
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ancient Rome Vs. Today

Welcome to Water for Sixth Grade. Today, you will be comparing Ancient Rome with our world today, in 2010. Luckily for you, I will provide articles for you to read about Ancient Rome that will help you find similarities and differences between Ancient Rome and today. You will be comparing using three categories: Housing, Education, and Entertainment. For each category, you will tell me three differences and three similarities between Ancient Rome and today. Please follow my example, so your answer is clear and easily understood. For this post, you will use complete sentences.

Use these websites for Ancient Rome information:

Housing Similarities
1. Ancient Rome and today both have........
Housing Differences
1. Ancient Roman houses have.......
Then do education and entertainment, etc....
For the differences category, you can simply list what Ancient Rome had but do not need to list what its like today. For if its under the differences category, that obviously it's different than today.
You may need to think with your brain for this one in trying to come up with similarities and differences. Take some time to think about housing, entertainment, and education in our world and compare it to Ancient Rome via the websites I have for you.
Good Luck!
Points: 30
DUE: April 4th, 2010 (Easter Day) 4:00 p.m.


  1. Housing Similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have People living in apartments
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have running water.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have homes made of brick.

    Education Similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have schools.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have tutors.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have school days begain before sunrise.

    Entertainment Similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have many different kinds of entertainment.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have theaters.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have races.

  2. Housing Differences
    1.Ancient Roman houses have did not have toilets for the lower class.
    2.Ancient Roman houses did not have carpet.
    3.Ancient Roman houses for the wealthy had temples.
    Housing Similarities
    1.Ancient Roman houses have dining rooms.
    2.Ancient Romans had apartments.
    3.Ancient Roman houses have a front door.
    Education Differences
    1.Ancient Roman children did not go to school.
    2.Ancient Roman education did not have science.
    3.Ancient Roman children got taught by their parents if they were poor.
    Education Similarities
    1.We all learn reading.
    2.We all learn counting.
    3.We all learn writing.
    Entertainment Similarities
    1. We all enjoy many different kinds of entertainment.
    2.We all have plays.

  3. Housing similarities
    1. Ancient rome and today both have rooms.
    2.ancient rome and today both have storage areas.
    3.ancient rome and today both have bathrooms.
    Housing differences
    1. ancient rome houses have different supplies to build with that us.
    1.Lived over 1 year ago.

    Preformed plays in theatres.
    2. ancient rome houses have been located in rome unlike our normal houses.
    3.ancient rome houses have private baths.

  4. Housing Similarities
    1 Ancient Rome and today both have apartments.
    2 Ancient Rome and today both have people without houses.
    3 Ancient Rome and today both have roofs.
    Housing Differences
    1 Ancient Roman houses have the whole family living in one house.
    2 Ancient Roman houses have a really good chance of their house catching on fire.
    3 Ancient Roman houses have little furniture in the upperclass houses.
    Education Similarities
    1 Ancient Rome and today both have school.
    2 Ancient Rome and today both have people teaching math and reading.
    3 Ancient Rome and today both have kids going to school at the age of 6 or 7.
    Education Differences
    1 Ancient Roman education has kids trying to become an orator.
    2 Ancient Roman education has poor kids not go to school.
    3 Ancient Roman education has most kids taught at home.
    Entertainment Similarities
    1 Ancient Rome and today both have races.
    2 Ancient Rome and today both have events that are free.
    3 Ancient Rome and today both have people having parties.
    Entertainment Differences
    1 Ancient Roman entertainment had theatures that sat 7000 people
    2 Ancient Roman entertainment had people watching gladiator fights.
    3 Ancient Roman entertainment had gladiators fight to the death

  5. Housing Similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have apartments.
    2.Rome apartments very roomy
    3.Rome apartments cook meals
    Housing Differences
    1. Ancient Roman houses have single family homes
    2.Rome had to haul their water in from public facilities
    3.Rome had to use public latrines (toilets).
    Education Similarities
    1.Rome they go to school
    2.Rome school day began before sunrise, as did all work in Rome
    3.Rome studied reading, writing, and counting
    Education Difference
    1.Rome they did begin sending their boys, and some of their girls, with their father's permission, to school, outside their home, at age 6 or 7.
    2.Rome the poorer levels, no school was not free.

  6. Housing Similarities
    1.Lower class lived in apartments in Both Civilizations
    2.Made somewhat out of wood in Both civilizations
    3.Sometimes some apartments were not that nice in both civilizations

    Housing Differences
    1.No toilets in apartments in Rome
    2.No running water In Rome Apartments
    3.Crowded into one room in Rome apartments

    Education Similarities
    1.Had shcools in later Rome like Today
    2.Studied reading,writing, and counting Rome and Today
    3.Learned Grammar In Rome and Today

    Education Differences
    1.Kids did not go to school in early Rome
    2.Homeschooled in early rome
    3.Goal was to be efective speakers in rome

  7. same, houses:1.They had to use public latrines. 2.lived in apartment houses. occasionally had running water.
    different, entire family (grandparents, parents, children) might all be crowded into one room. 2.Fire was a very real threat. 3.They didn't have toilets.

