
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Teach Timmers Ancient Rome = Earn Extra Credit

We have traveled far in the ancient Rome unit. Luckily, the ancient Romeans were master road builders, so our travels have been smooth. We have covered a lot of information in our Rome unit. Now, we have the opportunity to share our knowledge with not only the world, but with Timmers. It is now time for us to Teach Timmers about the wonderfuly amazing place we have been learning about for the last three and a half weeks. It has been decided that if you choose to Teach Timmers about Rome, you will receive extra credit in social studies. So, this could be a great opportunity for you to make sure you do well in the ancient Rome unit. If you choose to take this extra credit opportunity, here are the requirements: Requirements **Post a comment teaching Timmers about ancient Rome by telling him ONE fact from each of the following topics: 1. Rome Begins! 2. Roman Republic 3. Emperors of Rome 4. Gladiators 5. Colosseum 6. Punic Wars 7. Pompeii 8. Blog books topics 9. Chrisitanity 10. Give him some Roman numerals for him to try to figure out. Please consider this extra credit opportunity. It would be a great way to study for the test and gain some extra points as well. Good Luck.

Extra Credit Window of Opportunity closes at MIDNIGHT on April 1st, 2011

Timmers is waiting. Teach him!


  1. why hello again Timmers i will be teaching you again but on a different ancient cicilisation.

    Rome begins: romulus was known to be the founder of rome

    Roman Rebublic: in the roman rebublic there were plebians and patricians

    Emporers of Rome: Rome had many emporers good and bad . an emporer is a ruler of rule

    Gladiators: gladiators were either slaves,prisoners criminols or they chose to be a gladiator.. they usually faught till the death

    Coleseum: a coloseum is were the gladiators fought thier battles

    Punic WArs: there were 3 punic wars between rome and carthage for sicilly .. Rome won all 3 of them

    pompii: i hate to even say this on e but it is a place were a volcano erupted... and noone survived:(

    Blog book: we are doing blog book topics if you cant tell by checking out mr. klumpers awsome blog one of them is how many layers there aare in the road and that would be 5

    Christianity: christianity was founded by jesus and said to belive in only one god

    a roman numeral u should try out is....538 and 712 GOOD LUCK se ya later

  2. 1.Romulus started Rome.
    2.Plebian were poor people.
    3.Rome was lead by Emperors for 500 years.
    4.Gladiators would fight till death.
    5.Colosseum was were gladiators fought.
    6.There were 3 wars fought in 120 years these were the Punic wars.
    7.It took 3 days to get from pompeii to Rome.
    8.The Roman god Jupiter in also known as Zues
    9.Jesus started Christanity
    10.CCLXVII and CIX

  3. Rome Begins- The story about how Rome was created started with Romulus and Remus their king threw them in the Tiber River. The a she-wolf nused the up untill they became adults. Rome Republic- only 10% of Rome was a patrician. one of the best rulers in rome was Marcus Aurelious. Gladiators- gladiators fought in the colosseum they either fought animals or people to the death. Colosseum- the colsseum is where gladiator fights took place. punic war- the punic wars were wars fought between rome and carthage. pompeii- pompeii was destoyed by mount Vesuvius on aug. 24, 79ad . blog book- Circus maximus-It is the largest stadium in Rome. Christianity- Jesus was the one who got everybody to know about christianity . Roman Numerals- MMMCXLII- CCXXXVI-CMXCIX- DXLVIII

  4. Hello Timmers,

    I am going to teach you about Rome. Rome was a city with both a sea and a river. In the Roman Republic Patricians were wealthy powerful citizens, and Plebians were common, ordinary citizens. The Emporer Caligula tried to make his horsse a senator. He was kind of crazy. Gladiators were people who fought to death in the Colosseum. The Colosseumcould hold 50,000 people. There were three Punic wars against Rome and Carthage. Pompeii was a three day trip from Rome and the city died because of a volcano that they thought was a mountain, Mt. Vesuvius. We had a blog book and one of the topics was gods and goddess and we had to make a chart. Christianity was started by Jesus.

    Here ar some Roman numerals for you to try...


    Emily K.

  5. Dear Timmers,

    We are almost done with the Ancient Rome unit. Our test is on Friday, so we have covered everything about Rome. I am going to tell you 10 facts about Ancient Rome. Each one will be about a different topic.

