
Monday, March 15, 2010

When in Rome....Find Facts.

Welcome to Water for Sixth Grade. We have begun our Ancient Rome Unit. Throughout this unit, we will be navigating our way through many different topics: gladiators, roads, religion, aqueducts, Pompeii, erupting volcanoes, roman numerals, Circus Maximus, public baths, emperor's, etc... Indeed, exciting time await you. To begin our quest for Roman knowledge, we will be sifting through websites to gain a Water for Sixth Grade introduction to ancient Rome. Using the links in the Rome Links list, find 5 facts about Rome.

Task: Find 5 facts about Rome using the Rome links posted on the side of this blog.
DUE: Friday, March 19th, 2010.
Points: 20

The Greece Unit went well, I thought, because of how hard you worked. I appreciate your attitude and effort in all that we do. Keep up the good work. Thank you.


  1. 1. Tiber River is the nearst river to Rome.
    2. The first Roman Emperor was Augustus.
    3. The Emperor Nero was insane.
    4. The Roman government was famous for power and law.
    5. Roman women and men tried to visit the public baths at least once a day.

  2. #1. Romans played Knucklebones, an older version of jacks.

    #2. Most of the Roman sitting down games involved gambling.

    #3. Romans would play things like checkers and other games that involved squares.

    #4. Romans would play physical games and board games.

    #5. Romans played physical games for fitness, not for gods.

  3. #1 Tiber river is by Rome
    #2Sparticus was a famous gladiator
    #3Gladiators where usally slaves
    #4Romes founders were nursed by a she-wolf
    #5Romes founders killed his brother

  4. Amber Thompson pd.8March 15, 2010 at 4:41 PM

    1. Mars was the Roman god of war.
    2.Rings were the only jewelry the men were.

    3.The mirrors were not made by glass it was made by highly polished metal
    4.Children wore a special locket around their neck,given to them at birth called a bulla

    5.For about 500 years Rome was an Empire.

  5. 1.Romulus and Remes
    2.Roman Baths
    3.Anicent Rome
    4.Roman Roads
    5.Roman Entertainment

  6. 1.The Roman women and me tried to visit the public baths at least once a day.
    2.The Roman gods are Jupiter,king of the gods and Juno,goddess of women.
    3.The Roman Empire grew strong because it had a very good army to help conquer and later control all the other lands.
    4.The Romans built towns all over the Britain centres to administer the people that had conquered.
    5.One of the most famous things that Romans built was the frontier between England and Scotland.

  7. 1.Rome was built on the Tiber River.
    2.Remus and Romulus were 2 made up brothers that are used to explain how Rome came to be.
    3.Emperor Nero was crazy.
    4.Slaves were very important to the Romans.
    5.Roman slaves were people who were captured in battle and sent back to Rome to be sold.

  8. The answer to the riddle is a towei ( easy)
    1.the rome army conquerd England,Spain,France,most of Germany,the middle east and greece
    2.the Roman Army was extremely improtant to Rome
    3.if you were poor you livedin simpleflats or apartments.
    4.Atrium had anopen roof so it was opentoweather
    5.the romans entertainment wasgladiators and chariot racing

  9. not seth meyers 9thMarch 15, 2010 at 7:24 PM

    its old
    colse to the tiber river
    has a myth that 2 boys were raised to health by a wolf and founded rome
    had a coliseum
    people lived there
    people found artifacts

  10. 1. Aqueducts are stone "pipes" that carried water from outlying areas to large cities.
    2. Augustus Caesar was the first Roman emperor.
    3. Patheon is a Greek work meaning "to honor all Gods."
    4. The very early Romans wore a toga.
    5.The Roman Empire included most of what would now be considered Western Europe.

  11. 1.Gladiators fight in a stadium called the colisium.
    2.Rome was founded by Romulus.
    3.Their were public baths.
    4.gods and godesses.
    5.A repubilic goverments too.

  12. 1.The Gladius was the main weapon in the Roman army.
    2.The Roman army used the tortise formation to block ememy missles.
    3.The Tiber River was the closest river to rome.
    4. A Roman soldier was called a legionaire.
    5.It had a colloseum.

