
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Greek Mythology Creature Spotlight: Pegasus

Pegasus, though considered a "monster child" is a majestic, beautiful animal. As you can see from the picture,Pegasus is a white horse with wings. The wings are very significant, for they allow Pegasus to fly. The story of the Pegasus chronicles its beginnings and the rise tothunderbolt carrier for the mighty Zeus. Pegasus is the offspring of Poseidon and Medusa. The famous hero Perseus fought Medusa and cut off her head. When this happened, Pegasus was born out of the body of Medusa. Bellerophon tamed Pegasus and rode it in many adventures, including Bellerophon's slaying of the Chimera. However, Bellerophon made a costly mistake when he tried to fly Pegasus to Mt. Olympus. On the way there, Zeus struck Bellerophon down, but Pegasus continued on its way to Mt. Olympus. There, Pegasus served Zeus by carrying his thunderbolts.


  1. Katelyn Nissen pd3March 1, 2011 at 6:30 PM

    Wow the pegasus is the prettiest creature of the monster children!!

  2. Ya Katelyn it is way prettier then all the monster children!

  3. I love the Pegasus! :) <3

  4. Oh why did the Pegasus have to be born as a monster child? :( I think it should be born as just being a pet of the Olympians!


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