    1. Rome Begins..... Rome is a city on the Italian Peninsula.

    2. Roman Republic.... patricians and plebeians lived in Ancient Rome. Patricians were the wealthy and popwerful citizns of Rome. Plebeians were the opposite. They were just common, ordinary people.

    3. Emperors of Rome..... were good and bad. There were five major emperors in the Ancient Rome civilization. Caesar Augustus, Claudius, and Marcus Aureluis were good rulers. Caligula and Nero were the oppostie.

    4. Gladiators.... were a big part o f entertainment in Ancient Rome. They fought in the Colosseum and usually to the death.

    5. The Colosseum........ was a very big arena. Gladiators fought their battles indside of tit. It was made up of arches.

    6. The Punic Wars....... were fought between Rome and Carthage. There were 3, and sadly for Carthage, Rome won all of them.

    7. Pompeii........ was a city with a very large mountain. The people that lived there didn't realize that it was a volcano. It suddenly erupted. Noone survived. :(

    8. The Blog Book........... has lots of different topics inside of it. One of the topics was "Roads in Ancient Romne". There are 4 layers in these roads. The bottom is stones. Then comes broken stones mixed with cement and sand. Next is cement mixed with broken tiles. On top was paving stones. These were very good roads. Some of them are still in Rome today.

    9. Christianity........ was started by a man named Jesus. This religion was monotheistic which means they believe in only one God.

    10. Roman Numerals......... try to figure out what these translate into.
    Here are some regular numbers. Try to translate them into Roman numerals.

    I hope you learned lots about Ancient Rome from me! Bye! :)

  6. zach felderman pd.1March 30, 2011 at 3:56 PM

    hi timmers i am going to teach you about the punic wars 1. rome fought carthage 2. their were 3 of them 3.carthage won the first two 4. rome won the last one 5.yhey wanted control of sicily 6. after rome won they burned carthage down by see ya

  7. Hey Timmers!!
    1.Romulus started Rome. Remus is his brother
    2.The patricians were the rich, powerful people
    3.Punic War was a war fought by Rome and Carthage.
    4.Aqueduct:a structure that carried water to the baths and fountains.
    5.Colosseum:famous arena in Rome where gladiator battles took place.
    Talk to you during the next unit!!

  8. Hey Timmers what are you up to? Well I am sure its fun any ways I wanted to teach you a litle about Rome. Sound good? I am going to teach you a little bit of every thing first I will teach you a little bit about the beging of Rome. First, Rome is a city with a major river guess what that river is. It is the Tiber River. Along the Tiber River grapes and olives grow there.Most of the year it is warm and moist.

    Now lets talk about the Roman Republic.In the Republic you only had the right to vote and choose leaders.The leaders for the Romans were called repersentives.The repersentives helped by governing the senate.Every year wealthy people called patricians would choose a consul which managed the army and vetoed things.

    Next we will talk about the Emperors.Did you know that Emperor Vespian saw the contruction of the colosseum(i will tell you later what the colosseum is)? Constantine was the Emperor who made Christianity equal to al other religions.

    Now its gladiator time!Basically the gladiators fought till death.there lots of different gladiators.You could also be a chariteer.It is basically some one in a tipped shoppng cart with a horse pulling trying to kill each other.

    Now i will teach you abouthe Colosseum. The Colosseum is where the gladiators fought.

    Now the punic war. The Romans fought three was against the Carthage.Imagane fighting in hree wars that would be scary.Once there leader came over the appls with elaphants to try and fight the romans and the Romans didnt come out and fight.

    I am almost done talking.But I must talk about Pompeii.Pomeii was built right next to a volcanoe which they thought it was a mountain.One day that volcanoe bursted its top right off killing everyone in Pompeii.

    Almost we will talk abou the Circus Maximus. No it is not a circus.The Circus Maximus is an arena like the was fomous for chariot racing. They would use eggs to count how any laps the chariteers road.

    Christianity.Jesus would spread christianity around in fact he actually had followers.His followers were calleddisciples.

    Now lets see if you can figure out some roman numerals.Try to put 3142 in roman numerals (answers are on the bottom), what is XL in american numbers i know its hard!


