
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ask an Expert: Mr. Sturgeon

On December 10th, 2010, we will have an awesome opportunity to listen to a China expert tell us all about the wonders of the country. Mr. Sturgeon, renowned world traveler and English teacher, will be joining us to tell us all about his trip to China and his stay there for 3 weeks. These types of opportunities do not come along every day, so we need to make sure we are prepared and take advantage of this great thing. Mr. Sturgeon will be telling us all about the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, Terra Cotta Warriors, Daily Life/What its like there, food, entertainment, and many other things. For this blog post, you need to get prepared for this visit. To get prepared, we are going to start thinking about questions we might want to ask Mr. Sturgeon when he visits. Be thinking about something you want to know about or something you have been wondering about in relation to China, past or present. I will publish these comments a few days before his visit, so he will have a chance to look them over and see what he knows the answers too. Depending on how many questions get posted, he might not be able to get to all of them, but I am sure he will try to answer as many as possible.

Task: Prepare for Mr. Sturgeon's visit by posting questions you have about China for him to answer.

DUE: Please try to have a question posted by December 8th, 2010. Thank you.

**Ask serious questions, things you are legitimately wondering about or want to know about.

**You may want to look some of the above topics up on the Internet and see what they are, which might get you thinking about something you want to know about.


  1. Hey Mr.Sturgon I have 2 questions for ya about China. The first one is how tall were the Great Walls walls are. The second is how cool it was to see the tara-cota worriors was.

  2. How many people visit the Great Wall of China in a day?

  3. Hello Mr.Sturgeon im alex Waugh and I want to ask you a couple questions. Is it like really crowded in China? How did you get around in China? Walk,ride bike,car? Did you have any food while you were there? Was there any good entertainment? Whas the Terra Cotta Warriors cool? Whats it like there hot,cold,windy,perfect?
    Well your probably annoyed with all these questions that Ive asked you so im just gonna stop Bye!! :))))))*_*

  4. what do they call american food in china? was it cool to walk on the great wall of china? what is the Forbidden City?

  5. 1. Did you go to the Great Wall
    2. Is chinese food good
    3. did you have fun in china
    4.was there alot of people at the Great Wall of china you know how to speak chinese
    6.were the streets packed old is your son
    8.was there any other food besides chinese food you know how to speak chinese
    10.what is your sons name.
    11.did you go to Hong Kong
    12. did you see any warriors
    13.did you see any krate kids

    and that is all the questions i have to ask.

  6. 1.Is it weird walking around China with everyone talking chinease?

    2.What was it like seeing Adden for the first time?

    3.Was it fun visiting China?

    4.Did you walk on the great wall of China?

    5.If you did what was it like?

    6.After you got Adden did you stay in China to Visit more place?

  7. Hello Mr.Sturgeon a couple of my questions are:

    1. What parts of the Great Wall of China did you go on?

    2. Is there all the modern day stuff we have here over there like subway,pizza hut,burger king etc.

    3. Do people dress like we do now?

  8. Mr. Sturgeon:

    1. Were the Terra Cotta Warriors very detailed or not?

    2. What was the most interesting or exciting part of the whole trip that you would love to see again?

  9. What did the people wear in China?
    Was there a lot of kids in the orphanage?

  10. Do they have lots of chinese restraunts or do they have lots of fast food places?

  11. I was woungering how long is The Great Wall of China?

  12. Why was the forbidden city called the forbidden city? How long is the great wall of China? And my last question is why was a dynastie buried with terra cotta warriors?

  13. hey mr.kulmper its mckenzie hanson today i went to my new school today and it is really different then brandon valley. the cool thing is that in socal studies we are doing china you guys are ahead of us though.tell all the teachers hi for me i hope i see you guys again soon. and i will keep look at water for sixth grade.

    what are you gus learning about now?

  14. What is the Forbidden City?

  15. Hey Mr. Storgeon,

    Does China have fast food places to eat or very nice ones.

  16. Hi,Mr.Sturgeon I have a guestion obout how many people are in China?

  17. Did Mr.Sturgeon eat sushi??? Also, I was wondering if he knew how long the Great Wall of China is? Lastly, were the fast food restraunts like the ones in South Dakota, were the menues in Chinese, or English or both?

  18. What did they do with the dynasties of China when they died?

  19. 1. Did you sleep in a hotel. What was it like.

