
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Test Your Classmates

As we near the completion of the ancient Egypt unit, we are going to take some time to create a study guide-blog style. This is going to be a student-created study guide, so the harder you work, the more effort you put forth, the better this study guide will be. In other words, do a good job, it will benefit yourself and your classmates. Throughout the ancient Egypt unit, we have learned about many things from this great civilization. The specific topics we have covered are: Nile River, Pyramids of Egypt, Mummification, Daily Life of Egypt, and Gods and Goddesses of ancient Egypt. Your test will cover all five of those topics, plus one word from the vocab packet. For this blog post, you will be posting "test questions," or in other words, questions about the five topics. Your comment will be six questions about ancient Egypt, then next week, we will follow up this blog post by answering a fellow classmates questions.

Task: Publish a comment on this post with SIX questions about ancient Egypt. You need to come up with one question from each of the five guided notes we filled out plus one word from the vocab packet.

Format: The questions that you post can be short answer, multiple choice, fill in the blank, or true/false. You can do a variety of question-types, or all the same. Number your questions 1-.6 Use good grammar and capitalization. Do NOT include the answer.

DUE: In-Class.

In my opinion, you have all done a great job during this unit. You have worked very hard and shown a great attitude towards Egypt. Thank you.


  1. TanyaT3

    What did you have to wear to become an egyptian?

    What was the smallest pyramid built for?

    What god is the creater of god?

    Whats the 5th step of mummification?

    What land is right beside the Nile river?

  2. 1: The Nile River gets its name from what Greek word, and what does it mean?
    2: What is the 3rd step of mummification?
    3: What jobs did the women have in the house?
    4: What are the names of the 3 pharaohs entombed in the pyramids at Giza?
    5: What ancient god was the protector of children
    B: Bes
    C: Thoth
    D: Horus

  3. 1.What does pharoah mean?

    2.Name one of the gods or goddesses.

    3.The great pyrimad was build for who?

    4.What thing was the heart of the pharoah wieght againist after death?

    5.Name one step in mummification process?

  4. 1. The Pyramid of Kafre is the second largest pyramid in Giza. True or False

    2. True or false The first step of mummifacation is to remove the organs

    3.True or false Children were not very important.

    4. True or False The Nile is 4160 Miles long.

    5.True or false Ra is the sun god.

    6. Polythesim is the belief in 1 god ONLY. true or false

  5. what is the major river in egypt.
    what is the tree pyrimds in and where are they.
    what is the definition of delta.
    what is the prosess of mummification.
    who was the man who died in the elps.
    name one god.

  6. 1. true or false, removal of brain is the first step to mummifacation?

    2. true or false, the body is dried out with pepper?

    3. true or false, organs are placed in canopic jars?

    4.true or false, wrapping the body takes 50 yards of linen?

    5. tru or false, a pharoah is a slave?

  7. 1:what is the major river in eygpt?
    2:whats the first step of mummification?
    3:whats the fertile land called on the banks of the nile
    4:whats the name of the non fertile land
    5:whats the name of on god

  8. 1.What does necrpolis mean?
    2.Where is the black land?
    3.Where is the red land?
    4.What are the 3 types of make up that egyptions wear?
    5.What is the definition of pharoh?
    6.What are the six steps of mummification?

  9. Im goung to give you 5 questions and lets see if you can figure them out.
    1.What is mummification?
    2.How long did it take them to build the Great Pyramid?
    3.What is the smallest pyramid in the giza?
    4.What is the largest pyramid in the giza?
    5.What is the name of the structure that has the head of a man but a body of a lion?

  10. Here is one question.

    1.What are the 6 steps of mumifacation?

    2.What did the workers wear whe they worked?

    3.What were the names of the three gods?

    4.What are the areas of the nile river?

    5. How long did it take to make the biggest pyramid?

    6.What is the deffiniton of papyrus?

  11. Hey I am going to quiz you over five things.
    1.What is the main river in Egypt?

    2.What is the Sphinx's nickname?

    3.What are the 6 steps of mummification?

    4.Were the children in Egypt very important or not important?

    5.What did Anubis have to wear during the mummification process?

    6.The mouth of a river, where the river ends is known as what?

  12. Hi I'm going to quiz you to see what you know, what are the six steps of I Performed Mummification? Next question, can you grow crops near the red land? Moving on to Daily Life, what were the womens duties? What were the mens duties? Now, on to Gods and Godesses, who is the god with the head of a hawk and, God of sky, Protector of the ruler of Egypt?
    Now vcabulary, what is the definition of delta? Thank you I hope you figure out my questions!
    BYE!!!!!!!!!! :) :)

  13. 1 What is the 6th step in the mummification proccess?

    2 Name at least gods/godesses

    3 True or false there can still be an egypt if there was no nile river?

    4 what is the smallest pyramid there is?

    5 in the life of egypt what was the differince between the guys clothing and the girls clothing

    6 What is a delta, and what is it not

    EXTRA CREDIT!!!! ...... who is the BEST social studies teacher???

  14. Hey I am going to quiz you get these questions to ansewer

    1. Having your body mummified was very what?

    2. What is the land along the nile river that is very fertile land?

    3. What is acrossed the street from the Giza Necropolis?

    4. Children were considered very what?

    5. Who is the god of the sun?

    6. A large stone pryamid servered as a house for the dead what vocab word is this.

  15. Hey I am going to quiz you get these questions to ansewer

    1. Having your body mummified was very what?

    2. What is the land along the nile river that is very fertile land?

    3. What is acrossed the street from the Giza Necropolis?

    4. Children were considered very what?

    5. Who is the god of the sun?

    6. A large stone pryamid servered as a house for the dead what vocab word is this.

  16. STUDY GUIDE FOR EGYPT!!!!!!!!!!

    1. True or False Did the Egyptians believe that children were not important?

    2. What was used for the dryoing out proccess?

    A. Salt
    B. Mummia
    C. Natron Salt
    D. None of the above

    3.What did the use to weigh the heart?

    A. Bird of truth
    B. Bear
    C. Feather of truth
    D. Wing if a bird

    4. True or False

    Does the pyramid protect birds?

    5. What are organs placed in?

    A. jar
    B. Box
    C. Caropolic Jar
    D. None of the above

    What is the definition of Giza?

  17. 1.What does the word mummification mean?

