
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Preparing for a visit from: "Flocab"

Students: we have a great opportunity before us that we must get prepared for. Let me explain : Each Friday, while you watch ChannelOne, Flocab stops by and drops some sick rhymes about all the major happenings of the week from around the world. You need to appreciate what Flocab does. It is creativity at its best. Using rap for something good. Too many times rap music is just a long list of profanity. With Flocab, they use their musical talents and writing talents in a very productive way: by teaching us. Seriously, stop and force your 6th grade minds to think about just how cool it is that Flocab can turn all the stories from the week into a rap that makes sense, covers the topics, and is highly creative with the writing. I have managed to set-up an interview with Flocab. Fortunately for us, Flocab is a group of cool people, and they have agreed to answer some questions for us. So, we have some work to do. To prepare for our interview with Flocab, you will post me a question or two that you want answered. I will read through them and pick 8 to 10 questions that I think are good ones. You will not get all your questions answered, so choose something that you want answered the MOST. I have been known to give "half truths" or exaggerate things, or mislead you on certain things. But believe me when I tell you: this is a serious/real interview with Flocab.

Task: Post a question for Flocab. I will read through all your questions and select 8 or 10 questions to ask Flocab on this blog.


  1. Hello my name is Morgan TeKrony. I have a lot of questions but I am only going to ask you a few.
    1. How many people work on the week in rap? What is your job? What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?
    well that is all I have for you just a reminder we sent in a BRANDON VALLEY LYNX SHIRT we would like you to wear very very soon

    your awesome 6th grade friend MORGAN TEKRONY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Flocab i would like to ask u a few questions..... here is the first question what is your favorite week in rap??? The second question i would like to ask u is....... what is your crew members names and were did they grow up???
    Abbi Hanna

  3. How many people are in the group?

  4. Does it take you a week to make one Week in Rap?


  6. flocab how long does it take to make a beat or instrumental

  7. Flocab how maney songs do you have

  8. My two questions for Flocab are:
    1: How long does it take for you to come up with the raps if you don't know what is going to happen during the week?
    2: How many members are in or work on the week in rap or in Flocab?
    Thanks, Mr. K and Mr. Ellingworth

  9. Flocab, where did you start and how many people rap in flocab?

    Also, do you preform outside of Channel 1?

  10. how old were you when you started to rap?

    how did you get noticed?

    are the other people in Flocab your budies you had from school?

  11. Do you ever sing songs with famous rappers like Lil Wanye?!

  12. Hey Flocab, ive got a few questions for you. My first question is how did you get your name? And second, do you work with other people, and if so, who are they?

    Thanks, and hopefully you can respond
    P.S. I wait for the week in rap all week.

  13. YO YO YO!!!!!! K-Dawg in da house!!!!!

    Whatz up Flocab.

    I hav a couple questions 4 ya!!!!
    Do you think you could answer them?

    1. Are you guys gonna make a giant year in rap for the most important events that happend in the year range 2010-2011??

    2. How many people are in your group??

    3. Whos the rapper causse its sounds like one soooo??

    4. What do the otha peeps do??

    5. Are you all boys???

  14. Hello Flocab I have a few questions for you I was just wondering first of all how long does it take to right one rap? number two who is the person that says the rap? and lastly how many people are in Flocab?

  15. Questions:
    1.How do you guys come up with such AWESOME raps!?

    2.How did you guys start raping together?

  16. My question is did you have a reason to make the week in rap and when do you start writing down the information for it?

  17. I would like to know how long it takes to make one of the raps?

    I would also like to know if you think Water For Sixth Grade is the best blog in the world(or at least in North America)?

    Would you be willing to say "Water For Sixth Grade is awesome" on one of your future raps

    that's all I got

    hope you can put one of my question on the post

    -Keaton R.

  18. How long does it to come up with a weekend rap?

  19. ~how many people are in flocab?
    ~is it hard trying to think of what to write?

  20. first of ...OMG!!!!! I am so exited I could talk to someone from an awsome show ( chanel one of course.)i have a couple questions to ask you guys there and i would be thrilled if u could answer them. One of my questions is how in the world could u make so many of those raps because if i am right you would of had to of made 53 of those videos in the year 2010! Thats alot! There at chanel one you guys have tons and tons of createtivity and it is so amazing. lastly i am dying to know how many haev accually participated in the raps and if you guys at chanel one make them up or if one certain person makes them up? Thank you for your time chanel one and have a good week!

  21. What is like to work on Channel 1 and to rap the week in rap?

  22. tis is an person from brandon valley school I have one Q for you Why don't you show your face on the week in rap I am in mr.klumper's home room the guy who sent you the email. My Q is ooooooooh sorry I forgot I already said that so peace hommy.


    Your Friend Dayton J 9 how one the chapionship for junior football.

  23. I have two questions,
    Do you perform outside of Channel 1?
    How long does it take to make up a rap?


  24. hey week in rap i have a couple of questions for u who did u meet the others in your group if u have a group and how did u get noticed by channel one thats all for me

  25. Do you add the news to your rap that happened that day, or do you wait 'til the end of the week when you have seen, and know what is going on in the news?

  26. Do you guys sing any other style of music.

  27. Hi my name is Nick Behrend I have quite a few questions for you but ill just ask one. How do you put together a rap in one week with rymes and a beat, also is it your job to do the week rap like do you get paid.

  28. How many people are in your group?

  29. Do you write the WeekInRap all at the End of the week or day by day and tweek it so it rhymes?

  30. Who writes your raps? also could you tell one of the Channel1 crew members to wear our bv lynx t-shirt

  31. Hi Flocab. I have a couple questions I would like to know.
    How many songs have you written for channel 1?
    What was your favorite song?
    How long does it usually take you to make a song?
    How many people help you write a song?
    Well thats all I got so have fun reading all of our questions!!! :)

  32. Hey!! my name is NiKita Hammer...dont make fun of the last name but are some of my questions...
    1. Who makes the much money do u it hard to make the raps?? well those are some questions...BYE BYE :)
    P.S:do you like cheese?


  33. heyy flocab wuz up?? Well if you are wondering why I am bloggin' well if it is ok i and going to ask you some questions.

    1. how did you become a group?

    2. Do you have an inspiration?

    3. how many people are in your group?
    4. is ot hard to come up with rhymes?

    see ya latea peeps;):);):)


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