  8. 1. Houses in ancient Rome and houses today both have apartment houses but in Rome they are called flats SIMILARITIE
    2. In houses in Rome they didn't have water in the flats but today they have water in every apartment I have seen. DIFFERENCE
    3. In houses today they do use toilets and in Rome they didn't. DIFFERENCE
    4.houses in Rome were usually made of bricks and so are the houses today. SIMILARITIE

  9. 1.Ancient rome and today both still live in apartments.
    2.Ancient rome and today both read books for some education.
    3.Ancient rome and today both perform plays for entertainment.

  10. Housing similarities
    #1 Ancient Rome and today both have running water.
    #2Ancient Rome and today both have brick houses.
    #3Ancient Rome and today mannt diferent rooms.
    Housing differnces
    #1Ancient Rome has temples in their houses.
    #2Ancient Rome had to get water from public facilities.
    #3Ancient Rome had public toilets.

    Education similarities.
    #1Ancient Rome and today start school at 6 or 7.
    #2Ancient Rome and today both studied reading Writting and counting.
    #3Ancient Rome and today both had school.

  11. Housing Similarities
    1.Ancient Rome and today both have apartments.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both have brick houses.
    3.Ancient Rone and today both have running water.

    Housing Similarities
    1.Ancient Roman houses have public latrines.
    2.Ancient Roman houses have a courtyard.
    3.Ancient Roman houses have no carpet.

  12. housing similarities
    1.Ancient rome and today both have running water

    2.Ancient rome and today both have a kithcen

    3.anciet rome and today both have ceilings that protect them from rain and snow

    housing differences
    1. the romans did not have toilts in their houses like we do

    2.we do not have a temple in our houses today like the romans did

    3.the romans had no carpeting and unlike us because most have carpet instead of dirt floors

  13. Housing similarities
    1.Ancient Rome and today both have one or more stories.
    2. Both types of houses are made of concrete.
    Housing differences

  14. housing similaritys
    1.Rome and Brandon boath have roofs.
    2.Rome and Brandon boath have bathing.
    3.Rome and Brandon boath have courency.
    housing diffrences
    1.Rome dos not have toilets and Brandon dos.
    education similaritys
    education diffrences

    entertainment similatrys

    entertainment diffrences

  15. Housing Simalarites
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have roofs for protection.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have doors to get in.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have cielings for protection.
    Housing Differences
    1. Ancinet Roman houses have

  16. houseing simalarities
    1.Ancient Rome and today both haveboth had single family homes
    2.Ancient Rome and today both havehad paintings on the wall
    3.Ancient Rome and today both havehad things like bedrooms, an office, a kitchen, a dining room, a garden,
    housieing diferences
    .Ancient Roman houses havepoor peolpe dident have toilets
    .Ancient Roman houses haverooms were arranged around a central courtyard
    .Ancient Roman houses haveThere was very little furniture

  17. House Similarities
    1.Ancient Rome and today both have a kitchen.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both have a paintings in our houses.
    3.Ancient Rome and today both have windows an balconies.
    House Differences
    1. Ancient Roman houses have temples and we don't.
    2.Ancient Roman houses have their whole family's living with them.
    3.Ancient Roman plebians houses have no toilets. TO BE CONTINUED...

  18. Housing Similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have houses made of wood.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have apartments that people can live in.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have big houses for the richer people.

    Housing Differences
    1. Ancient Roman houses have no toilets.
    2. Ancient Roman houses have an entire family living in one house.
    3. Ancient Roman houses were usually not carpeted.

    Education Similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have the kids study reading writing and counting.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have kids being home-schooled.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have tutors for their schools.

    Education Differences
    1. In Ancient Rome the poor kids couldn't go to school.
    2. In Early Ancient Rome the kids did not go to school.

  19. Housing similarities

    1.Ancient Rome and today both have apartment like homes.
    2.Most houses have front doors,bedrooms,a kitchen,a dining room,a garden, and a toilet.
    3.They had decorations like paintings on the wall.

    Housing differences

    1.In thee apartments they didnt have toilets.
    2.They had a whole family lived in the apartments like(children,grandparents,and parents.
    3.In the apartments the didnt have running water

    education similarities

    1.Boys went to school.
    2.They learned math ect...

  20. Housing Similarities
    1.Upper Class Romans had front doors,bedrooms,an office,a kitchen and more like we do today.
    2.Upper class Romans had(might have)toilets(kind of like we do today).
    3.Upper class Romans had paintings on the wall like we do today.
    Housing Differences
    1.Roman,lower class, lived in apartments with no running water.
    2.Lower Class Romans did not have toilets.
    3.Romans did not have stoves like we do today they had fires.

  21. Amanda Schwint 4th pd.March 30, 2010 at 11:12 AM

    Housing similarities
    1.they had aprtments just like we do.
    2.we both have fire danger i houses.
    3.IN bothe homes where made quite often.

    Housing differences
    1. Rome had no toilets in houses.
    2. Rome had windows not facing the street.
    3.Roman houses where arranged around a centural cortyard.

    Education similarities
    1.The kids studied reading writing and counting just like we do today we just call it something different.
    2.In both school was not free.
    3.In both poor kids did not go to school.