    2.True or false? The children in Egypt were not important?

    3.What is Anubis the god of?

    4.Bes is a mixture of two thinhs what are they?

    5.Why is the Pyramid of Khafre unique?

    6.How long is the Nile River?

  18. 1. What is the meaning of Nelios?
    A. River Valley
    B. Nile River
    C. Pharaoh
    D. Mummia

    2. Roughly how long did it take to build the Great Pyramid of Khufu?
    A. 1 year
    B. 42 years
    C. 9 years
    D. 23 years

    3. Why were the doors of the homes 4 ft. off the ground?

    4. What was the first step of the mummifacation process?

    5. Was the left eye the eye of Ra or the eye of Horus?

    6. What does Papyrus do for Egyptians?

  19. 1.Where was Khufu brout to?

    2.What is the secound largest pyramid?

    3. What was the nickname of the Sphinx?

    4. true or false:is the left eye of Horus healing and power?

    5. Who is the sun god?

    6. What is the Definition of hieroglphics?

  20. 1:What is the land called nearest to the Nile?

    A: Red Land
    B: Purple Land
    C: Black Land
    D: Blue Land

    2:Steps to mummification:
    1: Announcement of death
    2: Removal of the brain
    3: Removal of the internal organs
    4: Drying the body
    6: Final presscesion
    What is step 5?

    3:The sun god is ____.

    4:The biggest pyramid is called the Great pyramid and it was made for _____.

    5:In ancient Egypt, the man and woman put on makeup. This makeup was green eye shadow, __________, and red lipstick.
    Fill in the blank.

    6:Belief in many gods.
    a: hieroglyphics
    b: Black land
    c: polythiesm
    d: Michael Jackson

  21. Im going to give you some questions. I hope you figure them out!
    1. What is mummification
    2.How long did it take them to build the great pyramid?
    3.What is the tallest pyramid in the giza?
    4.What is the smallest pyramid in the giza?
    5.What structure has the head of a man but a body of a lion?
    6.What is the second largest pyramid in the giza?

  22. Why is the Nile River called The Giver of Life?
    A.It washed the people
    B.It overflowed too much and destroyed crops and people.
    C.It overflowed too little making people use surplus.
    D.It overflowed just enough to water crops.

    What does pyramid mean?
    A.A structure to worship gods/goddesses.
    B.A place to bury dead people.
    C.A place that holds dead pharaohs.
    D.A place where people mummify pharaohs.

    What is the Second step after anouncing death?
    A.Remove the eternal organs.
    B.Remove the brain.
    C.A funeral.
    D.Burying person.

    What is a famous game in Egypt?
    A.Snakes and ladders.
    C.Marco polo.
    D.Hide and Seek.

    Who is the embalming god?

    What does Necropolis mean?
    B.Ancient burielground.
    C.A tomb.
    D.Ancient boat.

  23. #1: Who was the Great Pyramid made for?☺☻
    A: Pharoah Khufu
    B: Pharoah Chuck Norris
    C: Pharoah Zanithamislantot
    D: Pharoah Elmo

    #2: Which river goes straight thought Egypt?☺☻
    A: Mississippi River
    B: Nile River
    C: Big Sioux
    D: Chuck Norris River

    #3: Who is the Sun God?☺☻
    A: Mr. Klumper
    B: Johnny Rawten
    C: Chuck Norris
    D: Ra

    #4: What Is The FIRST Step Of Mummification?☺☻
    A: Announcement of the fresh cookies
    B: Announcement of the death
    C: Announcement of the chuck norris
    D: Announcement of the life

    Too be continued...


  24. #1 What did they where as makeup?

    #2 What is the first step for mummifuction?

    #3 What is the land farther away from the river?

    #4 How many years did it take to builod the

  25. 1.Having your body mummified is very __________

    D.none of the above

    2.King mummified so the spirit would ________ him in the afterlife

    D.none of the above.

    3.What are the six steps of mummifacation?

    A.announcement of the death,removal of brains, removal of organs,wrapping the body, drying out process, final procssion.
    B.announment of the death, removal of organs, removal of brain, final procession, drying out process, wrapping the body.
    C.announcement of the death, removal of brains, removal of organs, drying out process, wrapping the body, final procession.
    D.None of the above

    4.The god of mummifacation.

    D.Mickey Mouse

    5.This defintion belongs to what word."Belief in many gods."

    D.none of the above

    6.Nile river is how long?

  26. #1 True or False: The Nile River is 4674mils long.

    #2 True or False: King Kufu had the Great Pyramid.

    #3 True or Fales: Only the king could get mummified.

    #4 True or False: The life of an Egyptian is sitting on the couch and watching TV.

    #5 True or False: Anubis is the god of mimmification.


  27. #1: Who is the Great Pyramid built for?

    2# Who came down in a form of a lion?

  28. 1. What is the defenition of polytheism?
    2. What are the six steps in mummification?
    3. What are the three things Egypt centered around in daily life?
    4. What are the four main things located at Giza?
    5.What word does the Nile River get it's name from?
    6. Who is the sun god?

  29. 1. Who is the god of the sun?

    2. What is the definition of pryamid?

    3. What is the 3rd step in the process of mummifacation?

    4. How long is The Nile River?

    5. What was considered very important to the Egyptians?

    6. Why is the Pyramid of Khafre unique?

  30. 1. whats the first gods name?
    2. what pharroh is in the great ptramid?
    3. whats the second step of mummification
    4.what are three things that are important in daily life
    5. why is the nile river important?
    6. what does polytheasim mean

  31. 1. The Nile river is __________miles long.

    2. The pyramid of Khufu is also The ______________ pyramid.

    3. The six steps of mummification are...

    4. The egyptytions both men and women wore ________ eye liner, ________ eye shadow, and ______ lip stick.

    5. True or False? Ra is the sun god and most important god.

    6. True or False? Hieroglyphics is the writing we use today.

  32. #1 What was poured on the body for 40 days?
    #2 Who was the god of mummification?
    #3 Where does the word Nile River come from?
    #4 What are 4 main things in Giza?
    #5 What does mummification mean?
    #6 What is the Great Sphinx's nickname?

  33. 1.what is the length of the nile? long does it take to dry the body in mummification?
    3.what is the definition of delta?
    4.who was the great pyramid built for?
    5.what 3 things do you use to look like an egyption?
    6.what is the name of the sun god?