    2. 60

  9. 1.Romes major river is the tiber river.
    2.A plebian is a normal common citizen, not rich.
    3.Claudius returned art workstolen by Caligula.
    4.A gladiator is a person who would fight in the coloseum till death.
    5.A coloseum is a areana that gladiators would fight in.
    6.The roman warriors had a gladius which is also known as a short sword.
    7.Pompeii is a very large city, it contains 20,000 people.
    8.A blog book topic that i will tell you about is daily life or also known as clothing. The same kind of clothing that we wore and ancient rome wore are, jewlery, rings, and shoes.
    9.Jesus encouraged people to obey the ten commandments.
    10.Here i will give you some letters and you will have to give me the number that matches it, MD,CIX, and MMMIV.

  10. Hey Timmers,so we'venow gotten into the Ancient Rome Unit so lets get right to it and I'll get teaching.

    Rome Begins!
    1.Romulus and Remus started Rome. A she-wolf raised them

    Roman Republic
    2.Patricans,were wealthy and powerful citizens;Plebians,were common and ordinary citizens

    Emporers of Rome
    3.Constantine, was the Emoorer who made Christianity equal to all other religions in Rome.

    4.Gladiators were either criminals, volunteers, or slaves.

    5.The colosseum is the great arena in Rome where events were held such as Gladiator Battles.

    Punic Wars
    6.There were 3 Punic Wars and one war ladted 23 years.

    7.Pompeii was a city that had a volcano very closef to it called Mt.Vesuvius and it erupted killing all in the city at that time,the final day was August 24, 79 AD.

    Blog Book Topics-roads
    8.the bottom layer in the roads were made up of stones. Some Roads from Rome are still used today.

    9.Jesus started Chrisitanity.

    ROman Numerals
    10.Try to figure this out MMXI

  11. Morgan TeKrony pd3March 30, 2011 at 8:56 PM

    Hey Teach Timmers I am going to teach you about Rome.

    1. Rome was found by Romulous and Remous. Rome started in 1600 BC people came to live along the banks of the Tiber River. It was the perfect locaton because t was a long river, near a sea, located within hills protection against attack and floods.
    2. Now t is time to teach you about Rome Republic. Roman Republic had two types of people patricians and plebians. Patricians were wealthy and powerful. The Plebians are common and oridinary people. The Rome republic has the right to vote and choose leaders to run the city. At first the republic was run by Patricians but as Rome began to grow the Plebians became in control.

    3. Roman Emperores. One of the Roman emperors was Ceaser Augustus. Ceaser inproved the econmony. He created a fire department and police department. Another one is Marcus Aurelius. Marcus lowered taxes, helped the poor , sold own jewls and property to help with famine. Those are some of the fewest emperors of Rome.

    4. Now am gong to teach you about Gladiators. A gladiator is a person who would fght in the Colosseum Gladators were slaves, prisionors, criminals, or volunteers. They would fght tll death.

    5. Now I am going to teach you about the Colosseum. The Colosseum s a famous arena in Rome wherwe gladiator battles happen. If you thnk about t s ust like a arena that we use for diffrent sports today.

    6. The Punic Wars were fought for along time there was 3 Punic Wars fighting over Sicily. There were 3 wars. Both sides were very powerful. Bothhavea great millitary. Te war was between Carthage and Rome. Rome won all 3 wars.

    7. The Pompeii was a volcano that eurupted. The final day of Pompeii was on August 24th 79 AD. The darkness that happened was because of the ash from the volcano. Nobody knew it was a volcano they thought it was a mountain. Accumulation of Pumice blcked windows and doorways turning houses into tombs. The last surge killed the remaining people.

    8. Now I am going to talk about my blog book. Something in the blog book includes Daly life. Daily life s a ancent clothng compared to todays clothing. Ther clothing was a little diffrent. Some of the same stuff we dd were men wore beards. Women wear hairpieces to make our look longer. Woman wore jewlery. Next is the roads. The Roman's had 5 layers on their roads. such as paving stones, cement mixed with broken tiles, stones, broken stones mixed with cement and sand. I told you about emperors in Rome so I will not tell you about it again. Next s the Pantheon the Pantheon is a building. Next is Circus Maximus it was a Chariot racing thing.

    9. Christianity was a new religion that was spreading through Rome. Started by Jesus. The book the followers followed were the Bible. We know about Jesus' life was reading the new testement. People who followed Jesus were disciples. Jesus chose 12 disciples. Jesus incouraged people to love and obye God. Jesus was arrested and sentenced to be crucified to death by being nailed to the cross. Jesus rose from the dead and strengthen the belief that he was the Messiah.

