
Friday, November 5, 2010

Let's Have a Chat about Egypt

This has been, in my opinion, a great week on WSG. Water for Sixth Grade continues to surpass its traffic totals each day and Ediscio blew up (Not literally, that would be bad) by having over 100 students sign up and having over 600 ancient Egypt flashcards viewed. All this in only 3 days. That, my faithful students, is awesome. Great Job. Today, we will be having a conversation about Ancient Egypt. We are going to use some of the information we have gathered thus far, and use it in a different way. For your blog post, you will be having an imaginary conversation with someone about either the Nile River, or the Pyramids of Egypt. I know what your first question is: "Can the person be anyone?" And the answer to that would be yes, it can. The person you have your imaginary conversation with can be a real person, someone you actually know, a movie star, a famous athlete, your Wax Museum character, someone dead, someone living, etc. You will type your imaginary conversation as a comment and post it to this blog post. Let's use our Egypt knowledge and have a little fun with it.

Task: Write an imaginary conversation with whoever you want about Ancient Egypt. The person you are having a conversation with does NOT know anything about your topic, so teach them!

Details: If your LAST name starts with A-K, your conversation needs to be about the Nile River. If your LAST name starts with L-Z, your conversation needs to be about the Pyramids of Egypt. Use your guided notes to help you.
Amount: You need to tell your "person" about AT LEAST five things about your topic.

Creative: Being that you are making this conversation up, be creative. In addition to your Egypt topic, your conversation can also include additional things unrelated to Egypt, but related to your person. See Example below.

Points: 20
DUE: Monday, November 8th, 2010. 8:00 a.m.

My Conversation with Miranda Cosgrove:
Me: "Hi Miranda, my name is Mr. Klumper. How are you?"
Miranda Cosgrove: "Hi. Nice to meet you. I am doing great."
Me: "Good to hear. Hey, by the way, I think you are really funny in iCarly."
Miranda: "Oh! Thank you so much. That means a lot. I love to hear from my fans."
Me: "Actually, I was kidding. I haven't laughed one time while watching your show."
Miranda: (starting to cry) "Oh, ok. Well, I'll try to get some better jokes."
Me: "That would be a good idea. By the way, have you ever heard of the Nile River?"
Miranda: "No, uh..not exactly. What is it?"
Me: "Well, Miranda, it's the major river of Egypt. It is very important"
Miranda: "Cool! But why is it so important?"
....and the conversation continues about the Nile River.


  1. My coversation with larry the cable guy,
    Me: Hi larry my names logan
    Larry: why hello there
    Me: i think ur really funny on comody central
    Larry: thanks
    Me: so are you ready for me to tell you about the nile river?
    Larry: Lets Giter Done
    Me: ok so do you know any thing about the nile river?
    Larry: nope
    Me: Shocker
    Larry: giter done
    Me: ok i'll tell you every thing i know.
    Larry: giter done
    Me: here we go the nile river is the most important river in eygpt...
    Larry: zzz
    Me: WAKE UP!!!!
    Larry: ok ok ok no need to yell
    Me: sorry my caps lock was on any ways like i was saying the nile is the most important river in eygpt and the are two land red and black black land is the fertile land good for farming and the rad land is bad for basicly bad for any thing that breaths.
    Larry: Dang kid you can talk!
    Me: no i was just wondering if you where sleepin again!
    Me: cool thanks for listening bye
    Larry: Bye

  2. My conversation with Mr. Klumper
    Me: Hi Mr. K I'm going to tell you about the pyramids of Egypt.
    Mr. K: Ok tell away
    Me: Well there are three great pyramids, one for Khufu, one for Khafre, and one for Menkaure.
    Mr. K: cool and where are those three great pyramids located.
    Me: They are located in the necropolis Giza.
    Mr. K: I'm glad that you know that
    Me: The pyramid of Khafre had a special sarcophagus that was solid gold
    Mr. K: awesome
    Me: The second tallest is Menkaure and it still has some of its limestone casing on its top
    Mr. K: Really cool, now what else is there to know about the pyramids
    Me: well, the bricks that put the pyramids together are said to be 2.5 tons
    Mr. K: that's some heavy stone/brick
    ME: I know right
    Mr. K: well thanks for teaching me all that stuff.

  3. My conversation is with Katelyn Nissen
    Amy: ''Hey Katelyn.''
    Katelyn: ''Hey Amy.''
    Amy: ''How are you today.''
    Katelyn: ''Good how are you.''
    Amy: ''What do you know about the Nile River.''
    Katelyn: ''Not much tell me about it.''
    Amy: ''The Nile River is the major river of Egypt without this river Egypt would not exist.''
    Katelyn: ''That is cool I never knew that!''
    Amy: ''Did you know the Nile river flows north.''
    Katelyn: ''Ya.''
    Amy: ''The Nile is 4,184 miles long.''
    Katelyn: ''That is long.''
    Amy: ''The name Nile is greek word for Nelios meaning the river valley.''
    Katelyn: ''Wow interesting.''
    Amy: ''There is the Black Land and the Red Land the black land is fertile and good for farming but the red land is hot and dry not good for farming.''
    Katelyn: ''I would not like to live in the Red Land.''
    Amy: ''At the end of the river is called the delta.''
    Katelyn: ''cool!''
    Amy: ''Well, that is all I have for you see ya!''
    Katelyn: ''Bye!''
    Amy: ''Bye!''

  4. My conversation with Logan Lerman
    Me: Hi Logan,I'm Sonjah, What's up?
    LL: Oh, nothing mutch.
    Me: Oh, well I'm a big fan of "The Lightning Thief". Wish I had a pair of flying high tops.
    LL: Really, cool. Me too, that would be awesome.
    Me: So, have you heard of the pyramids?
    LL:Um, no, what are they?
    Me: They are giant tombs made for the Pharaos of Egypt.
    LL: Oh, cool. But why are they giant? I mean, it would take a long time to build that.
    Me: Well, yeah, but there is three of them, and most of the blocks weigh over a ton,and the smallest one took ove a decade to build.
    LL: wow, that's a long time. Is there anything else special about them or something by them?
    Me: Well, one pyramid, the great pryamid, is missing its cap stone. The pyramid of Khafre has some of its original casing on the top, and in the pyramid of Menkaure, scientists found a solid gold sarcophagos that, while being brought back to America on a ship, sank to the bottom of the Medditeranian sea.
    LL: wow, solid gold. no wonder it sunk haha.
    Me: Yeah, its kind of funny, did I mention the sphinx?
    LL: no, whats that.
    Me: It is called "The Guardian of Giza Complex and people say it's haunted.
    LL: wow, creepy.
    Me: Yep, that's all I have for today, see you later.
    LL: kay, later

  5. My conversation with jamaal Charles.

    Me:Hey Jamaal how are you?
    Jamaal:im doing great, how about you?
    Me:same, hey have you ever heard about the nile river?
    Jamaal:Uhhh, yeah a couple times back in school.
    Me:good, the nile river is in Egypt, it is 4,184 miles long!
    Jamaal:seriosly? I always thought it was a couple miles long!
    Me:nope, its the biggest river in the world, if it wasn't there Egypt would not exist!
    Jamaal:why wouldn't it exist if it wasn't there?
    Me:Egyptians used it for transportation on boat and trade.
    Me:Egyptians called it the taker of life because it overflowed too much kiils people from drowning them, and overflows too less sometimes, they also called it the giver of life because it it overflows for fertile soil to grow crops.
    Jamaal:cool! I have to go to practice right now, bye!
    Me:bye, good luck on the game on Sunday!

  6. My conversation with Tio Cruz:
    Me:"Hi Tio,my name is Tyler Zimmerman. How are you?"
    Tio Cruz: "Hi.Nice to meet you. I am doing great."
    Me:Good to hear,Hey I love your song Dynamite and break your heart.
    Tio Cruz:Thank you so much, that means alot to me.
    Me:Did you know that Khafre has the biggest pyraimd. They used over two million blocks.
    Tio Cruz: No I did not know that, thats alot of blocks.
    Me: And did you know that Khfres grandson built one too it was ten feet shorter then khafres.

  7. My conversation with Michael Jordan:

    Me:"Hey Micheal my names Andrew, Hows it?"
    Michael:"Hey Andrew I doin good, you?"
    Me:"Im doin awesome, by the way you are my favorite b-ball player EVER!"
    Michael: "Good to here, and thanks do you play b-ball?"
    Me: "Ya, Hey do u know anything about the Nile River in Egypt."
    Micheal: "No not really but I have heard of it, in Egypt right."
    Me:Ya, "We are learnin about it in SS."
    Michael:"O, cool"
    Me: "Ya did you know that the Nile is about 4184 miles long?"
    Michael: "No I didnt know that, that is a long river."
    Me:"Ya it is,Do you know how it got its name."
    Michael: "No."
    Me:"It comes from the greek word "Nelious" it means River Valley."
    Micheal:"Cool I didnt know any of those questions thanks for teachin me but I have to go to an important NBA photo shoot so bye."
    Me: "Just 1 or 2 more things"
    Me:"Ok, so did you know that the river flows North."
    Micheal:"No thats interesting."
    Me: "ya also did you know that there is a black and a red land."
    Michael: "no"
    Me: "One more thing do you know what papyrus is?"
    Micheal: "No"
    Me: "It is a plant."
    Micheal: "Cool but i half to go, bye."
    Me: "Bye"

  8. I am having my conversation with Hanna Montanna.

    Me: " Oh my gosh it is Hanna Montanna!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Hanna: "Ya it is."

    Me: " I really like your show."

    Hanna: " thank you."

    Me: "Do you know about the pyramids?"

    Hanna: " No, what is it?"

    Me : Well, one of the pryamids is The Great Pyramid.

    Hanna: "ohhhhh how intersting tell me more."

    Me: " In one of the pyramids each block weighs 2.5 tons.

    Hanna: " Ohh that is really big."

    Me: Do you want me to tell you more?"

    Hanna: " yes"

    Me: " Ok that pyamid is Khafre."

    hanna : " the sure have some wierd names fir the pyramids."

    me: " The sure do"

    Hanna: " can you go inside them to see what ot looks like?"

    Me: " You sure can now people still go in there."

    Hanna: " sweet i am going to hand out autographs there of me by the pyramids.

    Me: "Lets not to far ahead of ourselves."

  9. My conversation is with Elmo:
    Me:"Sup Elmo I like love your show and by the way my name is NiKita."
    Elmo:"Well hello NiKita very nice to talk to you thank you for the flatering complement!" :)
    Me:"Haha your very welome..." :P
    Elmo:"Do you have a fmaous tv show??"
    Me:"No I dont but I wanna talk about something more educatioanl than tv shows."
    Elmo:"What will that be"
    Me:"Well its about Egypt and the Nile River"
    Elmo:"Well ive heard about it but I havent really heard any facts could you teach me?"
    Me:"OF COURSE!!What would you like to know?"
    Elmo:" about how long is it?
    Me:"Well the Nile River is 4,184 miles long...and it gets it name from the greek word nelios wich means river valley..o ya and it flows north not south."
    Elmo:"Wow thats alot of interesting things...but how does it flow north?"
    Me:"Because of the elivation silly!!"
    Elmo:"O of course woops brain wasent thinkning tell me some more interesting stuuf about egyot."
    Me:" Of course ummmm......there is tree major pyramids...and they found a beautiful gold sarsofigus in it but the peoples boat sunk and they drowend and now its at the bottom of the medatrsainian sea."
    Elmo:"wow well thats interesting".
    Me:"Well i have to go so ttyl g2g!

  10. My conversation with Jeaden Smith...

    Me "hi Jeaden hows your day going"
    Jeaden "good and thanks for
    me "Great, because its a friday"
    Jeaden "sounds awsome"
    me YUp .. Its pretty cool how your dad is Will smith, hes an awsome actor"
    Jeaden "why thank you have you seen my latest movie"
    me "yes i have it was pretty awsome but any way back to my topic .. have you ever heard of the nile river?"
    Jeaden " i dont beleive i have why dont you tell me a little bit about it."
    me " well the nile is located in egypt and well egypt wouldnt be egypt if there was no nile.
    Jeaden 'thats pretty interesting u should tell me more"
    me " will do and lately ive learned that the nile river has 2 lands around it the red land and the black land . the red land is on the very outside of it the red land is not fertile because the black land gets all the water the red land is dessert land and is not useful.... on the other hand the black land is very fertile and aswsome for farming this land is more useful then the red."
    Jeaden " that wasd a little boring but ill try to remember that because right now i am in 6th grade and i have to learn about ancient egypt next quarter by the way this website is prtty awsome.
    Me ' wait before you leave one more thing your song with justin beiber was amazing but you where wayyy better than him:)
    me " will do

  11. Conversation with Calamity Jane
    Me:"Hi,Calamity Jane,I'm Rebecca."
    Jane:"Hey,nice to meet you."
    Me:"What is your real name?"
    Jane:"Martha Jane."
    Me:"Thats a pretty name. Do you know anything about The Nile River in Egypt?"
    Jane:"Well...uh...not really."
    Me:"Well The Nile river is HUGE.
    I'm not kidding.It is exactly 4,184 miles long.
    Jane:"No way."
    Me:"Yep, and it has two nicknames.One the taker of life and two the giver of life."
    Jane:"Why is it called that?"
    Me:"I wanted you to ask that.The Taker of Life because when it overflowed too much it would kill people and crops.And when it overflowed too little it would kill crops and force people to use their surplus in food."
    Jane:"Oh my,that is horrible!"
    Me:"Yeah,now for Giver of Life.When it overflowed just the right amount it watered the crops.It also transported goods."
    Jane:" Yeah, that's good.Well I have to go so I can perform at Wild Bill Hickock's Western Show.Bye.

  12. My conversation with Amy Kueter:

    Me: "Hi Amy, my name is Katelyn"
    Amy: "Hi am my name is Amy Kueter. How are you?"
    Me: "I fine, thank you?"
    Me: "Amy, tell me what you know about the Pyamids."
    Amy: "Well, I really don't know a lot about Egypt."
    Me: "Ok I'll tell you a little about the Pyramids."
    Amy: "Oh, your so nce"
    Katelyn: "A Necropolis is a large cemetery or burying place. There is four main structures at Giza, a sphinx, 3 different pyramids, Menkaure, Khafre, and the pyramid of Khufu.An across from the necropolis there's a KFC and a Pizza Hut."
    Amy: Cool, "Thanks for teaching me about Pyramids. Bye!!"
    Katelyn: See you in school,bye I enjoyed teaching you!!"

  13. My Conversation with $KESHA$
    Me:Hi KESHA, my name is Lexi Zoellner. How are you?
    KESHA:Hey, Nice to meet you. I'm doing great.
    Me:"do you know anyting about the great pyramids of Egypt?"
    Kesha:No,um what are they?"
    Me:They are three pyramids in Egypt. The Pyramid of Khafre, The Pyramid of Khufu, and The Great Pyramid.
    Kesha:Oh, teach me more.
    Me: The pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid of them all. Talk to you later.
    Kesha: K bye!

