
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome, Mr. Eric Ellingworth

Okay, bloggers, time to welcome Mr. Eric Ellingworth to Water for Sixth Grade and to Social Studies. Mr. Ellingworth will be student teaching in social studies for the next two months. While he is here, we will be studying Ancient India and Ancient Greece, two very intriguing civilizations. Mr. Ellingworth is from Redwood Falls, MN. He went to college at Augustana College, where he played football as a wide receiver. Mr. Ellingworth, like Mr. Klumper, is a member of one of the most prestigious groups in the country, the "Flyers." While Mr. Ellingworth is here, I expect the same level of respect that you give to me. It will be a good two months.

Since Mr. Ellingworth just got here, I thought it would be very fitting to show him the power of the blog. I have told him a little bit about Water for Sixth Grade, but now I want to show him it in action. It will take awhile for Mr. Ellingworth to learn your names and get to know you. So, we are going to have a blog activity to help Mr. Ellingworth get to know you.
Here is your task: Students, post a comment on this blog post. In your comment, tell Mr. Ellingworth something about yourself. It could be your favorite movie, favorite book, what you like to do in your free time, favorite video game, anything you want to share about yourself. In addition, I also want you to post a question that you may have for Mr. Ellingworth. This will be a great opportunity for him to share about himself and get used to using Water for Sixth Grade. He will reply to your questions. This will be very helpful, as Mr. Ellingworth tries to get to know you all.

Post a comment:
1. sharing something about yourself
2. a question that you have for Mr. Ellingworth

Thank you.

I hope you are all ready for a great second half of the school year. It will be one you will never forget.


  1. Hi Mr. Ellingworth,

    My name is Macy.
    I am in Mr.Klumper's 9th period class and homeroom.
    My favorite hobby is to hang out with friends and go to Great Bear.
    My question I have for you is....what grade do you want to teach when you get out of college?
    See you in 9th period.

  2. Hey Mr.Ellingworth my name is Andrew Bingen and I snowboard, play basketball, and my favorite food is pizza. One Q im gonna ask is what position did u play at augie the best school ever!!!!!!!

  3. Hi my name is Dodge Waldera I like to run and i love to snowboard and play fottball my favorit ecolor is black and my favorite food is steak and chicken. My question to you is what do you like to do in your free time?

  4. My name is Emily Long. My favorite sport is softball. I have a aunt, uncle, and cousins who live in REDWOOD FALLS! So my question is do you know anyone by the last name of Collins? If you do...that would be part of my family!

  5. HEY Mr Ellingworth,
    my name is logan and i sit by your computer in third period i play hockey and i'm hoping to get a scolorship to some colledges heres my top three:
    1: Boston College
    2: Wisconsin
    3: Minnesota state (golden gophers)
    so i was just wondering did you have a chance to go to any big colleges?

  6. Hi my name is Nick Behrend I'm going to be telling you Mr. Ellingworth about me. The one thing about me is that I'm athletic, I love running and I play many sports.

    My question to you is what position did you play in football.

  7. Hi Mr. Ellingworth. I can't wait for you to come up and teach. Me, I really like sports. I play track, basketball, and my favorite football. If you had to know one thing about me, it would be that i love football. I played running back on my team. My team made it to the third place championship twice and won and made it to the first place one this year. We won that year too. This surprised me but I carried the ball thirty-two times for a hundred and ninety-four yards. I scored twenty-eight touchdowns on the year. On defense I played safty that blitzed every play and I mean EVERY PLAY. I am very fast. I wish football was all year round. I also ski. I've skied for eleven hours once. I am a Minnesota Vikings fan; I like the Twins too. I don't really watch basketball that much. My question for you is what is your favorite NFL team (Vikings.) :)

  8. Hi my name is james. my favorite console is ps3 what is yours.

  9. Hi Mr. Ellingworth. One thing about me is that I like to fight/wrestle with my cousins. I was wondering if you were ever in college with Mr. Klumper? Well, PEACE OUT!

  10. hi my name is Taylor dewit im a big fan of Augustana my brother played there last year he was the safty he was the smallest one on his team. the sports I play in is baseball basketball football swimming golf and tia krun do my question to you is why do you want to be a subsitute teacher instead of anythinh else?

  11. Whatz up Mr. Ellingworth. My name is Kaitlyn Huska. I have one sister and her name is abigail, she is in first grade. I love to play softball, I'm on the Brandon Blast, we won state and went to nationals. I also play basketball. And I'm in dance, my dance was chosen to go to competition. My favorite baseball team is the TWINS, favorite football team is the GIANTS, and basketball is the KNICKS!! What grade would you like to teach??

  12. Hi,my name is Abbi Hanna and I have 3dogs 3cats and 2fish. I am wondering if u have any pets??

  13. Hi Mr. Ellingworth my name is Alex Waltner. I love to play sports. I play baseball, basketball, and football. My favorite subject is probally math, but I also really like social studies. One question that i have for you is where did you grow up and go to high school.

  14. Hi Mr. Ellingworth

    My name is Abby
    I like to play sports.

    Do you think Mr.Klumper is COOL?

  15. Hi Mr. Ellingworth.
    My name is Aly. I like to play sports in my freetime.
    Where did you go to highschool?

  16. Hi Mr. Ellingworth, my name is Kate Forster. I like to play basketball, soccer, and softball. What high school did you go to?

  17. Hi my name is Selena Borrero! Im going to tell you 5 things about me!
    #1 My birthday is coming up its January 12th
    #2 Its my golden birthday!
    #3 I LOVE monkeys
    #4 My fave college football team is Agustana
    #5 My fave football team is the COWBOYS
    one more thing I love social studies!

    Two questions I have for you is how old are you and how many siblings?

    Well im Selena and I hope your just as fun as Mr. Klumper!

  18. Hi,
    I'm Emily, I like the Minnesota Twins. I also like all kinds of animals.
    What is your favorite MLB team?

  19. Hi, I am Monet Ernste I love all kinds of animals. My favorite football team is the Minnesota Vikings. And what is your favorite football team?

  20. I like to snowboard

    where do you want to teach

  21. 1. I am twin with Amy Kueter.
    2. Do you have a pet?

  22. Im Brandon Larsen and my football team won 1st place in South Dakata
    junior football and what position did you play in football?i played TE/WRand CB

  23. well Mr Ellingworth my name is Elsie(lc) and I play soccer in the summer basketball in the winter and in between oth of those sports i play vollyball my favorite movie is tin cup and rember the titans I am a die heart minnasota fan including SDSU YAH!!!! I dont think I am that lazy of a person I like to be on my toes at times but it is good to have a lazy the last thing about me is that iI love to eat I like to eat steak scalped potaoes and beans and my favorite collor is green.My one question to you is how many push ups(one handed or regular) could you do with a pretty big person on your back I call it the impossble push up

  24. Hi Mr.Ellingworth, I'm Carly Campbell. I love playing Softball on Power! Also I love going to school and learning new things. So.....1 of my questions for you is what inspired you to be a teacher?