  34. 1. who is the sun god?
    2. in daily life why was the doors unique?
    3.what is the first step of mummification?
    4.what is the great sphinx nickname?
    5.the black land is verry what?
    6.what is a necropolis?

  35. 1) The Black Land is a dry and dusty desert, where no crops can grow. True or False?

    2) The Great Sphinxs' nickname is..?

    3) The combined form of Ra and Horus is..?

    A) Amun
    B) Dua
    C)Ra- Horakte
    D)Re- Horatunk

    4)Papyrus is used to make paper.
    True or False?

    5) In Ancient Egypt, people slept on their...

    A) Roof
    C)Mesopotamian Cave-Man

    6) The Heart was weighed agsinst the _______ __ _____ to see wether or not they are considered good, or bad.

  36. 1. In Ancient Egypt how tall of the ground were the doors?

    2. Which way does the Nile River flow?

    3. What two restraunts are across the street from the Giza Necropolis?

    4. Who is the sun god. The most important god?

    5. What is the Heart weighed against in Ritual #2?

    6. What is a large stone building to serve as a house for the dead, or tomb?

  37. The Nile was not important.
    True or False

    Polytheism is the belief in gods
    A MANY B 1 C 4 D NONE

    The first step in mummification is
    A remove the brain B weigh of the heart C remove of organs D announcement of death

    The men and women were considered more importent then children True or False

    The ancient egyptians believed in
    A 12 B 17 C 19 D 2

    The medium sized payramid was the
    resting place of what king?


  38. 1.True or false? Was having your body mummified expensive?
    2.Where is Giza located?
    3.Who is the sun god?
    4.What does Nelios mean?
    5.Were childern considered very important or not imporant?
    6.The mouth of a river, where the river ends.

  39. How long is the nile.

    Who is the god of the sun.

    What did the men do all dat long in daily life.

    What are the five steps of Mummification.

    What is a plant whose stems are used to make a kind of paper.

  40. 1 What is the gods names
    2 What are the power to the gods
    3 How long the nile river is what makes it famous
    4 What are the four place in Giza
    5 How old was king tut and how did he die
    6 What does papyres when and where does it grow.

  41. 1: What is the god of the sun?
    2: What are the six steps of mummifiaction?
    3:What is the meaning of delta?
    4: True or Fausle does the Nile River flow north or south?
    5: What are their houses made of?
    6:Wich of the Pyramids belonged to khufu?

  42. 6 Questions

    1.Where does the Nile River get it's name from?

    2.The Great Sphinx has the body of what and head of what?

    3.What is the 3rd step of mummification?

    4.What did men wear when they worked?

    5.What is Osiris the god of: A.creator god B.embalming/mummification
    C.writing and knowledge
    D.dead and under world

    6.True of False? A necropolis is a cemetary especially one of large size and usually of an ancient city.

  43. 1. What is the length of the Nile River?

    2. How long did it take to build the Great Pyramid?

    3. Having your body mummified was very __________?

    4. Homes were very small. True or False

    5. Who is the God of mummification?

    6. What is papyrus used for?

  44. 1)the black land is where the first prymid was made. YES or NO
    2)What is GIZA.
    a.The biggest prymid
    b.a GOD
    c.none a the above
    3)polytheistic is belief in 1GOD. YES OR NO
    4)true or false. the sphix has the head of a turtle and the body of chicken
    5)khufu is a slave with powers. yes or no.

    6)true or false.the graet pyrimd to a very long time to build and some poeple died trying to build it.

  45. What is the Three most important things to the egytians:

    What is the sphinx's nick name:

    Each organ gets put in a...

    What is the fertil land by the nile called.

    Who is the god of mummification:

    What is a necropolisis:

  46. 1. What is the plant grown in Egypt to make paper?
    2. Name the four things located in Giza?
    3. What are house made from?
    4. Who is the the sun god?

    5. What were the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines put in when they were takin out?
    6. What is the king of Egypt called?

  47. Hello Sixth graders here is a study guide.

    1. True or False? The Nile River is important to Ancient Egypt?

    2. The Nile River is how many miles long?

    3. What are the Kings called in Ancient Egypt?

    4. What are the 6 steps in the Mummifacation process?

    5. What do you wear to make yo look like an Egyptian?

    6. What do the Egyptians have in common with us?

  48. Test questions
    1. What is a necroplis?
    A. a cemerery in the modre day
    B. location of the great pyramid
    C. cemerery of an ancinent city
    D. the mjor river in Egypt

    2. About how much lien did they use?
    A.3 feet
    B.1 million yards
    C.hunders of yards
    3. True or false did some people sleep on roofs?

  49. $tudy Guide

    1.What is the 6th step in mummification?

    2. True or false: Isis is the goddess of the dead.

    3. How high are the ancient egyptians doors?
    A: 2ft
    B: 7ft
    C: 5ft
    D: 1ft
    E: None of the above.
    If it is D how high was the doors?

    4. The nile river gets its name from the _____________ word ___________ meaning _________________.

    5. What is the pyramid Menkaure made of?
    A: Tile and Wood
    B: Granite
    C: Metal
    D: limestone
    E: limestone and granite

    6. What is the king of egypt also thought to be a god.

  50. what is the taker of life or giver of life
    whats the deffinition of mummification

  51. #1 What is the definition of mummifacation?_____________________

    #2Who is the god of sun?________

    #3What are the six steps of mummifacation?________________

    #4What kind of clothing did the Egyptians wear?_____________

    #5This is the defintion The _______ Thought to be the ruler of egypt?

  52. #1 What is the first step of mummification?______________

    #2 Unique sleeping=_____________

    #3 God with man of a hawk=________

    #4 What is across the street from the Giza complex?

    A Taco Bell and KFC
    B Pizza Ranch and Taco Bell
    C KFC and Pizza Hut
    D KFC and Pizza Ranch

    #5 ______ is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza.

    #6 _______ is the location of the great shynx.

  53. #6Why did the egyptians build pyramids?________

  54. these are my Questions
    what is the meaning of delta?
    Is the nile river called the taker of life or the giver of life?
    How long did it take to build the great pyramid?
    In mummifacation where were the organs placed after pulled out?
    In egypt were children considered important?
    Who was the sun god and the most important god?