  13. 1.rome was built on the tiber river.
    2. Augustus Caesar wat the first Roman emperor.
    3.the romean army was very important to them.
    4.the very early romans wore a toga.
    5.roman slaves were captured in war and brought back to be sold

  14. 1.Every day the ancient Romans brought offerings to at least one temple.

    2.The Romans did a lot of traveling.

    3.Each home had a household god that kept things running smoothly.

    4 Rings were the only jewelery men wore.

    5.Romulus & Remus

  15. 1. The Roman aristorcrats rich people decided they didn't want to be ruled by Etruscan kings.
    2. They let poor people vote but not women.
    3. Still the poor men of Rome did not get as much power as the poor men of Greece.
    4. Some temples or churches or mosques for the gods.
    5. The Romans wore robs.

  16. 1. the tiber river is the nerest to rome.
    2.the very early romanes wore a toga.
    3. august was the first roman emperor.
    4.people found artifacts.
    5. the roman have a major river.

  17. 1. The had A colleseum

    2.They had a dagger called the pugio

    3.They had charoit races

    4.THey had a javelin like weapon called the pilum

    5. The romans main weapon was a gladius

  18. 1. The Tiber River is the major river for this civilization.

    2. They had gladiators fight wild animals.

    3. Romans believed in many gods.

    4. RIch people were called patricians.

    5. Romulus created Rome.
    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  19. Amy Vardsveen 4periodMarch 16, 2010 at 6:29 PM

    1. Romans played card games.
    2. Between 5000 and 6000 legionaries made up a legion.
    3. A legionnaire went to battle with a pilum,a gladius and a pugio.
    4. One of the most famous buildings in Rome is the Colossem.
    5. It is thought that on the day the Colosseum opened, over 5,000 animals were killed.

  20. Hannah Pruett period:8March 16, 2010 at 6:39 PM

    1.Slaves were very important to the Romans.

    2.The Romans did alot of traveling.(they were nomads)

    3.The early Romans wore togas but mostly the boys.

    4.The Roman govenment was famous for power and law.

    5.The first Roman Emporer was Augustus.

  21. 1. Rome was known to build the colosseum.

    2. most people in rome are farmers.

    3. the tiber river is the nearest river to rome.

    4.the people who worked in farms are slaves.

    5.the roman farmers grew wheat, barley and olives.

  22. 1.Rome has a major River called Tiber River.
    2.The first Roman Emporer was Augustus.
    3.Patheon is a Greek work meaning "to honor all Gods."
    4.The very early Romans wore a toga.
    5.They let poor people vote but not women.

  23. I learned there is a coloseum.
    Slaves were important.
    Tiber river was closest to Rome.
    They played card games.
    They wore togas.

  24. 1.they were polytheistic
    2.they were nomads
    3.rome is located in italy
    4.popular mens clothing is called a toga
    5.they are famous for their cossoliums

  25. 1. Its a city.
    2. It is big
    3. Romulas suposevly made it
    4. Most people were farmers
    5. Romans travled a lot

  26. 1.Romans believed in many gods
    2.They had chariot races
    3.The Roman Army was very important to Rome.
    4.The Roman government was famous for power and law.
    5.The Tiber River is the closest river to Rome

  27. 1. They had gods.
    2. Romes had public baths.
    3. The people of rome wowed never to be ruled by a king again.
    4. They wore togas.
    5.Romans ate mostly vegetables.

  28. #1
    Romans were like the Greeks in religion because they thought there were many gods.

    In Rome the chief of the gods was Jupiter.

    In Rome men went to chariot races and bet on which person or horse would win the race.

    The legend says that Romulus is the one who founded Rome.

    Slaves were people that Romans captured in war and brought back to Rome.

  29. 1. Romulus and Remus were thrown in the Tiber River by a king when they were babies.
    2. Rome is located in Italy.
    3. Italy, where Rome is located, is shaped like a boot.
    4. Romulus and Remus were raised by a she-wolf.
    5. Romulus killed Remus with an ax for climbing his city's wall.

  30. 1. Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.
    2. Romulus and Remus was a myth that explained who found Rome.
    3. Romulus and Remus was thrown into a river but was saved by a she-wolf.
    4.Acient Rome was the largest city in the world.
    5. Acient Rome's main river was the Tiber river.