    Education differences
    1.In Rome in the beginning kids where tought at their houses.
    2.IN Rome kids learned how to be an effective speaker.
    3.In RKme kids where taught by parents or o tutor.

  22. Housing Similarities
    1.People in Ancient Rome and today live in apartments.
    2.People today and that lived in Anvient Rome had a lot of simular rooms in the houses.
    3. If you had more money you had a bigger house in Ancient Rome and today.

    Housing Differences
    1.People in Ancient Rome that lived in apartmensts had no running water.
    2.Peolpe in Ancient Rome didn't have toilets.
    3.In Ancient Rome people had private baths but we do not in our homes today.

  23. Dante Genova 6th prd.March 30, 2010 at 11:12 AM

    Housing similarities...
    1.Ancient rome and today both have roofs
    2.ancient rome and today both have walk-ways
    3.ancient rome an today both have a ceiling an walls for protection or whatever the case is.
    Housing Differences
    1.Ancient rome houses were construcked alot different today than ares like ares are made of tile wood brick an other features.
    2.Ancient rome didnt have concrete drivways like we did for our cars.
    3.We have fences around are houses an they didnt.
    1.Ancient Rome learned how to write Roman numerals we didnt.

  24. educatioon diffrences
    1.Brandon has smart bords Rome did not.
    2.Brandon has coumpurters Rome did not.
    3.Brandon has text books Rome did not.
    education similaritys
    1.Rome and Brandon boath have writing utencels.
    2.Rome and Brandon boath have stuf too writ on.
    3.Rome and Brandon boath have teachers.
    entertainment similaritys
    1.Brandon and Rome boath have plays.
    2.Brandon and Rome boath have sports.
    3.Brandon and Rome boath have fighting.
    enterainment diffrences
    1.Brandon has tv Rome did not.
    2.Brandon has compurters Rome did not.
    3.Brandon has video games Rome did not.

  25. Housing similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have apartment houses
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have running water in their houses.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have houses made of brick.

    Housing differences
    1. Ancient Roman houses have entire family houses/apartments.
    2. Ancient Roman houses face the courtyard not the street.
    3. In Ancient Roman houses people have to carry water from wells to have running water.

    Education similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have
    tuters for their schools.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have a goal for efficient speakers.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have reading, writing, and counting.

    Education differences
    1. Ancient Roman education has girls taught by their mothers.
    2. Ancient Roman education has boys going on to study public speaking.
    3. Ancient Roman education has people learning roman numerals.

    Entertainment similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have lots of theators.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have many kinds of entertainment.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have some events scheduled during the day, and some scheduled at night.

    Entertainment differences
    1. Ancient Roman entertainment has FREE ADMISSION!!!!!!!!!!:)
    2. Ancient Roman entertainment has open theators.
    3. Ancient Roman entertainment had gladiator fights.

  26. Housing Similarities
    1.We both have apartments.
    2.We both have homes.
    3.Both of our houses are made of brick

    Housing Differences
    1.Our apartments have more than 1 toilet.
    2.Their houses normally don't have running water.
    3.They did not have carpeting

    Education Similarities
    1.We both study reading, writing, and counting.
    2.We use books too.
    3.We have tutors too.

    Education Differences
    1.Rome Used Scrolls.
    2.Poor people can go to school in our town.
    3.We use calculators not pebbles and wax.

    Entertainment Similarities
    1.We both have plays
    2.We both watch sporting events
    3.We both have festivals.

    Entertainment Differences
    1.We do not have open-air theaters
    2.Most of our events aren't free.
    3.We do not light up oil lamps.

  27. housing similarities:
    1: one similarity about rome and today there is doors on houses.
    2: another similarity is they both have windows.
    3: another is we ahve separet rooms in our houses.
    housing differences:
    1. today we have bathrooms inside our houses but the romans did not.
    2. today we have comfortable bed in our houses and they do not.
    3. today we also have toys and our houses have windows that would close instead of putting boards over the windows.
    educstion similarities

  28. 1.we both have fire places
    2.we both got warm water
    3.we both had a upstairs and downstairs.

    1.they didnt have t.v.
    2.they didnt have air conditioning.
    3.they didnt own any bikes or vehicles.

    1.they had gladiators for intertainment and we have football or any kind of sport.
    2.they had school with there parents and we have home school and we also have school such as brandon valley.

  29. austin hochhalter pd.8March 30, 2010 at 2:19 PM

    housing different toilets in rome
    2.some did not have running water
    3.had to share room

    housing similarities
    1.had a house
    2.they had roofs
    3.had a kitchen

    edication different
    1.early rome did not go to school
    2.girls taught by mom
    3.fathers taught roman law

    edication similarities
    1.went to school
    2.learned how to read

  30. JamesButterfield Pd.8March 30, 2010 at 2:19 PM

    Part 1

    Entertainment Similarities
    1. We both attend plays in different theaters.
    2. Rome and today both have dinner partys.
    3. A mayjor thing for entertainment is sports.

    Entertainment Differences
    1.Romans watched sports in the coloseum and we watch sports in stadiums.

  31. Housing similarites:

    1.Ancient Rome and today both have apartments.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both have fire.
    3.Ancient Rome and today both have front doors.

