
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ancient Egypt Student Created Study Guide

As we near the end of the Egypt unit, we are going to start reviewing all the ancinet Egytp material we have learned, used, and applied. With the test only three school days away, you, the student, will be making a "blog study guide." You will recieve a study guide in class, but this blog activity will provide a huge advantage in studying and reviewing our Egypt unit. You will be using all your notes that we have accumulated throughout the unit to post questions about Egypt. You will then read through your classmates questions and answer them. At the end of the day, after roughly 109 sixth graders have passed through Water for Sixth Grade, we will have a long list of Egypt questions and answers for you to use as a review tool for our test next week.

1. Post 5 Questions about Ancient Egypt. (You MUST post at least one question about Pyramids, Nile, Mummification, and Daily Life. Your fifth question can be from anything else we have studied or learned about. You may post more than 5 questions if you want)

2. Read through your classmates questions.

3. Respond to your classmates' questions by answering them in a new comment. You MUST answer 3 classmates' questions, which means you be answer 15 questions about Egypt.

Example: After you post five questions, you look through the comment list of all the questions and decide to respond to the questions John posted. You will start your comment by saying "Hi john. Here are the answers to your questions" then you list the answers only, you do not need to retype the question. After you answer all of John's questions, then look for someone else and repeat the process. Again, minimum of three people to respond to. You may do more if you have time.

Points: 30
DUE: November 23rd, 2009. 10:30 pm


  1. #1What are the 7 steps too mummifacation
    #2How many pyramids are in giza
    #3How long is the Nile
    #4What make up did they wear
    #5 how long was khufus pyramid the biggest building in the world

  2. 1# my first question is how did the egyptions think of a pyramid to put the phoaroh.
    why did they make the pyramids so big?
    how long does it take for us people now a days to build an pyramid.
    why did they worship gods so much?
    how did they know that they can grow stuff?

  3. 1. What were 2 things men and women both wore on their faces?

    2. What is the Red Land?

    3.What is the Sphinx?

    4. How long is the Nile River?

    5.What is the 4th step of mummification?

  4. 1. What is the name of the smallest of the three pyramids.
    2. What direction does the nile river flow.
    3. How many steps not including rituals were there in mummification.
    4. How did the adults in ancient egypt think of kids.
    5. how many structures are there in giza.

  5. 1.WHat are pyramids used for?
    2.Why did egyptians put natron salt on the bodys
    3.How does the nile river flow north?
    4.Why do the egyptians out scented fat on their heads?
    5.what are 2 main jewelrys egyptians wore?

  6. #1 How long is the Nile River?

    #2 What is the first step of mummification?
    #3 True of false,children were considered very important?
    #4 What two restaurants are right across the street from the Giza necropolis?
    #5 What is the biggest pyrammid out of all the pyramids

  7. 1# What was the heart wieghed aganst when they mummify the body?

    2# What is the "black land" used for?

    3# What is the Great Sphinx made out of?

    4# What is one thing that both man and women wear when they go out?

    5# What is one thing that is at the Giza

  8. 1. What were sun-dried bricks made out of?
    2. Who was the Great Pyramid for?
    3. What is the definition for mummification?
    4. Who long is the Nile River
    5. Where is Upper Egypt located?

  9. Question 1 What are the three names of the pyramids in Giza?
    Question 2 What direction does the Nile flow?
    Question 3 How many steps and ritulals are there in the mummification process?specify.
    Question 4 What three things are centerd around daily life?
    Question 5 What does The Great Sphinx look like?

  10. #1How many pyramids are in Giza
    #2How long is the Nile
    #3What are the 7 steps of mummifacation
    #4What Make up did they wear
    #5what is the spinx

  11. Q1.Why is the nile so important?

    Q2.What was the pyramid built for?

    Q3.WHy would they put salt on the preserved body?

    Q4.Were the taxes heavy or light?

    Q5. were was lower egypt?

  12. Q1.what were womens duties?

    Q2 where is lower Egypt?

    Q3 what is the deffinition of mumfication

    Q4 what is the great sphinx nickname

    how long is the nile river

  13. 1# Why was the pyrimids built?
    2# Why do you think the phoras were so important?
    3# Why do you think they had alot of food?

  14. Dear Andy
    1 4184
    2 Announcment of death
    3 true
    4 Pizza hut and kfc
    5 The Great pyramid

  15. 1. How long is the Nile?