  14. My conversation with Amy Kueter:

    Me: "Hi Amy, my name is Katelyn"
    Amy: "Hi am my name is Amy Kueter. How are you?"
    Me: "I fine, thank you?"
    Me: "Amy, tell me what you know about the Pyamids."
    Amy: "Well, I really don't know a lot about Egypt."
    Me: "Ok I'll tell you a little about the Pyramids."
    Amy: "Oh, your so nce"
    Katelyn: "A Necropolis is a large cemetery or burying place. There is four main structures at Giza, a sphinx, 3 different pyramids, Menkaure, Khafre, and the pyramid of Khufu.An across from the necropolis there's a KFC and a Pizza Hut."
    Amy: Cool, "Thanks for teaching me about Pyramids. Bye!!"
    Katelyn: See you in school,bye I enjoyed teaching you!!"

  15. Me:Well Hello Mr.Jackson. My name is Ozzie Howard.
    Mr.Jackson:Hi Ozzie,my name is Michael Jackson,hehe
    Me:Mr.Jackson I really like your music.
    MJ:Well thank you,what is your favorite song?Hehe.
    Me:umm...Teenage Dream DUH!
    MJ:Umm...that is not my song,but ok,Katie Perry is so pretty.Hehe.
    Me:Um...Sure...Ok...Whatever.Um Mister MJ.Do you know anything about the Nile River?
    MJ:No, not at all.Hehe.
    Me:Would you like me to tell you some information?
    MJ:Um, sure.
    Me:did you know that the Nile is probably the most important thing Egypt?
    Me:It had two nicknames,one was Giver of Life and the other one was Taker of Life.There are a couple of reason why the nile is named this.Giver of Life reason are:provided rich soil for crops,overflowed,and helped people overall.It was called the Taker of Life for these reason:killed people,overflowed to much,overflowed to little,and destroyed crops.
    MJ:Wow dude,that is a lot of information,where did you learn all of that stuff?Hehe.
    Me:I learned it from Mr.Klumper, he is the best teacher in the whole wide world!
    Me:Did you know that the Nile River is 4184 miles long!?
    ME:Really(I give him a nasty look)
    ME:Did you really?
    MJ:No(MJ has sad face)
    Me:Exactly so don't lie to me.If you do I will smack you into a diffent face.HEHE!To YOU!
    MJ:Dang Ozzie settle down.
    ME:Oh no, he is going in for the attack, ah!Don't worry I have Pokemon powers.POW!
    ME:HAHA I win, you lose!

  16. Me: Hi there im here with Will Smith.
    Will Smith: Hi.
    Me: Will Smith I love your movies and the show Fresh Prince of Bellair.
    Will Smith: Thank you It ws fun to be in the movies and TV shows.
    Me: well im going to teach you about the Nile River.
    Will Smith: Is it going to be boring?
    Me: No
    Will Smith: 90% sure
    Me: yes
    Will Smith: 100%
    Me: YES!!!

  17. I am having a conversation with Lady Gaga.
    Me:Hey Whats up??

    Lady Gaga:Nothing much how about you.

    Me:Well, I just wanted to teach you about the Nile River in Egypt.

    Lady Gaga:Sure go ahead i have a while 'til my performance!

    Me: Okay! I'll get started

    Lady Gaga:Go for it!

    Me:Well, did you know the two nicknames for the Nile River?

    Lady Gaga:No, I dont what are they?

    Me:Well there is the "Giver of Life," and there is the "Taker of Life."

    Lady Gaga:Thanks for telling me that but could you tell me how they got those names or why?

    Me:Yes, I will it is called the giver of like because it provedes transportation, food, & irrigation.

    Lady Gaga: Thanks for that part and what about taker of life?

    me: oh yes I was just getting to that part. It is the taker of life because it might over flow too little/too much it & kills people and crops.

    Lady gaga: Thanks for all of that information, I really enjoyed it i have to go i would like to here more some other time bye!!!

    Me:Thanks for listening!! Bye!

  18. My conversation is with Kirby Puckett.

    Me: "Hi Kirby my name is Abbi Hanna"."How are you doing"?
    Kirby Puckett: "I'm doing great"!"How are you doing"?
    Me:"Kirby do you know anything about the Nile River"?
    Kirby:"No,what is the Nile river"?
    Me:"It is a major river in Egypt.
    Kirby:" Oh, you should teach me more about the Nile River"
    Me:" Ok I will do that right now. Here I go are you ready?
    Kirby:"Ready, Go ahead.
    Me:"Ok so I will tell you it in just on miniute....I have to go.

  19. My conversation with Justin Bieber.
    Tanya: Hi justin. My name is Tanya. Im kinda not really a fan of you but I would like to talk to you about the pyramids of Egypt.

    Justin: Hi tanya. Why are you talking to me if you arent a fan of me?

    Tanya: I said I wanted to (not really) talk to you about the pyramids of Egypt. Have you ever been to Egypt? I havent. I want to though.

    Justin: I have been to Egypt. (HA! IN YOUR FACE!) I was there on a tour. The pyramids are huge. I think the biggest one is the Khafre one.

    Tanya: actually the pyramid of Khafre isnt the biggest. The biggest one is the pyramid of Khufu. The Khafre Pyramid may look bigger because of its steep sides and high grounds. Also, The pyramdi of Khufu has a nick name. Do you know it?

    Justin: Oh I thought the Pyramid of Khafre was the biggest. Thats cool! (not really) I used to remember the nickname but I forgot. What is it? (like I care.)

    Tanya: The pyramid of Khufu's nickname is The Great Pyramid. Do you know what is in the pyramids?

    Justin: just tell me lady.

    Tanya: ok ok they put dead bodies in there. But for the workers who worked on the pyramids, they have certain cemeterys they put their dead bodies in. Do you know how long it took for them to build The GReat Pyramid? Over 20 years!!!! long right?

    Justin: I guess. Im probably going to be dead in twenty years. jk not really. (I hope)why did it take that long?

    Tanya: first of all the pyramid is really big second every brick they put on there weighed 2.5 tons! thats like how much you weigh!

    Justin: oh ok. and you meanie. and by the way what you say is what you are!!

    Tanya: I was joking!!!! Can you take a joke?

    Justin: no....I have to go.

    Tanya: where?

    Justin: I have to rehearse for a song Im writing.

    Tanya: cool what song?

    Justin: Its a surprise.

    Tanya: ok... bye!

    Justin: bye. (finally)

  20. My conversation with Keaton Reindl
    Me: "Hello strange person who I 'haven't' met before."
    Keaton Reindl: "Hello to you too, random interviewing guy."
    Me: "Ah yes, and how do you spell your name... Keaton?"
    Keaton Reindl: "...K-E-A-T-☺-N"
    Me: "Ah, now I', going to teach you something new: The pyramids of egypt‼!
    Keaton Reindl: "Okay then, I never really paid attention to those, I just thought of the as big triangle
    building things"
    Me: "... okay then, did you know that the biggest pyra- wait"
    Keaton Reindl: "what?"
    Me: "let's do this in a game show type of thing"
    Keaton Reindl: "okay"
    Me: "all right then! Keaton, What is the pyramid of khufu also known as?"
    Keaton Reindl: "THe awesome pyramid"
    Me: "no, close, but it is........................ ♪♪♪♪THE GREAT PYRAMID♪♪♪♪
    Keaton Reindl: "Oh well, I was almost there"
    Me: "anyways, that was close enough, so I'm going to give you... ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS (so quiet, only I can hear) in monopoly money"
    Keaton Reindl: "AWESOME!!!! I COULD BUY A PIZZA WITH THAT!!!!!

  21. My comment is with breanna:

    ME:The other day my sister cut her own hair.She made bangs.I think there cute.And my other sister said she looked like you and thout they where cute to.

    Breanna:Cool so im like her romodle

    ME:no i thought I would tell you that story and tell you that think your hair is uuuggglllyyy.

    Breanna:Oh well mabe I,ll go to a hair stylest this weekend.

    ME:I love your songs.


    ME:Hey, have you ever learned about the Nile River.

  22. My conversation with Joe Mauer:
    Me:"Hi Joeseph Patrick Mauer! My name is Cole and i am your biggest fan."
    Joe Mauer:"I am glad that I have good fans out there.And how do you know my whole name?"
    Me:"Ya but just remember that i am your BIGGEST fan. Okay?"
    Joe:"(laughing) Okay. I will remember that.But you still haven't answered my question yet. How do you know my full name?"
    Me:" I resaerch you alot."
    Joe:"(wierded out)Okay? So is our conversation over now?"
    Me:"No. I want to tell you about the pyramids of Egypt."
    Joe:"Okay,go on."
    Me:"Well, i am sure you have heard of Giza,and you probably know that there are three pyramids in the Giza complex, but i am sure you don't know what their names are. The smallest of the three is the pyramid of Mancuer, 2 biggest is Khafre's, and the biggest is Khufu's. Well BYE!
    Joe: BYE!

  23. my conversation with my friend peter
    "Hello peter schumacher my name is james."
    me:"did you know that the pyramid of khufu can make 30 empire state buildings."
    me:"also it is the only one of the 7 wonders still standing."
    me:"there is lots more like the sphinx is aka the gaurdian of giza."
    peter:"wow i got to go bye."

  24. ALEX HAUG 4TH PERIODNovember 5, 2010 at 11:10 AM


    ME"hi billy."

    Billy bob jo"nice to meet you alex."

    ME"nice to meet you to. I am going to tell you about the nile rive."

    Billy"what is that, a giant turky?"

    ME" oh boy.Well I might as well get sarted."

    Billy"I recon you should."

    ME"Well for starters it is over 4,300 miles long."

    Billy"awsome that is so cool that is bigger then my house."

    ME"Ya?Also, Some parts of the NILE are 10 miles across, and some parts you can jump over."

    BILLY"Well that is just freaky like FREDDY.

    ME"You are freaky.Now it is time to tell you that it was the only magor river in all of egypt.With out it that egypt would be all desert."

    BILLY"I like toast you got any toast?"

    Me"You didn't hear a word I said did you.Well this is the last thing I am going to tell you.There was 2 types of land by the nile, balck(the fertile land) and red (THE desert).Last the Nile was called taker of life and giver of life. Way do you think it was called that?"

    Billy" it was called giver because it gave water to the people, but I have no idea why it was called the taker of life.



  25. My conversation with Belle(my dog)
    Me: Hi Belle, How are you?
    Belle: I'm great, thanks.
    Me: Do you know anything about the Great Pyramids of Giza?

    Belle: The what?

    Me: They great pyramids of Giza. There are three of them. They were built for three pharaohs.

    Belle: What are pharaohs? Which three?

    Me: Pharaohs are kings of Egypt. The three are: Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu.

    Belle: Ok, why did they build them for the pharaohs? What did the pharaohs do with them?

    Me: Once the pharaohs died they would bury them inside.

    Belle: What did they call the pyramids? a cemetery?

    Me: No, it is called a necropollis.

    Belle: is that the only one in the world?

    Me: No, you can find them all over the world. The sphinx is the guardian of the pyramids.

    Belle: What is a sphinx?

    Me: a sphinx has a body of a lion, but the head of a man. That's all I will tell you about today. See you after school!

    Belle: Bye!

  26. My Conversation with Sam Bradford.
    Me: Hey Sam, how are you doing?
    Sam Bradford: I'm doing great how about you?
    Me: Awesome! I think OU is a little lonley without you.
    Sam: Ya, I'm Sure.
    Me: Anyway, do you know anything about the Pyramids of Egypt?
    Sam: No, that doesn't ring a bell.
    Me: Well then today is your lucky day! I'm going to teach you!!
    Sam: Sweet! Let's get started!
    Me: Alright! 1st, The Great Sphinx!
    Sam: Huh?
    Me: The great sphinx! lol! His nickname is "Guard of the Giza Complex"
    Sam: Interesting, Keep going!
    Me: Enthusiasm. I like it! Alright, 2nd, Pyramid or Mankaure.
    Sam: Huh?
    Me: Is there anything you do know about Acient Egypt?
    Sam: Nope. Not really.
    Me: Oh boy! Ok anyway Pyramid of Menkaure. It's made out of limestone and Granite.
    Sam: ok?
    Me: Yes?
    Sam: Just go on...
    Me: Ok, 3rd. Pyramid of Khafre.
    Sam: Hu..
    Me: Don't you even start to say Huh!
    Sam: Ok ok ok! go on...
    Sam: Dun Dun Da!!!
    Me: lol. ok. This pyramid was made for King Kufu.
    Sam: Interesting, how many things do you have?
    Me: 5. Number 4! Giza Necropolis!
    Sam: Dun Dun Da!!
    Me: Ha ha very funny Sam. Moving on! If you walk across the street from the Giza will find a Pizza Hut and KFC.
    Sam: I love pizza!
    Me: Me too!!
    Sam: haha!
    Me: number 5! There are 4 main things located at Giza.
    1. Sphinx
    2. Pyramid of Menkaure
    3. Pyramid of Khafre
    4. Pyramid of Khufu
    Sam: Alright!! that's all?
    Me: yep! Oh! 1 more thing!!
    Sam: WHAT!?
    Me: Boomer Sooner
    Sam: Boomer Sooner
    Me: Catch ya later Sammie!
    Sam: Catch ya later!

  27. My Conversation with My dog Kasey
    Me: "Hey Kasey!"
    Kasey: "Hey!"
    Me: "How's it going?"
    Kasey: "Pretty good! Mom played fetch with me for awhile and I've gotten my excersise so I'm going to go take a nap."
    Me: "Can I talk to you before you take your nap?"
    Kasey: "Sure."
    Me: "How much do you know about the pyramids in Egypt?"
    Kasey: "Well....ummm....Noting."
    Me: "Ok.. Well I'm going to teach you about them."
    Kasey: "Well...Ok."
    Me: There are 3 pyramids I'm going to teach you about first..."
    Kasey: "Wait!"
    Me: "What?"
    Kasey: "is this gonna take long?"
    Me: "I dont know....Why?"
    Kasey: "Because I want to take my nap!"
    Me: "Okay...Then sure.....It wont take long."
    Kasey: "Ok"
    Me: "As I was saying..Im going to be talking about 3 different pyramids. One of them is the Great Pryamid, the second one is The Pyramid of Menkaure, The last one is The Pyramid Of Khafre.
    Kasey: "Got it."
    Me: "First, The Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid wieghs about 4 million tons, and took 23years to build. It also is the biggest of the three.
    Kasey: "Go on"
    Me: "The Pyramid of Khafre is the second largest and is very unique because there still remains smooth limestone at the top.
    Kasey: "Tell me more!"
    Me: "The third one is called The Pyramid of Menkaure. Its ths smallest of the three, and is made out of limestone and granite."
    Kasey: "Done yet?"
    Me: "Yes I am"
    Kasey: "YES!"
    Me: "Have fun with your nap!"

