
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Enter the Stone Age

The Stone Age has come to Water for Sixth Grade. We will be exploring many fascinating aspects of this time period. Much of what we learn about is in theory only, that means it hasn't actually been proven, it's just what some scientists and historians THINK. Nontheless, I will try to introduce you to various things and let you decide for yourself what you think is true and what is not. The discovery of fire, hunting methods, behavior and appearance of 'caveman', cave painting, and way of life will all be explored. I don't want to limit you to learning about the Stone Age just in social studies class. Therefore, Water for Sixth Grade is providing you with an opportunity to discover things on your own about this amazing unit. You will be using the Internet to "Enter the Stone Age." Good Luck!

Task: Using the websites I have found for you about the Stone Age, post a comment telling me 2 things you learned while looking at the websites. That's it. Pretty simple, huh?

Once again, all you have to do is check out the Stone Age websites on the right of this page under the section titled "Stone Age Websites" and post a comment telling me 2 things you learned.

Points: 10 Points.

DUE: Wednesday, September 15th, 2010. Midnight.


  1. The Sabor Tooth Cat's teeth can be 7 inches long. The wooley mammoth had a hump of fat behind his head in case food was hard to find.

  2. 1. I did not know that the Saber Tooth Cat's weight was 500-400lb. It was found North America.

    2. I never new that there was somthing called a Uintatherium. They weigh about 5,000-6,000lb. It was found in North America.

  3. #1neandrethals lived 30000 years ago
    #2the arsinoyherium caught my eye it looks sweet

    Logan Jacobson

  4. I didn't know that neanderthals had a protruding jaw and a receding jaw. I also didn't know that they used buffalo skin and stuffed with grass to make shoes.

  5. I learned about Kimberley points, and different anmials. There was lots of different anmials I haden't heard of. It was fun.

  6. i figured out that back in the stong age neanderthalensis use arrow heads to hunt i also did not know that they make animals fall off a cliff then eat them

  7. Mr.Klumper I had no idea that there was even such a creature called the Tricophodon!! Sounds pretty cool!! The second thing I learned is a Coelodonta!! There's a lot of other creatures I learned about that I have no idea is like the Crovalces, the Uertherium the, Arsinotherium I'm glad I don't live in the stone age!! See you l8r Mr.Klumper!!!!

  8. Mr.Klumper I'm so going to buy your book can you sign it for me???LOL!!! :)

  9. 1 a Sabertooth cat Had a short tail had strong front legs and had canine teeth that could reach up to 7 feet long

    2 Neandertals lived in mostl cold climates and their proportins for their body are very simalar to modern cold adapted peoples: short and stocky with solid limbs. :-)

  10. mr Klumpr Do you Have Your Spelling List on Your website Because I Left Mine At Home?

  11. 1.I learned that they had many stone
    age animals.
    2. They used many tools and invented many things.

  12. I learned that the stone age was 250,000 years ago. I also learned that Neandertals had a slightly larger brain capacity than we do.

  13. Two things I learned from the Stone Age websites were...

    1. The giant ground sloth is just one of the numerous that vanished forever as the Ice Age wound down in North America.

    2. About 40,000 years ago, the first anatomically modern humans revolutionized their cultures with specialized weaponary and other tools.

    Those were two things I learned from the Stone Age websites!

  14. Two things I learned from the Stone Age websites were...

    1. The giant ground sloth is just one of the numerous that vanished forever as the Ice Age wound down in North America.

    2. About 40,000 years ago, the first anatomically modern humans revolutionized their cultures with specialized weaponary and other tools.

    Those were two things I learned from the Stone Age websites!

  15. I learned that the animals from the Stone Age looked a lot alike the animals we have today and that their names are had to prenounce.

    I also learned that they made flint tools by chipping away small pieces of flint. The process was long but in the end they were rewarded

  16. 1: the sabertooth grew up to 9 feet long.

    2: that caveman dated eruopean people and the we still have dna that they had.

  17. that there was a wooly rihno, that there was over 15 animals in the stone age.

  18. I learned that some knives were made up of wood. Also I saw that there were alot of arrowheads that the cavemen would use to go hunting. They would chase mammoths and stab them and eat them just as they were.

  19. 1. The first thing I learned about stone age people is that most neanderthals lived in Europe, and western Asia before dying out 30,000 years ago.

    2. Neanderthals were the first humans to walk this planet. Their tools were made out of stone, topaz, and sometimes quartz. And they were very good hunters. And shockingly, they were smart enough to discover fire. Over the years they sot smarter and smarter. And that's what got us to what we are now.

  20. I learned about Eohppus

    and about the Mastodon

  21. task 1 I learned that a tool using mammal which is believed to have occurred about 600,00 or 700,000 years ago.

    task 2 I learned that a Uitatherium animal lived.

