
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Celebrity Spotlight: Jessica Kumari

Water for Sixth Grade would like to welcome its first ever celebrity blogger: Jessica Kumari from Channel One News. This is a monumental moment in the history of WSG and I would like to thank Jessica Kumari very much for taking time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions on our blog.

1. What is your favorite book?

2. What is your favorite movie?

3. What is the best thing about working for Channel One?

4. Were you nervous when you were reporting from North Korea?

5. What is a typical day like for you working for Channel One?

6. What college did you go to?

7. Who are your favorite sports teams?

8. Do you know anything about Ancient Egypt?

Again, Thank you very much for doing this. We really appreciate it.


  1. 1. My favorite book...that's hard because I have soooo many! If I had to pick a few - The Fountainhead, Eat Pray Love and The Kite Runner ( I know - more than one!)

    2. Favorite movie - another hard one! But I will always stop whatever I'm doing to watch Home Alone - especially around Christmas time.

    3. I LOVE working for Channel One because it has given me so many opportunities to meet people and travel. But the best part is our team - I'm not just saying this...I am always astounded by how talented, hardworking and genuinely nice everyone is....

    4. North Korea is sooo different from the United States...I wasn't scared - even when I was at the DMZ because I had the US Army protecting me....but I just came back from a trip that had me on the edge of my seat several times - look for that series in January

    5. There is no "typical" day at Channel One - sometimes I'm in the newsroom hosting...other days I'm out in the field collecting stories for you guys...every day is different and that's why I love my job!

    6. I went to Georgetown in DC - Go Hoyas!

    7. I'm from Tampa so I have love for Tampa Bay Bucs...and living in NYC I def root for the Yankees (especially this year!)

    8. hahah..hmmm Ancient Egypt...well I def learned about it in school...but I bet you guys know more than me..especially with a great teacher like Mr. Klumper!

  2. Hey Jessica,
    We have learned a lot about ancient Egypt.We have learned a lot about the Nile River. Did you know it is a little more than 4,000 miles long! Also it floods a lot which is good and bad. It is good because it makes the land very fertile. It is bad because it comes when it is least expected so it could kill anyone. We have also learned about mummifacation. It sounds kind of gross just hearing the name doesn't it. Well mummifacation is the process of drying out the body and removing all the organs, even the brain. When i first heard about it I almost threw up. Well enough of the grossness lets get back to something more non-gross. We also learned about the Shpinx. It is a type of pyramid that has the head of a man and the body of an animal. It was very interesting to hear that now a days right across from the Shpinx is pizza hut and KFC. That is so weird don't you think? Well that is much as I will tell you so the other kids can tell you more thank you for blogging on water for 6th grade!

  3. Hi Jessica,

    We have lerned a lot about Egypt,Nile River, and Pyramids. And this is what I know about Egypt ,Nile River, and Pyramids. The Nile River is very important it is thair way for transportation. It is also depended on for food, water, and more. Now for Pyramids are homes for the dead pharaohs and queens. The Pyramids were made from sun briks. So that is what i know hope you liked it.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    There is so much to learn about Ancient Egypt! One thing is the Nile River. It is the most important thing there. It is the way the transport goods. Along the Nile, they grow Papyrus. Papyrus is a plant they used to make paper to write on. The Egytians wore makeup, even the guys. They wore green eye shadow, black eyeliner, and red lipstick. They loved their kids very much in Ancient Egypt. Well, that is a little more about that time in life.

  5. Amy Vardsveen 4periodNovember 12, 2009 at 5:29 PM

    Dear Jessica,
    Here is some info about Ancient Egypt.
    The Nile is the most important thing in Egypt because with out it there would be no Egypt.The Nile floods randomly so it could kill people or plants.
    They would wear white, long t shirt things. The boys whore it down to there knees and the girls wore it down to there ankles.They wore gold bracelets, rings,and necklaces.
    The farmers had really high taxes, because the Pharaoh took most of the money and used it to build the pyramids and to get him self any thing he wanted.
    From your friend,
    Amy Vardsveen

  6. hey jess,
    One thing that i learned about was that egyptian boys and girls wore make up and skirt type things the boys went down to their knees and the girls's went down to there ankles.

  7. One thing I learned about Acient Egypt is that there is the Nile River is the only water sorce for the city. So with out it there would be no one living there because they could not grow crops or anything else.

  8. Hi Jessica!
    One thing I know about Ancient Egypt is they had a river called the Nile River and it would flood every year ,so they had fertile soil to grow crops and also I learned that without it Egyptians would not exist.

  9. Hi Jessica,
    One thing that is so important to Egypt is that the Nile River is the reason it lasted. With out the Nile Egypt would just be a derest.

  10. Hey Jessica!!!
    Did you know that the Nile River is about 4,000 miles long? Did you know that people had to build their houses high off the ground because when the Nile River flooded the houses got destroyed?

  11. How did you get jessica kumari on WSG????????? By E-Mail, letter,etc??? It is awesome that Mr.K's favorite journalist blogged!!!
    Also coming out with 2 ancient roman movies!! Caligula, and Nero.
    filmed at the japanese gardens

  12. form a seventh graderNovember 26, 2009 at 6:05 PM

    wow troy. yea im kinda wonderin how you got jessica kumari on here to. did you email her and if you did how did you get her email? hu? mr. klumper how?

  13. it is cool that Jessica Kumari is on your blog I never would think that. Now you need Brack Obama. then you would have the best blog ever.


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