  28. My Conversation with Ameila Earhart:
    Me:"Hi Ameila, my name is Carly."
    Ameila:"Nice to meet you Carly."
    Me:"Do you know anything about Pyramids of Egypt?"
    Ameila:"No I don't, will you tell me about it?"
    Me:"I would love too!"
    Me:"The Great Pyramid is the worlds tallest building for 1,270 years."
    Ameila:"Thats really intresting!"
    Me:"It has 3 small pyramids for his wives and small tombs for his nobles."
    Ameila:"I didn't know that."
    Me:"It took them rouhgly 23 years to build it."
    Ameila:"Thanks for telling me about Pyramids of Egypt!"

  29. My Conversation with kitty
    Dodge:im board oh look a cat i will call you kitty
    Dodge: aww you can talk!!!
    Kitty:um can you help me i have a egytp test today?
    Dodge: you talk funny
    Kitty: can you?!?!
    Dodge: ok ok i will
    Dodge: ok i will tell you about the pyramids
    Kitty: ok
    Dodge: there is three main pyramids in giza

    OK last of part one

  30. My conversation with Miley Cyrus:
    Me: "Hi Miley, my name is Sidney."
    Miley Cyrus: "Hi Sidney I like your hair."
    Me: "Thanks have you ever heard of the 4 structures to a pyramed?"

    to be continued

  31. My conversation with Lebron James.

    Me: "hey, Lebron whats up"

    Lebron James: "Oh, nothing much just owning with bosh and wade".

    Me: "I wouldnt call it owning when you lost to the Celtics in the opener".

    Lebron: "Well that was the first game".

    Me: "Ok any ways, I was wondering if you know anything about the pyramids of Egypt".

    Lebron: "Im a basket ball player not a social studies teache".

    Me: "Well ill teach five things about them".

    Me: "The first Pyramid ill talk about is Menkaure. It is the smallest of the three pyramids. Its made out of limestone and granite".

    Lebron: "Thats interesting, what the next one."

    Me: "The next one is the pyramid of Khafre. It is the second largest. Each block ways 2.5 tons.

    Will be finished on another post.

  32. My conversation with Juveebali (Jew-ee-ball-i) Comishkabobnineugauga (Com-ish-ca-bob-neeni-uga-uga)

    Me: Hello Juveebali My name is Curtis.
    Juvvebali: Hello Curtis.
    Me: So I hear that you are failing Social Studies.
    Juveebali: Yea I am not doing well in it could you help me?
    Me: Sure I am pretty good at S.S.
    Juveebali: Oh thanks Curtis!
    Me: So what are you working on.
    Juvvebali: Nile River.
    Me: So Egypt has a River called the Nile River.
    Juveebali: Cool.
    Me: Yea Egypt would not exist without it!
    Juveebali: So it must be preety important!
    Me: Yep it is the most important river in Egypt.
    Juveebali: Thanks Curtis that was very important to me I will ace my next test!

  33. My Conversation with my dad

    let's begin!!
    Me:I will be teaching you about the nile river in egypt.
    Me:the nile river is the only river in egypt there are three rivers well two others that are in the nile are the black river and the red river the black river is fertile and that means it can grow things. The red river is not fertile and it doesnt grow things they both arent actually red and black there just called that.
    Dad:okay coolio!! (he wouldnt actually say that though)
    Me:yep!! ill teach you more hold on................. okay more nile river okay sorry type more after school!!!!! bye bye!!!

  34. My Conversation with the Galexis Bros. (Contact Ian B. for more info. on the Galexis Bros.)

    Me: Good day, to all four of you. My name is Ian Broekemeier, and I'm the author currently working on your story.

    Sethlen Galexis: Hey Ian! How ya' doing?

    Quincy Galexis: Hi Ian. I am Quincy, and I'm looking forward to hearing all about the Nile.

    Lukas Galexis: I'm not...

    Jason Galexis: I am. I love water, having lived near a beach until I was seventeen.

    Me: Cool! But as I was saying, the Nile is this huge river that is the most important river in all of Egypt.

    Seth: The Nile is exactly 4,184 miles long.

    Quin: I bet he knew that. Anyways.

    Me: The Nile is used for many things, such as, transportation, drink, somewhere to wash your clothes, and a whole bunch of other things.

    Luke: Facsinating... (yawn)

    Jason: So, where does the Nile end?

    Me: The Nile ends in this thing called a delta. A delta is the mouth or end of a river. The word 'Nile' comes from the word-

    Seth: 'Nelios'. It means river-valley in Latin.

    Jason: Come on, Seth, let him talk.

    Seth: Very sorry.

    Me: It's okay. Just one last thing efore you though. The Nile is reffered to as the 'Giver of Life' or the 'Taker of Life.'

    Luke: Taker of Life? Sounds like a good horror movie. Wait. That is, what we're, um, talking about, right?

    Quin: Nope.

    Luke: Oh, well then, back to my nap.

    Me: The reason it is reffered to as the Nile is the 'Giver of Life' is because it provides fertile soil and a source of water. It is called the 'Taker of Life' because over-flooding can kill crops and people. Thanks for coming guys. See ya!

  35. My conversation with Mia Hamm
    Me: Hey Mia how are you doing?
    Mia Hamm: Well I am trying to teach my kids my kids soccer. How are you?
    Me: Well i am doing fine but I have a question for you.
    Mia: what is it?
    Me: Have you ever haerd of the great pyramid?
    Mia:Yes i have. Do you have so fact about it for me?
    Me: well yes i do.
    Do you know who it belongs to?
    Mia: King tu?
    Me: nope. It belonged to Khufu.
    Mia: That is interesting.
    Me: Each pyramid weighs about 8,000,000,000 lb.
    Mia: Wow that is alot. How did they build a pyramid that big?
    Me: Well some people find that the gods or Aliens build it. But most people thick that the eygptians build them.
    ME:Do you know about the sphinx?
    Mia: Yes, i Know that it has a head that looks like a man and a body that looks like a lion.
    Me: I s that all?
    Mia: Yes.
    Me: well did you stone? IT is the lagest single stone on earth.
    Mia: How dod ypou know about this stuff?
    Me: My teacher Mr Kluper Taeches us.
    Mia: well thats for telliong me that stuff it is very cool. got to go practice my soccer Bye!
    Me: Bye

  36. My conversation with Garfeild

    Me Hey Garfeild

    Garfeild Hi,who is this

    Me It's Hunter Shamatt your old college roomate

    Garfeild Oh hey Hunter long time no see

    Me Yea im talking to you on water for sixth grade it's a really cool blogsite my social studies teacher made
    Garfeild Thats cool

    Me yea but as an assignment I have to tell someone about the pyramids of Giza

    Garfield sure fire away

    Me The egyptians built pyrimads as a burial for there pharaos

    Garfeild thats cool

    Me well I Have to go to luch talk to u later

    Garfeild ok bye

    Garfeild sure you can fire away

    Me ok

  37. My conversation with George Lopez
    Me: Hi George, my name is Selena Borrero im a big fan!
    George Lopez: Hola, nice to meet you!
    Me: Nice to meet you to! Well I just didnt want to talk to you about stupid stuff I want to teach you stuff.
    George: Oh, like what kind of stuff? Comedy,cooking,life,or you?
    Me: Oh no, none of that stuff. Stuf about The Nile River. Heres one thing: It is about 4,184 miles long!
    George: WOW, thats long what else is there?
    Me: Well, it gets its name from the Greek word "Nelius" meaning "River Valley". The third thing is theres this thing called the black land. It is very fertile land and its located right along the Nile River.
    George: Thats really interesting facts im so entertained I might need some popcorn!
    Me: There you go with comedy! I have two more things the red land is where you could grow no crops and simply a desert. Last the giver of life overflows to much thanx talk to you soon!
    George: Thank you soooo much BYE!

  38. My conversation with dora the explore :
    me:" hi dora my name is uhh Emmauel avelar how is boots".
    dora: "he is super great and i'm dora".
    me:"i know that omg dora".
    dora:"what is your name".
    me:?????, "i hate you".
    me:did you know the nile is a delta.

  39. My conversation with Lady GaGa
    Me: Hey Lady GaGa, my name is Kaitlyn Huska.
    Lady GaGa: Hey, Nice to meey ya
    Me: you too Im a good fan of your songs just dance and love game.
    Gaga: Cool.
    Me: hey what new fashion are you going for now?
    Gaga: Im gonna go for a gansta look for my knew song "gansta love."
    Me: Cool.
    Gaga: thanks
    Me: Hey have you ever heard of the nile river?
    Gaga: Dont think so.
    Me: Well Ill tell you then.
    Gaga: go ahead.
    Me: The nile river is about 4,184 miles long!
    Gaga: Holy cow, thats huge!
    Me: Yah bigger than the mississippi. Anyways, did you know the nile flows north?
    Gaga: No,how?
    Me Good question. It flows north beacause on part of the river is higher than the other.
    Gaga: oh, ok.
    Me: There is 3main parts of the river. 1. the river. 2. the black land 3. the red land. He black land is the place where the river overflows so the land is fertile. The red land is the part after the black land and when the river overflows the water does not reach is, so the land is not fertile.
    Gaga: got it.
    Me: THen the river has two nicknames. 1. The giver of life. It is called that because itirrigates land for farming, transported goods. 2. The taker of life. It is called that because it overflows to much, destroyed crops and killed people.
    Gaga: Cool thanks for teaching me. Id like to learn more but I have a photo shoot.
    Me: Alright your welcome, good luck bye.

  40. Me: "Hi Bob, my name is Kate."
    Bob: "Nice to meet you."
    Me: "How are you?"
    Bob: "I am good."
    Me: "Do you know what the Nile River is?"
    Bob: "No, I don't know what that is. Can you tell me about it?"
    Me: "Sure. First the Nile River is located in Egypt and gets it's name from the Greek word nelios, meaning river valley."
    Bob: "That is very interesting."
    Me: Also, the Nile River is, 4,184 miles long."
    Bob: "Wow. That is a very big river. The Nile must have helped Egyptians survive."
    Me: "It did. Some people call it a "Giver of Life" because it irrigates land for farming, transports goods, and provides food."
    Bob: "The Nile must have been very helpful to Egyptians."
    Me: "It was, but it was also a "Taker of Life"."
    Bob: "Why?"
    Me: It was because when it overflowed too much it destroyed crops and killed people. When it didn't overflow enough crops couldn't grow and their surplus had to be used."
    Bob: "It sounds like the Nile River helped Egypt, but still hurt Egypt in ways."
    Me: "Exactly, Bob. I hope you learned lots about the Nile River today."
    Bob: "I sure did, Kate. Thank you for teaching me so much."
    Me: "You're welcome, Bob."
    Bob: "Bye!"
    Me: "Bye!"

  41. My conversation with my cousin Brandon.

    Me:"Hi Brandon how are you today?"
    Brandon:"Im good how are you?"
    Me:"Im fine."
    Brandon:"Thats good to hear!"
    Me:"So Brandon I just want to tell you about the pyramids of Giza."
    Me:"Ok the biggest pyramid in egypt is the great pyramid and it was built for the pharoh Khufu."
    Brandon:"Oh I didnt know that!"
    Me:"oh well now you know a little about that pyramid there is still a couple more."
    Brandon:"Ok Tell me abut them."
    Me:"Ok There is the pyramiid for Khafre the second biggest pyramid and then there is the smallest of the three and that one is the pyramid for Menkaure, The pyramids weere for the Pharohs of egypt so they are practily like tombs."
    Brandon:"Thats Really neat."
    Me:"Then there is the three really small pyramids and they are for the queens."
    Brandon:"Thanks for the info well I gotta go."
    Me:"Ok bye."

  42. My conversation is with my mom.
    Me:"Hi mom how was your sleep?"
    Mom:"Good,how about you? Did you do your homework?"
    Me: "yes mom i did do my homework. hey mom have you heard about the nile river?"
    Mom:"NO i have not what is it?"
    Me:"it is the longest river in Egypt."
    Mom:"oh then it must be pretty special!"
    me: "oh why yes it is, in fact without it the egyptians wuoldent be alive and that wuold be very sad!"
    mom: "good thing ,hey does anything grow there? "
    me: "why yes there is something that grows there and it is papyrus wich is the earliest form of paper."

    mom: "wow that is very interesting tell me more about it please."
    me: "ok only because you are my mom. So there is one very large city that is right next to it and it is called,well i forget that is not really important because try this look on a map."
    mom:"You are grounded missy. Just kidding you are so gullable"

  43. My conversation with wyatt earp:
    Me:Hi wyatt, my name is wyatt too!
    wyatt earp:cool!
    Me:can I tell you some stuff about the pyramids of giza?
    wyatt: sure.
    Me: Ok, the pyramids of giza are made of lime stone and there are three.
    wyatt:so the are three and they are made of limestone.
    wyatt:ok,I get you.

    Me:K, so the main pyramid the pramid of khufu is about 8million pounds.
    wyatt:thats a lot of elephants!
    me:ya,so it took about 23years to biuld.
    Wyatt:wow and the workers are slaves, right.
    me: no, they were hard working people and they got paid.
    wyatt: must of been a little.
    me: ya.
    wyatt:well nice meeting you but I have to go help doc. out.
    me:ok, by.

  44. my conversation with bobert.
    me:Hi bobert how are you
    bobert:good you.
    me:very good have you heard about the nile river.
    bobert:no i have not tell me about it.
    me:ok the nile river goes through Egypt.
    me:the nile gets its name from the greek word "nelios" meaning river valley.
    bobert:cool i didnt know that.
    me:the nile is 4184 miles long longer then the mississippi.
    bobert:i thought that the mississippi is long but the nile is alot longer.
    me:along the banles of the nile is very rich soil.
    me:there is also the red land and that land can not grow crops.
    me: the nile river has two nicknames they are the giver of life and the talker of life. the giver of life means that the nile is good for crops and to transport. the taklerof life means that it over flows to much and destroys crops.
    bobert:wow thats cool
    Me: along the banks you can find paprus in wich they make paper.
    bobert i thought they didnt have paper.
    me:thank you for listing bobert
    bobert:your welcome now i know about the nile river.