    10. The Romans numerals. MMMIV = ?
    CMXCIX =?

  12. Hi, Timmers! Let's get straight to the point.
    1.Rome begins: There is a story about how two boys were abandoned and got nursed back to health by a she-wolf. Their names were Romulus and Remus. They both wanted to make a succesful city. But, when Romulus' city grew huge whil Remus' was small and wimpy, Remus grew jelous and tried to sneak in to the city. But Romulus soon catches him and gets so mad he kills his brother with an ax. I wouldn't want to make him mad.
    2.Roman Republic: Patricians were the wealthy powerful people whil the Plebians were the poor common people. After the Romans drove out the Etruscans they started a Republic. Where citizens had the right to vote and choose leaders. (It's pretty much like the United States of America.) They even had representatives and a Senate. At first only patricians ran the government. But plebians demanded more rights and were having a hard time surviving. The Senate listened to damands and appoint men to protect plebians rights.
    3.Emperors of rome:I'm sorry I don't know much about them but I will try to remember. A Emperor is the ruler of the Roman Empire and is a dictator.
    4.Gladiator: A gladiator is a person who fought in the coloseum and usaully fought till death.
    As you can see I'm just going to start only doing one fact about each topic.
    5.Coloseum: The coloseum is a building made out of many arches and is the place where the gladiators fought.
    6.Punic wars: THe Punic Wars were when Carthage and Rome fought over Sicily. They fought three wars and Rome always won.
    7.Pompeii: Pompeii was a place that got run down by a volcanoe. Nobody survived. :'(
    8.Blog book topic: We did alot of things in our blog book including: Daily Life, Roads, Emperors of Rome, Circus Maximus, Roman Mythology, and the conclusion for it. I got Blue so I have to vacuum the ENTIRE house! I don't want to!
    9.Chrisitanity: Jesus started this, he tought everyone about god. You can read about his life int the New Testement of the Bible.
    10.Roman Numerals: Here are some Roman Numerals for you to find out:
    Good Luck! Talk to you some other time!Bye!

  13. 1.Romulus and Remus founded rome.
    2.Julius Caesar ended the Roman Republic.
    3.Nero wanted his horse to be senator.
    4.Gladiators fought to the death for entertainment.
    5.The colosseum can be filled up with sand or water for different battles
    6.Hannable led his army on elephants over the alps.
    7.The site of pompeii was completely sealed.
    8.The roads in rome were very complex at the time.
    9.There were 12 disciples.

  14. Hey Timmers Im goin to teach u about rome
    3.patricians = wealthy
    4.Constantine was an emporer
    5..Did you know that gladiators could be slaves, or criminals.
    6. Ther were 3 Punic wars between carthage and rome
    7.THe volcano that erupted was mt. vesuvius
    8.Did you know that there r 5 layers to a road
    9.Jesus started christianity
    10.XI M CD D LD
    srry in wrong spots

  15. hey timmers i havent taught you for a while so i thought i could teach you about ancient rome.

    1. did you know that Romulus and Remus found rome.

    2.also Patricians are wealthy people and Plebians are regular citizens.

    3.titus wat the emperor during the eruption in pompeii.

    4.gladiators are usally slaves and are forced to fight to death.

    5.the colosseum is where the gladiators fought.

    6.there was 3 wars involved in the punic wars.

    7.pompeii was destroyed in 79 AD by a volcano. are blog books we learned about how roads were made.

    9.christanity was started by a guy named jesus.

    10. translate the number 69 into roman numerals.

  16. What up Timmers! I thought I would teach you about Rome!

    1. Did you know that Romulus and Remus founded Rome? Well....THEY DID.

    2. Paticians= Wealthy citizens of Rome.
    Plebians= Common citizens of Rome.

    3.Titus was the emperor during the eruption in Pompeii.

    4. Gladiators were usally slaves and were forced to fight to the death.

    5. The Colosseum is the biggest arena where the gladiators fought.

    6. There was 3 wars involved in the Punic Wars.

    7.Pompeii was destroyed by a volcanoe in 79 A.D.

    8. In our blog books we learned how the roads in Rome were made.

    9. Christianity was started by a guy named Jesus.


    k, bye.