  25. Some sports that I do are soccer and ice skating. Why did you decide to become a teacher?

  26. I am a huge hunter. I hunt waterfowl, upland birds and deer.

    The question I have for you is what number did you wear in collage?

  27. Welcome to the Brandon Valley 6th grade Social Studies we are all glad you got a chance to come and watch how we do our work! I am going to start of by telling you something about me. I went to Elementary School in Brookings for kindergarten and half of first grade. Then my family and I moved to Brandon and I went to school at Brandon Elementary for the other half of first grade - third grade. Then we built a house on the other side of town so then I went to Robert Bennis Elementary School for 4th and 5th grade and ended up here in Brandon Valley Middle Shool for my 6th grade year. This leads to the guestion I am going to ask you. What school did you go to when you grew up? Thank you for reading my comment and welcome to The Middle School!

  28. Hi Mr.Ellingworth i am happy you are going to be our student teacher. My name is Sidney Berndt my favorite book is things not heard of. My favorite movie is The Last song and in my spare time i like to play on the computor and listen to music

  29. Victoria Braley pd4January 4, 2011 at 5:35 PM

    Hi my name is Victoria Braley i just got a new kitten. Her name is Jeawl. Do you have any pets.

  30. first my name is marissa i love art, science and reading. it is nice to meet you hope you have alot of fun here at brandon middle school.
    I have no questions

  31. Hi I am Kaylee I used to live in sioux falls but i have always gone to brandon valley! I have an older sister that is in 8th grade i am the yougest! Some of the things i like to do are Dance, Swim, Play tennis and vollyball and thats mostly all. Now that i told you about myself i have a question for you! How long have you played football and where did you go for middle school

  32. hi,
    my name is chandler and my favotite Subjects are social studies, science, and gym. My question for you is have you ever attempted or have been a student teacher before?

  33. 1. My favorite color it pink and green.
    2. Whats your favorite color?

  34. 1. My favorite color it pink and green.
    2. Whats your favorite color?

  35. I was born in Marshall and my uncle occasionally races in Redwood Falls. I was wondering in college how many touchdowns you scored?

  36. Hi Mr.Elligworth my name is Morgan Mashlan i like to play softball and my favorite NFL team are the Green Bay Packers WHO HOO. My favorite players on the packers are Aaron Rodgers and donald Driver. my favorite number is 18. but the thing i like the most is sixth grade social studies with u and mr.klumper. I am the oldest of 3 kids and i five people in my family my dad teaches and brandon valley elementary and he teaches fifth grade. i am very excited to have you as my teacer for two months. the one question i have for you is what grade and or subject would you like to teach.

  37. HI HI HI HI!!!! WELL my name is NiKita and well guess wut i like.......CHEESE so theres the thing about me and like my question for u is um do u like cheese cuz that could be bad if u dont haha!! SO YA THERES MY COMMENT KK BYE GATTA GO EAT TACOS!!!

  38. Hey Mr. Ellingworth! I hope you enjoy the time spent here!

    I love animals, ecspecially horses, dogs, and cats!

    My question to you is when did you decide to become a teacher?

  39. dear mr.Ellingworth my name is dianne and i would like you to know that i am 12 years old and i am turing 13 in febuary and my question for you is what is your middle name?

  40. hi mr. Ellingworth my name is hanna i met you in the morning the first day you were here. i called you "rawney"! mr. klumper is just a wierdo.

    i love sports and all other activities. i just have one question for you.

    How long have you wanted to be a teacher?

  41. Hi! My name is Rebecca Hicks and something about me is I love everything country.

  42. hi my name is Maggi McGee and the thing I want to talk about is my family becouse i love them very much. I think my family is specil we do something many dont. we do foster care which i am very proud of it is very rewarding right now are family has two little boys in foster care lioving in are house
    and we adopted a girl i love them all and think of all o fthem as my siblins. my family has been doing foster care since before i was born therefor ive had lots of foster kids live with me. i encourage you to do it will change your life. And i also have a question for you are you still in collage or have you finshed? if your still in collage what year are you at and how long do you hae to go?

  43. Hi Mr.Ellingworth!! My name is Erin. Something i like to do in my spare time is draw or paint. I want to be an artist when I grow up. Heres my question. How long have you been a football player and do you think you are good at it?

    I hope you have a good time teaching in social studies.. Ill warn you we have some wild people in our classes so be prepared.

  44. Hi im taylor and i love basketball and softball. how was college football?

  45. i like to wakeboard and snowboard.
    what position do you play in football?

  46. Oops, I'm sorry I forgot to ask what is something that you love?

  47. Oops, I'm sorry I forgot to ask what is something that you love?

  48. Welcome Mr. Eric Ellingworth!!

    I am Jessica T. I am in Mr. Klumper's 9th period Social Studies! I was told I had to ask you a question or two. So here they are:
    1. Did you score after the picture was taken?
    2. What specific thing do you like about Social Studies?

  49. dear Mr.Ellingworth,the thing about me is that i am a total bookworm and that i skipped second grade because I was amarter than everyone else and I got all A's and I was too smart for 1st grade. My questions are how old are you and what do you want to be when you graduate. Graduate is one of my spelling words this week. The other questions are, so you want to teach or would you want to be a doctor or follow in Mr.Klumper's footsteps and be a scocial studies and spelling.

  50. I am 12 and I like to dance.I was wondering, How old are you?

  51. hi my name is Libby Klamm i have four cats and all but one has a name from cat and the hat. they are thing 1 thing 2 and fish the fish in the bowl.

    so now a question for you do you have any pets and what are there names.

  52. I got hit by a car. What made you want to become a teacher???

  53. I am a pitcher on my softball team.

    Do you have any pets?

  54. Hi Mr. Ellingworth, one fact I'd like to tell you about is that everyone in my family who has gone to college has gone to Agustana. Also did you know my brother Ian Blue he graduated from Augie last year.

  55. Today is my birthday(12),and I past through Redwood Falls,MN this weekend on my way to Olivia,MN to get to cute schipperke dogs. One thing I would like to know is how old are you?

  56. Hi Macy,
    Thanks for the comment. What is your favorite thing to do at Great Bear - Ski, Tube, or Snowboard? I actually hope to teach either 6th or 8th grade someday.

    Thanks for sharing. You're right, Augie is the best school ever! The position I played at Augie was Wide Receiver. All the wide receivers at Augie are known as the "Flyers."

    Thanks for sharing. I really like steak, too. I love sports, so my favorite thing to do in my free time is watch ESPN.

    That's awesome! Redwood Falls is also known as "heaven on Earth." I know Cindy Collins. She is a teacher in the middle school I went to. Is that your aunt?

    What's up dude? A good friend of mine actually plays Division 1 hockey at MSU-Mankato. His name is Jerad Stewart. I got a scholarship to play quarterback at Auburn, but I turned them down to go to Augie instead and stay close to home. Because I didn't choose Auburn, they offered my scholarship to some guy named Cam Newton instead. I heard he's not very good though.