    2. How did egyptions wear their hair?

    3. What type of salt did they put on the mummy to be?

    4. At Giza what pyrimid is the smallest?

    5. What moddern fast foot place is across the street from Giza?

  16. #1How long is the nile?
    #2What kind of jewlery did they wear?
    #3What are the 7 steps.
    #4How big was Khufus pyramid?
    #5Is the Red land very fertile?

  17. 1. My first question is what did they make there homes out of?
    2. How tall was The Great Pyramid?
    3.What is the definition of Mummification?
    4.How does the Nile River flow?
    5.What does Taker of life mean?

  18. 1 how does the nile river flow.
    2 what is a necropolis.
    3 life in ancient egypt centered around there things.
    4 what they removet in mummification.
    5 what is the of one of the kings.

  19. Nicole here are your answers eyeliner and green eyeshadow.
    2.the red land is like the desert.
    3.its a huge singlestone statue with a head of a man body of a lion.
    4.its about 4184 miles long
    5.removal of the internal organs is the fourth step.

  20. 1.What are pyrsmids used for?
    2.What are 2 thing the nile river was used for?
    3.What did they use to dry the mummys?
    4.What did men and women wear?
    5.How long was the nile river?

  21. 1.Nile: Where is the black land?

    2.Mummification: How many steps are there?

    3.Daily Life: What did they were in appearence?

    4.Pyramids: Whose pyramid is the biggest?

    5. How long is the Nile River?

  22. Jacob your answears to your questions are,
    #1 Pyramid of Menkaure
    #2 North
    #3 Seven
    #4 Very important
    #5 Five structures

  23. 1. people were paid to what.
    2. what were the duties of woman.
    3. how's pyramid is the great pyramid.
    4. Nile flows with way.
    5. the shinx is made out of one what.

  24. Dear Grace
    1. feather
    2. it is very fertile and has many uses like farming
    3.Lion body and persons head eye shadow and black eye lin er

  25. Nicole here are the ansers
    #1Eye shadow
    #2A desert
    #3 A man lion thing
    #4 4123 miles long
    #5removing organs

  26. #1 Why was the nile so important?

    #2 What was the pyamid used for?

    #3 What was mummification used for?

    #4 What did the ancient egypians eat?

    #5 How long was the nile river

  27. Q #1
    What is the length of the Nile River?

    Q #2
    Where is the Black Land Located?

    Q #3
    What is a necropolis?

    Q #4
    What are the materials that Egyptians used to build homes?

    Q #5
    What is the first step of mummification?

  28. Drew here are the answers to your questions.
    1. announcement of death
    embalming the body
    removal of brain
    removal of internal organs
    drying out process
    wrapping the body
    final procession
    2. 3
    3. 4,184 miles long
    4. green eye shadow
    black eye liner
    red lipstick
    5. 1,270

  29. 1.What are pyramids used for?
    2.What did they use the nile river for?
    3.what did they use to dry the mummys?
    4.what did men and women wear?
    5.How long was the nile river.

  30. Dear Nicole,

    1# They both wore green eye shadow.

    2#The red land is the none fertile part of Egypt. It is all Destert.

    3#The Sphinx is a great stature made out of all marble. The head is a mans but the body is a lion.

    4#The nile river is 4,000 miles long. That is very long!!!

    5#The 4th step is the rimoval of the internal organs. Gross!!!!

    From: Grace B period 3

  31. Andy here are the answers to your questions.
    #1 4184 miles.
    #2the annoucnement of the death
    #4KFC Pizza Hut
    #5The great Pyramid or The Pyramid of Khufu

  32. Jacob here are the ansers

  33. Jacob H. here are the awnsers to your questions.
    1. The Pyrimid of Menkaure
    2. North
    3. The Steps of mummification are:
    1. Announcment of Death
    2. Embalming the body
    3. Removal of brain
    4. Removal of orgains
    5. Drying out process
    6. Wrapping the body
    7. Final procession
    4. Very Impotant
    5. 4 structures

  34. elizabeth here are your answers

    1.4181 miles long about
    2.bald or to there shoulders
    3.natron salt
    4.pyramid of menkaure
    5.KFC and Pizza Hut

  35. 1. how long is the Nile River?
    2. what do they wrap around the mummy?
    3. what do the women do??
    4. what does each block weigh???
    5.what organs do they remove????