  17. Dear Timmers,

    We have learned a lot about ancient Rome. I would like to tell you some about everything that I learned.
    I(1)- Romulus was supposivily the creator of Rome.
    II(2)- In the Roman Republic citizens had the right to vote and choose leaders.
    III(3)- Emperor Nero was crazy, he claimed he was a god and put his horse in the running for mayor.
    IV(4)- Gladiators fought in the Coloseeum.
    V(5)- The Colosseum is a huge building that still stands today.
    VI(6)- Rome won all three of the Punic Wars.
    VII(7)- Pompeii had a population of 20,000 people.
    VIII(8)- The Roman god Neptune is the same as the greek god Posiden.
    IX(9)- Jesus was the founder of Christianity.
    X(10)- MMMCDLIII

  18. Dear Timmers,
    There is ten thing I want to teach you about 1, there is alot of stories about how Rome began but i think theis is the real story. There were two boys that had the names of Romulus and Remus two boys who were fust normal plebians there dad got mad at them and throw them into the Tiber River. There was a she wolf that saved them she nursed them and when they grew up they thought of something they wanted to make a city they did but ther was a problem one was bigger then the other so Remus jemped of the mountains that Romulus mad for protection and guess what he tryed killing his brother but didnt work out for him he Remus was killed by his brother with a ax. 2, rome republic is kinda weird all the people had the right to vote and choose leaders3, my favorite punic wars they are the best they were fought between rome and carthrage rome won all of them and after the third one carthrage was burned to the ground.

  19. 1.rome began from romulus and remus
    2.carthrage had a powerful army
    3.ceasar agustus was a rome emporor
    4.gladiators fought to the death
    5.the collossuem was really famous
    because of the gladiator fights
    6.rome won all the punic wars
    7.pompiie was destroyed by the volcano
    8.the pantheon was a cool topic because its base wat 23 feet thick
    9.chistiananity was invented by jesus
    10.CVX IV CCXI

  20. 1. Rome is a city in italy on a penninsula shaped like a boot. Its major river is the Tiber River.
    2. The Rome Republic was the best time in Rome. The type of people in Rome was patricians(wealthy and powerful) and plebeians.(common; ordianry citizens)
    3. An emperor of Rome was Marcus Areluis. He was a good emperor whitch he lowerd taxes and helped th poor.
    4. Gladiators were professional fighter who fought each other or wild animals. If a gladiator fought bravely and loss he would be spared but if he fought cowerdly he was killed and they mainly fought to the death.
    5. The colosseum is the place where gladiator battles took place. It could hold fifty thousand people in side of it. it was built seventy-two A.D. and finished eighty A.D.
    6. There was a total of three Punic Wars. Whitch Rome won every single one in witch they fought Carthage(enemy's). Some weapons they used was the gladius(short sword),Scutum(sheild),Pilam(spear)and so on.
    7. Pompei is a large city that holds twenty-thousand people and was a center for trading for wine,grain, and vinigar. Its final day of being a city was on augest twnty-fourth 79 A.D. when Mt.Vesuvius killde every single one of them.(SAD:( Right).
    8. A topic of Rome Blog Book is the mythology Jupiter is the cheif of all gods. Juno is cheif of goddesses. Minerva is goddess of wisdom and there is alot more.
    9. Jesus is the person who started christianity and was the son of god and the bible goes with christianity. Peopls who followed him were disciples and he chose twelve disciples to preach with him and were called apostales.
    10. here are some Roman Numerals.

    #1. XDC
    #2. MMIIICD
    #3. IIIV
    #4. MMMICDVV

  21. Hey Timmers heres some facts for you. First some believe that Rome came from the legend or Romulus and Remus. One of the people are patricans.Commodus was an emire and a good one he made Chirstanity equal to all religions. Gladiators fought to the death most of the time for other peoples intertanment. the Collesum is where the gladiators fought. Punic wars were the wars fought between Rome and Carthage. Pampeii as destroyed by a volcano. Roman myology Jupitor is like Zeus.will finish later.

  22. Hey Timmers here are a couple facts about Ancient Rome!

    1.Rome is actually located in Italy and is a city.
    2.Rome had a war with Carthage which was called the Punic Wars,Rome won all 3.
    3.There was a Roman Emperor named Emperor Nero. He had something off in his brain, he poisoned his step brother and killed his wife and mother.
    4.Gladiators were people who are slaves,criminals,or people from war. They fought tell the death.
    5.The Colosseum is where all the gladiator fights took place.
    6.The Punic Wars were 3 wars that took place between Carthage and Rome.
    7.Pompeii has a Mountain named Mt.Vesuvius it erupted and killed MANY people.
    8.Many of the Roman Gods are very similar to the Greek Gods such as Venus and Aphrodite,Pluto and Hades.
    9.Try and figure out these:
    Ok,Well good luck!