    That's awesome. I love running, too. I played. Wide Receiver at Augustana.

    That's awesome! You sound like an awesome athlete. I don't think I've scored 28 touchdowns in my entire life! Congrats on a great season. I'm also glad you are a Vikings and Twins fan! I'm the biggest Minnesota Vikings fan alive. We'll have a lot of fun talking Viking football!

  57. hey mr. Ellingworth!

    my name is Spencer Donaway and I'm a black belt in tae-kwon-do. I was wondering, is football your favorite sport?

  58. James,
    My favorite console is the PS3 as well. Tell me in class what your favorite game is. Mine is NCAA Football 2011 and Tiger Woods Golf.

    You don't hurt them too bad, do you? Unfortunately, I never was in college at the same time as Mr. Klumper. However, my older brother was in college at the same time as he was. They played football together so I watched many of Mr. Klumper's football games. Also, Mr. Klumper's younger brother and I played football and went to college together.

    That's awesome. I'm glad you're an Augustana fan. I decided to be a teacher so I can hang out with cool kids like you all day long.

    It sounds like you're an awesome softball player and dancer. I'm sure you're good at many things as well. I hope to teach either 6th or 8th grade someday.

    It sounds like you have a bunch of cool pets. I do not have any, but my older brother just got a black lab named Rocket. I got to play with Rocket a bunch of Christmas break.

    Thanks for the comment. I grew up in Redwood Falls, Minnesota and went to high school there at Redwood Valley High School. It was awesome. Redwood Falls is about half way between Sioux Falls and the Twin Cities.

    Abby M,
    I do think Mr. Klumper is cool. You seem pretty cool, too. Do you think Mr. Klumper is cool?

    Aly R,
    I like to play sports in my free time, too. I went to high school in Redwood Falls, Minnesota at Redwood Valley High School.

  59. Kate F,
    Guess what? I've never played soccer before so you are probably way better than I am. I went to high school at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy early Birthday! My golden birthday was when I was 2 so I don't remember it. That's cool that you like monkeys. Imagine how cool it would be to have a monkey as a pet! That would be awesome! I have two siblings. One brother who is 26 years old, and one sister who is 17. I am 22 years old. Guess what? I went to the Vikings/Cowboys football game last year and got a picture with Jerry Jones, the Cowboys owner. Let me know if you would like to see it sometime.

    Emily K,
    That's awesome that you are a Twins fan because they're my favorite team, too. I have a younger sister who got to sing the national anthem at Target Field for a Twins game this past summer. Have you been to any Twins games?

    I am a huge Minnesota Vikings fan so we will get along great! My favorite college football team is the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and Augustana of course! :)

    I think it would be cool if I could teach at Brandon Valley. That would be awesome!

    Molly K,
    I do not have any pets, but I hope to get a dog someday. My brother just got a black lab. His name is Rocket. He's awesome! Let me know if you would like to see pictures sometime!

    Congrats on a great football season. I played Wide Receiver at Augustana. In high school I played WR and cornerback, too. I also was a kick and punt returner in high school.

    That's awesome! However, it's not awesome that you're an SDSU fan. Next time you talk to Mr. Klumper, ask him how many touchdowns he scored against SDSU his freshman year. You will be amazed! I could maybe do 10 pushups with a person on my back. I'm not sure though because I've never had to do pushups with someone on my back!

    That's awesome that you love softball and school. I love learning new things, too. I had many great teachers growing up that inspired me to be a teacher. I also have a passion for working with young people (especially sixth graders). I look forward to teaching you during the next few months.

    Thanks for sharing. I decided to go into teaching because I really enjoy working with young people and I really love Social Studies!

    That's awesome that you love to hunt. I like to hunt and fish, too. I wore the #1 in football at Augustana. However, I was #81 my freshman year. Mr. Klumper was also #81 his freshman year.

    Thanks for welcoming me to BVMS. I went to Elementary School for Kindergarten through 4th grade at Reede Gray Elementary School, 5th grade through 8th grade at Redwood Valley Middle School and 9th through 12th grade at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. I graduated in 2006.

    That's awesome. My favorite book is Shutter Island by Denis Lehane. My favorite movie is Gladiator.

    That's really cool. I do not have any pets, but my older brother just got a dog named Rocket. He is a black lab. I got to play with him a lot over the break.

    Nice to meet you too!

    I really like tennis, too. I'm not very good though. My younger sister is pretty good and she beats me all the time. To answer your question, I started playing flag football in 4th grade and tackle football in 7th grade, so that is 14 total years! I've played football longer than you've been alive!

  60. Kate F,
    Guess what? I've never played soccer before so you are probably way better than I am. I went to high school at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy early Birthday! My golden birthday was when I was 2 so I don't remember it. That's cool that you like monkeys. Imagine how cool it would be to have a monkey as a pet! That would be awesome! I have two siblings. One brother who is 26 years old, and one sister who is 17. I am 22 years old. Guess what? I went to the Vikings/Cowboys football game last year and got a picture with Jerry Jones, the Cowboys owner. Let me know if you would like to see it sometime.

    Emily K,
    That's awesome that you are a Twins fan because they're my favorite team, too. I have a younger sister who got to sing the national anthem at Target Field for a Twins game this past summer. Have you been to any Twins games?

    I am a huge Minnesota Vikings fan so we will get along great! My favorite college football team is the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and Augustana of course! :)

    I think it would be cool if I could teach at Brandon Valley. That would be awesome!

    Molly K,
    I do not have any pets, but I hope to get a dog someday. My brother just got a black lab. His name is Rocket. He's awesome! Let me know if you would like to see pictures sometime!

    Congrats on a great football season. I played Wide Receiver at Augustana. In high school I played WR and cornerback, too. I also was a kick and punt returner in high school.

    That's awesome! However, it's not awesome that you're an SDSU fan. Next time you talk to Mr. Klumper, ask him how many touchdowns he scored against SDSU his freshman year. You will be amazed! I could maybe do 10 pushups with a person on my back. I'm not sure though because I've never had to do pushups with someone on my back!

    That's awesome that you love softball and school. I love learning new things, too. I had many great teachers growing up that inspired me to be a teacher. I also have a passion for working with young people (especially sixth graders). I look forward to teaching you during the next few months.

    Thanks for sharing. I decided to go into teaching because I really enjoy working with young people and I really love Social Studies!

    That's awesome that you love to hunt. I like to hunt and fish, too. I wore the #1 in football at Augustana. However, I was #81 my freshman year. Mr. Klumper was also #81 his freshman year.

    Thanks for welcoming me to BVMS. I went to Elementary School for Kindergarten through 4th grade at Reede Gray Elementary School, 5th grade through 8th grade at Redwood Valley Middle School and 9th through 12th grade at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. I graduated in 2006.

    That's awesome. My favorite book is Shutter Island by Denis Lehane. My favorite movie is Gladiator.