    Housing differences:

    1.Ancient Rome had rooms arranged around the courtyard.
    2.Today we have windows facing the streets.
    3.Ancient Rome had crowded houses for the entire family.

    Education Simimlarities:
    1.Ancient Rome and today had reading,writting,and counting.
    2.Ancient Rome and today have age groups.
    3.Ancient Rome and today have lunch breaks.

  32. Housing Similarities:
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have Kitchens.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have offices.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have entrance halls.

    Housing Differences:
    1. Ancient Rome haouses have colonnaded gardens and we don't.( I dont even Know what they are!)
    2. ancient rome houses have shops in there houses and we dont.
    3. ancient rome houses had small gardens in there houses and we do not.

    Education Simularities:
    1. roman boys had home schooling and we have home schooling too!
    2. Some richs romans had there own tutors just like us today!
    3. Romans had to learn certain things.\ just like us.

  33. housing similarities
    1.Some people lived in apartments.
    2.upper class romans houses were made of brick.
    3.they had houses with bedrooms
    housing similarities
    1. they didn't have toilets
    2.the aprtments were cramped with people doing all kinds of stuff.
    3.upper class romans had temples in there homes.
    Education similarities
    1.we start school when we are 6 or 7 and sometimes even earlier.

  34. Housing similarities
    1.Anicent Rome and today both have,a small apartment houses, an entire family might all be crowed into one room.
    2.If you have enough money then you do not have to live in a small apartment houses, you can buy a single family house.
    3.Like today if you have enough money for a singal family house and also enough money to live in a apartment. With your own apartment it might be roomy with only yourself in the apartment.

    Houseing differences
    1. Ancient Roman houses have balconies faced the courtyard,

  35. Housing Simalarities
    1. They both have Apartments.
    2. They also had houses and paintings on the walls.
    3. The also had houses and front doors and kithens and bedrooms.

    Housing Diffrences
    1. Big familys had no running water.
    2. The appartments didn't have toilets.
    3. The appartments were single familyed
    Education Simalarities
    1. They had the same education learnings as we do today.
    2. The kids started school at the same time as we do.
    3. School was not free back then either.
    Education Diffrences
    1. The boys learned only at home by there father.
    2. The girls were taught by thier mothers.
    3. The children were taught to respect their gods.
    Entertainment Simalarities
    1. Enjoyment was offerd to everyone.
    2. Events were scheduled during the day.
    3. People invited thier friends.

  36. 1 Compare lower class people live in appartments today too.
    2 Compare Rich people have luxury houses today too.
    3 Compare We today have pleasant apartments. Diffrences We have toliets. Diffrence we have condos too not just apartments.Diffrence we do not have paint on our walls.Compare We have tuttors also.Diffrience poor kids go to school today.Compare we start in the mornong too.Diffrince we go to school before 6 or 7. Diffrince girls have to go to schools now a we have grammar too.We go to sports events. diffrience we do not have oil lamps. Compare we watch plays. Diffrience most events arent free today. Compare we watch fights too. Diffrience we hold more people in our theaters

  37. Ancient Rome Housing Similarities
    1.Lived in apartments and homes.

    Housing Differences
    1.didn't have toilets

  38. Entertainment Similarities
    #1. Ancient Rome and Today both have plays in theaters that they/we watch.
    #2. Ancient Rome and Today both have parties with their/our friends.
    #3. Ancient Rome and Today both go to festivals to enjoy their/our time.

  39. Housing Differences
    1. Romans didn't have toilets in houses, we do!
    2. Romans had entire families in a room!
    3. Romans had to bring water from public facilities, because they had no running water.

    Housing Similarities
    1. We both have brick houses.

  40. housing similarities
    1.They didn't have toilits and sink and we do have that some.
    2.They had small bedrooms and we don't we have big apartments.
    3.The Romans had central cartyard around them and we only have them certan places.

    Eduction similarities
    1.we go to school and romans didn't go to school.
    2.We get teach at school and romans got taught at home. school is free and romans were not free.

    Entertaninment similarities
    1.romans had large open air theaters and we don't.
    2.romans great state festivals and we don't.
    3.romans poor people would go to sleep early and we stay up until we get tired.

  41. Housing similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have a dining room.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have paintings in their houses.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have toilets.

    Housing differences
    1. Ancient Rome houses have very little furniture.
    2. Ancient Rome houses have courtyards.
    3. Ancient Rome houses have balconies.

    Entertainment Similarities
    1. Rome and today both have festivals.
    2. Rome and today both have races.
    3. Rome and today both have theatres.

  42. housing similarities
    1.Anicent Roman didnt have toilets but we do.
    2.Anicent Roman had aparment Houses called flats and we houses.
    3. The Anicent Rome kids did not go school but we go to school now adays.
    1.Anicent Rome houses haves stores and we have stores.
    2.Anicent Rome people couldnt cook but we can.
    3.Anicent Rome people made their houses with sementment and we do to.