  23. Hey teach timmers, you are now going to learn about ancient rome.
    1. Rome is similar to other civilizations by having a major. Which os the Tiber River.
    2.Citizens have the right to vote and choose leaders.
    3.Emperor Vespian saw the construction of the Colosseum.
    4.Gladiators are people who are professional fighters.
    5.A colosseum is a famous arena in Rome where gladitor battles take place.
    6.Rome won all three of the punic wars.
    7.People in Pompeii thought their volcano was a mountain.
    8.Roads were made from stones, cement, and paving stones.
    9.Christanity was started by a man named Jesus.
    10. Try to figure out what this roman numeral is..... DCCIV
    I hope you have a fun time learing about Ancient Rome!!!

  24. Maggi McGee pd. 9 : )March 31, 2011 at 8:06 PM

    second part
    Jesus is are savior. He died on the cross for are sins. He loves us very much. Heres some roman numerals XXII, IV, VIII, MMMDCCXLIV
    And try to turn these into romen numerals 890, 900, 3, 1500
    Thanks for yor time I hope you learned something.=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]

  25. sorry but I had to make a correction

    it was Caligula not Nero that wanted his horse to be senator

  26. Hey Timmers, today I am going to tell you about Rome. Here is a fact from Rome begins the trogen war hero is Aeneas. This fact is from Rome republic plebians are common, ordinary citizens. The third fact is Caesar Agustus was the first emeror. The fourth fact is gladiators fought to the death and if they refused to kills each other people in the stands would shoot arrows at them. The fith fact is that the colosseum is a famous arena in Rome where gladiator battles took place. The sixth fact is that the Punic Wars were the first time that the Romans battled on the sea. This next fact is about Pompeii, Pompeii's final day was on August 24th 79AD. The eighth fact is that the roads are made up of many different layers of stone. The ninth fact is that Jesus encouraged people to obey the ten Commandments. Lastly here are a couple roman numerals i would like you to solve 1. MCCCXXII 2. MXVIII. Thankyou for reading my facts.

  27. Hey Timmers!! I'm going to tell you about 10 different topics. :)
    1.In the Rome begins article,it talks about the Major River in Rome, the Tiber River and then it also talks about two seas the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
    2.Roman Republic,In the Roman Republic there were two types of people, the Patricians, which were rich and powerful people, then there are the Plebians, which are regular people.
    3.Emporers of Rome, there was this Emperor Nero, he was a REALLY crazy guy his body guar killed him!
    4.Gldiators, there were different types of gladiators there were slaves, criminals, or volunteers, that is of course if they thought they were strong enough!
    5.Colosseum, is a large builing that is a VERY popular fighting arena.
    6.There were 3 Punic Wars.
    7.Pompeii was stricken with a horrible disaster that killed a lot of people, from because of a Mountain, that mountain is called Mount Vesuvius.
    8. Some stuff in the blog book was the roman gods, some were Venus,the goddess of love and beauty also known as Aphrodite,
    Juno, chief goddess, also known as Hera, and MANY more!
    9. Chrisitanity, the people read the bible.
    10. Here are some Roman Numberals... 1.LXXIV

  28. Hello, Timmers!
    I am here to teach you about ancient Rome. I will give you 10 facts. Enjoy!
    1.Rome is on the Italian Peninsula.
    2.Rome is a republic.
    3.Marcus Aurelius and Claudius were good emperors.
    4.Gladiators were slaves or criminals.
    5.The Colosseum is where gladiators fought.
    6.There were 3 Punic Wars
    7.Mt. Vesuvius is next to Pompeii.
    8.Roads were made of 5 layers.
    9.Christianity was started by Jesus.
    10.Figure these out! XL, MMMIV, CMXCIX, and MCCCXXII.

  29. Hi Timmers! This time I am going to teach you about Rome.
    1. Romulus founded Rome after killing his brother.
    2. The Roman Republic allowed people to vote and ended with the murder of Julius Caesar.
    3. One emperor was so crazy he tried to elect his horse as senator.
    4. Gladiators were professional fighters in Rome.
    5. The Colosseum held the gladiator fights.
    6. The Punic Wars were between Carthage and Rome. Rome won all three.
    7. Mt. Vesuvius erupted and completely wiped out Pompeii.
    8.The Romans built the Pantheon to worship the gods. Circus Maximus held chariot races. Roads connected the Roman Empire. Jupiter was like the Zeus of Rome.
    9. Jesus started Christianity and was punished by being nailed to the cross.
    10. CCLVI
    I hope you learned a little bit about the 2nd to last civilization of the year!

