England, Massauchets, and i guess Boston, Rhode island and one of my ancestors came over on the may flower

  15. My ancestors come mainly from Germany and sweden

  16. My mom's ancestors came from Eastern Europe.
    My great grandpa came to the US at age four from Ukraine. My great grandma came from Lithuania.
    The other side of my mom's family came from Western Europe. My great grandpa's family came to the US from Germany in the 1700's. My great grandma's family was Dutch.
    My dad's side of the family is from Germany and Scandinavia. My grandma Norwegian and German. My grandpa is Danish and German.

  17. My ancestors came from...Germany,Sweden,Scotland,Norway,dutch,Ireland,thats all I found out

  18. My dads mom is 100% german which makes my dad 50% and my sister and I 25%
    My dads dad is Norwegon, thats where my last name comes from.
    A story is that my Norwegon ancestors, when they came over they spelled Loney Lone. But in the US that sounds like lone. Thats where the Y comes into play.
    I dont know how Norwegon he is though. I know hes not 100%. My dad also has about 20% irish in him though I have no clue where that came from.
    My mom is a mix of a LOT of things.
    I can't even name all of the countries. Hope you enjoied lerning about my heritage.

  19. Scotland, Ireland, Germany, england,
    and Scandinavian

  20. My ancestores are from Sweden,Norway,and Germany.

  21. My ancestors came from Italy, Germany, Russia, Norway, and Swenden on my mom's side and on my dad's side they came from Norway and Denmark.

  22. My mom's side is from Denmark and Germany
    My dad's side is from Germany and Finland

  23. belgium and german

  24. My dad's side:
    Dad:Russia And Italian i don't know if my great grandpa was Russia or Italian though.

    Mom's side:
    Dad:100% Irish real hot head to.
    Mom:50% German And 50% Irish to which then made my mom 75% Irish so now I am 50% Irish.

    So that is my heritage

    also my last name used to be Wilmette but my grandpa changed it but it is still Italian

  25. Dad. All Netherlands. Mom.German. Poland and lots more

  26. taylordewit pd 4 hahaApril 20, 2011 at 11:54 AM

    german poland and Ingland

  27. taylordewit pd 4 hahaApril 20, 2011 at 11:57 AM

    here is a story on my ancestors first of all my last name is french so i came form france im 100% frech my last name was VandeWit then over the years we changed it to deWit.

  28. 95% french canidian
    4% german
    1% norwegen

  29. my ancestors are from sweden norway and germany

  30. my ancestors are from sweden norway and germany

  31. My mom is half lebanese (it's arabic. I'm not a terrorist though. You can't call me a terrorist if you went to Fred Assam Elementry. He was my grandpa)
    and half norweigen.
    My dad is from denmark, and england. He has a huge book about where his family came from. he can't find it though

  32. Ireland and Germany

  33. not that long ago my aunt found a very old cemetary on some guys private property (she did not tresspass) and so she looked up our ancestors and she found out that our ancestors on my dads side were buried there in the 1800's. And so she put pictures online of the cemetary.

  34. My ancestors came from Germany, Norway, and Ireland.

  35. Ireland, Norway. Thats all I know of. :D

  36. Mom: Dutch

    Dad: Italian,Irish,Scottish,Swedish

  37. all my family is north western india

  38. Germany, Norway,

  39. My Ancestors are from Germany,Ireland,England,Sweden,


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