  43. housing similarities

    1. Romans had apartment like places
    2 the people in Rome had one family houses
    3 Romans had brick houses like we do.

    housing diferences

    1 Now we have toilets
    2 WE have running water nowadays
    3 There is not very many people who have entire ffamily houses (grandparents parents children etc.

    education differences

    1. a roman boys education was at home
    2 girls were taght by there mothers
    3 a father taught his son to read and write if he could.

    education similarities
    1 children studied reading and writing
    2school always started on march 24th
    3 every boy became an orator

  44. Makayla Peterson Pd. 9March 30, 2010 at 3:06 PM

    Housing Similarities
    1.In Rome they lived in apatment houses, and some people now still do.
    2. In Rome they have windows and balcaonies, and most people now have that too.
    3. Wealthy Romans have front doors, people right now do too.
    Housing Differences
    1. In Rome they did not have toilets, today most people have at least two toilets.
    2. In Rome they lived with their great grandparents, grandparents, parents, and siblings all lived in the same house, today most of us just live with our parents and siblings.
    3. In Rome they did not have carpet, today we do have carpet.
    Education Similarities
    1. In Rome they had lunch brake, today we have lunch brake too.
    2. In Rome kids were sent to school at at 6 or 7, today most kids go at age 6 maybe a little younger.
    3. In Rome they were tought about grammer, so do we today.
    Education Differences

  45. MadisonMogck9thperiodMarch 30, 2010 at 3:07 PM

    Housing Similarites
    1.Ancient Rome and today both have Stove things.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both have medal.
    3.Ancient Rome and today both have live in apartment houses.
    Housing Differences
    1. We don't really make houses out of bricks anymore but you know...sometime
    2. We dont really get put into one room with an entire family crowded.
    3. We don't have public baths these days either.....unless you are sick.
    Education Similarities
    1. We study writing just like they did.
    2. we read books just like they did too.
    3. We also study greek. not the language though.}:
    Education Differences
    1. Us kids now DO go to school...........well most.
    2. My dad does not teach me stuff
    3. My mom doesn't teach me stuff either. foi!
    Entertainment Similarities
    1. Alot of us now DO also enjoy different kinds of entertainment.
    2. Wealthy people like many of us(: invite friends over too!
    3. I am also sure that the poor people would stay home.I do(;
    Entertainment Differences
    1. We don't really watch in open air theatres.
    2. There isn't always stuff goin on when you go outside.
    3. I dont think our theatre can hold 7,000 people! NAHAHAHA!

  46. Ancient Rome Similar housing to Today
    1. there houseing was the same beacuse they had apartments.
    2 we both have houses made of bricks and red tile roofs.
    3 houses had diffrent rooms for diffrent reasons.

  47. Ancient Rome and today are similar in housing by..........
    1.Plebeians lived in apartment houses like some people today do too.
    2.They didn't have toilets and we use to not have toilets too until someone invented them.
    3.Patricians lived in single family homes which is like a house like we live in today.
    1.They didn't always have running water in their houses.
    2.They had very little furniture, and no carpeting.
    3. Wealthy Romans might have a house with a front door, bedrooms, an office, a kitchen, a dining room, a garden, a temple, an atrium, a toilet, and a private bath.
    1.In early Roman days, kids did not go to school and today some kids don't go to school.
    2.They were taught Roman numerals like we are getting taught.
    3.School was not free just like today because you need to pay for lunches and more things.
    1.Kids brought candles to use until daybreak but we dont bring candles to school.
    2.They read scrolls and we don't today.
    3.A Roman boy's education took place at home. Today boys don't stay home and get taught by their father very often.
    Entertainment similarities
    1.Plays were performed in large open air we watch plays.
    2.shows in the theatres, races, and fights in the arenas like theres races here at the races.
    3.Since most events were free, poor people could attend as well as the rich just like us.

  48. Entertainment similarities
    1.Ancient Rome and today both have a campus where you compete with wrestling or archery.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both have plays
    3.Ancient Rome and today botha have fights.

    Housing Similarities
    1.Accient Rome and today both have apartments
    2.Ancient Rome and today both have roofs.

  49. Housing similarities
    1.Ancient Rome and today are similar because we both have apartment houses
    Housing differences
    Education similarities
    Education differences
    Entertainment similarities
    Entertainment differences

  50. Housing Similarities:
    1.In Ancient Rome and today, people in the lower class live in apartments.
    2.In Ancient Rome and today, people in the upper class have alot of rooms in their houses.
    3.In Ancient Rome and today, people in the upper class have private baths.
    Housing Differences
    1.In Ancient Rome the houses centred around a courtyard.
    2.In Ancient Rome people in the upper class had temples in their homes.
    3.In Ancient Rome grandparents lived with their family.
    Education Similarities
    Education Differences
    1.In Ancient Rome, kids didn't always go to school.
    2.In Ancient Rome, parents taught their kids physical work.

  51. Housing similarities-
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have paintings on the walls
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have toilets
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have front doors
    Housing differences-
    1.the apartments were crowded in ancient rome

  52. *similarities:

    #1. Roman houses were made out of bricks

    #2. the lower-class lived in apartments just like us only that we chose to.

    #3. there aparetmnts arnt that nice neteher are ours.


    1.higher class they had nice houses and so do rich people

    2.some people had running water and so do we.