  30. 1. Rome depends on the Tyrrhenian sea and the Mediterranean sea. It looks like a boot. Rome is the perfect location because of the long river, a near sea, and it is located within hills for protection.
    2. Rome won all of the Punic wars. Julius Caesar became very famous. but later Caesar was killed and so the Roman Republic ended. it lasted 500 years.
    3. This are so of the famous emperors that ruled Rome. Commodus fought as a gladiator and was the son of Marcus Aurelius. Vespian saw the construction of the colosseum. Tiberius was adopted by the fist emperor of Rome.
    4. There were many Gladiators in Rome. They fought in the Colosseum. some gladiators would fight animals and other would fight each other. the gladiator would fight to death. there were boy and girl gladiators.
    5. the Colosseum is a major part of Rome. the Gladiators would fight there. many people would come to watch the games. the were 50,000 seats in the colosseum. There was even a time were they would not have female gladiator fight in the colosseum.
    6. There were Three Punic wars. the wars were between Carthage and Rome. they were fighting over Sicily. the first war lasted 20 years. Carthage expands to Spain to make up for losing for sicily. Then rome wins the next two.
    7. 20,000 people lived in pompeii. it took three days to get to pompeii to Rome.the last day of pompeii was August 24, 79 AD. ash started falling from mt. Vesuvius in the afternoon. it gets harder and harder to breathe and it is spitting out pumice. people were stuck in their houses becaus the pumice blocked the windows and the doors. the last surge hit and the rest of the survivors are killed.

  31. Hey Timmers! I have some new Rome facts for you!

    1-One famous tale of Rome's begining is Romulus and Remus, two young boys with a she-wolf.

    2-Patrians were wealthy and powerful and Plebians were the common and ordinary people.

    3-Emporer Nero poisened his stepbrother and killed his wife and mother.

    4-Gladiators often fought one another to the death but fought some animals also.

    5-In the Colluseum Gladiator battles took place.

    6-The three Punic Wars were fought by Rome and Carthage.

    7-Mt. Vesuveus exploded and completely covered Pompeii in ash and debri and things.

    8-Jupitor, one of the Roman gods, is the chief of all gods and is equal to the Greek god Zeus.

    9-Christianity was started by Jesus and has the Bible.

    10-Now for the last bit...
    Try to figure out these Roman numerals!!

  32. Hi Timmers I just want to tell you a little about ancient Rome.Well here we go.
    1.Rome begins:there was a story of Romulus and Remus when they were little they were thrown in to the river and rescued by a wolf.And the wolf nursed them back to health.So when they grew up they were going to build and later Remus got jelous and went to see Romulus and Romulus kild Remus and Romulus started Rome.

    2.Roman Republic:do you know what a patrician is? well it is a wealthy and powerful citizen of you know what a plebeian is? well it is a common ordinary citizen of Rome.

    3.Emperors of Rome:During this emperors reign, pompeii was destroyed by Mt.Vesuvius?well the answore is Titus.

    4.Gladiators:for a project we made gladiator trading cards and had to make up information and draw a picture of our gladiator to and we handed them in and Mr.Klumper put the pictures on water for sixth grade so you can see them.

    5.colosseum:The colosseum is one of the most famose things in ancient Rome and in the colosseum held gladiator fights and races and still today it is one of the most cool thing to look at.

    6.Punic War:So Rome needs better navy.and Romes wins arter 20 years.Under roman warrior is the gladius sword-short sword.

    7.Pompeii:well sadly Pompeiis last day was August 24th 79A.D.Pompeii was a large city of 20,000 people.Center for trade was wine,grain,and olive oil.

    8.Blog Book:for daily life one comparision would be that :oys wore tunics down to there knees and :We just were what is comfortable. The layers of there roads 1.curb stones. 2.paving stones. 3.cement. 4.broken stones mixed withcement and sand. 5.stones did you know all of the layers without me telling you?

    9.Christianity:Christianity was a new religion that was spreading throughout the Roman Empire. Very different than Roman teachings:Romans taught that there were many gods. But as Jesus message spread, some local leaders feared Jesus'success would upset the Roman Leaders.