  55. 1. Name the six steps of mummification in order.
    2. Name the god that weres the jackle headed mask.
    3. Across the street from Giza there were two places name them.
    4. How long is the nile river?
    5. Was cildren very impotant or not important.
    6. What is the deffinition of Hieroglyphics?

  56. Was ANUBIS most popular in ancient EYGPT? Who was ANUBIS mainly? WHO is your fav GOD OR GODDESS?

  57. 1. The Sphinx has the body of a ____ and the head of a ___.

    2. The Nile River gets its name from the _____ word, ______ meaning "_____ ______".

    3. Women wore a cone of _______ ___ on their head.

    4. What is the process of mummification?

    5. The Ancient Egyptians had the need for gods and goddesses for these reasons:
    -Explain the mysteries of ______
    -Explain the ________
    -Develop a ________

    6. The definition for necropolis is ____________.

  58. 1.What is the defenition for Hieroglyphics:?

    2.What 4 organs did the Egyptians remove from the body?

    3.What are the 6 steps of mummification?

    4.The cildren in Egypt we considered _____ _______.

    5.What where the womens duties?

    6.The Sphinx was the head of a ____ and a body of a _____.

  59. 3 Egypition gods the first type pyrimid ever built
    3.what did the egyiptions wear
    4.what were the steps of mummifacation in order
    5.what was the nile provide for the egyptions
    6.what is the meaning of the word necrpolice

  60. true or false
    1.the eye of ra is the left eye.
    2.the children were considered very important.
    3.that khafre is the biggest of the pyramids.
    4.the first stepof mummification is the annoucment of the death
    5.the nile is 4148 miles long.
    6.the king of Egypt is known as only the king.

  61. #1.Who was the Great Payrimd built for?

    #2.What is a necropolis?

    #3.Fill in the blank
    It took ________ years to complete the payrimid of Khufu.

    #4.What is a Delta?

    #5.Why did the Egyptains have such big houses?

    #6.true or false, the main piece of clothing was a tunic.

  62. 1. Who was the god of mummification?


    2.Why did egyptians mummify the pharoahs?

    3.Name three of the crops egyptians grew.


    4. True or false?

    The eye of Ra gave life, ressurection,healing and power, while the eye of Horus was powerful and gave destructive force linked with the heat of the sun. big could you make your house?

    A)As big as you want
    B)15 feet tall,30 feet wide,and 45 feet thick
    C)As big as an apartment

    6.Name the kings who were buried in giza.


  63. 1 whats the first step in mummifacation__________?

    2 whats the last step in mummifacation _________?

    fill in blank
    3 it took _________ to build the pyramid of Khufu?

    4 in mummifacation how did they remove the brian________?

    5 what does the word Giza mean______?

    6. what did the people make thier houses out of_________?

  64. 1. Who is the god/godess of ummification?

    A. RA
    B. Thoth
    C. Ma'at
    D. Anubis

    2. Name the two restronts across from The pyramids of Giza.

    3. What did men not have that they do now?

    4. Which way does the Nile flow?

    5. Having your body Mummified was very......

    6.What is a mouth of a river, were it ends?

  65. (: Social Studies Study Guide :)

    Question 1: What are the five steps of mummification in order?

    A: Announcement of death, kill man, remove brain, cut off head, dry out process.

    B: Final Procession, wrapping body, drying out process, removal of organs, removal of brain, announcement of death.

    C: Announcement of death, removal of brain, removal of organs,
    drying out process, wrapping the body, final procession.

    D: Mummification isn't real.

    Question 2: Name a god or goddesses.

    Question 3: How many years did it take to mak the Pyramid of Khufu?

    Question 4: How long is the Nile River?

    Question 5: Why did people sleep on their rooves.

  66. 1. What is the land called that is good for farming?

    2. What plant did the ancient egyptian use to make paper?

    3. What is the FIRST step in Mummyfying?

    4. What sea does the nile go into?

    5. What is the called that is NOT good for farming?

    6.What is the definition for DELTA?

  67. 1* were does the nile river start

    2* how long did it take to biuld the great pyrmid

    3* how long did it take dry out the body with natron salt

    4* about how many feet were thier houses of the ground

    5* was the protecter of the house and family

    6* what is giza

  68. Q1.what were the orgins placed in during mummification.
    Q2.what were the orgins that were removed.
    Q3.what was the name of the protective god of the dead.
    Q4.what was the greek name for the nile river
    Q5.what were all the percentigise of the eye of ra.
    Q6.what did the egyptians ware on their feet.

  69. This part is Daily Life

    1. Children are considerd?:____ _______

    2. Heavy _____ imposed on crops.

    3. How big are the home?__ ___ __ ___ ______.

    This part is Mummification.

    4. ____________ of _____.

    5. _______ of the _____.

    6. _______ of internal ______.

  70. true or false
    1.Did they announce the death?
    2.Was the heart taken out?
    3.The wrapping of the body was very easy.
    4.The kids were very important.
    5.The size of homes were very small.
    6.Necropolis is a plan field.

  71. 1. What is mummification?

    (a)bringing the phareo gifts
    (b)preserving a dead body
    (c)eating a taco
    (d)bulding a pyramid

    2.Is the nile
    (A)the giver of life
    (b)both a and d
    (c) the food restraunt across the street
    (d)the taker of life

    3. who was the great pyramid built for?

    4. what was life in ancient egypt centered around?
    (d)all of the above

    5. what is the last quesion in the vocab pacet?

    6. who is the king of the gods?
    (c) your thanksgiving dinner

  72. (1)Name 3 Gods.


    (2)What's the definition of mummification?

    A)A dieing king
    B)Performing arts in Ancient Egypt.
    C)Drying out a body to prevent it from rotting.

    (3)Write the 6 steps to mummification.


    (4)What direction does the Nile flow?


    (5)Who is the Godess of Protection?


  73. (1)Name 3 Gods.


    (2)What's the definition of mummification?

    A)A dieing king
    B)Performing arts in Ancient Egypt.
    C)Drying out a body to prevent it from rotting.

    (3)Write the 6 steps to mummification.


    (4)What direction does the Nile flow?


    (5)Who is the Godess of Protection?