    3.our houses are made out of brick and theres wernt.

  53. -housing similarities-
    1.ancient rome and today are simular by both of them had aparments.
    2.andient rome and today are simular because both used brick to make houses.
    3.ancient rome and today are simular because both hade seperate rooms for different things.
    -housing differents- rome lower-class did not have a toilet. rome the upper class lived with all their family in one house. we do not paint our floors
    -education simularities-
    1.rome and today are simular because they both have lunch
    2.rome and today are simular because they both studied reading.
    3.rome and today are simular because they both got thing to teach from somewhere else.
    -education different-
    1. today you can be5 years old.
    2. today we study mor than reading writing and counting
    3. if you are poor today you can still go to school

  54. Housing Similarities
    1.Ancient Rome and Today are similar in the way of the lower class living in apartments.
    2.Ancient Rome and Today are similar in the way of the upper class liveing in fancier than the lower class.
    3.Ancient Rome and Today are similar in the way that some of us live with our grandparents.

    Housing Differances
    1.Ancient Rome and today are different in the way that they have atriums.
    2.Ancient Romans have their houses above their stores.
    3.Ancient Romans have their apparments are not that nice.

    to be continued

  55. 1.the houses are the same.
    2.we both had apartments
    3.we both have houses made up of bricks and tile roofs

  56. Entertainment Similarites
    1.In Ancient Rome and in the world right now some events were scheduled at night.
    2.In Anciet Rome and today some events were scheduled during the day.
    3.In Anceint Rome and in the world right now some events are free.
    Entertainment Differences
    1.In the world right now we do not light oil lamps to enjoy the evening.
    2.In the world right now you dont really need to be wealthy to have friends over for dinner.
    3.In the world right now we do not usually go to plays very often.

  57. Entertainment Differences
    #1. Most events are not free in today's world.
    #2. We do not have fights anymore.(Today)
    #3. We have electricity instead of oil lamps.(Today)

    Education Similarities
    #1. They/We start school around age 6.
    #2. We both have a break for lunch.
    #3. We both study reading, writing, and counting.

    Education Differences
    #1. We start school in August not March. (today)
    #2. We use paper instead of boards covered with wax. (today)
    #3. We go to school to learn, not to be an effective speaker.

    Housing Similarities
    #1. Wealthy Romans and us today both have private toilets.
    #2. Fire is a threat to both us today and Ancient Romans.
    #3. Wealthy Romans and us today have a private bath.

    Housing Differences
    #1. Poor Romans had to use a public toilet.
    #2. Our houses today face the street.
    #3. We today don't have courtyards.

  58. Education differences
    1. In Ancient Rome girls were taught by their mother.
    2. In Ancient Rome school began each year on March 24th.
    3. In Ancient Rome they read scrolls.

    Entertainment similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both watch shows.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have festivals.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have weddings.

    Entertainment differences
    1. Ancient Rome had gladiator fights.
    2. Ancient Rome had public baths
    3. Ancient Rome had oil lamps.

  59. *continued*
    -simular entertainment-
    1. ancient rome and today are simular because we both watched plays for entertainment.

    2. ancient rome and today are simular because there is always a sores of entertainment going on.

    3. ancient rome and today are simular because we both invited friends over to have a dinner party.

    - different entertainment-

    1. today most entertainment is not free.

    2. today we have more electronic entertainment(tv,ect.)

    3. today we have more room in our houses to entertain our guest

  60. Hey Mr. Klumper I already did the rest of the blog I just need to do the diffrence of the Entertainment.

    Entertainment Diffrences
    1. Soilders often played board games with counters and dice. Soilders were busy fighting in wars not playing games.
    2. We don't have gladiator fights anymore. ( Thank the Lord)
    3. Today we don't have emporers.

  61. 1.they did not go to school a roman boy went to school at home
    2 they wrote on a bored with wax om it
    3 they did not have many classes

  62. Housing Similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have lively cities.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have study reading, writing, and counting.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have front doors, an office, a kitchen, a dining room, a garden, a toilet, and a private bath.

    Housing Differences
    1. Ancient Roman houses have temples.
    2. Ancient Roman houses have atriums.
    3. Poor Ancient Romans didn't go to school.

  63. Mr.Klumper I messed up the first time I did this so I'm gonna try again.

    1.Ancient Rome and here both have bedrooms.
    2. Ancient Romans and today have people living in apartments.
    3. Ancient Rome and here both have front doors.

    1. Ancient Roman houses had temples.
    2. Ancient Roman houses had atriums.
    3. Ancient Roman houses had mosaics painted on the walls and floors.

    1. Ancient Romans and today both study reading, writing, and counting.
    2. Ancient Romans and today both have kids go to school at age 6 or 7.
    3. Ancient Romans and today both have school nomatter what what happens with the government.

    1. In Ancient Rome the poor kids don't go to school.
    2. In Ancient Rome the goal of school was to be an effective speaker.
    3. In early Roman days kids didn't go to school.

    1.Ancient Rome and today both have entertainment for the poor.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both have free entertainment.
    3.Ancient Rome and today both have theaters.