  45. My conversation with Taylor Swift
    Me: Hey Taylor my name is Kaylee
    Taylor:Hey,it is so nice to meet you:)
    Me:So what are you doing right now?
    Taylor: Just about to go on stage how about you?
    Me: I am just bloging you....duh
    Taylor: Thats cool..
    Me: Well I was just to tell you about the Pyramids if you dont care:)
    Taylor: Go ahead I would love to learn about the great pyramid.
    Me: Did you know that there are the sphinx, pyramidi of menkare, pyramid of Khafre,pyramid of Khufu.
    Taylor: that is very cool..Tell me more about these pyramids!
    Me:Well, the spinx has a nickname: and that is the Guaridan of the Giza Complex,it is the largest singal stone statue on earth,It has a body of a lion and a head of a man! It is also made out of limestone.
    Taylor: WOW! You know alot.
    Me: Now i will tell you about the pyramid of Menkaure-Smallest of the three pyramids at Giza, Made out of limestone and granite,Unique:Archaeologist found a beautiful sarcoph in the pyramid.
    Taylor: I never Knew that:)
    Me:Now on to the pyramid of khafre:2nd largest of the three pyramids at Giza, Appears bigger because of it's steep sides and higher ground, Each block weighs:2.5 tons,Unique:still retains some of its smootoh limeston casing at the top.
    Taylor: K well thank you for sharing but I gtg now and perform...
    Me: K talk to you soo hope you learned somethin:D

  46. My conversation with Betty White:
    Me: "Hi Betty, my name is Carter Klatt. How are you doing?"
    Betty White: "Hi Carter, nice to meet you. I am great by the way."
    Me: "Today I would like to tell you about the Nile River. First it is the largest river on the plannet at 4,184 miles long. Also it is located in Egypt. Did you know that?"
    Betty: "No I never knew that, I guess you learn something new everyday." :)
    Me: "With out the river ancient Egypt would not have existed. It provided life for them by leaving fretile soil after it flooded, it gave them food , and it provided transportation. It was also a taker of life because it would flood to much or to little and it would drown people."
    Betty:(snuffel, snuffel) "That is so sad."
    Me: "I would also like to tell you about black land. This land was good for farming."
    Me: "The last thing I would like to tell you about is the red land. THe red land was not good for farming because it was so dry. Almost all of the pyramids were built along the Nile River." I hope you learned alot Betty.
    Betty: "Thank you Carter for the lesson."

  47. My conversation is with sarah palin
    me:Hi Sarah
    sarah:thanks mason
    me:NO,thank you, you must be tired of campaing
    sarah:ya momma grizzly had a long week
    me:enough chit chat momma grizzly
    sarah:just call me sarah
    me:ok,today we are going to talk about the nile river
    me:did you know that the nile flows north?
    sarah:no i didn't, why does it flow north?
    me:it can because the hills that it runs through are sloped downward north
    me:the Nile river gets its name from the greek word Nelios
    sarah:wow you know your facts
    me:I know
    me:did you know that without the nile egypt wouldn't exist
    sarah:know i didn't
    me:the delta also flows into the meditarreanean sea
    me:The egyptians still use the nile today
    sarah:oh my gosh, well thanks for having me
    me:good to have you momma grizzly, bye

  48. my conversation with my cousin Anthony:
    Me:"Hi anthony,how are you doing.
    Anthony:"hi,im doing good how about you.
    Me:"im good,have you ever heard of the nile river.
    Anthony:"umm,no i haven't but what is it.
    Me:"well it is the major river in Egypt and it is very important to.
    Anthony:"oh well i didnt know that but thanks for teaching me that and do you have anymore imformation about the nile river.
    Me:"well acorse why wouldn't i have anymore information.
    Anthony:"well i wouldn't know that, but anyways tell me.
    Me:"ok,so like they have these pyramids and the are made out of sand and they look really cool.
    Anthony:"oh that is so awsome well i have to go so thank you again bye.
    Me:" and yes you are very welcome."bye".

  49. My conversatoin with Billy Bob Joe JR.
    Me: "Hi Billy, you want to learn a few things about the pyramids of Egypt?"
    Billy: "Sure. I think I know one thing about the pyramids."
    Me: "What is that?"
    Billy: "They slaves use that place to dance."
    Me: "Sorry, thats not one thing about the pyramids, but the dead bodies of pharaohs and stuff is in there."
    Billy: "EWE. THAT IS SO GROSS!!!!"
    Me: Okay, how about something that isn't gross?'
    Billy: "Thankfully."
    Me: "Did you know how long the biggest pyramid took to make?"
    Billy: "No, and whats the pyramids name?"
    Me: It's name is Khufu, after the pharaoh Khufu. It took 23 years to make!"
    Billy: "Did the slaves do all the work?"
    Me: "No, actually they had paid workers and not too many slaves."
    Billy: "Your so full of fibbs."
    Me: "No I'm not."
    Billy: "Yes you are."
    Me: "You want to bet?"
    Billy: "Your on!"
    Me: "Okay, go to Water For Sixth Grade on the computer."
    Billy: "Oh crap nuggets."
    Me: "Hey did you know that the pyramid of Khafre still had some smooth limestone casing?"
    Billy: "I did see that in a book, but I thought it was a lie."
    Me: "Hey I have to go. See you later Billy Bob Joe JR."
    Billy: "Just call me Billy."
    Me: "Alright, see you later Billy."

  50. im having a conversation with peter griffin

    im spencer g

    peter/why should i care

    me\so do you know any thing about the Nile River
    peter\no i never really pay attention in class much .

    me\what do you know?

    peter\ummmmmmm???? that its a river

    spencer\did you know that the nile got its name from the Greek word "nelios" meaning river valley

    peter\ i did not understand a word u said.

    me\ thanks for talking with me

    peter\ ya what ever . im going to the bar.

  51. My convorsation with Ian B.:
    Me:Hey Ian whats up.
    Ian B.:Nothing much, what about you?
    Me:Nothing I just got out of s.s. and we learned about the pyrimids do you want to hear what I learned today.
    Ian B.:Shure!
    Me: well today we learned that the first pyramids were called steps. Ther looked almost exactly like a ziggurate from mesopatamia.
    Ian B.: yes I know what a ziggurat is but, tell me more about what you learned today?
    Me:well we also learned that there are only one wonder of the world and thats the Great Pyramid Of Giza. That proves that pyramids are very stong.
    Ian B.:cool!Tell me more!
    Me:The pyramid of Giza was built for a pharho Kufu, there are other pyramids, ones for Kufre the second smalest pyramid.
    Ian B.:So what you'r telling me is

  52. My conversation with Obama
    Me: Hi Mr.President. I'm Sam and I'm in 6th grade how are you? I really apreciate what youve done for our country.
    Obama: Well thank you Sam. I'm doing well, how are you?
    Me: I'm awesome thanks! It's always been my dream to talk with the President.
    Obama: I'm glad to talk with you. You know our young people play a big roll in this country, thank you.
    Me: No prob. What is it like being President?
    Obama: It's the best job I've ever had. It takes a lot of responsiblity though. I enjoy it. It can be tough some times.
    Me: Wow that sounds fun! Hey do you dnow about the pyramids?
    Obama: No not really, tell me.
    Me: Okay. The pyramids are from ancient Egypt, they were tombs for the dead. The Pyramids are the only 7 wonders of the world that still exists. The most famous Pyramids are the ones in Giza right next to Cario. The largest Pyramids were for Pharoahs, The smaller for his wives. Then extremly small are the ones for family.

  53. I will have a conversation with Stewie Griffin.

    Hi i'm jesse lee and i will teach u about pyramids.

    Stewie:Great i would love 2 learn about pyramids.

    Jesse: ok Ready

    Stewie: lets get started.

    Jesse: OK there r 3 great pyramids in the world. They r The great pyramid of KUFU, The great pyramid of KHAFRE, and The graet pyramid of MENKAURE.

    Stewie: really I never new that there were 3 great pyramids.

    Jesse: The Great pyramid pf KUFU is 1 of the 7 wondres in the world.

    Stewie: seriously

    Jesse:The great pryamid of KUFU is the tallest and Largest pyramid still stnding 2day.

    Stewie:WOW i wish i would of known this before cuz this is wery interesting.

    Jesse:The 3 great pyramids were built only for males and there r 3 small pyramids built 4 the queens.

    Stewie:LOL thats kinda funny 3 small pyramids built 4 the queens.

    Jesse:yep they used to look smooth and shiny but now they look like big steps so yep thats all 4 to 2day bye.

    Stewie: OK BYE.

  54. My conversation with Orvil Wright:
    Me:"Hey orvil!"
    Me:"Have you heard of the Nile River?"
    Orvil:"No I haven't. I don't think anyones been there yet."
    Me:"Well the nile river flows north because the land to the south is higher than the land to the north."
    Me:"Yeh.Also theres a plant there called papyrus that the Egyptians used as paper,sandles,and fan of course."
    Orvil:"Wow! What ells is there?"
    Me:"Well the Egyptains used the river like a highway from lower to upper egypt."

  55. My Conversation is with...Anna Boomsma.

    Me:Hey Anna
    Anna:Hello Madi
    Me:Can i ask you a Question Anna?
    Anna:Sure Madi whatever you need to ask go ahead and ask.
    Me:Have you ever Heard of the Ancient Pyramids in Egypt?
    Anna:No,i have heard many stories bout them but i cant remember them.
    Me:Well, let me refresh you memorie!(:
    Anna:Ok,Go ahead and tell me everything about the Ancient Pyrimads in Egypt...
    Me:Ok,well firstly you need to know there are 3 of them!
    Anna:Wow,well i cant wait to hear about them all.
    Me:Ok,hear is some info you will need to know... The first one is Pyramid of Menkaure it is the smallest of the 3 is made out of limestone and granite.
    Anna:Wow,tell me about the other 2 pyramids!!
    Me:Ok,the next one is the Pyramid of Khafre this is the 2nd largest one out of the 3 pyramids. It appears bigger because of its steep sides and higher ground! Each block weighs up to 2.5 tons and it still retains some of its smooth limestone casing at the top!!:D
    Anna:Wow,that much weigh up to like a gizilian pounds!!!:O
    Me:Well Anna, there is still one more pyramid i am going to talk to you about... it is the Great Pyrmid,its real name is the Pyramid of Khufu.. but it is the worlds most TALLEST buildings for 1,270 years!!:O
    Anna:WOW!! That is a long time :O
    Me:But,wait there is more Anna over 2 million blocks were used each block as you remember weighs over 2 tons.. that is a 4 MILLION TON PYRAMID (8,000,000,000 POUNDS)
    Anna:WOW thanks for the information Madi i hope to see you soon!
    Me:Yea,Anna anytime Bye

  56. My conversation is with June Cater:
    Me:"Hi June,my name is Kiara.How are you doing?"
    June Carter:"Hi Kiara.I am well."
    Me:"That is good.I have some questions for you.One of them is Have you heard of The Pyramids of Egypt?"
    June:"I have to say i haven't heard of The Pyramids of Egypt."
    Me:"The frist thing you need to know about them is that there were 3 of them, and the one thing that i don't like is that there are 3 small ones for the wives."
    June:"Ok,I don't like one."
    Me:Ok, The Pyramid Menkaure,is the samllest one of 3.
    June:"wow,it's the smallest."
    Me:"yes it is,then there is The Pyramid of Khafre it is the 2nd largest."
    June:Ok,tell me more about the pyramids.Is there one more?"
    Me:"Yes there is just one more and that is,The Great Pyramid.The great Pyramid is the Pyramid of Khufu.

  57. My conversation is with Jesse James. Me: My name is Rylee, do you know who I am?
    Jesse James: Yes, aren't you my great-great-great-great-great-great niece?
    Me: Why yes Iam! Hows it in Heaven?
    Jesse James: It's Okay. I just miss the old times.
    Me: Yeah I would too if I were you. So lets start talking about these pyramids.
    Jesse James: OK!
    Me: Well; there are three small ones and three big ones.
    The three bigger ones are Menkaure (the smallest of the three), Khafre (the second biggest), and Kufu (the largest, with the nickname: The Great Pyramid.)
    Jesse James: Nice, but what are the smaller Pyramids called?
    Me: I'm getting to that!
    Jesse James: Gee, Sorry!
    Me: hhuhuhuh, the smaller three are for Khufu's three wives. I don't know thier names. Sorry.
    Jesse James: Well, nice talking....
    Me: Wait I at least need to tell you about the Sphinx!
    Jesse James: Fine.
    Me: The Sphinx is the Gaurdian of the Giza Complex. As you can see It's missing a nose.
    Jesse James: You know I can see the world from here!
    Me: It is the largest single stone statue on Earth. It has the head of a man and the body of a lion.
    Jesse James: I told you I can see
    Me: I know I heard you the first time! Remember every thing I told you! Bye!

  58. My Conversation With Taylor Swift
    Me:Hi Taylor Swift, My name is Haley How are you.What are you doing right now?
    Taylor swift: Just about to go on stage What about you?
    Me: I am in school!!!
    Taylor Swift: What!!! You should not be blogging right know!
    Me: its ok i was going to talk to you about Ancient Egypt it is very important.
    Taylor Swift:Make it quick!
    Me:ok I am going to teach you aabout the Pyramids of Giza do u know what that is?
    Taylor Swift: no......what is it?
    Me:It is a complex with Four major pyramid that king live in!!!
    Taylor Swift: OH tell me more!!
    Me:OK OK The Smallest of the four is Menkaure. The 2nd largest is called Khafre and the biggest is the Khufu or the great Pyramid!!!
    Taylor Swift: WOW that is really cool.
    Me:I know the Khafre still has its smooth Limestone casing at the top!!
    Taylor Swift: this is ineresting!!!
    Me:g2g bye Klumper is yelling BYE
    Taylor Swift Good luck with thatt BYE

  59. a conversation with spongebob

    Me:"Hi Spongebob,my name is Spencer."
    Spongebob:"Hello!it is very nice to meet you! do you want a krabby patty?"
    Me:"No thanks.I ate on the way here."
    Me:"So how are you today?"
    Spongebob:"Oh,I'm great!I'm just walking Gary here."
    Me:"That's great!Hey spongebob,did you know that the main river of Egypt is named The Nile River?"
    Spongebob:"Well that is very neat!"
    Me:"It is known as the Taker of Life bacause is sometimes overflows and destroy crop,it sometimes even overflow too little,leaving crops to can sometime drown and kill people of Egypt."
    Spongebob:starts to sob,"how horrible!"
    Me:"But it's also known as the Giver of Life because it gives people water,transportation,and even protection from enemies."
    Spongebob:"Well thats good.I can't live without water."
    Me:"Near the Nile River,there are two different type of land.There is the black lands,which is fertile and allows crops to grow,and there is the red land,Which is just a desert."
    Spongebob:"well that is very interesting.Right,Gary?"
    Me:"Thats all right,he doesen't have to listen."
    Me: one more thing I like to add is the direction it flows.Unlike other rivers,the Nile River flows north,since it tilts the way."
    Spongebob:"Wow!Oops!Igot to go to work!Goodbye,Spencer!"

  60. My Conversation is with Carrie Underwood
    Me: Hi Carrie Underwood how are
    you doing.
    Carrie Underwood: Hi whats your name.
    Me: My name is Kayla Knutson
    Carrie Underwood: oh hi Kayla Knutson. So what are you doing.
    Me: I am typing on Mr.Klumper blog
    Carrie Underwood: oh yea wasn't his blog in the top five
    Me: yea but thats not what I am here to talk about I am here to talk about the Nile River.