    That's really cool. I do not have any pets, but my older brother just got a dog named Rocket. He is a black lab. I got to play with him a lot over the break.

    Nice to meet you too!

    I really like tennis, too. I'm not very good though. My younger sister is pretty good and she beats me all the time. To answer your question, I started playing flag football in 4th grade and tackle football in 7th grade, so that is 14 total years! I've played football longer than you've been alive!

  61. Kate F,
    Guess what? I've never played soccer before so you are probably way better than I am. I went to high school at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy early Birthday! My golden birthday was when I was 2 so I don't remember it. That's cool that you like monkeys. Imagine how cool it would be to have a monkey as a pet! That would be awesome! I have two siblings. One brother who is 26 years old, and one sister who is 17. I am 22 years old. Guess what? I went to the Vikings/Cowboys football game last year and got a picture with Jerry Jones, the Cowboys owner. Let me know if you would like to see it sometime.

    Emily K,
    That's awesome that you are a Twins fan because they're my favorite team, too. I have a younger sister who got to sing the national anthem at Target Field for a Twins game this past summer. Have you been to any Twins games?

    I am a huge Minnesota Vikings fan so we will get along great! My favorite college football team is the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and Augustana of course! :)

    I think it would be cool if I could teach at Brandon Valley. That would be awesome!

    Molly K,
    I do not have any pets, but I hope to get a dog someday. My brother just got a black lab. His name is Rocket. He's awesome! Let me know if you would like to see pictures sometime!

    Congrats on a great football season. I played Wide Receiver at Augustana. In high school I played WR and cornerback, too. I also was a kick and punt returner in high school.

    That's awesome! However, it's not awesome that you're an SDSU fan. Next time you talk to Mr. Klumper, ask him how many touchdowns he scored against SDSU his freshman year. You will be amazed! I could maybe do 10 pushups with a person on my back. I'm not sure though because I've never had to do pushups with someone on my back!

    That's awesome that you love softball and school. I love learning new things, too. I had many great teachers growing up that inspired me to be a teacher. I also have a passion for working with young people (especially sixth graders). I look forward to teaching you during the next few months.

    Thanks for sharing. I decided to go into teaching because I really enjoy working with young people and I really love Social Studies!

    That's awesome that you love to hunt. I like to hunt and fish, too. I wore the #1 in football at Augustana. However, I was #81 my freshman year. Mr. Klumper was also #81 his freshman year.

    Thanks for welcoming me to BVMS. I went to Elementary School for Kindergarten through 4th grade at Reede Gray Elementary School, 5th grade through 8th grade at Redwood Valley Middle School and 9th through 12th grade at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. I graduated in 2006.

    That's awesome. My favorite book is Shutter Island by Denis Lehane. My favorite movie is Gladiator.

    That's really cool. I do not have any pets, but my older brother just got a dog named Rocket. He is a black lab. I got to play with him a lot over the break.

    Nice to meet you too!

    I really like tennis, too. I'm not very good though. My younger sister is pretty good and she beats me all the time. To answer your question, I started playing flag football in 4th grade and tackle football in 7th grade, so that is 14 total years! I've played football longer than you've been alive!

  62. Kate F,
    Guess what? I've never played soccer before so you are probably way better than I am. I went to high school at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy early Birthday! My golden birthday was when I was 2 so I don't remember it. That's cool that you like monkeys. Imagine how cool it would be to have a monkey as a pet! That would be awesome! I have two siblings. One brother who is 26 years old, and one sister who is 17. I am 22 years old. Guess what? I went to the Vikings/Cowboys football game last year and got a picture with Jerry Jones, the Cowboys owner. Let me know if you would like to see it sometime.

    Emily K,
    That's awesome that you are a Twins fan because they're my favorite team, too. I have a younger sister who got to sing the national anthem at Target Field for a Twins game this past summer. Have you been to any Twins games?

    I am a huge Minnesota Vikings fan so we will get along great! My favorite college football team is the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and Augustana of course! :)

    I think it would be cool if I could teach at Brandon Valley. That would be awesome!

    Molly K,
    I do not have any pets, but I hope to get a dog someday. My brother just got a black lab. His name is Rocket. He's awesome! Let me know if you would like to see pictures sometime!

    Congrats on a great football season. I played Wide Receiver at Augustana. In high school I played WR and cornerback, too. I also was a kick and punt returner in high school.

    That's awesome! However, it's not awesome that you're an SDSU fan. Next time you talk to Mr. Klumper, ask him how many touchdowns he scored against SDSU his freshman year. You will be amazed! I could maybe do 10 pushups with a person on my back. I'm not sure though because I've never had to do pushups with someone on my back!

    That's awesome that you love softball and school. I love learning new things, too. I had many great teachers growing up that inspired me to be a teacher. I also have a passion for working with young people (especially sixth graders). I look forward to teaching you during the next few months.

    Thanks for sharing. I decided to go into teaching because I really enjoy working with young people and I really love Social Studies!

    That's awesome that you love to hunt. I like to hunt and fish, too. I wore the #1 in football at Augustana. However, I was #81 my freshman year. Mr. Klumper was also #81 his freshman year.

    Thanks for welcoming me to BVMS. I went to Elementary School for Kindergarten through 4th grade at Reede Gray Elementary School, 5th grade through 8th grade at Redwood Valley Middle School and 9th through 12th grade at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. I graduated in 2006.

    That's awesome. My favorite book is Shutter Island by Denis Lehane. My favorite movie is Gladiator.

    That's really cool. I do not have any pets, but my older brother just got a dog named Rocket. He is a black lab. I got to play with him a lot over the break.

    Nice to meet you too!

    I really like tennis, too. I'm not very good though. My younger sister is pretty good and she beats me all the time. To answer your question, I started playing flag football in 4th grade and tackle football in 7th grade, so that is 14 total years! I've played football longer than you've been alive!

  63. Kate F,
    Guess what? I've never played soccer before so you are probably way better than I am. I went to high school at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy early Birthday! My golden birthday was when I was 2 so I don't remember it. That's cool that you like monkeys. Imagine how cool it would be to have a monkey as a pet! That would be awesome! I have two siblings. One brother who is 26 years old, and one sister who is 17. I am 22 years old. Guess what? I went to the Vikings/Cowboys football game last year and got a picture with Jerry Jones, the Cowboys owner. Let me know if you would like to see it sometime.

    Emily K,
    That's awesome that you are a Twins fan because they're my favorite team, too. I have a younger sister who got to sing the national anthem at Target Field for a Twins game this past summer. Have you been to any Twins games?

    I am a huge Minnesota Vikings fan so we will get along great! My favorite college football team is the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and Augustana of course! :)

    I think it would be cool if I could teach at Brandon Valley. That would be awesome!

    Molly K,
    I do not have any pets, but I hope to get a dog someday. My brother just got a black lab. His name is Rocket. He's awesome! Let me know if you would like to see pictures sometime!

    Congrats on a great football season. I played Wide Receiver at Augustana. In high school I played WR and cornerback, too. I also was a kick and punt returner in high school.