  22. 1. Sickle blades were used for cutting grass and process grains in the African Sahara dessert, dating back about 10,00 years ago.
    2. Baton- is used to straighten spears, and throw spears.

  23. 1. Neanderthals lived in Europe and western asia before dying.
    2. The wooly mammoth is much bigger than the present day elephants and was the biggest animal alive during the late Pleistocene epoch.

  24. #1: Archeogolists believed that tool-using mammal which is believed occured in 6,000,000 or 7,000,000 years ago.

    #2:The Stone Age cutting tool was made out of marble rock

  25. #1: Archeogolists believed that tool-using mammal which is believed occured in 6,000,000 or 7,000,000 years ago.

    #2:The Stone Age cutting tool was made out of marble rock

  26. #1: Archeogolists believed that tool-using mammal wich is beleved to occur over 6,000,000 or 7,000,000 years ago.

    #2: The Stone Age cuttingh toool was made out of solid rock.

  27. 1. i learned that the oldest tool was called a burin and it dates back 50,000 years. a burin was used to sharpen bones or stones into more tools.

    2.HOMO NEANDERTHALENSIS, lived 250,000 to 30,000 years ago, is the last species to diverge from the human line prior to the emergence of modern humans, and the last species of hominid to have gone extinct.

  28. that homo Neandrathals mostly lived in cold climate. The stone age artifacts is from Europe and North Africa

  29. 1. Neandertal have a slightly larger brain capicty than modern humans.
    2. Neandertal are the first people who may have buried their dead

  30. I learned about the mamaths on one of your websites that you put up and how they lived.

  31. The Homo Neanderthals lived about 250,000 years ago. The youngest Neanderthal finds include Hyaena Den (UK), considered older than 30,000 years ago.

  32. Hi
    Homo Neanderthalensis live from 250,000 to 30,000 years old.
    Also by 8000 bc enviroments are occurred in the Mesolithic period.

  33. #1 i learned about tools
    #2 i learned about the different artifacts

    Masen johnson 8

  34. i learned that cave men are very strong and use grunts noises to communicate

  35. #1 i learned that Neolithic Arrowheads can be found in the North Western Saraha Desert.

    #2 i learned that Homo Neandethalenis lived frome 25,000 to 30,ooo years ago is the last spieces to the human line.

  36. The stone age is usually divied into three separate periods -paleuithis period, mesolithic period, and neolithic peroid

    neanderthalensis which lived from about 250,00 to 30,000

  37. they lived 250,000 to 300,000 years ago.

    The neandertals lived mostly in cold climates.

  38. lived from about 250000 to 30000 years ago. Neandertals lived mostly in cold climates.

  39. #1:Albetous was a theropod, a member of the family Tyrannosourds. Albetousus belonged to the more fearsome pretitors of Creataceous period It's name means "Lizard from Alberta" because many fossills have been found in Alberta Canada.

    #2:The 30,000 year-old instrament could have played reletively sophisticated tunes.

  40. I went to the artifacts website and looked at Burins and I thought that thoughs where cool. I also looked at the Sabor tooth tiger and I thought that he/she has big huge teeth.

  41. I learned that early people made flutes out of woolly mammoths ivory tusks. They used these for entertainment. I also learned that a sabertooth cat is 8 to 9 feet long, and can weigh from 400 to 500 pounds as an adult.

  42. i never new what a tricopfodon was neither did i know what auintatherium was

  43. I learned that the stone age had releces, and that some of their tools are Flint tools, Musical Instruments and Nets and Skis

  44. 1. I learned that the Sabre tooth tiger has teeth up to 7 inches long!!

    2 The Uintatherium has tons of dagger like teeth sticking out from its upper jaw!!! I wouldn't Want to live in the Stone age.

    Stone Age sounds so cool!!!!

  45. I didnt know that Neanderthals lived 250,000 to 30,000 years ago. Thats a long time!!

    I also didnt know that Neanderthals had a lager brain capacity tha humans.

  46. That saber Tooth cat looks kinda scary with it's 7 inch long teeth. There is ALOT of different animals like the Tricophodon, and the Crovalces, by the way is that the same animal in that video we watched today!?

  47. 1.laurel leaf" can be over 13 inches long.2.they can make a flute out of bear bone.

  48. #1 A woolly mammoth can grow up to 9ft high.

    #2 A mastodon can grow up to 6.65ft-9.84 shoulder height.

  49. I learned that stone age was 250,000 years old. I also learned that neadertals had a slightly larger brain.

  50. They very firdt instrument they made was the flute made out of mamoth ivory

    the saber tooth cat cat was 9-8 feet, 400-500 pounds, it lived in North Amercia and it was a meat eater

  51. I learned that neanderthals had a slightly larger brain capcity than modern humans I also learned that some experts claim that modern humans and neanderthals shared genes up until 30,000 years ago.