    Carrie Underwood: cool... well tell me about it then.
    Me: ok ... well it is over 4,000 miles long
    Carrie Underwood: wow thats long
    Me: and it flows north because it goes down hill.
    Carrie Underwood: i didn't know that
    Me: also when it overflows it leaves rich soil for farming
    Carrie Underwood: I think I would like to live there
    Me: that soil is called the black land
    Carrie Underwood: awesome
    Me:there is also land called the red land also it ends with a delta got to go klumper getting mad bye

  61. My Conversation with Justin Morneau:
    Me: "Hi Justin, my name is Emily. I love watching you on the MN Twins!"
    Justin: "Great we are getting ready for a great season."
    Me: "Justin, do you know anything about the Nile River?"
    Justin: "No, could you tell me about it?"
    Me: "Sure! The Nile River runs through Egypt and without it there wouldn't have been an Egypt."
    Justin: "Interesting. Why is that?"
    Me: "Without the Nile River there wouldn't have been crops to eat or a water source."
    Justin: "WOW"
    Me: "The Nile River is also known as the taker of life because it could flood too little and all the crops would die, or it could food too much and kill crops and people!"
    Justin: "That is very interesting."
    Me: "Right next to the Nile River is the black land where there is fertile soil good for farming. Next to the black land is the Red land which is desset."
    Justin: "Very cool."
    Me: The Nile River is long enough to streach from Alaska to the tip of Florida in the United State."
    Justin: "Wow cool thank you for teaching me all this stuff about the Nile!"
    Me: "You are welcome. Have a GREAT baseball season"

  62. My conversation with roadrunner.

    Me Hey Roadrunner how u doin.
    Roadrunner good.
    Me Good to hear, have u ever heard of the pyamids of egypt?
    Roadrunner no.
    Me well there are three of them.
    Roadrunner cool.
    me yeo and one of them was the worlds tallest building for 1,270 years
    Roadrunner Thats a Long time.
    Me yep Its also a necropolis which is a huge cemetery.
    Roadrunner cool.
    Me yep and across the street is KFC and Pizza Hut.
    RoadrunnerThat makes me hungry.
    Me yeo there is also a Sphinx that is said to be haunted.
    Roadrunner wow.
    Me yep you want to go get some food now becouse all this talking is making me hungry.
    Roadrunner Sure.

  63. My conversation with Sam

    Me: Hey. How are you?
    Sam: Great, you?
    Me: Great! Thanks for asking. Have you ever heard about the pyramids of Giza?
    Sam: No, what is Giza?
    Me:A large necropolis, witch is a big cemetary, or place to bury the dead.
    Sam: Cool! Can you tell me more?
    Me: Sure! There are 4 main structures at Giza, the first is the pyramid of Menkaura, the second is the pyramid of Khare, the third is the pyramid of Khufu, witch is the largest, and has been the largest building for 1270 years! There is also the Great Sphinx, witch is a giant statue with the body of the lion, and the head of a man.
    Sam: Sweet! To bad i have to go eat, sorry, hopefully you can tell me more later.
    Me: ok bye

  64. my conversation with mr.klumper.
    me:hello what is your name
    mr.klumper:my name is mr.klumper what is your name
    me:my name is dianne have you ever heard of the nile rive
    mr.klumper:somewhat but can you tell me more
    me:the nile river is the most important river in egypt
    mr.klumper:ok do you know any more about the nile rive if so can you tell me a little more about the nile river
    me:yes i can
    mr.klumper:than tell me
    me:ok mr.klumper i will tell you about the red land the red land is bad and not good soil to grow your crops in so do not grow your crops in that bad red land not good enough for farming

  65. My conversation with Adrian Peterson.

    Me: Hi Adrian how are you?
    Adrian: Good
    Me: Ok I am going to tell some stuff about the Nile River.
    Adrian: ok what?
    Me: Did you know the Nile flooded every year.
    Adrian: No I didnt.
    Me: Did you know that Egypt would not be here without the nile.
    Adrian: I learned that a little bit.
    Me: Did you know that the nile is kown as the Giver of Life and The Taker of Life.
    Adrian: No I did not.
    Me: Did you know that there was red and black land.
    Adrian: Yes I did.
    Me: Did you know by the Nile they grow papyrus.
    Adrian: yeas I did.
    Me: ok thats it.
    Adrian: ok bye.
    Me: Bye

  66. My conversation with my evil twin

    Me: Hello, long lost sister.
    Evil Twin: Hello, my name is Jigid.
    Me: Ok, Jigid, do you know about the river in Egypt?
    Jigid: No, I haven't.
    Me: Well, this river is called the Nile.
    Jigid: Cool, it reminds me of a potato.
    Me: How?
    Jigid: I dont know.
    Me: This river was very important to the Egyptians because it provided them with papyrus and was used for irrigation.
    Jigid: What's papyrus?
    Me: Papyrus was a plant used for paper and food.
    Jigid: Blugh! Eating paper!
    Me: No, they used it to MAKE paper.
    Jigid:Oh, ok.
    Me: The Nile flowed north because it is going down the north faceing side of a mountain. This will selfdestruct in Boom!
    Jigid: Ok, bye!
    Me: Bye.

  67. My conversation wwith Zane swenson
    Me:Hi Zane, my name is Masen, How
    how are you today Zane:Hi, I am doing great! Me:good,have you ever heard of the three pyrimids of Giza?Zane:No I haven't tell me about it. Me:the pyrimd of menkaure is the smallest of the three. it is made of limestone and granite.Zane:cool. Me:the pyrimid of khafre is the second largest of the three each block weighs 2.5 tons!Zane: thats heavy. Me:the pyrimid of khufu is the largest out of the three it took roughly 23 years to make. it has over 2 million blocks. Zane: thanks so much for telleing me about the three pyrimids Masen.

  68. Hi there dad how are you? asked alex
    Im doing good son. replied dad
    Hey dad you you know about the nile river? asked Alex
    No son what is the nile river. asked dad
    well the nile river is a river that in in egypt. aswered Alex
    Wow son I didn't know that. replied dad
    The nile river has two names "the giver of life" and the "taker of life" said alex
    Cool how does it have those names? replied dad
    It got the taker of life from flooding too much and it got the giver of life by giving water and crops. said alex
    Cool! replied dad
    Well dad thats all I will tell you for now said alex
    ok son see you later. replied dad.

  69. My Conversation with Mr.Klumper:
    Me:Hey Mr.Klumper:)
    Me: Do you know anything about ancient Egypt
    Mr.Klumper: Like what
    Me: The Nile River
    Mr.Klumper: Not Really
    Me: The Nile River streches 4,184 miles across Epypt.
    Mr.Klumper: How long would that be
    Me: from Alaska to the tip of Flordia
    Mr.Klumper: That is really far
    Me:One of the Nile's nikename is the Giver of life
    Mr.Klumper: Why
    Me: Because It irrigates land for farming, it transpots goods, and it gives food
    Mr.Klupmer: Cool
    Me: It has another Nikename called the Taker of Life
    Mr.Klumper: Why
    Me: Because it could overflow too much, destroy crops, kill people, overflow too little, crops wouldn't grow, and surplus would have to be used.
    Mr.Klumper:Thats a little mean
    Me:The gets it name from the greek word Nelious
    Mr.Klumper: What does that mean
    Me: River Valley
    Mr.Klumper: Ok well I got two go

  70. My coversation is with Logan Jacobson.
    Me: Hello Logan how are today?
    Logan: I am doing great how are you
    Me: I am doing great too.
    Logan: That is good.
    Me: Did you know that the Nile river is irragates the crops?
    Logan: No i didn't
    Me: It is also a major river in Egypt.
    Logan: WOW that's need.
    ME: The nile is a giver of life. It iragates the crops ang waters the poeple. It is a taker of life because it floods the crops and drowns poeple.
    Logan: wow i din't know that.
    Me: A Delta is a mouth of a river which it ends.

  71. I'm talking about Mrs. Klumper,
    Me: Hi
    Mrs.Klumper: Hello,
    Me: What do you know about the Great Pyramids of Egypt?
    Mrs.Klumper: Just a little why do you ask?
    Me: Well I was wondering if you would like me to tell you a little more about the Pyramids of Egypt.
    Mrs.Klumper: Why sure what would you like to tell me about?
    Me: Well did you know that the great Sphynx is the guardian of the great pyramids?
    Mrs. Klumper: No I didn't know that what else should I know about the Pyramids?
    Me: did you know that the biggest Pyramid was the tallest building in the world for over 1200 years?
    Mrs. Klumper: Wow thats a long time to be the worlds biggest building.
    Me: Yup.
    Mrs.Klumper: Anything else?
    Me: Hmmmm,also the biggest pyramids were only for the phaores?
    Mrs.Klumper:Well thats not very fair!
    Me: Ya i know. And the 3 small ones are for the girls of.
    Mrs.Klumper: Anything else I should know?
    Me: No not really.
    Mrs.Klumper: Well, have a nice rest of the day!
    Me: You too Mrs.Klumper!

  72. My conversation with:Jackson Pletten.
    Me:"Hey Jackson."
    Jackson:"Hey Seamus."
    Me:"Do you like Egypt?"
    Jackson:"Yeah why?"
    Me:"Did you know that the pyramids are really huge burial grounds?"
    Jackson:"No. That's really cool!"
    Me:"There is also a Sphinx that "guards" them."
    Me:"And if you didn't know they are in Egypt."
    Me:"There are 3 pyramids."
    Jackson:"Zz-WHA!?Oh wait oh ok."
    Me:"The pyramids are right across from the capitol of Egypt(Cairo)."
    Jackson:" its like 2 worlds combined?"
    Me:"Yup, ok see you later."

  73. My conversation is with Masen Johnson. Me:"Hi Masen, do you know anything about pyramids? If not, I am going to teach you about it. Masen: Yea, i dont know that much about those big triangular shaped buildings. Me: Oh, well, the most famouse pyramids are the three at giza. Masen: What is giza?Me: they are the biggest pyramids in the world! The great pyramid, the largest of them all, is larger than the Statue of liberty!!!! Masen: Wow, that is one big building. One more thing, those big pyramids hold dead bodys in them!! Masen: WHAT!?! OH MY GOD!! WHY?!? Me: Well, thanks for screaming is my face, but anyway, they are used as tombes to hold the bodies called, mummies, wich are kings. So, its bacicly like a cemitary. Masen: Oh, well thanks for teaching me about pyramids Zane. Me: Anytime, Masen, anytime.

  74. My coversation with Dr. Suess:
    Me: Hi hows it going
    Dr. Seuss:Well, I think it going all right.
    Me: I like your books. Well I use to like them but im 12 there not realy appealing any more.
    Dr. Seuss: That understanderbul.
    Me: Hey have you heard of the Pyramids of Giza.
    Dr. Seuss: No, I realy havent.
    Me: Well, it consist of The Pyramid of Menkaure, Khafe, Khufu.
    Dr. Seuss: Cool and interesting at the same time.
    Me: It also has the Sphinx or Guardian of the Giza Complex.
    Dr. Seuss: That very cool.
    Me: And the Sphinx has the body of a lion and a head of a man.
    Dr. Seuss: I did not know any of that.
    Me: Got to go teachers yelling at me
    Dr. Seuss: Ok, see you around.
    Me: You to.

  75. my conversation is with jenny finch:
    me:hi,jenny finch. my name is hanna how are you doing to day?
    jenny:hi hanna i am doing good!
    me:good! i was wondering if you have ever heard of the nile river?
    jenny: no i havent will you tell me facts about it?
    me:sure!the nile river is apprx.4,184 miles.
    jenny: wow thats intresting can you please tell me more?
    me:ok!it got its name from a greek word "nelios" meaning "rivervalley".it also flows downhill north.
    jenny:thank you very much!
    me:wait, im not done yet!! i have to tell you about the black and red land!
    me:its ok but any way the black land has very fertal land its located along the nile river.and the red land there is no flooding so crops do not grow!
    jenny: thank you agian!see ya later alligator!
    me:in a while crocidle!

  76. my conversion is with Mr.klumper

    ME:hi Mr.klumprer i'm Cade Klimek 8 Period class
    Mr.k: Hi Cade whats up
    Me: not much have you ever herd of the nile river
    Mr.K: No I have not Cade
    Me: it is a major river in eygpt
    Mr.K: Why is it importent?

  77. My conversation with Bob

    Me: Hi bob, how are you.
    Bob: Hi, im doing great.
    Me: Good. I here you make video games for a living.
    Bob: yes I do.
    Me: Well I love video games and I like the video games you make.
    Bob: Thanks.
    Me: By the way, have you ever heard of the pyramids of Giza.
    Bob: No.
    Me: Well they are a group of pyramids and they are some of the biggest.
    bob: Thats neat.

  78. My conversation with Manfred Von Richtoven ("The Red Baron")
    Me- "Hi Manfred, my name is Tucker L. How are you doing"
    Manfred- "Hi Tucker I am doing very well and I am glad to meet you."
    Me- "Good to know, by the way do you know anything about ancient Egypt?"
    Manfred- "No I dont can you tell me something about this Egyp place?"
    Me- "Sure have you ever heard of the Pyramids?"
    Manfred- "You meen those things built by aliens?"
    Me- "Yes those things, but they werent built by aliens they were built by Eygptians. Did you know that the great Pyramid took 23 yearsof hard labor to complete.
    Manfred- "23 years of hard labor to build a pyramid."
    Me- I know. there is a statue called the sphinx that soppose ofly gaurds the pyramids in fact it is the largest stone statue on earth.
    Manfred- "Thats must be HUGE."
    Me- "The sphinx has a head of a man and a body of a lion.
    Manfred- "Thats one wacky lion."
    Me- "There are three major pyramids at Giza they are the Pyramids of Menkaure,Khafre, and Khufu.
    Manfred- "Wow thats amazing. Hey anyways what is this giza place?"
    Me- "Giza is a necropolis which is basicly a cemetary."
    Manfred- "OOOOOOOhhhhh great a fancy name for a place for the dead."
    Me- Bye Manfred
    Manfred- Bye Tucker

  79. My conversation with Braden Roegiers:

    Me: Sup Braden Whats goin on?
    Braden: notin. you?
    Me: its good
    Braden: cool
    Me: Want to Learn about the Nile in Egypt?
    Braden: yes!
    Me: did you know that it is 4184 miles long?
    Braden No, but now I do!
    Me: Want to Know More?
    Braden: no
    Me: Well to bad!
    Braden: Why?
    Me: cause I said so
    Me: well, it gives good land for farming.
    Braden I want to go home
    Me: well just walk over to that post and put your hands behind it and stay still.
    Braden: what did you do?
    Me: Handcuffed you to a post.
    Braden: oh. ok!
    Me: back to the Nile. Allright, It also takes lives away by overflowing to much
    Braden: My hands hurt!
    Me suck it up!
    Braden: can I please go home?
    Me: of course!
    Braden: really?
    Me: no
    Braden: dang
    Me: so where was I oh yeah I....
    Braden Pretty please?
    Me: allright

  80. ME:Hi I am devin how are you?
    william: Hi I am good how are you?
    me: Do you now in ething about the nile in egypt.
    will: no I dont now enething about the nile.
    me: I now some things about the Nile. The nile has a delta.
    will: I never neu that.
    me: I now more nere the nile is the blak lands they have they crops.
    will: Do you have more.
    me: yes I do the red land has no crops no water can reach there.
    will:wow! Now I thinch I know every thing on the nile.
    me: no you didnt I have 2 moer things.
    to be cont.