    That's awesome! However, it's not awesome that you're an SDSU fan. Next time you talk to Mr. Klumper, ask him how many touchdowns he scored against SDSU his freshman year. You will be amazed! I could maybe do 10 pushups with a person on my back. I'm not sure though because I've never had to do pushups with someone on my back!

    That's awesome that you love softball and school. I love learning new things, too. I had many great teachers growing up that inspired me to be a teacher. I also have a passion for working with young people (especially sixth graders). I look forward to teaching you during the next few months.

    Thanks for sharing. I decided to go into teaching because I really enjoy working with young people and I really love Social Studies!

    That's awesome that you love to hunt. I like to hunt and fish, too. I wore the #1 in football at Augustana. However, I was #81 my freshman year. Mr. Klumper was also #81 his freshman year.

    Thanks for welcoming me to BVMS. I went to Elementary School for Kindergarten through 4th grade at Reede Gray Elementary School, 5th grade through 8th grade at Redwood Valley Middle School and 9th through 12th grade at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. I graduated in 2006.

    That's awesome. My favorite book is Shutter Island by Denis Lehane. My favorite movie is Gladiator.

    That's really cool. I do not have any pets, but my older brother just got a dog named Rocket. He is a black lab. I got to play with him a lot over the break.

    Nice to meet you too!

    I really like tennis, too. I'm not very good though. My younger sister is pretty good and she beats me all the time. To answer your question, I started playing flag football in 4th grade and tackle football in 7th grade, so that is 14 total years! I've played football longer than you've been alive!

  64. Kate F,
    Guess what? I've never played soccer before so you are probably way better than I am. I went to high school at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy early Birthday! My golden birthday was when I was 2 so I don't remember it. That's cool that you like monkeys. Imagine how cool it would be to have a monkey as a pet! That would be awesome! I have two siblings. One brother who is 26 years old, and one sister who is 17. I am 22 years old. Guess what? I went to the Vikings/Cowboys football game last year and got a picture with Jerry Jones, the Cowboys owner. Let me know if you would like to see it sometime.

    Emily K,
    That's awesome that you are a Twins fan because they're my favorite team, too. I have a younger sister who got to sing the national anthem at Target Field for a Twins game this past summer. Have you been to any Twins games?

    I am a huge Minnesota Vikings fan so we will get along great! My favorite college football team is the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and Augustana of course! :)

    I think it would be cool if I could teach at Brandon Valley. That would be awesome!

    Molly K,
    I do not have any pets, but I hope to get a dog someday. My brother just got a black lab. His name is Rocket. He's awesome! Let me know if you would like to see pictures sometime!

    Congrats on a great football season. I played Wide Receiver at Augustana. In high school I played WR and cornerback, too. I also was a kick and punt returner in high school.

    That's awesome! However, it's not awesome that you're an SDSU fan. Next time you talk to Mr. Klumper, ask him how many touchdowns he scored against SDSU his freshman year. You will be amazed! I could maybe do 10 pushups with a person on my back. I'm not sure though because I've never had to do pushups with someone on my back!

    That's awesome that you love softball and school. I love learning new things, too. I had many great teachers growing up that inspired me to be a teacher. I also have a passion for working with young people (especially sixth graders). I look forward to teaching you during the next few months.

    Thanks for sharing. I decided to go into teaching because I really enjoy working with young people and I really love Social Studies!

    That's awesome that you love to hunt. I like to hunt and fish, too. I wore the #1 in football at Augustana. However, I was #81 my freshman year. Mr. Klumper was also #81 his freshman year.

    Thanks for welcoming me to BVMS. I went to Elementary School for Kindergarten through 4th grade at Reede Gray Elementary School, 5th grade through 8th grade at Redwood Valley Middle School and 9th through 12th grade at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. I graduated in 2006.

    That's awesome. My favorite book is Shutter Island by Denis Lehane. My favorite movie is Gladiator.

    That's really cool. I do not have any pets, but my older brother just got a dog named Rocket. He is a black lab. I got to play with him a lot over the break.

    Nice to meet you too!

  65. Kate F,
    Guess what? I've never played soccer before so you are probably way better than I am. I went to high school at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy early Birthday! My golden birthday was when I was 2 so I don't remember it. That's cool that you like monkeys. Imagine how cool it would be to have a monkey as a pet! That would be awesome! I have two siblings. One brother who is 26 years old, and one sister who is 17. I am 22 years old. Guess what? I went to the Vikings/Cowboys football game last year and got a picture with Jerry Jones, the Cowboys owner. Let me know if you would like to see it sometime.

    Emily K,
    That's awesome that you are a Twins fan because they're my favorite team, too. I have a younger sister who got to sing the national anthem at Target Field for a Twins game this past summer. Have you been to any Twins games?

    I am a huge Minnesota Vikings fan so we will get along great! My favorite college football team is the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and Augustana of course! :)

    I think it would be cool if I could teach at Brandon Valley. That would be awesome!

    Molly K,
    I do not have any pets, but I hope to get a dog someday. My brother just got a black lab. His name is Rocket. He's awesome! Let me know if you would like to see pictures sometime!

    Congrats on a great football season. I played Wide Receiver at Augustana. In high school I played WR and cornerback, too. I also was a kick and punt returner in high school.

    That's awesome! However, it's not awesome that you're an SDSU fan. Next time you talk to Mr. Klumper, ask him how many touchdowns he scored against SDSU his freshman year. You will be amazed! I could maybe do 10 pushups with a person on my back. I'm not sure though because I've never had to do pushups with someone on my back!

    That's awesome that you love softball and school. I love learning new things, too. I had many great teachers growing up that inspired me to be a teacher. I also have a passion for working with young people (especially sixth graders). I look forward to teaching you during the next few months.

    Thanks for sharing. I decided to go into teaching because I really enjoy working with young people and I really love Social Studies!

    That's awesome that you love to hunt. I like to hunt and fish, too. I wore the #1 in football at Augustana. However, I was #81 my freshman year. Mr. Klumper was also #81 his freshman year.

    Thanks for welcoming me to BVMS. I went to Elementary School for Kindergarten through 4th grade at Reede Gray Elementary School, 5th grade through 8th grade at Redwood Valley Middle School and 9th through 12th grade at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. I graduated in 2006.

    That's awesome. My favorite book is Shutter Island by Denis Lehane. My favorite movie is Gladiator.

    That's really cool. I do not have any pets, but my older brother just got a dog named Rocket. He is a black lab. I got to play with him a lot over the break.

    Nice to meet you too!

  66. Kate F,
    Guess what? I've never played soccer before so you are probably way better than I am. I went to high school at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy early Birthday! My golden birthday was when I was 2 so I don't remember it. That's cool that you like monkeys. Imagine how cool it would be to have a monkey as a pet! That would be awesome! I have two siblings. One brother who is 26 years old, and one sister who is 17. I am 22 years old. Guess what? I went to the Vikings/Cowboys football game last year and got a picture with Jerry Jones, the Cowboys owner. Let me know if you would like to see it sometime.