  74. 1 True or false the major River is The Nile River?
    2 what is across the street from giza?
    3 Who is the sun god?
    4 why did they take out the nose in mummification?
    5how many steps are there to look like an egyptian?
    6what is a delta?

  75. How long in feet is the nile river?
    how long in miles is the nile river?
    what is the name of the great pyramid?
    what are the sixth steps of mummification?
    what did the acient egyptians were for eveyday life?
    what is the name of the sun god?

  76. 1. What is the fertle land by the Nile River called?
    2. What is the biggest pyramid in Giza?
    3. What do they use to extract the brain out of the body?
    4. What do the women of Egypt do for work?
    5. What does the eye of Ra stand for?
    Vocab! An ancient burial ground-

  77. 1. Who is the largest pyramid at Giza for?
    2. Name the parts of the eye of RA.
    3. What is the irrigated land near the Nile River called?
    4. What are the six steps of mummification?
    5. Why were their houses four feet off the ground?
    6. Define phaoroah.

  78. 1. Who is the largest pyramid at Giza for?
    2. Name the parts of the eye of RA.
    3. What is the irrigated land near the Nile River called?
    4. What are the six steps of mummification?
    5. Why were their houses four feet off the ground?
    6. Define phaoroah.

  79. 1) What are the 4 organs placed in?
    2) How long is the Nile River?
    3) Who was the Great Pyramid built for?
    4) Where did the Eygptians sleep?
    5) Who was the Egyptian's sun god?
    6) What does the word "necropolis" mean?

  80. 1. Name two Gods or Goddesses?
    2. What is the first step in mummification?
    3. What did the women do in Egypt?
    4. What is the name of the largest pyramid in Egypt?
    5. What is the red land?
    6. Why does the Nile flow north?

  81. #1: True or False
    Egypt is home to the largest pyramid in the world.

    #2: Fill in the Blank
    _____________ is the process of preserving a dead body.

    #3: True or False
    The Nile River supplies papyrus to make pyramids.

    #4: Fill in the Blank
    __ is the god of the sun.

    #5: True or False
    Horus is the god of the sky.

  82. Alexandercrerand pd.8November 18, 2010 at 2:01 PM

    1. Why was a pyramid built?
    2. What is a pharoh?
    3. What is mummifaction?
    4. How long is the nile river?
    5. Who is Ra?
    6. What is Ra the god of?

  83. 1 How does the Nile River flow North? ______________________
    2 What is the second largest pyramid at Giza?_________________
    3 Who was Atum? _____________
    4 What did most people wear? _____________
    5 What was the final step in mummification? ___________ ____________
    6 What does hieroglyphics mean? ______________________________________________________________________

  84. 1. What are the six steps of Mummification?

    2. What does Delta mean?

    3. What is chanted during Mummification?

    4. How did the Egyptians remove the brain for the head?

    5. What did the slitter do?

    6. What does the Pyramid protect?

  85. I have true or false questions.

    1: was the the nile called the giver and taker of life.

    2: are the egyptians polytheistic

    3: Ra is the god of water

    4: Did king khufu get mummified.

    5: is the nile is in south dakota

    6: do men take care of the children

  86. 1. How long is the Nile river?
    2. Is the Nile river imporant?
    3. What are the 2 other names for the Nile river?
    4. What is right by the Nile?
    5. What is right be the______ land
    6. What is by the black land?

  87. 1. Where did they put the organs?

    2. How long is the Nile River?

    3. What is across the street form Giza?

    4. What is the God of family?

    5. What was the Egyptains footwear?

    6. True or False: Polytheism is belief in one god.

  88. what are the six steps in mummifacation?

    what does necropilis mean?

    who is the sun god who is most important?

    what are the womens duties at home?

    where did the nile river get its name?

    what is across the street from the Giza necropilis?

  89. 1. How long is the Nile River?

    2. Which pyramid is known as the Great Pyramid?

    3. What are the six steps of mummification?

    4. What were the three main pieces of make-up worn?

    5. What is Ra the god of?

    6. What is a necropolis?

  90. 1. What is a nickname for the Sphinx?
    2. Name the Sun god.
    3. Why is the Nile River called the taker of life?
    4. What was used to build homes?
    5. What is step 3 in mummificaton process?
    6. What is a nercropolis?

  91. 1 true or fals only the phoros could get mummifid 2 who is the god of mummification 3 what was the first thing they did 4 how did the remove the brain 5 what organs were remove 6 why did they do mummifcation.

  92. 1. How long is the Nile River?

    2. How much dose one block wiegh of a pyramid?

    3. What is the first step of mummification?

    4. What three things is Ancient Eygpt centered on?

    5. Who is the god of the sun?

    6. What is a Delta?

  93. who were the pyrimids of egypt built for _______ , _________, and ________.

    what is the definition of polytheism.

    what is the name of the god of mummification.

    how long is the nile river.

    what are the 6 steps of mummification.

    what is the sphinxs nickname

  94. True or False
    1) The pyramid of Khufu is also called the great pyramid.

    2) The god Ra had the face of a hawk.

    3) The children were considerd very important.

    4) The nile was only called the taker of life because it somtime killed people.

    5)People were payed to cry when the pharoph was being brought into his tomb.

  95. why did they remove interanal organs?

    how does the nile get its name?

    what hieroglyphices means?

    what is the greatest pyramid in egypt called?

    what is name a god of goddess?

    for daliy life) the women have short hair (true or false)

  96. True or false the Nile River is the biggest river in the world.
    True or false Khufu has the biggest pyramid ever.
    What did Eygptians wear?
    What is the 3rd step in mummifacation?
    Who is the god of flooding
    What is a delta?

  97. Nile River
    how wide is the nile and how long will it take from one end to the other.

    Pyramid for egypt
    why did the mummify the pharaohs and whydid they dress in dresses

    why didnt they just dig in the ground and burie them

    Daily life of egypt

  98. Nile River

    How does the Nile River flow North?

    Pyramids of Egypt

    Where is Giza located?


    Why the need to Mummify?

  99. 1.Why does the Nile River flow North?

    2.What is the defintion of mummification?

    3.Wer the Ancient Egyptians, Monotheistic

    4.What did the worker wear for clothes?

    fairy costume

    5.Where is Giza located?

    What is a necropolis?