    1.The Ancient Romans have fights in an arena.
    2.The Rich Ancient Romans have oil lamps.
    3.The poor Ancient Romans don't have oil lamps and have to go to bed once it is dark out.


  64. Entertainment Similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have many different kinds of entertainment.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have theaters.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have races.

    1. In Ancient Rome the poor kids don't go to school.
    2. In Ancient Rome the goal of school was to be an effective speaker.
    3. In early Roman days kids didn't go to school.

    1. Ancient Romans and today both study reading, writing, and counting.
    2. Ancient Romans and today both have kids go to school at age 6 or 7.
    3. Ancient Romans and today both have school nomatter what what happens with the government.

  66. Housing Similarities:
    1.Ancient Rome and here both have bedrooms.
    2. Ancient Romans and today have people living in apartments.
    3. Ancient Rome and here both have front doors.

  67. Paige M. (continued)April 1, 2010 at 3:17 PM

    Education Differences: we study more than reading,writing,and counting the goal of education is to learn stuff about every thing girls and boys are taught

    Entertainment Simililarities:
    1.Ancient Rome and today both preform in theaters.
    2.Ancient Rome and today sometimes have free shows(not very often)
    3.Anciet Rome and today both invite friends over for dinner parties

    Entertainment Differences:
    1.Today we don't kill people for fun none of our theaters were built in 70CE we don't have public baths

  68. Amber Thompson pd.8April 1, 2010 at 6:58 PM

    Housing similarities.
    1.Ancient Roman houses have doors that keeps out the cold.
    2.Ancient roman houses have windows to let in fresh air.
    3.Ancient Roman houses have people living in the apartments.

    Housing Differences
    1.Ancient Roman houses have temples.
    2.Poor romans had to use a public toilet.
    3.Our houses today face the street and not a courtyards.

    Education Similarities.
    1.Ancient Rome and today both study reading,writing and math.
    2.Ancient romans and today both have children go to school at age 6and at age 7 years old.
    3.Anicent romans and today both have a school for the young.

    Education Differences.
    1.they start school in March and not August like we do.
    2.They use cardboard with wax and not paper.
    3.We go to school to learn and not to be an effective speaker.

    Entertainment Similarities.
    1.Ancient Rome and today both have theaters.
    2.Rome and today both have races.
    3.Rome and today both have festivls.

    Enterainment Differences.
    1.The Ancicent romans have fights in the arena.
    2.We do not light oil lamps to enjoy the evening.
    3.Roamans did not have T.V. like we do today.

  69. Housing similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have brick houses.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have front doors.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both have apartments.
    Housing Differences
    1. In ancient roman houses poor people did not have toilets.
    2. In ancient roman houses people lived with their grandparents.
    3. Ancient Roman houses faced a courtyard.
    Education Similarities
    1. Both study reading, writing, and math.
    2. We both have school.
    3. We both have tutors.
    Education Differences
    1. In ancient Rome some kids did not go to school at all.
    2.The girls were taught by their mothers.
    3. A father taught his son to read and write if he knew how.
    Entertainment Simililarities
    1. We both have plays.
    2. We both have sports.
    3. We both have lots of theatres.
    Enterainment Differences
    1. In Brandon we do not kill people for entertainment.
    2. In ancient Rome they watched all their sports in a colosseum.
    3. In ancient Rome theatres could hold 7000 people.

  70. Housing Similarities
    1. Ancient Rome and today both have apartments.
    2. Ancient Rome and today both have seperate rooms for kitchens, bedrooms and extras.
    3. Ancient Rome and today both made out of brick structers.

    Housing differneces

    1.Ancient Rome houses don't always have running water.
    2. Ancient Rome houses people all live with their parents and grandparents.
    3. Ancient Rome houses don't have comfortable beds.

    Education Similarities

    1. Ancient Rome and today both have tutors.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both have schools.
    3.Ancient Rome and today both learn reading and writing.

    Education differnences

    1.In Ancient Rome education boys were the only ones who went to school.
    2.In Ancient Rome education poor kids don't go to school.
    3.In Ancient Rome education in early Rome they were taught in their home.

    Entertainment Similarities

    1.Ancient Rome and today you can attend plays in both.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both celebrate weddings as entertainment.
    3.Ancient Rome and today both enjoy entertainment with friends.

    Entertainment Differences
    1.Ancient Rome uses oil lamps for light at night today we have electricity.
    2.Ancient Rome gladiators fight till the death.
    3.Ancient Rome has events that you don't have pay to go to.

  71. I dont know what I did befor so Im going to start over:

    Housing Simularities
    1.Ancient Rome houses and today both have apartments
    2.Ancient Rome houses and today both can be made out of bricks.
    3.Ancient Rome houses and today both have winows and doors.

    Housing Differences
    1.Ancient Rome houses were arrange around a centural courtyard.
    2.Ancient Rome houses did not face the street.
    3.Ancient Rome houses had no carpeting.

    Education Simularities
    1.In Ancient Rome and today's education we both go to school.
    2.In Ancient Rome and today's education kids are taught reading,writing,and counting.
    3.In Ancient Rome and today's education they both went to "college".