  31. 1. In 200 BCE the Romans borrowed some of ancient Greek's system of education to start educating people.
    2. Romans ate mostly vegetables, and dined very simply.
    3. There were impressive temples all over the Roman Empire.
    4. The wives were usually the center of the household.
    5. The ancient Romans loved games and festivals.

  32. 1. The Romans believed in many gods
    2. Slaves were very important to Romans
    3. If a slave married and had children, their children would automatically become slaves
    4. The Collosseum was a building used for games in Ancient Rome
    5. Almost all of the games in the Collosseum involved death and destruction.

  33. 1.rome was once the largest city ever
    2.It was thought to have 1,000,000 people
    3.the Colosseum was completed in 80AD
    4.roman houses had water supplied Via lead pipes
    5.public baths were part of everyday life

  34. 1. Christianity Religion that began small and eventually became the official religion of the Roman Empire.
    2. Rome grew from an important city into a huge, crowded, noisy, smoky, dusty city, with beautiful temples and public buildings.
    3. Rhea was married to Mars, the Roman god of war. Rhea had twin sons.
    4. Trajan was the first Roman emperor who was not from Italy.
    5. Plays were performed in large open air theaters. There were lots of theatres, and even the small ones could seat 7,000 people.

  35. Joel K. 3rd. periodMarch 18, 2010 at 12:56 PM

    1. Ancient Rome was the largest city in the world.

    2. The Colosseum was a building used for games in Ancient Rome.

    3.Romulus and Remus "supposedly" founded Rome.

    4. They were polytheistic

    5. The major river was the Tiber River

  36. 1. Their main religious beleif is Christianity.
    2. It had one million people.
    3. The people were mostly farmers.
    4. It was a very big city;and still is very big.
    5.The Colleseum was completed in 80ad.

  37. * Julius Caesar was a Roman general who made himself know by being victories in Gaul and invasion of Britain

    *Romen religion was Jesus and the bible/christianity

    *plays were performed in large open theaters.

    *Rome was was a very large city.
    It used to be the largest city.

    *Pantheon was made out of concrete and bricks.

  38. Julius Caesar was a Roman General.

    The Pantheon was made out of bricks and concrete

    The Pantheon is in Rome, Italy

    The person who made the Panthion is Hadrian

    Rome is a very big city. It used to be the biggest city.

  39. 1.Over 9000 wild animals were killed in the colyssium

    2.Rome had public baths

    3.A comical act started the games at the colyssium

    4.gladiators fighting animals ended all the games at the colyssium

    5.Christianlity started in Rome

  40. amanda schwint 4th pd.March 18, 2010 at 1:16 PM

    #1. the major river in Rome is the Tiber river.
    #2.gladiotors are people who fight to the death matches for fun.
    #3.Rome had roads.
    #4.Hadrian's wall was built by the Romans to keep marading Picts on their side of the island.
    #5.the wall streaches fron coast to coast in Britten an was built by the emperor Hadrian hints the name.

  41. 1.was once the largest city in the world
    2.slaves were very important to romans rome head god is jupiter
    4.christeanity is the official religoin of the roman empire
    5.romans ate mostly fruits and vegtables

  42. 1.rome was once the largest city ever
    2. Slaves were very important to Romans.
    3. Rome grew from an important city into a huge, crowded, noisy, smoky, dusty city, with beautiful temples and public buildings.
    4.The wives were usually the center of the household.
    5.Plays were performed in large open air theaters. There were lots of theatres, and even the small ones could seat 7,000 people.

  43. 1. Rome had circuses(outdoor racetracks)

    2.Jupiter is Zeus in Rome.

    3.They had public baths.

    4. Roman gladiators were trained to kill eachother.

    5. Women could be gladiators until 200 c e then they were banned

  44. 1.christinanity is the main religon of rome.
    2.legend says that Romulus is the one who founded Rome.
    3.They had charoit races.
    4.The Tiber River was the closest river to rome.
    5.Slaves were very important to the Romans.

