
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Geography Mini-Unit: Open Note Test: August 27th (Friday)

Sixth graders, you have a test on friday, August 27th, 2010 over our short Geography unit. This is an open note test so make sure you have your notes. If you do not have all the notes, or you lost them, use the Geography Mini-Unit gadget located on the right side of this blog and get what you need or just use it to review. This is not one of our major units of the school year, but I feel that it is importnat to "brush up" on our geography skills, our maps skills, and our thinking skills. While we navigate our way through the ancient world, we will encounter maps that will help us learn and discover. A map is simply a picture unless we know how to read it and use it as a tool. Throughout our mini-geography unit week, we are only going to touch on a few items: where we live/our surroundings, map elements, different types of maps, and geographical physical features. It is important that you pay attention and use the Geography Mini-unit gadget located on the right side of this blog. Use those links to learn, review, or if you lost something. You do not have an assignment on this blog, though it is open ended. If you have something about geography you would like to say to us, simply post a comment. If you have a question about something pertaining to geography, post a comment and I will answer it or one of your splendid students will answer it.

Task: If you would like to say something about geography, post a comment.

Task: If you have a question about something we are going over, post a comment and an answer will come quickly.
Good Luck!


  1. For the powerpoint where is the description for the regional and climate maps?

  2. Mr.Klumper can we turn in our Social Studies different types of maps in before Friday?

  3. Hello. thank you for the questions. I am glad you asked. First, abigale: the different types of map sheet will not be turned in. You need to complete it and hang on to it for the test on friday. Seamus, the regional and climate descriptions are on slides 14 and 15. Good Luck!

  4. hey mr. k. Its Aly and Haley the commet we posted was from both of us

  5. Thanks Mr.Klumper I get it now. That was really easy!!

  6. Waiting for new post hop i win!!!!

  7. mr klumper post up what the storys had in common !!!!!!!!!!!!!! please

  8. Hey Mr. Klumper are we really going to learn about mythology? if we are yippe!

  9. come on mr.klumper when are gonna post

  10. i knew it.

    lexi hokenstad

  11. hey i got it that was easy

  12. Ello. I was wondering if you get to choose who you are for the wax museum. I hope you can.

  13. wow this is an awsome website mr. klumper! hahahahaahaha... :)

  14. Nice 1 savannah

  15. Mr.Klumper next year can we still o on this because this is so cool to blog do u know if 7th grade teachers have blog sites?????????

    :) Morgan TeKrony =<3


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