    Education Differences
    1.In Ancient Rome school started on March 24th.
    2.In Ancient Rome instead of using paper and pencils thay used boards covered with wax and pebbles.
    3.In ancient Rome poor people were taught by their parents.

    Entertainment Simularities
    1.Ancient Rome and today have many forms of intertainment.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both have things going on ay and night.
    3.anicient Rome and today both have theaters.

    Entertainment Differences
    1.Ancient Rome theaters could hold 7,000 people.
    2.In Ancient Rome if there was no event going on at night the poor people would have to go to bed right away.
    3.In Ancient Rome most events were free.

    1.Our theaters don't hold 7000 people!
    2. We don't have state festivals.
    3. We don't have fights in the arenas.

  73. there entertaiment was very diffrent then todays so we have more things to do.

  74. Housing Similarities
    1.Ancient Rome and today both have apartments.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both have some houses made out of bricks.
    3.Ancient Rome and today both have bedrooms.

    Housing Differences
    1.Ancient Roman houses were arranged around a central court yard.
    2.Ancient Roman houses have temples.
    3.Ancient Roman houses have atriums.

    Education Similarities
    1.Rome had homeschooling like us.
    2.Rome had their own tutors.
    3.Rome had a school that they went to.

    Education Differences
    1.We study more reading and writing.
    2.They did not go to school.
    3.Boys were taught by their dads and girls were taught by their moms.

    Entertainment Similarities
    1.Enjoyment was offered to everybody.
    2.People invited their friends over.
    3.We both have festivals and races.

    Entertainment Differences
    1.They watched sports in a coloseum.
    2.Today most entertainment is not free.
    3.Today we don't light oil lamps to enjoy the evening.

  75. today some peopel have higher class for houses And Roman have
    the lower class to plebeians
    they have two sections and we have two stories

    they live in like a squre kind of
    we live in a civilzition

  76. Housing similaries.

    We both have appartments.

    Families live together.

    Education similaries.

    They studied writing and math like we do.

    they learned Roman numerals and so did we.

    Rich people could afford tutors for their kids.

    entertainment similarites

    We both have lots of theaters.

    we both have races.

    We both have fights.

    housing differences

    They had to hawl water ours is in the house.

    They had to ues puplic toilets we have ours in the house.

    their windows and doors faced courtyard not the street.

  77. Housing Similarities
    1. Families live together
    2. Apartments
    3. Windows and Doors
    Housing Differences
    1. Romans had temples
    2. Romans had atriums
    3. Romans had no carpet
    Education Similarities
    1. Lots of theaters
    2. Had fights
    3. Studied writing and reading
    Education Differences
    1. Watch sports in Colosseum
    2. Most entertainment not free
    3. Our theaters don't hold 7000 people
    Entertainment Similarities
    1. Invited friends over
    2. Festivals and races
    3. Celebrate weddings as entertainment
    Entertainment Differences
    1. Watch sports in Colosseum
    2. Most events weren't free
    3. Theaters held 7000 people

  78. Education Differences
    1.Kids did not go to school.
    2.A boy's education took place at home. had tutors for the children.
    1.School was not free
    2.They studuied reading, writing, counting, literature, and how to be an effective speaker
    3.They were taught Roman numerals.
    1.Small theaters could seat 7,000 people.
    2.They had fights in the arenas.
    3.most events were free.
    1.Many different kinds of entertainment.
    2.Plays were performed.
    3.Some events were scheduled during the day, some were scheduled at night.
    1.Their homes were single family homes.
    2.They had to use public latrines (toilets).
    3.Had rooms without running water.
    1.Homes were made, quite often, of brick .
    2.Wealthy Romans might have a house with a front door, bedrooms, an office, a kitchen, a dining room, and a garden.
    3.They lived in apartment houses

  79. 1. Ancient Rome had roofs like we have today
    2. kids in rome did not go to school
    3. Girls learned to spin, weave and sew

  80. housing
    1 both have apartments
    2 both have the same looking houses
    3 Romans didnt have toilets
    1 boys only went to school
    2 we both learn reading and writing
    3both have math
    1 both watched sports
    2 both watched with friends
    3 there were different kinds of entertainment for both

  81. Housing Differences
    1.Anciet Roman houses have apartmenthouse, called flats, above or behind their shops.
    2.The upper class Romans have everybody in their homes.
    3.In the flats the antire family might all crowd into one room, without running water.


  82. Sheila Coyle 9th pdApril 29, 2010 at 7:23 PM

    1. We both lived in houses.
    2. We do have SOME brick houses.
    3. We both lived in apartments.

    1. Now anyone can live in apartments.
    2. Now anyone can live in houses.
    3. Now we have toilets in our houses.


    1. We both study reading, writing, and counting.
    2. Wed both have education.
    3. We both had a lunch break.

    1. We do not study Greek language.
    2. Both boys and girls go to the same school now.
    3. We do not have wax covered boards now.


    1. We both had festivals.
    2. We both had races.
    3. We both had theaters.

    1. Things are not free now.
    2. We do not have fights in arenas.
    3. The theaters now are not able to fit 7,000 people.

  83. Ancient Rome and today both have running water.
    2.Ancient Rome and today both made houses out of brick structers.
    3. We both lived in apartments.


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