
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Did You Know? A thought provoking video....

Watch the video. You might find some of this information interesting. I know I did. Watch the video and think about what it all means. At then end, post a comment answer one simple question: What does it all mean?


  1. Very interesting but I was mostly listing to the music. But I think it means we beter hit the books and start suding and useing our brian we have for a resion and if we don`t tecnlogy will probaly rule over us.

  2. That technology pretty much rules our lives.

  3. im thinking that it all means that things will continue to advance as time passes its quite strange to think that a man made machine will soon exceed the capabilities of the human species. very interesting

  4. That was a cool video, I think it means that, tecnology will pretty much rule over us and all the tecnology will be SUPER expensive!!
    Super, interesting though....

  5. I think it means that the whole world depends on technology.
    Also the video was pretty cool!

  6. We spend too much time on computers and dealing with technology.

  7. I think it means that we need to stop and look at our lives. With the way technology is advancing,students will no longer feel the need to study or actually stay in school to learn things. Eventually, technology may even overpower humans and control the earth. It is a scary and intriguing idea: we may be eventually inserviced to our own creations

  8. i think that technology is getting more complicated and we rely too much on it. We need to get smarter ourselves. We need to beat Japan in test scores and not let technology control our lives.

  9. i think that technology is getting more complicated and we rely too much on it. We need to get smarter ourselves. We need to beat Japan in test scores and not let technology control our lives.


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