    Emily K,
    That's awesome that you are a Twins fan because they're my favorite team, too. I have a younger sister who got to sing the national anthem at Target Field for a Twins game this past summer. Have you been to any Twins games?

    I am a huge Minnesota Vikings fan so we will get along great! My favorite college football team is the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and Augustana of course! :)

    I think it would be cool if I could teach at Brandon Valley. That would be awesome!

    Molly K,
    I do not have any pets, but I hope to get a dog someday. My brother just got a black lab. His name is Rocket. He's awesome! Let me know if you would like to see pictures sometime!

    Congrats on a great football season. I played Wide Receiver at Augustana. In high school I played WR and cornerback, too. I also was a kick and punt returner in high school.

    That's awesome! However, it's not awesome that you're an SDSU fan. Next time you talk to Mr. Klumper, ask him how many touchdowns he scored against SDSU his freshman year. You will be amazed! I could maybe do 10 pushups with a person on my back. I'm not sure though because I've never had to do pushups with someone on my back!

    That's awesome that you love softball and school. I love learning new things, too. I had many great teachers growing up that inspired me to be a teacher. I also have a passion for working with young people (especially sixth graders). I look forward to teaching you during the next few months.

    Thanks for sharing. I decided to go into teaching because I really enjoy working with young people and I really love Social Studies!

    That's awesome that you love to hunt. I like to hunt and fish, too. I wore the #1 in football at Augustana. However, I was #81 my freshman year. Mr. Klumper was also #81 his freshman year.

    Thanks for welcoming me to BVMS. I went to Elementary School for Kindergarten through 4th grade at Reede Gray Elementary School, 5th grade through 8th grade at Redwood Valley Middle School and 9th through 12th grade at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. I graduated in 2006.

    That's awesome. My favorite book is Shutter Island by Denis Lehane. My favorite movie is Gladiator.

    That's really cool. I do not have any pets, but my older brother just got a dog named Rocket. He is a black lab. I got to play with him a lot over the break.

    Nice to meet you too!

  67. Hi my name is Tyler Zimmerman my favorite thing too do is play football and baseball or watch the New Orleans Saints play.I love to play sports alot. So what do you like to do in you free time.

  68. really vinkings, no not at all. hi my name is Roman Berestyuk, and I hate the vikings. I"'m a chargers,steelrers,and the dolphins.I'm about 11 years old, don't know avout u ur 24 right. my classes that r my favs, r social S,math, and reading is #1. though my fav teacher is Dany Klumpery. Oh ya by the way whats ur fav sport not counting football, and did u say u liked the twins me to there my favorite. bye hope i have a good time when ur gonna be teaching us.

  69. Kate F,
    Guess what? I've never played soccer before so you are probably way better than I am. I went to high school at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy early Birthday! My golden birthday was when I was 2 so I don't remember it. That's cool that you like monkeys. Imagine how cool it would be to have a monkey as a pet! That would be awesome! I have two siblings. One brother who is 26 years old, and one sister who is 17. I am 22 years old. Guess what? I went to the Vikings/Cowboys football game last year and got a picture with Jerry Jones, the Cowboys owner. Let me know if you would like to see it sometime.

    Emily K,
    That's awesome that you are a Twins fan because they're my favorite team, too. I have a younger sister who got to sing the national anthem at Target Field for a Twins game this past summer. Have you been to any Twins games?

    I am a huge Minnesota Vikings fan so we will get along great! My favorite college football team is the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and Augustana of course! :)

  70. Sam,
    I think it would be cool if I could teach at Brandon Valley. That would be awesome!

    Molly K,
    I do not have any pets, but I hope to get a dog someday. My brother just got a black lab. His name is Rocket. He's awesome! Let me know if you would like to see pictures sometime!

    Congrats on a great football season. I played Wide Receiver at Augustana. In high school I played WR and cornerback, too. I also was a kick and punt returner in high school.

    Elsie (LC),
    That's awesome! However, it's not awesome that you're an SDSU fan. Next time you talk to Mr. Klumper, ask him how many touchdowns he scored against SDSU his freshman year. You will be amazed! I could maybe do 10 pushups with a person on my back. I'm not sure though because I've never had to do pushups with someone on my back!

    That's awesome that you love softball and school. I love learning new things, too. I had many great teachers growing up that inspired me to be a teacher. I also have a passion for working with young people (especially sixth graders). I look forward to teaching you during the next few months.

    Thanks for sharing. I decided to go into teaching because I really enjoy working with young people and I really love Social Studies!

    That's awesome that you love to hunt. I like to hunt and fish, too. I wore the #1 in football at Augustana. However, I was #81 my freshman year. Mr. Klumper was also #81 his freshman year.

    Thanks for welcoming me to BVMS. I went to Elementary School for Kindergarten through 4th grade at Reede Gray Elementary School, 5th grade through 8th grade at Redwood Valley Middle School and 9th through 12th grade at Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. I graduated in 2006.

  71. Sidney,
    That's awesome. My favorite book is Shutter Island by Denis Lehane. My favorite movie is Gladiator.

    That's really cool. I do not have any pets, but my older brother just got a dog named Rocket. He is a black lab. I got to play with him a lot over the break.

    Nice to meet you too!

    I really like tennis, too. I'm not very good though. My younger sister is pretty good and she beats me all the time. To answer your question, I started playing flag football in 4th grade and tackle football in 7th grade, so that is 14 total years! I've played football longer than you've been alive!

    No, I've never student taught before. However, I'm looking forward to being your teacher!

    Thanks for the question. My favorite color is blue.

    I've been to the races in Redwood Falls many times. To answer your question, I scored 3 touchdowns at Augustana.

    BOOOOOOOOOO! I strongly dislike the Packers! I'm a Vikings fan. I hope to teach either 6th or 8th grade Social Studies one day. GO VIKINGS! :)

    I do like cheese. My favorite pizza is cheese pizza!

    I decided to be a teacher once I went to college... so about four years ago.

    Great question! My middle name is Gordon. What is yours?

    Yes, I remember you! Mr. Klumper says you're a weirdo! Just kidding :) I thought I wanted to be a teacher from the time I was very young. However, it wasn't until college when I knew for sure I wanted to teach.

  72. Rebecca,
    That's awesome. I like country too. One thing that I love is my family. I also love sports and listening to all kinds of music!

    That's really cool that your family does foster care. That is something I should look into as I get older. I am still in college at Augustana. I am a senior and have just one semester left. I graduate in May 2011!

    That's awesome that you're an artist. I wish I was good at drawing and painting. I've been playing football for 14 years. That's older than you are! I like to think I'm good at it, but Mr. Klumper is better. Thanks for welcoming me to the class. I look forward to being your teacher.

    I like basketball and softball, too. College football was a lot of fun. I had a great time playing it, and met a lot of great people while playing.

    I've never wakeboarded or snowboarded before, but I'd like to! I play wide receiver in football.