  20. Hi Mckenzie! Thank you for the message. I was sad to hear that you left Brandon. You will be missed. I taught at Axtell Park for 2 months. Good Luck at your new school. I hope everything goes well,and i am glad to hear you will continue to look at Water for Sixth Grade. :)
    Take Care,
    Mr. Klumper

  21. hi mr. sturegoen I really want to know what kind of food they eat over there.....? Another thing I want to know how is the transportation they have some English food over there?.....HOW long does it take to drive around the city there? What did the great wall of China look like.

  22. This is a question for Mr. Sturgeon. Did you walk on the Great Wall of China? If so how long and how many miles. Also what kind of resturants did you and your wife go to eat?

  23. Hi mr.stergon i would like to ask u a few questions. the first thing i would like to ask u is how did u get around when u were in china? did u get around by car or by feet or? the second question i have is, is the food good there? what kind of food do they have? the third thing is, where did u get your son from? i know it was an orphan idge right? but what part of china did u get him in? well that is all the questions i have for now i might come up with more but for now that is all i have. see u later!!! :):):):):)

  24. Mr.sturgeon i am going to tell you some gustions
    1.what kind of food did they eat
    2.what did there houses look like? they do kung fu?

  25. hello my question is what is one of the main meal in china? I would also like to ask, Do they have their menus at resturants have exotic foods?

  26. hi I also have another question, do they have a certain outfit they wear or a most worn cloths or do they wear just regular cloths??

  27. hey Mr. Sturgon i have just a few questions for you what was the weirest chinese meal thatyou saw or ate did you see any people having topknots on their heads they are persay a chunk of hair glued to the top of ther head how many people do you think go there a day also did you see krate

  28. where is the forbiden city?

  29. did they have american food in china?
    is their concession stands on the great wall of china?

  30. Hi Mr.Sturgeon,my name is Lexi Hokenstad.I have a question to ask you.Are all the signs and writing in english?My cousin married a girl from China and i got some Chinese money!Hope you answer my Question!

  31. was the great wall crowded?

  32. Hey,Mr. sturgeon did you walk the whole wall and about how long is the wall.Also did they have some gross food there.

  33. Mr. Sturgeon I have two questions for you

    1.What is the forbidden city?

    2.Who are the Terra Cotta Warriors?

  34. Hey Mr. Sturgeon! here are my questions!

    1. what is your favorite chinese food/dish?

    2. what do they drink?

    3. and what was your favorite part of the whole trip?

    4. Would you go again?

  35. How big and population is there in the Forbidden City?

  36. Hey, Rylee here! I have 2 questions abou China.

    1.What does China look like today?
    2. Was the Great Wall of China crowded?

    Thanks, Bye!! :)

  37. Hi Mr. Sturgen,
    What did the people in china wear?

  38. how much of the forbiden city did you see

  39. Hi Mr. Sturgen,
    My question is: Are you allowed to walk on all parts of the Great Wall? Or is some of it closed off?

  40. hi mr.sturgen
    did you go to the forbiden city?
    if you did what was it like?

  41. Hey Mr.Expert what is the forbiden city? Was it cool to see the warriors. Did they have ancient Chinese weapons or modern?

  42. Hi Mr.Sturgeon I have three questions for you today

    1.Do chinese people haev battles today or do they not?
    2.What did you eat in china and what kinds of hotels do they have if they have any?
    3.What resturants and stores do they have that sre similar to ours or something like that? And just one other thing how old is Aiden

  43. Hi mr.sturgen (and yes i did steal the biggining of this from jamesp4) did you go to the great wall what did it look like and what did it feel like its my birthday on the fortenth YAY :)

  44. Hey Mr.Sturgeon I have two questions for you. The first question is how tall are the Great Wall's walls? The second question is what are the Terra Cotta Warriors?

  45. Dear Mr. Stergon
    Who are the Terra Cotta Worriors?
    How many people live in China?
    Where is the Forbidden City?
    How long is the Graet Wall of China?What kind of entertament is thair?

  46. what is the forbiden city
    did you get to see the silk road if you did what was it like
    did you by anything if you diud could you bring it, for us to see
    now in days and in th ancient times what was and is there entertameint.
    did the terra cotta warriors look reall if they did how real

  47. what is the forbiden city
    did you get to see the silk road if you did what was it like
    did you by anything if you diud could you bring it, for us to see
    now in days and in th ancient times what was and is there entertameint.
    did the terra cotta warriors look reall if they did how real

  48. Mr. Sturgeon, I have seven questions for you.

    1. How tall were the sides of the Great Wall?

    2. Was the Great Wall crowded?

    3. How long did you walk on the Great Wall?

    4. Where in China are the Terra-Cotta warriors located?

    5. What is the Forbidden City?

    6. What kind of food did you eat while you were there? Was it good?

    7. Are the modern day Chinese houses the same as they are in the US?

    Thanks for coming into our classroom. I hope you are able to answer my questions.