  52. 1. The Sabertooth Cat has canine teeth that are seven inches long. It is a carnivore or a meat eater.

    2. The Woolly Mammoth wieghts seven to eight tons. It is a herbivore or a plant eater.

  53. -the stoneage is divided into 3 seperate time periods.
    -paleolithic ansestors developed the pebble-tool traditions.

  54. Erik H.Pd9 said...

    I learned how cavemen worked with tools and what types of animals lived in the Stone Age.

  55. I learned that caveman had to make their own tools and that they had a hard time trying to find and get food.

  56. 1: Stone age was divided into 3 different periods, Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic

    2:the patheolithic was divided into 3 periods, lower Paleolithic, middle Paleolithic, upper Paleolithic

  57. I learned that the first people could have killed the big beasts. That early people made musical instruments.

  58. 1. Neandertals had a slightly larger brain capacity than modern humans.
    2. Neandertals lived mostly in cold climates.

  59. neandrathals lived about 250,000 years ago. Neanderthals typically lived in cold climates

  60. 1. The giant ground sloth is just one of the large mammals that vanished forever as the ice age wound down in america.

    2. The saber tooth cat's teeth can be 7 inches long.

    Thats what I learned from the websites.

  61. Hey Mr.Klumper,I learned that......

    1.There are a lot of different tools one of them is a sickles and is a blade to chop grass and grains.

    2.The danish axel is used to chop trees.
    Well thats what I got!!!!!!!!

  62. I learned that they made flutes out of mammoth ivory.

    I have never heard of the colodonta. Its a huge animal with think, shaggy coat.

  63. Ashley
    discovery of fire and cave paintings

  64. Alyssa p8
    i learned that a sabor tooth cat teeth can grow to 7 inches long and that there was a wooly rhino!!!!!!!

  65. 1. I learn that the Sabertooth Tiger is 9-8 feet long, can weigh up to 400-500 pounds holy cow, and that they are from 1.8 million to 11,000 years ago.

    2. The rock from the stone age look so sharp and there was so many of them that you cant evern name them all!!

  66. I learned that the stone age was a lot harder than times now.

  67. Hi Mr.Klumper

    I learned that there wasn't supposed to be anybody in the Americas before the Clovis people. And I also learned that the neandertals lived mostly in cold climates.

    Hope Jackmon Pd#:9

  68. Archaeology is concerned with the origins and development of early human culture between the first appearance of man as a tool-using mammal, which is believed to have occurred about 600,000 or 700,000 years ago,

  69. #1: I learned that they made flutes ou of mammoth ivory.

    #2:I also learned that Magdalenian harpoons best demonstrate the ingenuity and technical skill of the Late Glacial hunters.

  70. I discovered that a saber tooth cat's tooth can grow 7 inches longand it can weight 500-400 pounds

    thats all I got bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  71. #1 A kimberley knife was used for cutting cicatrises into chests of young men going through initiation

    #2 A stone knife was used for food preparation.

  72. #1 Kimberle blade was used for cutting cicatrices into chests of young men going through initiation.

    #2 A Stone knife is used for food preparation.

  73. The two things I leared was.

    1. Wooly Mammoth and they went extinct only 10,000 years ago. It was 9ft.

    2. Gallimimus Dinosaur was the fastest dinosaour and could run up to 25-MPH 17ft tall and its weight was 2 tons.

  74. 1.Shoes back then were made of wood strips and animal leather

    2.Indricotherium were the largest mammal in the world, but are now extincted

  75. i learned that a doedicorous is 13 feet long

  76. also did you know that the saber tooth tigers teeth can be as long as 7 inches WOW

  77. Neanderthals lived in western egypt and aisa, they also lived in mostly cold climates

  78. 1 they used hard rock for making there tols like granet.They used arrow heads,knifes,axes,spears,and fire.

    2 The saber toothed cat is extnct and has a stort tail. It weighs 400 to 500 pounds. It lived in north america

  79. one of the worlds oldest known musical instraments has been discovered by German archaeologist.

    A Saber Tooth cats teeth can be 7 inches long.

  80. 1. it was 9-12 feet tall

    2. it weighed 7-8 ton

  81. hey mr.klumper my mom and dad didnt know you were an author and when i told them u wrote johnny rawten they wanted a copy!!! wondering if u can get me one. and if u do can u sign it for me?????see u l8r!!! :)

  82. #1 I learned that they actually straitened their spears. I thought they used any branch they can.

    #2 saber tooth's teeth can be 7 in. long

  83. saber tooth tigers are 8-9 feet long. Also a Wooly mammoths weigh 7-8 tons

  84. unitatherium! i didn't even know that was an animal. it looks like a dinosuar. and i didn't know know a saber tooth was 8-9 feet long

  85. wooly mammoth in size is 9ft (2.7m)high.