    Nice to meet you. I look forward to being your teacher for the next couple months. Unfortunately, I did not score after this picture. I think I got pushed out of bounds on that play. The thing I like most about Social Studies is history and geography. My favorite sixth grade unit is Ancient Rome! I think you'll like that unit, too!

    That's really cool. You sound pretty intelligent! I'm also glad you spelled "graduate" correctly. I am 22 years old. When I graduate, I would like to be a teacher. I really enjoy young people like yourseld and am also very passionate about Social Studies, so I will most likely follow in Mr. Klumper's footsteps and become a Social Studies teacher.

    I like to dance, too, but I'm not very good at it. You are probably way better than I am. To answer your question, I am 22 years old.

  73. Libby,
    I do not have any pets. However, my brother just got a dog named Rocket. He named him after his favorite football player growing up, Rocket Ismail. I got to play with him a lot over Chirstmas break.

    That's not good that you got hit by a car. I hope you did not get hurt. Getting the chance to have a positive impact on kids is why I decided to become a teacher.

    I do not have any pets. However, my brother just got a dog named Rocket. He named him after his favorite football player growing up, Rocket Ismail. I got to play with him a lot over Chirstmas break. He is a black lab. Also, I bet you could strike me out in softball.

    I actually do know your brother. I think we lived on the same floor in Granskou Hall during 2007 and 2008 (sixth floor). That's awesome. Are you going to go to Augustana, too? It's a great school!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! That's awesome! I've been to Olivia, MN many times. To answer your question, I am 22 years old.

  74. James,
    My favorite console is the PS3 as well. Tell me in class what your favorite game is. Mine is NCAA Football 2011 and Tiger Woods Golf.

    You don't hurt them too bad, do you? Unfortunately, I never was in college at the same time as Mr. Klumper. However, my older brother was in college at the same time as he was. They played football together so I watched many of Mr. Klumper's football games. Also, Mr. Klumper's younger brother and I played football and went to college together.

    That's awesome. I'm glad you're an Augustana fan. I decided to be a teacher so I can hang out with cool kids like you all day long.

    It sounds like you're an awesome softball player and dancer. I'm sure you're good at many things as well. I hope to teach either 6th or 8th grade someday.

    It sounds like you have a bunch of cool pets. I do not have any, but my older brother just got a black lab named Rocket. I got to play with Rocket a bunch of Christmas break.

    Thanks for the comment. I grew up in Redwood Falls, Minnesota and went to high school there at Redwood Valley High School. It was awesome. Redwood Falls is about half way between Sioux Falls and the Twin Cities.

    Abby M,
    I do think Mr. Klumper is cool. You seem pretty cool, too. Do you think Mr. Klumper is cool?

    Aly R,
    I like to play sports in my free time, too. I went to high school in Redwood Falls, Minnesota at Redwood Valley High School.

  75. my name is tyler nelson and the think you need to know about me is i like football and im good at it to and the think im wondering is what position did you play in football

  76. Hi Mr.Ellingworth,
    Carly Campbell again I totally forgot to ask did you get a full ride scholarship for Augie? If you did what for football,academics or what? I want to go to Augie and plan to get full ride for softball which I am catcher or for my academics. Plus I think Augustana is a awesome college! =)

  77. Hey Mr. Ellingworth my name is Bryn Nelson, my grandma works at augie she is a nurse sorta kinda thing and I love agustana i have a hat and a sweatshirt too!!! My favorite color is blue and my favorite food is tacos or pizza I told you that today in class at my desk by your computer. My question for you is what is your favorite color and long have you been in sioux falls.

  78. Hi Mr.Ellingworth my name is Rohan. I'm a HUGE packers fan. My question is what position did you play in football.

  79. Carson Haase 9th Period (homeroom)January 5, 2011 at 9:16 PM

    Hola, Mr. Ellingworth

    My name is Carson Haase and I play hockey with the Lady Flyers (Sioux Falls) JV And Varsity team. I love to go to College Hockey games and ride snowmobiles with my family. My favorite colors are orange and blue because they are FLYERS colors. My favorite food is Pork-Chop on a Stick (invention my grandpa came up with some how so you don't have to use a plate!) I also love hang out with friends, and having a good time, but who likes to have a bad time?

    My question for you is: Do you play any other sports other than football? (hockey, baseball, basketball, etc.)

  80. Roman - Come on, man! The Vikings are awesome! I am actually 22 years old which is twice as old as you are. My favorite sport other than football is track & field.

    Tyler - I played Wide Receiver at Augustana. Wide Receivers at Augustana are known as the Flyers.

    Carly - Sounds like you are a very smart girl and a great softball player. I got a scholarship for both football and academics at Augustana. College at Augustana was a great experience.

    Bryn - I remember you telling me that yesterday. You should wear your Augustana gear to class! My favorite color is blue and I have lived in Sioux Falls since August of 2006.

    Carson - The Flyers is a cool name for a hockey team. Also, porkchop on a stick is a great idea. I should try that. In high school, I played football, basketball, and track. I also play golf and softball in my free time. I love to golf.

  81. Spencer,
    That's very cool that you're a black belt. Now I know not to mess with you! Football is my favorite sport, but I also like to play golf.

  82. Hi Mr. Ellingworth!

    My name is Zane, and I am in Texas now on vacation. I am in Mr. Klumpers 8th period class. But lets get to the information. When I'm back in Brandon, I like to stay inside and watch TV or play video games. If I'm not inside I like to snowboard.
    But since I am in Texas right now and getting 70's weather, I might as well tell you what I like to do down here. I do enjoy being in the water wether its at the beach or at a pool. But, I usually get out on the golf course as much as I can. I do enjoy playing football as well. BUT, I have 1 question, is your goal to be on the NFL some day? Becouse if you do, try your best to get to the Vikings. PLEASE RESPOND!

  83. KaTeLyN NiSsEn Pd 3January 6, 2011 at 4:13 PM

    Hey, Mr.Ellingwoth, my name is Katelyn Nissen.A couple of my favorite hobbies are to go wakeboarding, play softball, I really like to go swimming in the summer, and I just started to learn how to ski, and well I REALLY enjoy that.Oh, my 2 favorite teams are the Vikings, and IA HAWKEYES, since I just moved from IA last summer. My question for you is, Do you like to ski? Have you ever etempted to ski??
    :) ThAnK YoU :)

  84. Oh that's cool if you could have gotten a major in anything else what would you get? And I want to major in medical

  85. Hey Mr. Ellingworth its Selena!
    Thats cool you got to get a picture with Jerry Jones my favorite player for the cowboys is Tony Romo hes the BEST!!!!!!! Thanks for the early bday too! And I always wanted a monkey for a pet and my mom is like NO it would be sooooooo cool though cause I like them A LOT even ask my mom and little brother hes 8 and goes to Fred Assam Elementary but he likes the Raiders which I hate a lot!
    Well thanks for answering me questions! BYE!!!!