  45. 1. Christianity eventually became the official religion of Rome.
    2. Trajan was the first Roman emporor not from Rome.
    3. Augustus Caeser was Julius Ceaser's nephew.
    4. The colleseum was completed in 80 A.D.
    5. Romans mostly ate veggies.

  46. 1. The Tiber River is the nearest river to Rome.
    2. The First roman enperor was Augustus.
    3.the emperor Nero was insane.
    4. The roman government was famous for power and law.
    5.roman women and men tried to visit the public bath once a day or more than once a day.

  47. James Butterfield Pd.8March 18, 2010 at 2:02 PM

    1.Romulus killed his brother Remus and named his city Rome.
    2.Christtianity was a big religion in Rome.
    3.Rome was famous for it's coloseum.
    4.In Rome public baths were apart of someones normal day life.
    5.Claudius was a Roman emperor from 41ad to 51ad.

  48. 1.Emperor Nero was insane.
    2.The Colosseum was completed in 80AD.
    3.Tiber River was closest to Rome.
    4.Rome is located in Italy.
    5.They were nomads.

  49. Madison Mogck 9th periodMarch 18, 2010 at 2:41 PM

    1. The tiber river goes through Rome.
    2. The founder was Romulus.
    3. Rome had 1,000,000 people in it they said.
    4.The colesum was built for olympic games.
    5. The romans loved festivals and games.

  50. Bailey Durfee pd. 9March 18, 2010 at 2:43 PM

    1. they had chariot races

    2. plays were performed in theatres

    3. Rome was once the largest city ever.

    4. the romans believed ina many gods.

    5. valcanos erupted in rome.

  51. 1. Tiber R. is the one of the rivers in Rome.
    2. They had public baths in Rome.
    3. They had gladiators in acient Rome.
    4. Plays where performed in open aired theaters.
    5. Rome was one one of the biggest cities ever.

  52. 1. The Tiber River was the main river in Rome.

    2. The Pantheon was started by Emperor Hadrian.

    3. There were public baths in Ancient Rome.

    4. The 's origianal name was the Flavian Amphitheater.

    5. In Ancient Rome, 9,000 animals were killed at the Coloseum.

  53. Makayla Peterson Pd. 9March 18, 2010 at 2:47 PM

    1. Definiton of Ceres is: Goddess of crops. Giver of grain and fruit. Provider of agricylture. Known as the Greek goddess Demeter.
    2. Definition of Diana is: Goddess of the moon and they hunt. Guardian of cities, young animals, and women. Twin sister of Apollo. Known as the Greek goddess Artemis.
    3. Definition of Juno is: wife of Jupiter. Protector of marriage, children, and the home. Known as the Greek goddess Hera.
    4. Definition of Jupiter is: King of the gods. God of the weather. Husband of Juno. Father of Mercury and Minerva. Known as the Greek god Zeus.
    5. Definition of Mars is: God of war. Known as the Greek god Ares.

  54. Cortney Bickley p.d.9thMarch 18, 2010 at 2:47 PM

    1. The Tiber River was the main river for Rome.

    2. The coloseum held 55,000 peole.

    3. 9,000 animals were killed during the deaths.

    4. They had political baths in Rome.

    5. Things you would see in Rome are roads, temples, and public baths.

  55. 1.About 9,000 animals got slotered.
    2.with fights to the death between animals and glateateors.
    3.the greek meaning for patheon is "to honer all gods".
    4.the reason to why the tempel was built was to refleced the power of the empire.
    5.there is 4 seas in rome one is Adriatic sea second is mediterranean sea there is two the last one is ioian sea. thats all see yah in 9th and 10th pd. Mr.Klump. :)

  56. 1.tiber river is by Rome.
    2.they travled alot.
    3.they believed in alot of gods.
    4.they had plumming.
    5.Rome's name came from Romeulus.