  81. Me: Hi Justin Bieber how are you today.
    Justin: Well it is going good so far.
    Justin: Hey I have a consert comeing up.
    Me: Cool I wish I could come but I can't.
    Me: Well anyway have you ever herd of the Nile River?
    Justin: Well yes but I don't no anything about it.
    Me: Did you no that it is 4,184 miles long.
    Justin: WOW that is a long river.
    Me: I no right.
    Me: Heres another thing the Nile River floods every year.
    Justin: Cool.
    Me: The Nile River is surounded by huge desserts.

  82. my conversation is with Jaiden smith.
    Me:hi Jaiden im gavyn
    Jaiden:hi gavyn
    Me:im going to tell you about the nile river.
    ME:it is a major river in egypt

  83. Hi DJ how are you doing?


    So how is school going?

    Good, can you tell me about your history class?

    Sure, we are learning about Egypt.

  84. My conversation with Breena Schults

    ME:Hi how are you doing Breena
    Breena:Good how are you doing
    ME:Great so do you like anceit egypt
    Breena: kinda

  85. My coversation is with kirby puckett
    Me:hi how are you kirby puckett
    kirby: good how are you
    Me: doing good hey in social studies we are talking about the nile and i really wanted to teach you about the nile river
    kirby:that sounds great tell me alot i dont know alot
    Me: well first the nile river it is in africa
    kirby: i know that but keep going
    Me: the nile is 4,184 miles long

  86. My Conversation with MattEigenberg:
    Me:Hey, whats up man!
    Matt:How do you know im a man?
    Me:Oh, sorry, you just look like a boy, sorry.
    Matt:OK, well maybe i am, i was just messin with ya
    Me:Ok, good, but how would you like to learn about the Pyramids of Giza.
    Matt:Peter had kids!
    Me:No, pyramids

  87. my conversation is with Hammerabi.
    me: hey whats up really old dude that should be dead?
    Hammerabi: What did you just say to me!
    Me: uh.....
    Hammerabi: huh never mind why did you bring me here?
    Me: well, i heard you were kind of stupid about the whole Egypt pyramid thing.
    Hammerabi: Ohhhhhh....... wait did you just call me stupid. OH NO YOU DIDN'T.
    Me: Soooooo....... Pyramids?
    Hammerabi: ya what about them?
    Me: Well, the Egyptian pyramids are located at Giza. There is six pyramids at Giza the pyramid of Menkaure, the smallest (other than the three tiny pyramids made for the wives of the pharaos.
    Hammerabi: Wait their wives had pyramids!? Lucky!!!!!
    Me: whoa don't go all Napolean Dynamite on me now!
    Me: Never mind. The second largest pyramid is the pyramid of Khafre. It appears the largest because of it's low sides. The largest pyramid is the pyramid of Khu-
    Hammerabi: Hey that guy stole my burito. NOW HE MUST LOSE AN EYE!!!!
    Me: No, Mr.Klumper get back here with our buritos! Oh well. The pyramid of Khufu was the largest pyramid and the tallest building in the world for 1270 years. We will continue this conversation soon.

  88. My conversation is with EMINEM.
    Me: Whats up EMINEM.
    EMINEM: Whats up little dude.
    Me: So how is the musc industry going.
    EMINEM: Good. I am working on a new song.
    EMINEM: Nice. Say, have you ever heard about Giza?
    EMINEM: No.
    Me: Well it's a necropolis Eygpt. It holds the tallest pyramid in the world!
    EMINEM: WOW!!!
    Me: It also holds the sphinx.

  89. my conversation with Amelia Earhart me hi Amelia am Clancy Lippert i am a huge fan Amelia Earhart hello and thank you me ha have you heared of the pyramids Amelia Earhart no what are they me well they are huge tombs in ancient egypt they are made out of lime stone Amelia Earhart i like lime stone it is very pretty me a pyramid is bult by hands Amelia Earhart that must be really hard me no kidding Amelia Earhart well i have to go me ware are you going Ameli Earhart egypt

  90. My coversation with a cow named squirrel

    Me:Hey squirrel the cow hows it goin.
    squirrel: Hows it goin James im good just eatin some grass
    Me: Well thats good anyway why do they call you squirrel
    squirrel: ... Long story i was trying to give a squirrel a pickle i didnt work out so well...
    Me: Hey have you ever heard of the nile river in egypt
    squirrel: ....A yeah its the largest river in the world
    Me: yeah that one, without it egypt would not exist
    squirrel: ...Hmmm well thats interesting how did it provide the egyptians with a surplus
    Me: It was a main food source for the egyptians becasue it provided fish and water for there crops
    squirrel: cool
    Me: Yeah anyway theres a little about the nile river in egypt it was nice talking to you
    squirrel:yeah i guess ill say good bye

  91. My converstation with Mango

    Me: Hello mango how are you doing this fine afternoon?
    Mango: I am doing quite well thank you for asking,but i need help with something?
    Me: Well I will help you with what you need what is it?
    Mango:i have a report to do on the Nile River can you help me?
    Me: Yes i can thanks to Mr.Klumper I know all about The Nile River

  92. My conversation with Kelle-sister-
    Me:"Hi kelle how is it going."
    Kelle:"Good,what did you learn at school today."
    Me:"We learned about the Nile River."
    Kelle:"What is that?"
    Me:"It is the only River in Egypt and it is 4,184 miles long."
    Kelle:"Wow that is long what else do you know about it?"
    Me:"Well, some call it a giver of life because it gives water and food. While others call it a taker of life because it would kill people during flood season."
    Kelle:"That is sad."
    Me:"Ya, but it also gave water to crops like papyrus wich is used for making paper."
    Kelle:"Did you learn anything in English?"

  93. Me: Hi Haily, whats up?
    Haily H: Nothing just trying to finish my social studies. Do you know anything about the pyramids of Egypt?
    Me: Yeh kinda, what things do you need to know?
    Haily H: Mostly anything. What do you know about the Giza
    Me: Hmmm, lets see... I know its located in Egypt!
    Haily H: Duhh! I know that! What are things that are located by it?
    Me: Well, theres a sphinx, pyramid of Menkaure, pyramid of Khafre, and the pyramid of Khufu.
    Haily H: Oh, thanks! Whats the pyramid of Menkaure?
    Me: its the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza.
    Haily H: Ok, whats it made of?
    Me: Limestone and granite.
    Haily H: Thats cool. I thought pyramids were made out of stone?
    Me: All pyramids are, but this one isn't.
    Haily H: Ohhhhhh, why?
    Me: Idk!!! Don't you ever listen in class?
    Haily H:!
    Me: Ohh Haily!
    Haily H: (:

  94. Me:Never mind the by im not finished
    squirrel:Well all right
    Me: I told you the nile made the land fertile right well anyway right on the rim of the nile is what is called the black land, the black land is were the land is very fertile, farther away from the nile is the redland witch is mainly dessert and incapable of growing any thing that is capable of sustaining life.
    squirrel: Wow really

  95. my conversation with Micheal Jackson

    me: Hi Micheal
    Micheal: hey
    me: I'm molly bly and im going to teach you about the nile river.
    micheal: okay cool
    me: did you know that the nile river is 1,484 miles long?
    micheal: wow, thats really long!
    me: yep. the nile is located in egypt, and without it, egypt wouldnt even exist!
    micheal: really?

  96. My conversation is with Brock Oboma.

    hi what is up Brock Obama did you know you helth plan is bad for the country.

    ME: Did you Know there is only 1 river in egypt called the nile.

    Brock: Yes I did.

    Me: Have you ever seen it.

    Brock: No I have not.

    ME: Since you have not I'm going to tell you about it.

    Brock: Ok

    ME: Did you the nile is 4,184 mi. long.

    Brock: That is realy long.

    Me: If you straight it an out it is all the way accros the U.S. and part of Canada which is where we get our drugs.

    Brock: Realy I did not know that.

    Me: So check the packages for Canada a little better.

    Brock: Ok.

    ME: Did you Know with out the nile Egypt would not exist.

    Brock: Wow that is amazing.

    ME: I know.

    Me: stuff from other parts of Egypt where sent on a bout on the nile river.

    Brock: That must of taken a long time.

    Me: Well that is all I can tell you about the nile river so see you later. Say hi to the girls.

  97. my conversation with Miley Cyrus
    me:Hi Miley,my name is Lexi.
    Miley Cyrus:Hi nice to meet you
    me:do you know anything about the Nile river?
    me:do you want to know about it.
    Miley:Yes!I am learning about Egypt in school right now and I dont know much about it.
    me:Me to!
    Miley:so tell me about the Nile river now
    Me:ok.the Nile river is really important to Egypt because....

  98. My Conversation with Jennie Finch!
    Jennie: Hey Macy...I am so glad you could make it to the championship game. It's getting down to the final hours before the game starts I am getting kinda nervous!
    Macy: Thanks for inviting me, Jennie!

  99. I am going to have a conversaton with Mia Hamm a famous soccer player.

    Me:So MIa you ready to kick but in Egypt the land of pyramids
    Mia: What are you talking about?
    ME:Well are't you going there
    Mia:For soccer not for school smarty
    Me: Wah wah wah you hurt my feelings.

    Me:That doesnt make anything better just like I cant make the pyramids better.Wah wah wah
    Mia: if you tell me about the pyramids will you stop cry.
    Me:Yah!Back in Egypt they have pyramids every singl block to make that pyramid was 2.5 pounds and they had to push and pul it up in 2.5 minutes
    Mia:that is way harder than my work out every day.
    Me:now today there is a KFC and a ppizza hut across from it.
    Mia: I would love to eat there and look at the interesting pyramids.
    ME:Now only one pyramid with limestone on top that is the stuff that makes it shiney got to go be back later

  100. I DIDNT FINISH ALEX WAUGHNovember 5, 2010 at 3:05 PM

    My conversation with Little Jimmy

    Me hey whats goin on Little Jimmy?
    Little Jimmy who is this?
    Me Its me Alex? ALex WAugh remember?
    Little Jimmy oh yah I remember you from the baseball game.
    Me Yah sorry about that.
    Little Jimmy Opollagy accepted.
    Me so whats goin on?
    Little Jimmy Homework Ancient Egypt. Me Oh do you know abou the pyramids yet?
    Little Jimmy no not yet could you give me a couple tips on it please?
    Me Umm yah sure so there is The Great Sphynx I think i spelled it wrong is that ok?
    Little Jimmy yah thats fine.

  101. My conversation with Anne Sullivan:
    Me:"Hey Anne! My name is Jessica. Hows everything going with you?"
    Anne Sullivan:"Why hello Jessica! Everything is going great, well almost everything. Helen Keller is still trying to steal all my chocoalate cake!"
    Me:"Of course she is, she just loves it! So anyway, have you ever heard of the Nile River?"
    Anne:"Well, to be truthful no, I have not heard of it."
    Me:"Well, you might be used to being the teacher, but now i shall teach you."
    Anne:"Okay, let us get started!"
    Me:"The Nile River is the main and only river in Egypt. So pretty important it is."
    Anne:"Really! I would not be able to live with just one river!"
    Me:"It is precisely 4,184 miles long."

  102. My conversatoin with joe the dumb guy
    me: Hi joe how ya doin.
    joe: I am doing math thank you very much
    me:no joe not what yer doin how ya doin
    joe: ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry bout that I'm not very bright
    me: ya I've noticed..... hey Joe you herd about the nile
    Joe: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no
    me: (coures you havent) yeah it flooded and killed 60 people!
    joe: reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! thas a big number anit.

  103. my conversation with a guy named Guthix:
    me:Hey,uhh...guy in the green.Who are you.
    me:Ya well,Guthix have you ever heard of the nile river?
    me: i said-
    me:i said have you-
    Guthix:i dont have a crayon.
    me:i didn't ask if you had a cra-here, thake this tape and put it over your mouth.
    Guthix:(muffled voice)mkay.

  104. My conversation with Bo Burnham
    Me:YO BO
    Me:Im Hope Jackmon and i will be teaching you a little about the nile river in egypt!!!!!
    Me: ok Did you know that the nile river is 1,484 Miles long??
    Me: I Know and it has a delta do you know what a delta is bo??
    Bo: no but i think you are going to tell me
    me: yup a delta is at the end of a river and it leads into a ocean or sea.
    Bo: wow tell me more tell me more!!!
    Me: ok i will by the way work on your singing skills
    Bo:will do
    Me:Anyways the nile river is awesome!!!
    Bo:cool i know well bye im gonna sing now!
    Me:k bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  105. my conversion with my mom
    me:I home
    mom: hey, have done your chores
    me:its nice to see you to
    Mom: I ask a qustion
    me: no but
    mom: no buts just do it
    me: [rolling eyes] ok I just want to tell you one thing.....
    mom: what
    me: what i learned in socil studies
    mom: fine but makeit quick you have lot to do
    me:ok ok i tell you about the....
    mom: [interupting]what are you studying
    me: i was geting there
    mom: really
    me:yes so back to what i was saying ill talk about the pyrimds
    Mom: Maggi
    me: what oh yah were talking about Antint eygpt
    mom: oh cool

  106. Me: hi Wilt Chamberlain
    Wilt Chamberlain: hi taylor
    me: have u ever herd of the nile river?
    wilt chamberlain: no i have not what is the nile river?
    me: the nile river is really important. without the nile their really wouldnt be egypt. the nile river is surrounded by the red land and the black land. the black land is very helpful it gets water to your crops and so it is very fertile land. that is some stuff about it. the red land is mot helpful. It is a desert land

  107. My conversation with Mr.Dekkert:
    Me:"Hi Mr.Dekkert my name is Alyssa.How Are You diong?"
    Mr.Dekkert:"Good, Im Doing Great."
    Me:Good to hear your a awesome gym teacher."
    Mr. Dekkert:"Thanks so much."
    Me:"Yeah Have you heard about the Great Pyramids?"
    Mr. Dekkert:"No Why what is it?"
    Me:"The Pyramids where built for
    Mr.Dekkert:'Oh, Was it easy."
    Me:" No not at all because they didnt have the same tools we have now."
    Mr. Dekkert:" Know I see How long did it take."
    Me:"About 23 years to build it".
    Mr.Dekkert:"Wow that must of took forever".
    Me:" It did take forever because each brick weighs about 2.5 million tons".