    Saber tooth cat in size 4ft (1.2m)long.

    which put together makes 13ft (3.9) long and subtrat it is 5ft and (1.5m)long

    p.s. I think I did bad but that is up to you

  86. #1. Neardertals lived mostly cold climent.
    #2. Sabertooth cat had a small tail, strongfront legs and canine teeth upto seveninch long. Ambushed prey rather than chasing them down.
    Weight:400to500 pounds

  87. I learned that the Neanderthalensis Brain Surgery is cuting a hole in the head and let the patient sit there to let all evil soirts go away.

    The stone tools are all made out of rock.

  88. 1.I learned that the Mastodon is similar to the Woolly Mammoth.
    2.I also learned that the rhinoceros back then was named the woolly rhinoceros.

  89. I didn't know the hand ax was that sharp.

    I didn't know there was such thing as homo neanderthalensis

    DaytonJOhnson Pd.9

  90. cave men invented fire and saber tooth tiger tethh can get up 7 in long

    By Zach Felderman P.d.9

  91. I am board in studyhall

  92. i learnd that fire was the best weapen of all for hunting.i also learnd that cavemen didnt speak all they did was grunt and nod there heads.

  93. i learned alot of stone age animals

    that a saber tooth cat wieghs 5000- 6000 pounds

  94. Wyatt Duane Skovly pd6September 14, 2010 at 4:29 PM

    The Sabor Tooth Cat's teeth can be 7 inches long. learn that the Sabertooth Tiger is 9-8 feet long, can weigh up to 400-500 pounds holy cow, and that they are from 1.8 million to 11,000 years ago.

  95. saber toothed cat teeth 7 in
    lump behind head

  96. Hey Mr. klumper.I found out that the sabertooth cat weighed 400-500 pounds!

    The t-rex weighes 6.5 us tons!

  97. I also know that they used buffalo skin and stuffed with grass to make shoes. Some people believe Neanderthals died out 25,000 years ago but some people still claim to have seen them.

  98. #1the saber tooth cat's tooth can bee 7 inches.
    #2shoes were made of wood strips and animal pelts.

  99. 1. Neandertals lived mostly in cold climates, and their body proportions are simmalar to those of modern cold-adapted people.

    2. An Uintatherium was a bizarre mammel roaming America during the late Eoene epoch.It was an ancient, distant, cousin of horses, elephants, and whales.

  100. Carson Haase HomeroomSeptember 14, 2010 at 7:59 PM

    I learned that cave men were very dim witted and did not speak to eachother to comunicate. I also learned that alot of the atrifacts were tools made out of stones.

  101. The sabertooth cats teeth can be as long as 7 inches and that a wooly mammoth can weigh up to 8 tons!

  102. I learned how they made some tools. Did you know that the Stone Age is usually divided into three seperate periods?

  103. i learned the clovis were aprehistoric people who flouished at the end of the ice age

    i also learned that cave art tells you what they hunt

  104. #1 neandertals lived mostly in cold climates, and their body proportions are similar to those of modern cold-adapted people

    #2 The saber tooth cat's teeth can be as long as 7 inches

  105. I learn the Danish axe is a working tool, such as tree cutting. Sickles use is to cut grasses and grains.

  106. The saber tooth tiger are 8-9 feet long. also a wooly mammoth weighs 7-8 tons

  107. I learned adout Heinrich Harder
    and that it even existed.Also I learned that neanderthals had a larger brain capasity then humans.

  108. I learned that cavemen used more of there instinctes then use. And that most cavemen used stone tools.

  109. abby is anymonous just wanted to tell you that!

  110. 1. I learned that they had a larger brain then us.

    2. I learned that Neanderthals lived about 30000 years ago

  111. 1. I learned that they had a larger brain then us.

    2. I learned that Neanderthals lived about 30000 years ago

  112. #1the name of an animals for exampel Mastodon, wolly mammoth ,ect.

    #2 the wepons of the stone age for exampel arow heads, speras, Hand Axes, knives, ect.

  113. Wow neat! This is a really great site! I am wondering if anyone else has come across something
    exactly the same in the past? Keep up the great work!

  114. sabra tooth cat has teet that are 7in. long

  115. I learned how they made some tools. Did you know that the Stone Age is usually divided into three seperate periods?

  116. 1. I leaned that they had bigger brains then us.
    2. Another thing that I learned is the sabra tooth cat has teeth that are 7in. long.

  117. Seamus V. Pd 8

    #1 Neanderthals body proportions are similar to those of modern people adapted to cold climates.

    #2 The Stone age was divided into 3 different periods, Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic? Huh they treat them like dinosaurs.

    C U L8R

  118. The sabre tooth cat has canine teeth that can be over 6 inches long!! that is a BIG tooth.
    I also learned tat the neanderthals cut open the skulls and let the "bad spirits" out if someone had a headache or if they needed brain surgery.

    See you in 3rd period.


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