  57. 1 they had a colloseum

    2there were gladiators

    3the gladiators fought in an ampitherear

    4the romans enjoyed watching people die

    5romulus built roam in the legend

  58. 1. when Romulus and Remus where little they were trown into the Tiber River
    2.Marcus Brutus helped kill Julius Caesar
    3.Nero was hated alot by the Romans
    4.Claudius was the emperor of Rome 41 to 54.
    5.Rom was known to be named after Romulus

  59. 1. DOESN'T rely on rivers
    2. has a myth that two boys created Rome
    3.Had Public Baths
    4.Had coluseum
    5.Gladiators were mainly slaves

  60. 1.The coosseum opened in A.D. 80.
    2.Julius Caesar was a great general who had many victories.
    3.In the legend of Romulus and Remus, Rome was supposedly founded on the Tiber River.
    4.Nero,a Roman Emporer,was much hated by his people when ruling.
    5.The Pantheon was a mammoth temple in Rome that was dedicated to the Roman gods and goddesses.

  61. 1. Pompeii was struck by volcanos

    2. People were killed if they believed in Christianity

    3. They used to wear togas but switched to tunics

    4. They enjoyed watching animals fight

    5. Nero was hated by the people

  62. 1collsum

  63. 1.The diamater of the Pantheon is 142 feet.

    2.The base of the Pantheon is 23 feet thick.

    3.The early romans wore togas.

    4.The Colosseum had underground encloseurs.

    5.Boys went to school to become good speakers.

  64. 1.Romulus and Remus wre tiwns.
    2.the early wore a toga.
    3.they had a public bath.
    4.Romulus killed his brother.
    5.the Colosseum was a huge public entertainment center.

  65. 1. A other name for the Colosseum is Vespasian.

    2. 55,000 peopl could fit in to the Colosseum.

    3. Rome had nice weather.

    4. 9,000 animals died in the Colosseum

    5. Glateators fights could last up to 7 days.

  66. 1. Indo-Europeans, originally seem to have worn a large piece of wool, wrapped around themselves.
    2. Pantheon is the Greek word meaning "to honor all Gods"
    3. Nero punished christian people.
    4. The Pantheon was 142 feet in diameter.
    5. The Pantheon was completed in the year 123.

  67. Sheila Coyle 9th pd. :)March 19, 2010 at 3:36 PM

    1. Tiber River : major river

    2. Romans believed in gods and goddesses.

    3. A colloseum is a plase where you see gladiators fight with wild animals.

    4. Julius Ceasar was a Roman general.

    5. Around 9,000 animals get slotered.


  68. 1.The Tiber River is the closest river from Rome.

    2.The most powerful eruption is a plinian eruption.

    3.Roman Emperor Hadrian built the Pantheon to reflect the pwer of his empire.

    4.Romans were the first people to use concrete.

    5.Rome was once the largest city in the world.

  69. 1.The Roman government was famous for power and law.

    2.The Colosseum was completed in 80 AD.

    3.Emperors used the Colosseum for entertainment with games.

    4.The games they played in Colosseum were acts and displays are what they started with and ended up with fights to the deaths with gladiators.

    5.Sparticus was a famous gladiator.

  70. 1.they beleaved in god and jesus and they were christian.
    2.Tiber River is near to Rome.
    3.there was a big eruption called pompei.
    4.They had gladerators kill slaves that didnt do there job! first they had many gods then believed in jesus.

  71. austin hochhalter pd.8March 21, 2010 at 6:15 PM

    1.romans believe in gods
    2.romans liked to watch people die
    3.romans had the coliseum
    4.romans had many public baths
    5. Rome is in Italy

  72. 1. It is a huge city.

    2. The Pantheon is located in Rome, Italy.

    3. Supposedly the founder of Rome: Romulus.

    4. Sparticus was a famous gladiator.

    5. The collosseum is where gladiators fought.

  73. 1. Men and women both wore leather sandals, or leather boots in the winter.
    2. The men always wore their wool robes over their tunics.
    3. Roman scientific achievements are mostly in the areas of medicine and engineering.
    4. Marcus Brutus was an influential Roman who was best friends with Julius Caeser then turned against him and helped kill him.
    5. Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor famous both for expanding the Empire and for his writings on philosophy.

  74. Lexie Godwin 9th pdMarch 22, 2010 at 4:34 PM

    #1 Doesn't really own rivers

    #2 Has a myth that 2 boys created Rome

    #3 Had public baths

    #4 Had a coluseum

    #5 Gladiaters were mainly slaves


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