  108. My Conversation with Selena Gomez.
    Me: "Hi Selena, my name is Jessica T. How are you?"
    Selena Gomez: "Hi. Good to see you. I am good."
    Me: "Good to know. Hey have you every heard of the Ancient Pyramids of Egypt?"
    Selena Gomez: "No, but I would love to know. I only knew that there was pyramids I didn't know anything about them though."
    Me: "Ok. Would you like me to tell you a little bit about them?"
    Selena Gomez: "Sure. Why not?"
    Me: "Ok. There are many pyramids but these are like the most important pyramids of Egypt. They are the Pyramid of Khafre, Pyramid of Khufu, and the Pyramid of Menkaure and the Sphinx. People say the sphinx is haunted. Anyway, Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of all three of the pyramids of Giza. It is made out of limestone and granite. The unique thing about it is that archaelogist found a beautiful sarcophagus in the pyramid. It is lost in the Mediterranean Sea. Now to Pyramid of Khafre. It is the 2nd largest pyramid. The pyramids are across the street from KFC and Pizza Hut.

  109. zachf9 go penn stateNovember 5, 2010 at 3:05 PM

    me hi joe paterno
    joe hi zach

    me how do you no my name
    joe lucky guess
    me get 400 wins
    joe will beat nwestern
    me have you herd of the nile river
    joe yes
    me did you know its 4184 miles long
    joe no
    me its mane river in egypt
    joe really
    me have you heard of the black land
    its where flood water goes and where crops grow

    me seeya get 400 and beat nwestern
    joe ok

    go penn state

  110. My conversation with Tucker my chocolate lab:
    Me: I tucker how are you doing?
    Tucker: Good. Its My birthday.
    Me: I heard your, tearning 1?
    Tucker: Yeah.
    Me. Ok now im going to teach you a little bit about pyramids of Egypt.
    Tucker; What are pyramids?
    Me: They are ancient adn they are in Egypt. The Egyptians put dead bodies ant the bottom of them. Some are still standing today.
    Tucker: Oh thats cool!
    Me: In Egypt long ago slaves had to carry 2.5 tons of blocks up at the top of these ancients Pyramids.
    tucker: ok well i have to go now so see u at home.
    Me;l bye

  111. My conversation with Michael Jackson.
    Me: "Hey Michael!"
    Michael: "Well, Hello there! How are you doing?"
    Me: "I'm doing very good,you?"
    Michael: "Fantastic!"
    Me: "Well, my teacher says I have to tell someone about the pyramids of Egypt."
    Michael: "Well then, what do you want to teach me about the Pyramids of Egypt? By the way, what are they?"
    Me: "That's why i'm teaching it to you!
    Michael:(Laughs)"Ok, I'll let you start now.

  112. my conversation with Teddy my chiuahuha.
    Me: hey Ted how's it going?
    Teddy: Wonderful!!
    Me: thats awesome! im going to tell you some things about the ancient pyramids. so sit down and listen.
    Teddy: (sits down)
    Me: good boy!! heres a treat!!
    Teddy: yum!!
    Me: ok the first thing im going to tell you is what a pyramid is.
    a pyramid is a gigantic triangle shaped building that takes 23 people years to build!
    Teddy: wow!!!!!!!!!!!
    Me i have to go se u later!!!

  113. My conversatoin with George Washington
    Me:Hi Mr.Washington.
    Me:Im going to teach you about the pyramids.
    Me:First thing,there are three pyramids.
    Mr.Wahington:That is neat.What are their names?
    Me:The first one that is the smallest is called The pyramid of Mankure.
    Mr.Washington:Well that sounds interesting...
    Me: Yes it is. The second one is called The pyramid of Khafre.
    Mr.Washington: Thats quite an interesting name!
    Me: Yep. The last one and the biggest of all is called The Great Pyramid.
    Mr.Washington: Sounds like a pretty gigantic pyramid!
    Me: It is!
    Mr.Washington: Anything else?
    Me: Well it's not about the pyramids totally...
    Mr.Washington: Give it a shot.
    Me: Well theres this Sphinx. It has the body of a lion but a head of a man.
    Mr.Washington: Sounds pretty interestind to me!
    Me: It's nickname is The Guardian of the Giza Complex..
    Mr.Washington: Wow! Maybe I should go to Egypt and check it out!
    Me: Yes that would be soooo cool! It is told to be that it guards the complex so thats how it got its name.
    Mr.Washington: Wow! I learned alot today!
    Me: Good! I hope you visit Egypt!
    Mr.Washington: Me Too!

  114. Me: oh another thing is many people used the Nile River for water,food,bathing,etc...
    Justin: that is some good infromation.
    Me: ok here is one last thing without the Nile River, Egypt would not exist.
    Justin:Wow! Well thanks for telling so much about the Nile River.

  115. Me: hey kesha Im back.
    Kesha: I couldnt wait to here more.
    Me: well, i'll tell you. The Pyramid of Khufu is the worlds largest pyramid and The Pyramid of Khafre is 2.5 tons
    Kesha:o wow thats heavy
    Me:Yeah! and there is this sphinx that is called the gaurdian of the Giza coplex because it gaurds the three pyramids.
    Kesha:O cool i think i've heard of the sphinx before.
    Me:well thats all you need to know about the pyramids. BYE!!!!.p.s. you should get some new songs out.
    Kesha Thans the pyramids are awesome. thanks for the advice I've been wanting to get some new songs. BYE!!!!

  116. Contuined....
    Me: "All the Pyramids of Egypt were for kings and queens."
    Ameila: "You know a lot!"
    Me:" The last thing I will tell you is The biggest pyramid is for Khufu."
    Ameila: "Thanks for telling me about pyramids!"
    Me:"No problem, bye!"

  117. My conversation w/ Wilt Chamberlain

    me: the black land is where crops grow and the land is most fertle. the red land is dry land and no crops grow here it is desert.
    chamberlain: that is very intresting! do u know any thing else.
    me: yes i know that their writing system is called hieroglyphics. did u know that the shpinx is the largest single stone statue ever. it also has a body of a lion and head of a man. also the second largest pyramid still has limestone on the tip. egypt is very hot. also the main river is egypt Wilt Thats awesome

  118. My conversation w/ Wilt Chamberlain

    me: the black land is where crops grow and the land is most fertle. the red land is dry land and no crops grow here it is desert.
    chamberlain: that is very intresting! do u know any thing else.
    me: yes i know that their writing system is called hieroglyphics. did u know that the shpinx is the largest single stone statue ever. it also has a body of a lion and head of a man. also the second largest pyramid still has limestone on the tip. egypt is very hot. also the main river is egypt Wilt Thats awesome

  119. My conversation w/ Wilt Chamberlain

    me: the black land is where crops grow and the land is most fertle. the red land is dry land and no crops grow here it is desert.
    chamberlain: that is very intresting! do u know any thing else.
    me: yes i know that their writing system is called hieroglyphics. did u know that the shpinx is the largest single stone statue ever. it also has a body of a lion and head of a man. also the second largest pyramid still has limestone on the tip. egypt is very hot. also the main river is egypt Wilt Thats awesome

  120. My conversation with Tony Kaulse
    Me:Hi there 'Tony'
    Tony:hi tere 'Reilly'
    Me:The black land is where crops can grow and the land is most fertile.
    Tony kaulse:Awesome that cool is there any thing else.
    Me:There's the Nile River and some parts are about 10miles long and you can jump over it.
    Tony: awesome and is there some parts you cant jump over it.
    Me:yes and the three pyramids of giza are Menkaure, Khafre, and Khuhu.
    Tony:Cool and i have to go bye.
    Me: bye

  121. continued

    miley: "No what about them?"
    Me: "The 4 main structures are the sphinx, pyramid of Menkaure, pyramid of khafre, and the pyramid of khufu."
    miley; "cool!"
    me: "Did you know that the nickname for the sphinx is the Guardian of the Giza Complex?"
    Miley: " no but that is interesting."
    me: "Do you know What the smallest pyramid is?"
    Miley: "No what is it?"
    me: "it is the pyramid of menkaure."
    Miley: "Awesome!"
    me: "Each block from the pyramid of khafre wieghs about 2.5 tons.
    Miley: "That is a lot."
    me: "do you know what the the pyramid of khufu is also called?"
    Miley: "No what is it called?"
    me: "The great pyramid."
    miley: "That iis really cool i got to go so thatnk for teaching me about all that."
    me: "No problem nice meeting you."

  122. Me: Hi Obama I'm back. Now I was telling you about pyramids. The pyramid Menkaure of is the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. Archeologists found a beautiful sarchrophis in the pyramid. Then the sarchrophis was lost in the Meddeterain Sea.
    Obama: Oh very interesting.
    Me: For the great pyramid, each block weighs 2 tons roughly. It was good talking to you bye.

  123. finishing my coversation with lebron james. AlexW4

    Lebron: "Thats awesome, i got to go can you finish real fast".

    Me:"ya, i got three more facts to tell you, the great pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu. It took about 23 years to build. Its a 4 million ton pyramid."

    Lebron: "Thanks man those were five interesting facts"

    Me: "See Ya"

  124. the contine of part !

    me: i know... so ill tell you about the pyrimds there so cool
    mom: why is it so cool
    me: because each block wiaghs 2.5 tons and they only have 2.5 min to get in place in order to finish it in 24 years
    mom: realy?????????
    me: yes and they do that all for a grave. they use pyrimds to perseve the died.
    me: yeah i know also the people working on it live there when there working on it
    mom: really do they get paid (kiddily)
    me: actually yes they do get paid
    mom:owe what kind of people work on it
    me:well actually very few slaves worked on it it was mostly farmers who would work between harvest to get a little extra momney and also people did that for a living
    mom:owe cool
    me:(yawning) yay lots of diferent people worked on it
    mom:owe wow its already bed time i gess your do everything tomorrow
    mom: goodnight

  125. My coversation with Tiger Lily the cat
    Me: "Hi Lily. How are you today."
    Lily: "Fine."
    Me: "Lily do you konw what the Nile river is?"
    Llily: "Well I kown it`s a river and it`s in Egypt but thats it."
    Me: "Well your right it is a river and it is in Egypt and it`s the longest river in the world and the most important thing in Egypt."
    Lily: "Why is it important and why are you telling me about water and river you know I hate water I am a cat."
    Me: "Just lisen it is important becues with out it the Egyptians would not have survied and one last thing adout the Nile it flouds yearly."
    Lily: "That is really intersting buT I got to go bye."
    Me "Bye Lily see you later."

  126. Part 2
    Dodge:ok im back
    Kitty: about time
    Dodge: hey do you want to tell you about pyrmids are not
    Kitty:ok ok
    Dodge:Menkaure is the smallest Khafre is the second smallest and khufu is the biggest
    all the pyramids are made from limestone oir granite
    Kitty: ok ok shut up i have enough
    Dodge: your i very mean kitty
    Kitty so im leaving later
    Dodge: bye kitty
    Kitty: stop calling me thet my name is steve
    Dodge: oh ok sorry steve bye

  127. My conversation is with my mom.
    Me:hay mom
    Me:I am going to teach you about Egypt.
    me:did you know that the pyrimad Khufu is the largest pyrimad in Egypt.It was bilt in 3500 B.C.
    Me:Do you know that Egyptians used hieroglyphs for writing.A hieroglyph can stand for an object, an idea,or a sound.
    mom:What else is interesting about Egypt.
    Me:Egypt has larges desert in the world. It's called Sahara and it's 3,320,000 sq miles.

  128. My conversation with Taylor Swift

    Me* Hey Taylor whats up today im going to teach you about the pyrimids.

    Taylor* Cool cant whait to here what you have to say.

    Me* Well first of all did you know the the Great Spinx is garding the Great Pyrimid.

    Taylor* Wow that is cool I did not know that.

    Me* Ya and the Great Pyrimid was thr tobm of kufhu the is y the other name for it is the pyrimid of kufhu and it is the biggest.

    Taylor* That is cool what else.

    Me* Well the Spinx has the head of a man and a body of a lion.

    Taylor* That is awesome well I g2g ttyl text you later.

    Me* K bye

  129. My conversation with Michael Jackson:
    Me: Hi Michael, do you like your coffin?
    Michael: Oh why yes Samantha, it's SO cozy!
    Me: Ok, thats wonderful! Have you ever heard of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids?
    Michael: Nope, my life was based on music. Can you tell me what they are?
    Me: Why yes I can Michael! I'll start with the names.
    Michael: Okay!
    Me: The names are Pyramid of Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu.
    Michael: Ok, which is the Great Pyramid?
    Me: The Pyramid of Khufu.
    Michael: What is the order of size?
    Me: Khufu is largest, Khafre is the 2nd largest, and Menkaure is the smallest.
    Michael: Oh, thats cool I guess, is the Sphinx in Egypt?
    Me: Yes, it's actually in front of the pyramids.
    Michael: Is there anything special about the Great Pyramid?
    Me: Yeah! It was the tallest building in the world for 1,270 years!
    Michael: That's cool. Well I'm going to go back to sleep in my coffin now. Bye!
    Me: Ok, have fun! Bye!!

  130. My conversation is with kirby puckett

    me: with out the nile river we would not exist
    Kirby: wow i did not know that

    Me: the nile river has a red land and a black land
    the black land is right next to the nile river and is good farming land it gets lots of water
    the red land is on the out side of the black land it get like no water and all sand
    Kirby: wow you know alot and that is all i want to hear right now see you for the next lesson
    me yeah see you next time

  131. My conversation with Victoria Justice:
    Me:Whats Up Victoria I'm Carly Campbell???
    Victoria:Nothing much just getting ready for a scene on Victorious.
    Me:Omg that is so cool anyway I was wondering if I could tell you about the Nile River.
    Victoria:Well sure you can I'm on a 20 minute break.
    Me:Well okay then,the Nile River is a major river in Egypt.
    Victoria:Oh I've been to Egypt for a video shoot it's like 4,000 miles long right?
    Me:Well if you want to get exact 4,184 miles long. Anyway there is a red and black land.
    Victoria:Oh that's awesome =).
    Me:Yeah I know right,the red land is a part that is desert and has no crops. The black land is.....
    Victoria:I know this its fertile land and good for farming?!
    Me:Good Job!! On the side of the river is a plant called Papyrus it's like wheat but harder and is used mainly to make paper.
    Victoria:Oh that's cool do you have any?
    Me:Not yet,but maybe someday I will.Okay,people say this river is a giver of life and taker of life.
    Victoria:That's interesting.
    Me:Yeah but the reason is that the giver of life is because it provides people with food,irrigation,and transportation.
    It's a taker of life because it can flood and kill people.
    Victoria:Oh My Gosh that is NOT good.
    Me:Yeah I know.
    Victoria:Oh I'm really sorry Carly but I've got to go so can I talk to you later?
    Me:Sure I've got to go too. So talk to you later.
    Victoria:Okay Bye =)

  132. my conversation with brett favre
    hunter:hey brett
    favre:hey hunter
    me:so brett we have been learning some things about Egypt like there are six pyramids
    me:we also found out that the Nile is the only river
    me:we also leared about mummificatiom thats realy wierd
    favre:ya it is
    me:the pyramids have there own gard dog/lion/man thing its called a sphinx
    favre:ya ive heared about that
    me:we also leared about how the pyramids are paet of giza which is a cemetary

  133. Hey Mr. K Brady B had a conversation with Jammal Charles i have no idea who he is but he was telling him about The Nile River like how long it is and ect.