  100. 1.why was the nile called the taker of life

    2.wich pyramid took 23 years to make both ways the brain was removed

    4.people wore what clothing

    5.what is Ra

    6.what is papyris

  101. 1. were children important to the ancient egyptions? yes or no?

    2. is the great pyramid built for:
    A) khufu. B) Kafre. C) king tut. or D) lady gaga. who is it?

    3. what are the six steps mummification? list them.

    4. would egypt exist without the nile? yes or no?

    5. what is a necropolis? is it
    A) an ancient barial ground. B) a cemitary. C) a kiddie park. or D) a custruction site for a wal-mart.

    6. who is the sun god? is it A) thoth. B) ra. C) anubus. or D) dora the explorer and her trusty friend, boots. choose wisely.

  102. 1. How Long is the Nile River.

    2. Whos the god of the sun.

    3. why did the pay people to cry when the king died.

    4.Why did pesents ahve to give the king money.

    5. Why did the guy who took out the peoples organs get hit by rocks.

    6.What is a Necroplis.

  103. 1. How long is the Nile River?
    2. What is the name of the only pyrimad that had granit on it?
    3. What is the last step of Mummification?
    4. What do egyptions do to make themselves look 'beautiful?'
    5. What is the god of mummifications name
    6. What is the fertil land called along the Nile River?

  104. What is the name of the sun god? What did women wear on there heads to smell good? Which pyramid still has limestone on it to this day? What pharoah was the great pyramid made for? What did they cover the mummie with to dry the bodie out? How long is the nile river? The vocab word is PHAROAH

  105. #1. Who is the god of life and resurrection?
    #2. Where is Giza located?
    #3. Which is the smallest pyramid of the 3?
    #4. Who is the goddess with a headdress in the shape of a throne?
    #5. What did the men wear for shoes in daily life in Egypt?
    #6. In ancient egypt, why was their sleeping unique?

  106. what is mummification?
    what are the steps of mummifacation?
    what do egyptions were?
    whats the difference between monotheism and polytheism?whos the ruler in egypt?

  107. 1)what is the god with the head of a hawk and its the god of the sky?

    2)True or false? did they make homes out of limestone in ancient egypt?

    3)what was the clothing that men wore and women did not?
    4)what are the four main things located in Giza?
    5)what size is the pyramid of mekaure?

    A- Biggest
    D-none of these

    6)what is across the street from giza necropolis?
    A-pizza ranch gas station
    B-water store
    D-kfc pizza hut

  108. #1
    How long is the Nile River?
    A 4892 miles
    B 3000 miles
    C 4182 miles
    D 9000 miles

    Which pyramid has limestone on it?
    A Khufu
    B khafre
    C Menkaure

    How does the slitter get punished?

    Are childeren important or not?

    When Ra and Horus join togather what is the gods name?

    What is a necropolis?

  109. 1 how long is the nile

    2 what is the glue like substance called that holds the goz together

    3 what side is the eye of ra on
    what side is the eye of horus on

    4 what is the only pyramid with limestone on it

    5 what did life center around

    6 what is the description of necropolis

  110. #1
    How long is the Nile River?

    True or false
    Natron Salt is used to dry the body in mummifacation.

    Why is the Nile called the giver and taker of life?

    Name the six steps of mummifaction.

    Who is the god of mummifacation?

    A: Ra
    B: Horus
    C: Ra-horoti
    D: Anubis

    What is the definition of pharaoh?

  111. 1.The Nile River is _________ miles long.

    2.Ra is the god of____________

    3.The great pyramid took ___ year to complete.

    4.The peasants grew__________

    5.What are the 6 steps of mummification

    6.What word means "a cemetery, especially one of large size and usually of an ancien city."

  112. 1.Where is The Great Sphinx located?

    2.What is the Great Pyramid built of?

    3.What is the 4 step in mummification?

    4.Who is the god of wisdom?

    5.What is the river in Egypt called?

    6.What are pyramids for?

    Vocab word

  113. 1. What way does the Nile River flow?
    A.West B. South
    C.East D. North
    2. What plant is used to make paper?
    A. Roses B. Violets
    C. Papyrus D. Zinnias
    3. How many days does it take for the body to dry out?
    A. 25 days B. 40 days
    C. 1 year D. 45 days
    4. Which god was the man with the head of a curly-horned ram God of flooding?
    A. Amun B. Isis
    C. Khnum D. Geb
    5. What two stores are across the street from the pyramids?
    A. KFC and the attic
    B. Pizza Ranch and Taco Johns
    C. KFC and Pizza Hut
    D. Dairy Queen
    6. What is the location of the Great Pyramid and the sphinx. A necropolis.
    A. Necropolis
    B. Giza
    C. Papyrus
    D. Mummification

  114. 1.What is one of the name of the gods?

    2.Whats the defination of the word Giza?

    3.How long is the Nile River?

    4.What was the name of the pyramid the egptians to the pharoah to.

    5. What are the 6 steps of mummification.

    6.Whats was the daily life in Egypt.

  115. 1.what is a necropolis?

    2.what is the great sphinx nickname?

    3.what is across the street from the Giza necropolis?

    4.what were the three things life in Anicient Egypt centerd around?

    5.what was the main piece of clothing the Egyptians wore?

    6.what was their main jewelery?

  116. 1 the nile river is _________ long.

    2 what is the name of the necropolis in Egypt? is it

    3 what is in the mummies wrappings? ______________

    4 what is the name of the god that prtecs you from snake and scorpian bites?

    A: horus
    B: aunubis
    C: bes
    D: ra

    5 what did the woman of the houes do evry day?____________

    6 what are hieorohglifics?


  117. Answer true or false.

    1.The Nile River has black land right next to it?

    2.The pyramids are made out of granite?

    3.You mimmify a body to keep it from losing skin?

    Fill in the blank.

    4.Children are considered_______important

    5.__ _______,combonation of Horus and Ra,the rising sun.

    6.__________the belief in more than one god.

  118. How many years did it take to complete the Great Pyramid...
    A. 23 years
    B. 5 years
    C. 23 years
    D. 14 years

    Out of the 4 pyramids which is the largest...
    A. Pyramid of Khafre
    B. Pyramid of Menkaure
    C. Pyramid of Khufu
    D. Pyramid of Khufu and Pyramid of Menkaure

    What is across the street from Giza Necropolis____________.