  49. How much food does China send to America? Why do we have most of our toys for China?

  50. Dear Mr.Sturgon
    I have 2 questions for you today. The first question is do the Terra Cotta Warriors still live today? If so how many of them? The second question is where is the Forbidden City located in China?

  51. how many people visit the terra cotta warriors in a day?

  52. Mr.Sturgeon I have a question about the Forbdden City. Who were the people who lived there? And why is it callded the Forbidden City. Please Anwser :)

  53. 1. what restraunts do they have in China?

  54. Hey Mr. Sturgeon. Jessica here.
    I have a few questions.

    1.: What does it look like on the sides of the Great Wall?
    2.: How was the weather?
    3.: Did you get any props to bring back?
    4.: How far did you go on the Great Wall?
    5.: Did you go on a tour?
    6.: Did you eat chinese food? Was it good?
    7.: Did you learn or know how to speak Chinese?
    8.: What kind of transportation did you have?
    9.: How long was the airplane ride?
    10.: Was your son happy to leave to come to America with you and your wife?

  55. Hey Mr. Sturgen! I've got a couple questions to ask an expert. You!

    Did you her them talk about America and us? If so, how did they talk about us and what we do here?
    How many people daily visit the Great Wall?
    What is the most populated place on the wall?
    Thank You!!!!!!

  56. hi mr.storgeon!

    how was the great wall of china ?

    what did you eat ?

    what is the forrbiden city like ?

  57. i have 2 questions for you.
    how many people did you meet that speeked english?? and are there any fast food resturants like the ones in sd??

  58. I have one qustion for you and it is. is this your first time doing foster are or adopting some one. Because my family does faster care.
    we adopt a girl and have two boys living with us we have had lots of kids come and go from are house i think it is very cool you adoupted a little boy.

  59. Mr. Sturgeon, I have two questions. One of my friends on the red team told me that there are blueberry flavored and steak flavored chips. I was wondering, is there any other wierd flavors. My friend also told me that they drive on sidewalks. My question is why do they do that.

  60. hey Mr.sturgon cade here how happy were you when you got your kid?

  61. What is the forbidden city?

  62. Hey do you know how much people visit the great wall of china and how many days does it take to walk the whole great wall of china

  63. hey Mr.Sturgin what do they were

  64. Dear mr.sturgen i have only one question which is......what is the terricota warriors?

  65. What clothes do the people that live there where?

  66. Hi Mr. Sturgon sorry if i spelt your name wrong anyway im Dodge and id like to ask you a couple questions i am very interested in the Terra Cotta Warriors can you please tell me what they looked like how many where there did you see any horses if so did they look real how tall were they well thats all the question i have so please awnser them from dodge

  67. What was it like in your house or hotel you were in

    Was it nice or was it ok

    What do the houses or hotels look like

    And was the food good

    then the last one do they have fast food places

    what are they if they do

  68. Hi mr sturgeon i have two questions fo you...

    do you know anything about the forbiden city like why do they call it the forbidden city?
    my second question is...

    what was it like picking up aiden? how did he react when he saw you was he shy or excited ot what?! thanks,
    Hope Jackmon

  69. what is the food like?

    how crowded is it?

  70. hey mr. sturgeon! i have a few questions to ask you about your trip to china.

    where did you eat?

    did you go on the wall of china?

    is chinese food discusting?

    can you speek chinese?

    what is china like?

  71. were ninjas real or not and what is with the teracota warriors

  72. I was wondering if they had box hotels everywhere and if you had to eat all chinese food there. I was also wondering what the forbidden city was, and if you saw the terra cotta warriors, was it AWESOME??

  73. Does the great wall of china have consetion stans along there.

  74. Hey Mr. Sturgeon, I was wondering how many terra-cotta warriors are there? And also, how tall is the Great Wall?

  75. Does China have a Subway and Do they speak In Chinese all the time even when you order stuff from places and do they have stores like ours?

  76. hi my name is hanna and i am wondering what color exactly is the Great Wall of China?

  77. what was your favorite food

  78. Does it cost alot to go to china?

  79. How many people visit the Great Wall of China in a day?

  80. I have two questions for you. Did you learn how to write a chinases symbol? Do you know this guy named timmeres that Mr. Klumper talks about.


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