    10.Roman numerals:ok well I am going to teach you Roman Numeral.
    Here are the letters and numbers.
    And never have three of one number in a row.And for example if you see IV the V is bigger and the I is smaller so you just subtract thoughs to and continue adding the rest of the numbers.well here we go!
    the answors are below but try to figure them out by not looking!
    Well I hope you had a good time learning Thank You!

  33. HEY HEY TIMMERS!!!!!!! It's me...again! To day we are talking about ROME! 10 Topics, 10 Facts. Here we GO!

    1. Rome Begins-According to legend, Rome was started by two boys named Romulus and Remus.

    2. Roman Republic- Rome is NOT a republic anymore!

    3. Emperors of Rome-Caesar Augustus was the first emperor of Rome.

    4. Gladiators-Gladiators were people who would fight to the death in the Colosseum.

    5. Colosseum-The Colosseum is the arena where gladiator fights took place.

    6. Punic Wars- Rome fought in 3 wars against Carthage. They were known as the Punic Wars.

    7. Pompeii- Pompeii was the city that was destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius. (The volcano)

    8. Blog Book Topics(Roads)- There are 5 layers on a road. 1. Paving stones. 2. Curbstones so water could drain. 3. Cement mixed with bronken tiles. 4. Broken stones mixed with cement and sand. And finally at the bottom, 5. Stones.

    9. Christianity- Christianity was started by Jesus. They believe in ONE God.

    10. Here are a couple of Roman Numerals for you to figure out.
    10-1 CCCXLIX
    10-2 DCCXXXIX
    10-3 MCCIX
    Now put them into our numbers today!
    10-4 411
    10-5 609

    Okey, Dokey! Hope you learned SOMETHING about rome!! We will see you in a little while. Medieval Times Perhaps?? :] Bye!

  34. Hello Timmers, this is Keaton again.

    Rome Begins: Romulus started Rome.

    Rome Republic: The patricians were wealthy and the plebians were common citizens

    Emperors of Rome: There were many emperers but some were good and others were BAD

    Gladiators: the way to become a gladiator was if you wanted to be one, you were a slave, or you were a criminal

    Colosseum: The colosseum was where the gladiator fights were held

    Punic wars: There were 3 punic wars with rome winning all of them

    Pompeii: Pompeii was destroyed by the volcano Mt vesuvius

    Blog Book Topics: There are many topics for the blog book like the colosseum

    Christianity: jesus was the founder

    Roman numerals: 492 + 2567

  35. Timmers! Your back! Well I'm going to teach you about 10 topics in Rome.

    1.The boy that started Rome was Romulus. He was raised by a she-wolf.

    2. In the Roman Republic everyone of Rome had the privilege of having the right to vote.

    3. The Emperor that was emperor when Mt.Vesuvius exploded was Emperor Titus.

    4.Gladiators were people who fought to the death in the Colosseum. They could fight lions or people.

    5.The Colosseum was used for many things but it was mostly used for gladiator fights. Gladiators fought to the death all the time.

    6.The Punic wars were the wars fought between Carthage and Rome. There were three Punic wars and Rome won all of them.

    7.Pompeii was the city where the Disaster of Pompeii was. The "mountain" Mt.Vesuvius exploded and killed everybody in Pompeii which was about 20,000 people! It covered Pompeii with ash which preserved it.

    8.Some blog topics that we have been doing is Roman Mythology. Rome has almost all of the Gods and Goddesses that Greece had but just different names for them.

    9. Christianity is one of the most well known religions in today's world. As we all know Jesus was the founder of Christianity and he died on the cross to save us.

    10.Roman numerals are kind of a hard topic to learn but here's some Roman Numerals

    There can never be more than 3 signs in a row so here you go!

    Hope you learned a lot!
    Maybe see you in Midevil Times!

  36. Hey WSG!
    Sorry it took me so long to respond. It looks like Ancient Rome was a pretty cool place. I consider myself an expert in Roman Numerals so I don't think any of you can stump me. And I promise I didn't use Google to cheat.
    Anna B - DXXXVIII and DCCXII
    Molly - 267 and 109
    Hanna J - LXIX
    Emily L - 211
    Tucker - 3453
    Carly - 704
    Jessica - 86 and VL

    Is that all you guys got? At least try to challenge me!

    I will check back and solve some more later...

    Thanks again for all the Roman facts.



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