    Pyramid of Khafre still has _________ at the top.

    Pharoah... to be continued

  119. 1.How long is the nile river?
    2.How much did the blocks weigh on the pyramids?
    A.1 billion
    B.3 billion
    C.2 billion
    D.5 billion

    3.what is the name of the person wearing double crown?


  120. 1.True or false:does the sliter get hit with stones?

    2.What is the defonition of mumifaction?

    3.What are the three steps of looking like an egyption

    4.What do you pour on the body to dry it out?
    C:Natron salt

    5.How long is the Nile River?

    6.The heart weighed against a feather if did't balanced what would it granite?

  121. 1. What is across from the Giza Necropolis?
    2.True or False? Men had facial hair.
    3. True or False? The red land is fertile.

  122. 1.What is the fertile land right along the Nile River called?
    A.Black Land
    B.Red Land
    C.Brown Land
    D.Blue Land

    2.Who is the Great Pyramid made for?
    D.The Nobles

    3.What happens if the heart is balanced?
    A.Horrible Fate
    C.Thrown down a pit

  123. Ancint Eygpt practice test

    1.WHAT IS THE great river of eygpt called? land b.Nile River
    C.River of Eygpt D.not above

    2. what are the pyrimds used for?

    3.was the normale look for a eygpsion black eye shodow blue eyeliner and red lipstick plus perfume?

    4.KHUFU is NOT a god

    5. mummifaction was


  124. Q: way is the brain is removed.
    A: it was a wast of space.

  125. 4. What goddess has hte head of a cat?
    5. What is the smallest pyramid at Giza?
    6. Why is the Nile called the taker of life?

  126. does the nile river flow north. did they get the brain out of the body.
    3.were the children very important or not important.
    4.the sphinix nickname is
    5.the great sphinix is made out of
    6.why couldnt crops grow here

  127. 1 how does the nile flow north?

    2 what is mummification?

    3 what is the sphinx nickname?

    4 who was the smallest pyramid bilt for?

    5 how many things are in the giza necropolis?

  128. BradyB the answers to your questions are
    1. false
    3. true
    4. false
    5. false

    there are your answers

  129. Here are the ansewers to Andrew's questions.

    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True
    6. False

  130. Brady B had true or false questions Heres the anwsers.

  131. Maggi, the answer to your questions are...

    1. B. Nile River
    2. tombs mostly for pharoahs
    3. False
    4. True
    5. B. Expensive
    6. An Egyption king, belived to be a child of the gods

  132. Monet .E.8 answers

    1. 4,184

    2. 2 tons

    3. Anouncement of Death

    4. Religion, pharaoh, and family

    5. Ra

    6. Mouth of a river

  133. Answering Amy Kueter

    1.To help the gods to remeber what the pharoah looked like.

    2.Black land

    3.Mcdonland,Budger King




    P.P.S. ion.
    Amy give the answer away in the quest

  134. my follow up

    Andrew B answers
    1 True
    2 False
    3 False
    4 False
    5 True
    6 False

  135. sidney p4 here are the answers to your questions:

    2.The doors were 4ft high off the groud so water stayed out.
    3.Announcement of the Dead
    4."Gaurdian of the Giza Complex"
    6.A large cemetary

  136. sidney p4 here are the answers to your questions:

    2.The doors were 4ft high off the groud so water stayed out.
    3.Announcement of the Dead
    4."Gaurdian of the Giza Complex"
    6.A large cemetary

  137. I did me answers to Jessica T.

    1. nort
    2. Papyrus
    3. 40 days
    4. Khnum
    5. KFC and Pizza Hut
    6. Giza

  138. i am going to answer masons questions

    delta means the mouth of the river

    both depens what it does

    around 23 years

    canopic jars yes the children were important

    Ra was important god

  139. my fowllow up is on alex waughs questions
    3.drying out
    5.nile river
    6.pharoahs dead body mummy

  140. im replying to ian b4

    guardian of Egypt
    feather of truth

  141. @Lam P9

    1.What is the fertile land right along the Nile River called?

    A.Black Land

    2.Who is the Great Pyramid made for?


    3.What happens if the heart is balanced?


  142. I'm following up on Cole W..
    2.wrapping process
    4.King Khufu eyeliner
    And those are my answers!!

  143. Carson Haase 9th periodNovember 22, 2010 at 6:46 PM

    Sorry mine is so late but better late than never right?

    Ok, so here are your questions.

    1) How important are the children in ancient Egypt?
    a) Very important
    b) Not important at all
    c) a little important
    d) Extremely important

    2)True or false? The Great Pyramid is made of limestone.

    3)True or false. The Nile river is the shortest river in the world.

    4) What are the six steps in mummifacation?

    5) Ra is the god of what?

  144. Andrew B. 3:
    1) false

  145. Iam answering Morgan T. pd3 questions.

    1. False

    2. C.

    3. C.

    4. False

    5. C.

    6. The definition of Giza is:The location of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. A Necropolis. Thanks for the questions Morgan!

  146. Answers to Hope's q's

    1) Horus
    2) False
    3) tunics down to their knees/short skirts when working outside
    4) the three pyramids and the sphinx
    5) A
    6) D

  147. Here are my answers to Mason B.6's questions

    1.Delta means the mouth of the river or the end of the river.

    2.The Nile River is both Taker of life and Giver of Life.

    3.It took about 23 years to build the Great Pyramid.

    4.The organs were placed in canopic jars after taken out of the body.

    5.Yes, the children were considered important.

    6.Ra is the sun god and the most important.

  148. Carly R., here are the answers to your questions:
    1. True
    2. In Egypt
    3. Ra
    4. River Valley
    5. very important
    6. delta

  149. my blog follow up

  150. Hanna Here are the answers to your questions.

    1.The Announcement
    Remove brain
    Remove organs
    Dry out body
    Wrap the body
    The Final Procession

    2.A burial ground


    4.Raise Children

    5.from the greek word "nelios" meaning river valley.

    6.KFC and Pizza Hut

  151. I am answering Carter Klatts Questoins.

    1. Khufu
    2. A huge cemetery, burial ground.
    3. 23
    4. The end of the river, where it ends.
    5. Because there was plenty of mud, they got to choose how big they wanted it.
    6. true.

