
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mesopotamia: The Cradle of Civilization

We have begun our second major unit of this school year in Social Studies: Mesopotamia. This first civilization is one that many people don't know much about. It is not as common as the pyramids of Egypt, Zeus of Greek Mythology or the Great Wall of China of, well, China. However, this first great civilization invented things and developed things that helped people and the world itself progress. Mesopotamia witnessed the development of many things we use every day in 2010, things that we might take for granted. Just think, how hard would it be to drive a car without wheels? Thank you Mesopotamia for the wheel. Just think, how hard would it be to buy a box of Gushers without money? Thank you Mesopotamia for money. So, you can see that Mesopotamia is to thanks for many very important things. The name Mesopotamia comes from where this civlization is located. It is located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. The word Mesopotamia literally means "land between the rivers." As we begin this unit, we are going to spend sometime looking at one specific websites about Mesopotamia. In this website, you will find information, stories, interactive pages, and games. This website is called "The British Museum" and we will focus on the Mesopotamia section, of course. While we explore this site, we will be writing a few things down as far as what we have found out about three certain places in Mesopotamia: Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer.

Task: Go to "The British Museum: Mesopotamia" and fill out your sheet by exploring Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer. To 'enter' each section, click on the name and then choose one of the options.

Points: 30 points.

DUE: October 6th, 2010.


  1. Mr. Klumper teach me more please where those cinammon rolls good respond Hi penn state rocks PSU

  2. Kaitlan in da house!:)
    Hey Mr Klumper u are da bomb aka u da best teacher eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Mr.klumper I GGGGGGoooooooTTTTTt 1 minute o yayayayayayayayaya

  4. hi i tried to play the game at home but didn't work.

    P.S: Carzy izey is da bomb

    home rome where going to have fun friday.

  5. Mr. Klumper u r the best teacher in the whole entire middle school. u rock! iI wish i didnt have to leave.



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