  134. My follow up is Katlyn Nissen Her conversation was with Amy Kueter here is some of the stuff that they were talking about.

    They talked about a Necropolis is a large cemetery or burying place. There is four main structures at Giza, a sphinx, 3 different pyramids, Menkaure, Khafre, and the pyramid of Khufu.An across from the necropolis there's a KFC and a Pizza Hut and about the 3 pyramids in Giza. Then Amy said thanks for teaching me about the pyramids. And she said your welcome see you in school.

  135. I am going to talk about Logan and larry the cable guy.logan told larry the cable guy about the Nile River.And it is the most important river in egypt. The red and the black land are the to lands the black land is the fertile land. The red land is not good for farming . The red land is bad for everything. thats all i know.

  136. My Blog Follow Up

    Conversation between Abby M Pd4 and Mia Hamm

    They talked about these things:
    -The Great Pyramid belonged to Khufu.
    -The Great Pyramid weighed about 8,000,000,000 pounds.
    -The Sphinx has the head of a man and the body of a lion.
    -The Sphinx is the largest single stone on earth.
    -The Egyptians built the Pyramids.

  137. Me:hi Miley im back
    Miley:thanks for coming back i have been waiting for like three what were you saying about the Nile River
    Me:oh yeah, the Nile River is important to Egypt because it is the only river in Egypt and it is there source of transportation,water and irrigation
    Miley:cool i didnt know that!
    Me:do you know anything about the black land and red land?
    Miley:all i know is black and red are the school colors for Brandon Valley.
    Me:lol.yes they are but thats not what it means.
    Miley:oh,ok,could u tell me then?
    Me: the black land is the land is the fertile land right next to the Nile,so it's good for farming.The red land is the dry desert land that is bad for farming.
    Miley:i get it now!
    Me:The Nile is also 4,184 miles long.
    Miley:wow thats really long!
    Me:it is the giver of life and the taker of life.
    Miley:how could a river be a taker of life in the desert?
    Me:you might not think it could but the Nile can flood to much and rewin crops and kill people.It can also be a giver of life because it irrigates crops and provides water for people.
    Miley:thats alot to learn about the Nile River in one day,if there's that much info. about the Nile i wonder how much there is to learn about Egypt?!
    Me:I don't know,but Mr.Klumper said there is a college class on ancient Egypt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Miley:thanks for telling me all that info im sure i will do well on the Egypt unit in my class now!
    Me:Mabey we will do another assignment like this so i could tell you more,i sure hope we do
    Miley:me to!thanks for the info bye!

  138. I looked at the conversation between:
    Monet E. and Justin Bieber

    They talked about how long the Nile is and how it floods yearly. They also talked about what the Egyptians used the Nile for. Last they talked about how Egypt wouldn't exist without the Nile.

    Good Job!!

  139. Maggi McGee's conversation with her mom---follow up---
    She talked about how each block weighs 2.5 tons,and one every 2.5 minutes,it took 24 years,the people who worked on it and that the people who worked on it got payed.

  140. i am going to follow up on carters conversation with betty white they were talking about the Nile River carter said that is the biggest river in the planet and that egypt wouldnt exist with out it he talked about the red and black he also talked about thr giver and taker of life

  141. follow-up -sidney bernt with miley cyrus

    The 4 main structures are the sphinx, pyramid of Menkaure, pyramid of khafre, and the pyramid of khufu the nickname for the sphinx is the Guardian of the Giza Complex the smallest pyramid isthe pyramid of menkaure
    Each block from the pyramid of khafre wieghs about 2.5 tons.
    the pyramid of khufu is also called the great pyramid.

  142. Jacob, and Adrain peterson were talking about, the nile river, giver of life, taker of life, red and black lands, and papus.

  143. I am following up on Taylor B. She talked about the Nile River. Things about the Nile River that she mentioned was the black land and the red land and a lot of interesting stuff. She also got specific on her topic.

  144. I am following up on Taylor B. She talked about the Nile River. Things about the Nile River that she mentioned was the black land and the red land and a lot of interesting stuff. She also got specific on her topic.

  145. The conversation that I am following up on is with Victoria Braly and her cat tiger lily. The topic they talked about is the Nile river. The first thing they talked about is if tiger lily new about the Nile river and the cat did. the second thing they talked about is that without it they would all die. The last thing they talked about is how lily is a cat and how she hates water and she doesn't really like the Nile because it is just water.

  146. My follow up was the conversation with Matt and Braden and they talked about the Nile River and how many miles longs it was (4,184)
    they talked about how the Nile is a good land form farming and Braden wanted to leave so Matt handcuffed him to a post.

  147. Hi i'm going to talk about hunter c's conversation with Brett Favre.
    When the Egyptians mummified people they took out all there organs and put them in special jars. The Sphinx nick name was Guardian of the dead or something like that! (:

  148. my fowllow up of mackenzie roby's conversation with teddy her dog they talked about wut a pyramid is and how they made it.

  149. Well I read Huntersc conversatoin and he told Favre about the sphinx and how it looks like a head of a man and a body of a lion. He also told Favre about the pyramides of Giza. Another thing that Hunter told Favre is about mummificatoin and how different or weared it looks. Also he told him about the Nile River.One last thing that Hunter told Favre is about the six pyramids. Thats what Hunter told Favre about Egypt.

  150. Rylees6 had her conversation with Jesse James.

    She talked about the pyramids and she has told us that the bigger ones are Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu. She also talked about the Great Sphinx. She told me that the nose was not there and its nicknames is "Gaurdian of the Giza Complex." That is what I learned from RyleeS6 and her conversation with Jesse James.

  151. I am overvuing Spencer D. coversation with Spongbob he talked about how the Nile is called the taker of life and why it is called the giver of life.He also talked about the black and red land and why it flows north.

  152. hunter talked to brett farve about the pyramids

  153. CarlyC4 had her conversation with Victoria Justice and they talked about the red and black land and how long the Nile is. She also talked about Papyrus and how it is used to make paper.

  154. I'm reponding to Bryn Nelson's Comment. Period 4

    Bryn...I can totally hear your dad talking in your conversation
    I think you could really teach some of this stuff!

  155. my blog follow up is about zane and masen they talked aout the three pyrimids of giza

  156. MorganS4 said. had her comment with sam bradford and she gives intresting facts about the pyamids good job morgan

  157. I looked at hunters talk with brett favre
    they talked about pyrimids and the nile river and about the spinx

  158. blog follow up on
    lexi h talked about red land black land and nile river and just egypt

  159. I am going to follow up on Elsie's conversation with Mia Hamm. They talked about the Great Pyramids of Egypt and how much each block weighed. Elsie told her that there is a KFC and a Pizza Hut right across the street and one of the pyramids still has limestone on the top.

  160. i am doing a follow-up on emily and her dog kasey.
    emily and kasey talked about the pyrimads of giza.they had a very nice conversation.

    p.s. emily i love your story

  161. I'm responding to Hanna Jellema's comment. Period 8.

    They talked about....
    -The Nile River
    -Red Land
    -Black Land
    -How Long it is
    -Where it got its name

  162. My followo up is on Carter K's talk with Betty White. He basicly just talked about the red land and the black land. He also talked about how the river is 4,184 miles long. Hey Carter I can make a better smiley face. [:)] or {:)]. I can also make a guy winking [;)]. Really cool talk though. It was really funny.

  163. Follow up comment:
    on anna boomsma and jeaden smith:
    annas post was about the nile river and how it made egypt be in the histroy books

  164. rohanP8 talked to the m&m

  165. My follow up conversation is between Hanna J and Jenny Finch. They talked about the nile river, the meaning of nelios, the red land, and the black land.

  166. The conversation i reviewed was done by dayton johnson it is about the nile river and about the length and that without the nile egypt would not it is also the largest river in the world

  167. My conversation i vied is james coment he was talk ing to a cow named squril they where talking about the surplus the lenghth of the nile and about the surplus it gave to the egttions.

  168. my blog flowwup is between keonni f an d her cosin anthony. they talked about the nile and howit goes through egypt. they also talked about the pyramids

  169. On my blog follow up is about Jessica berg and Anne sullivan's conversation.They talked about the only river in Egypt called the Nile river and some detals that were in there conversation was how long the nile river is and Egypt in ganrall.

  170. My follow up conversation is with Dayton J.
    He talked about that there is olny one river in Egypt called the Nile River. He also said if you stretched it out so it was stright it would go all the way accross the U.S. and part of Canada. Dayton also said that without the river Egypt would not have existed.

  171. My follow up thing is with dayton j and barack obama they talked about the nle is 4184 miles long, would strech accross canada and us, No nile would mean no eygpt, and transported goods on nile

  172. My follow up question is of the conversation between Madi R and Anna Boomsma: There conversation was about the 3 major pyramids and Egypt and that each block weighs 2.5 tons each.

  173. My conversation I followed up on was for Morgan Smith.

    Morgan talked to Sam Bradford she talked about Egypt.

    The Great Sphinx is the head of a human body of a lion.The Sphinxs nickname is the Guardian of Giza Complex.In egypt there are three pyramids one is the Great Pyramid/Khufu.Next one the pyramid of Khafre,Next the pyramid of Menkure. That's about all.

  174. The coversation I viewed was Sheridan Coyle's with her mom. She talked about how important The Nile River was for the Egyptians.

  175. I followed up on Alyssa's conversation with Mr.Dekkert.
    They talked about the great pyramids and how it took 23 years to build it! Also each block weighed 2.5 tons.Another thing was they were built for Pharorahs. That is my follow up on ALyssa's conversation with Mr. Dekkert

  176. andrew bigman and micheal talked about the nile river.andrew told micheal the nile river was 4184 miles long.he also told micheal that the nile rivers nickname was from the greeks.he told that the river flows north and he told that there is a black land and a red land to. thats the end of andrews story that he talked about.

  177. madir is talking with Jenny Finch. She is talking about the pyramids.About each block weighs 2.5 tons that is a big block,. my folow up ois also with jessica berg about the nile river

  178. my blog follow up is that zane and masen talked about the pyramids in egypt and the pyramdids of giza

  179. My conversation I viewed was between Jessica Berg and Anne Sullivan. They talked about the Nile River and some details that were in there conversation was how long the Nile River is and that it is the only river in Eygpt.

  180. My follow up was on Jacob Bentson and Adrian Peterson. They talked about the Nile and red and blackland. How Egypt wouldent be here if it weren t for the NIle

  181. My follow up comment is about Aly R4 and her dog Belle. They talked about the great pyramids of giza and the spinx.

  182. My follow up connversation was between Abby Myers and Mia Hamm. They talked about pyramids and how EACH pyramid wieghs about 8,000,000,000 pounds. WOW that's alot!!! :) :):):):):):):):):)

  183. my conversation i looked at was with molly bly and micheal jackson. they talked about the nile river and how lond it is and that it is in egypt.

  184. Brigid was talking to her evil twin Jigid and they were talking about the nile and papyrus

  185. I am going to talk about Logan and the cable guy.

    I think that logan did a good job because he talked about his topic. And he explained every thing about the nile river like how important it is because egypt would not exist without it ans so on.If I rated this on a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate it a 9 or 10.

  186. The conversation i viewed was chandlers with lady gaga. Chandler told lady Gaga about the nicknames for the Nile River. Also how they got those names. I really enjoyed viewing chandlers comment

  187. Im responding on MonetE8

    She talked with Justin Bieber!!
    They talked about a on coming concert, the nile river and, what it is used for ad whythey need it.

  188. my blog follow up is about zane and masen they talked aout the three pyrimids of giza

  189. Hi the conversation i vewid was between the nile and the pyramids
    nile is the biggest river in egypt and the pyramids are a pointy tipthatlook really cool

  190. My follow up was on Lexi z and kesha

    They talked about the three pyramids menkure the smallest khafre the second largest and khafu the largest AKA The great pyramid

  191. Im following Alyssas comment. I think she did a good idea about telling how long it took and how much the bricks weighed.

  192. I am leaving a response for Matt M. Period 8. He had a hilarious conversation with Hammurabi about the Giza Complex. I said the pyramid of Khafre (The second largest) appears to be the largest because of its steep sides. Then Mr. Klumper came in and stole their burritoes. That was the end of their conversation.

  193. I am doing a follow up on Erin L3 and George Washington. They talked about the pyramids.
    She talked more specificly on the sizes of them, also she talked about the Sphinx. She talked about the Sphinx's nickname and how it has the body of a lion and head of a man. She also gave him the names of the pyramids. It was a great conversation!

  194. annas blog follow up on madi R
    madi told ME about the 3 pyramids of egypt. she had told me about the pyramid of khufu and hows its nickname is the great pyramid next she told me about the pyramid of khafre and how it is the second largest pyrid but remains very unique because of the limestone casing still found at the top lastly she told me about the pyrimid of menkuare the smallest of the three it is made up of limestone and granite ... madi had told me bunches and now im glad that i know because i have a TEST coming up soon :)

  195. My blog follow up is with hope talking to bo burnham. they talked about the nile river and how long it is, and that its in egypt, and also talked about a delta.

  196. My Follow up on Tucker L. and Manfred Von Richtoven.

    Tucker talked about the pyramids. One of his facts was it took 23 years to build the great pyramid. The next thing he talked about was the Spinx. Tucker said it has the head of a man and a body of a lion. And the last few things he talked about was the Giza necropilis.

  197. My fowllow up blog comment is between Dayton J. and Broack Obama. They talked about how long the nile is, and how it could strecth across the U.S and parts of Canada. They also talked about how without the nile nobody would be there in Egypt, and that stuff from other parts of egypt were sent down it.

  198. my summery is about Curtis Tupy & Juveebali.

    I think Curtis did a good job because he was telling only about 1 topic at a time. He talked about the pyrimads and was specific on wicth 1 he was talking about.Also he talked about the Nile a little bit & help Juveebali with social studies.

  199. i agree with marissah8 that egypt would not exist withuot the nile

  200. My follow up is an Abbi hanna and kirby pucket

    Abbi talked about the nile river she said that the nile river a myjor river
    that is all in that one little thing that i found


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