  152. my reply was to elsiez
    1 yes the slitter is pelted with stones
    2 to dry out the body of a dead body
    3green eye shadow black eyeliner and red lipstick
    5 4148miles long
    6it would be devoured

  153. Here are the answers to Emliy L's questions.

    2)A large stone building to serve as a house for the dead, of a tomb.
    3)removal of the organs
    4)4,184 miles long
    5) children
    6) the limestone was still smooth at the top

  154. Hey Erin here the answers to your questions:

    1.Preserving the body for the afterlife.
    2.23 years
    3.Pyramid of Khufu
    4.Pyramid of Menkaure
    5.The Sphinx
    6.Pyramid of Khafre

  155. Morgan T. here are the answers to your questions:

    1. False

    2. C. Natron Salt

    3. C. Feather of Truth

    4. False

    5. C. Canopic Jars

    6. An area in Egypt that contains the Great Pyramid (Khufu), The Pyramid of Khafre, The Pyramid of Menkaure, and the Sphinx.

  156. I am doing andrew b answers


  157. I anwering Jacob B's Q's

    1: Yes
    2: Yes very
    3: No
    4: Yes
    5: No it's in Egypt
    6: Yes very much

  158. Here are the answers to your questions Emily K4.

    1.4feet off the ground


    3.KFC and Pizza Hut




  159. Morgan TeKrony here are the answers.

    1. False

    2. C. Natron Salt

    3. C. Feather of Truth

    4. False

    5. C. Canopic Jars

    6. The location of the Great Pyramid (Khufu) and the Sphinx.

  160. I'm going to follow up on Tania Tingles questions.

    What did you have to wear to become an egyptian? Whit tunic, black eyeliner, green eyeshadow, alot of perfume.

    What was the smallest pyramid built for? I think it was for king Kufu

    What god is the creater of god? Atum

    Whats the 5th step of mummification? Final Procession.

    What land is right beside the Nile river? Black land

  161. Macy Clarks Answers:
    1: A... & C
    2: C
    3: KFC & Pizza Hut
    4: Limestone

  162. jesica here are the answers to your questions.
    5.c.kfc and pizza hut

  163. jesica here are the answers to your questions.
    5.c.kfc and pizza hut

  164. my ansers to andrews qustions are


  165. Im answering Jessica T Questions

    1. North
    2. Papyrus
    3. 40 Days
    4. Khnum
    5. KFC and Pizza Hut
    6. Giza

  166. I am answering Elsies questions
    the process of preserving the dead
    3.Black eyeliner,red lipstick,green eyeshadow
    4.Natron salt
    5.4184 miles
    6.It would guarantee that they would not go to the after life.

  167. I found the anwsers to your questions TanyaT

    1. If you want to look like an egyptian you have to wear redlipstick, black eyeliner, perfume, and green eye shadow.

    2.The smallest pyrimid was built for Menkaure.

    3.Atum is the creator god.

    4.The 5th step of mummification is to wrap the body in linen

    5.The land right next to the nile is called the black land

  168. Rebecca H. pd.3 your ansers are

    1. d
    2. c
    3. b
    4. b
    5. b
    6. b

  169. 1.What does pharoah mean?
    a ancient egyptian god-king

    2.Name one of the gods or goddesses.

    3.The great pyrimad was build for who?

    4.What thing was the heart of the pharoah wieght againist after death?
    The feather of truth.

    5.Name one step in mummification process?
    removal of brain

    November 18, 2010 10:10 AM

    Questions from Nicole.

  170. Carly Rahn here are the answers to you questions.

    1. True
    4.river valley
    5.very important

  171. jordan r






  172. Rebecca H.P.3
    1:a ancient egyptian god-king
    4:The feather of truth.
    5:removal of brain

  173. jacob b 8
    1 true
    2 true
    3 false
    4 true
    5 false
    6 false

  174. Here are the answers to Andrew's questions.


  175. I answered Braden R's questions.
    1. it flows north because it is on a hill
    2. the procces inwhich you preserve a body
    3. polytheistic
    4. naked
    5. Africa
    6. an ancient burial ground

  176. Amy K here are the answers to your questions.
    3.pizzahut and KFC

  177. BradyB here are your answers:

  178. The answers to AlexW4's questions are:

    #1.4,184 miles
    #2.32 years

  179. i did tanyas
    1. red lipstick, green eye liner,eye black
    4wrap it

  180. Gracmarie A3 said...
    I'm answering nikita's questions

    #1 announcement of death
    removal of the brain
    #2 removal of the organs
    #3 dry out the body
    #4 wrapping the body with linen
    #5 smear mummia, a glue like substance,all over the body to keep linens together
    #6 place two shrouds over the body to make sure everything stays as it should

    2. jackal mask

    3. Thoth,Ammut,Buddha

    4.Well, it has a red land and black land italso goes to the Meditarrean sea

    6.It is a plant which they used in Egypt for paper.

  181. Hey Amy your answers for your questions are:
    #3KFC and Pizza Hut
    #5 Ra
    Those are your answers=)

  182. jaden

    1.4184 miles

  183. Jacob B


  184. The person I am answering about is Curtis T.


    2.4145 miles


    4.Announcement of Death; Embalming the Body; Removal of Brain ; Removal of Internal Organs; Drying Out Process; Wrapping of the Body

    5.Green eye shadow, black eye liner, and red lipstick

    6. family

  185. my blog followis about zane s8

    2.annoucement of death,remove brain,remove organs,dry out body,wrapping body, final processsion.
    5.ancient burial grounds

  186. I'll review Masen Johnson.

    1. Mekekure or whatever, Kafre, and Khufu.

    2. The belief in more than one god.

    3. Anubus

    4. 4,184 miles long

    5. Announcement of death, removal of the brain, removal of the internal orgins, drying out process, wrapping the body, final procession.

    6. The Guardian of the Giza Complex.

  187. Monets.E.pd 8 anwsers....
    1. 4,184 mile long.

    2. 2.5 tons.

    3. Anouncement of death.

    4. Religion,pharaoh,family.

    5. Ra.

    6. The mouth of the river.

  188. Hey Carly Campbell here are you answers!!!

    1. The greak word nelios meaning river valley.
    2. Body of a Lion Head of a Man
    3. Removal of Organs
    4. Tunics or NAKED
    5. D ~ God of dead and underworld
    6. True


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