  86. What is up mr.e I am just on my iPod typing this on my iPod do you know that I am a dog lover but I don't have a dog. Where do you want to teach and what grade and are you going to get you masters at augie. SDSU is wa better my cousin got drafted to the packers but got cut at the last week so he was so close.


  87. Carson Haase 9th periodJanuary 6, 2011 at 6:00 PM

    Cool..... We (Grandpa, me and other family members) have a Sportsman's Show every year and we sell pork on a stick there because grandpa owns a groecery store in tracy mn. You should come up some time, there're really good... :)
    I also thanks for the compliment on the flyer thing....

    Hope you have a good time with the whole grade!

  88. Carson Haase 9th periodJanuary 6, 2011 at 6:24 PM

    I happened to notice your from Redwood.... I asked my dad if he regonized the name and he said he had you mom as teach once or twice.... My dad is from Redwood too..... Maybe you regonize our name... HAASE..... there are quite a few of us around there still...
    One more Question...... What are the " Flyers" that it talks about in the paragraph about you....

  89. Carson Haase 9th periodJanuary 6, 2011 at 11:17 PM

    You mostly likely know where Tracy, MN is right? Well, my grandpa, Bruce Schelhaas, owns Tracy Food Pride. I am also pretty sure that my uncle, David Haase, owns a car wash in Redwood to but I am not quite sold on which one it is. But maybe you might regonize names or something. Dad seems pretty sold that he had your parents
    for teachers.

  90. Zane,
    Nice to meet you. I hope you're having a good time in Texas. I love to golf as well so I wish I was in Texas to play some golf, too. The Vikings are my favorite team, too! It would be really cool to play for them.

    Sounds like you love water sports! I've skiied before and I really enjoy it. However, I've never wakeboarded but I'd like to try! You're a Hawkeye fan? That's too bad. I guess I won't hold that against you :)

    On top of majoring in Social Studies and Education, I also majored in business administration. I think if there was another thing I could major in it would be journalism so I could be a sports writer for Sports Illustrated.

    That's cool about your cousin. What is his name? I think it would be cool to teach in Brandon! If I could teach any grade it would be either 6th or 8th grade.

    Really? That's really cool that my mom taught your dad. I will ask if she knows him. At Augustana, the wide receivers are known as the Flyers. Mr. Klumper is also a "Flyer."

  91. Selena,
    I think it would really cool to have a monkey, too. I'm not much of a COwboys fan, but my roommate loves the Cowboys. Well, see you in 4th period!

  92. Carson,
    PS - I do know where Tracy is. I've been there many times for different sporting events. I'll talk to my parents tonight so I'll see if they remember your dad. I'm sure they do!

  93. Dear Mr.Ellingworth hear are some stuff you should know about me I can sing like a girl,my dad is dead ,in the summer I caught a carp ,....

  94. Thats awesome my brother loves that magazine!

  95. Small world right? Did any one else go to the stampede game tonight? It was a good game... They won 2 to 1 in over-time. Was a good time with the whole team... (LADY FLYERS) One of the parents told us if the whole team stood up and danced to one of the music breaks she would give us $10. And we got the ten bucks. I am sad though... they don't sell snowcones anymore :(. Hope everybody has a great weekend. I know mine has come to a great start. I get to go ride snowmobiles with two of the girls on my team tomorrow and I am really excited. I am a true winter person. Hey Mr. Klumper, I am going to Tracy this weekend. Kidding!!! Have a good weekend!

  96. Hi Hi! I'm late on usual! haha! It is nice to meet you I am Morgan Smith in Mr. K's
    4th period class... I can always be known as SMITH, Mo, or Crazy Lady! haha :D A Couple questions...What was your favorite class in High School? What HS did you go to? Yup, that pretty much sums it up! BYE!

    P.S. Sadly for you...I am an Oklahoma Sooners fan, I usually wear an OU shirt to school so...ya! BOOMER SOONER!

  97. Hi Mr.Ellingworth,
    Carly Campbell again ok so in like Febuary I get to go to Augie (the best school ever!) for a softball camp. Im super excited!!!!! Because thats where im going to be in 6 to 7 years!=)

  98. Ya I know it would be cool to have a monkey as a pet and I would be the only one from school too! So if your not a real cowboys fan whats your favorite football team cause if your a bears fan theres a 6th grade teacher you would get GREAT along with her name is Mrs. Sayed! Shes really awesome like Mr.Klumper and so far you too! Well like you said see ya in 4th period!

  99. Anthony,
    Thanks for posting, dude. How big was the carp you caught this summer? By the way, you're going to have to show off your singing voice one of these days.

    Did you have fun at the Stampede game? I'm not much of a hockey fan, but I'm starting to get into it somewhat.

    Nice to meet you. My favorite class in high school was a Video Production class that I took my junior year of high school. Basically, we got to make a lot of cool movies in that class. It was a blast! I went to Redwood Valley High School in Redwood Falls, MN. I'm actually somwewhat of an OU fan. I actually went to the Oklahoma vs Texas Tech game two years ago down in Norman. Remind me to bring pictures to show you.

    That's awesome that you're going to Augie for softball camp. Augie is really good at softball.

    My favorite football team is the Minnesota Vikings. They had a rough year this year, but I'm confident they'll bounce back and have a great season next year.

  100. Hi Mr. Ellingworth my name is Morgan TeKrony. Period 3 some of my hobbies are going running playing Basketball and watching the COLTS.One of my questions for you is what position did you play in football personally I would want to got to SDSU.

  101. I already told you his name Okay I will tell you again his name is JaRon Harris. You didn't answer my last question are you going to get your masters degree at augie. I am on my iPod again.

    -Dayton Johnson

  102. Hey Mr.Ellingworth!
    Oh im soooo sorry you like the Vikings! I cant wait for Wednesday January 12th its my birthday! Whoohoo! Im getting a new phone and then my aunt and uncle from Arizona are sending me stuff and my mom wont tell me what it is! Im so EXCITED!!!!!!!!

  103. (told by Anthony S., typed by Mr. Klumper)
    Here is the second part of my comment: in the summer i got a carp and wallie and for christmas i got a long fishing pole and i am happy that you are the student teacher and january 16th, is my birthday. my mom was born in russia.

  104. Hey its me again. I have more questions too.

    #1 Do you have girl friend?

    #2 How many siblings do you have?

    #3 What are your favorite sports?

    #4 What are your favorite sport teams?

    #5 What are you favorite foods?

  105. Morgan - I played Wide Receiver in college. You like SDSU? You should ask Mr. Klumper how many touchdowns he scored against SDSU his freshman year of college. Also ask him who won the game?

    Dayton - I plan on getting a Master's degree eventually, but I'm not sure if I will complete it at Augustana. If I get a job around the area then I probably will.

    Selena - I hope you had a great birthday!

    Anthony - Thanks for sharing. I have two siblings, one brother who is 26, and a sister who is 17. My favorite sports are football and golf. My favorite football team is the Minnesota Vikings and Notre Dame Fighting Irish. My favorite food is steak or seafood.


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