  36. Dear jacob
    1#Pyramid of Menkaure

  37. Aron here are your ansers
    #3preserve body for after life
    #4 4123

  38. Pete your answear to your questions are
    #1 Pyramid of Menkaure,Pyramid of Khufu,and Pyramid of Khafre
    #2 North
    #3 Seven steps
    #4 Religion,Pharaoh,and family
    #5 Body of Lion,Head of Man

  39. Dear joel
    1. on the banks of the nile
    2. 7
    3. green eye shadow black eye liner and red lipstick perfume

  40. dear andy

    1. 4184

    2 announcement

    3 fales

    4 pizza hut and kfc

    5 the great pyramid

  41. 1# how long is the nile river?
    2# what do they set in a pyramids?
    3# what did they do mostly in there life time?
    4# what did they put the organs in?
    5# what land is closer to the Nile River?

  42. nicole here are the answers to your questions
    1. red lipstick and
    green eye shadow
    2. a desert
    3. the guardian of the giza complex
    4.4,184 miles long
    5. removal of organs

  43. Dear Drew,

    1# pyramids are used like tombs for the mummy pharoas.


    3#drying salt or natron salt.

    4# They both wore eye shadow.

    5#The nile was 4,000.

    I'm done!!!!!!!

  44. Nicole here is the answer to question #1 they both wore eye liner red lip stick and green eye shadow. your 2nd question is the red land is the desert that protects the egyptians.
    your 3rd question is a larg stone object with the head of a man and a body of a horse.
    your 4th question is 4184 miles long the longest river in the world
    your last question is remove the internal organs.

  45. Jacob here are your answers
    #2cooking cleaning raising children

  46. dear elizabeth

    1# about4000 miles long about
    2#to there shoulders
    3#Natron salt
    4#pyramid of menkure
    5#KFC and Pizza ranch

  47. dwight here are ansers
    #2 North
    #3preserve body for after life
    #4gaudian of giza
    #5 4123

  48. Well nicole 1 it is a dessert 2abody of a lion head of a man3 4184miles 4 REMOVAL OF ITERNAL ORGANS

  49. austin here are your answers

    1.the nile is so important because it gives the fertile soil
    2.pyramids are built for dead pharohs so a tomb for the dead.
    3.they put salt on the body to dry it out
    4.the taxes were heavy
    5.lower egypt is in the north

  50. Jacob these are your ansers
    1.Pyramid of Menkaure


    3.7 steps

    4.very inporantant


  51. Hi Nicole The answers to your questions are

    1.Red lipstick and green eye shadow

    2. It is outside of the blackland and is desert.

    3.It is the body of a lion head of a man and maid out of limestone

    4.4,184 miles

    5.Removal of internal Organs

  52. Sommer W. here are the awnsers to your questions.
    1. 4148 Miles
    2. Right along the Nile River
    3. An anceint burial ground
    4. Sun-Dried bricks
    5. Announcment of death

  53. Elizabeth the answears to your questions are
    #1 4184 miles long
    #2 A cone of scented fat
    #3 Natron salt
    #4 Pyramid of Menkaure
    #5 Pizza Hut and KFC

  54. 1.what is the importance of the nile? 2.why is the nile the giver of life? 3.why is the nile the taker of life? 4.what direction does the nile flow and why? 5.what are the red lands and what are the black lands? 6.what were pyramids used for? 7.what is Giza? 8.what is a necropolis? 9.what is the Sphinx nickname? 10.what is the sphinx? 11.what are the 7 steps of mummification? 12.what are the 2 rituals of mummification? 13.what are the 3 reasons of mummification? 14.what were the 4 organs that were removed? 15.what were the jars called that the organs were placed in? 16.what wer the 3 things did ancient Egypt center around? 17.why did the acient Egyptians sleep on the roof? 18.what were the duties of the home women? 19.what 2 things did the workers wear? 20.why would women wear a cone of fat on their head?

  55. dear Dustin,

    1# the nile is 4,000
    2# The mummy pharaoh
    3# worked on the kings phymid
    4# Canopic jars
    5# The red land

  56. dear drew
    1 announcement of death embaling the body removal of brain removal of internal organs drying out prosses wrapping the body final prosiion
    2 3
    3 4184
    4 green eye shadow black eyeliner red lip stick
    5 1270

  57. shelby here r your answers
    1.the land in the south is higher than the north
    2.A large bureil ground
    3.building,family time.
    5.king khufu.

  58. Dustin J. here are the answers to your questions.
    1. 4,184 miles
    2. Pharaohs mummies
    3. work
    4. canopic jars
    5. black land

  59. james 1# I thinked they used the pyrimds as tomphs.
    andy 2# The great pryimds are at Giza.
    drew 3# paper and food.

  60. Dear Grace

    Q #1
    A feather.

    Q #2
    Egyptians used the Black Land to grow crops.

    Q #3
    The sphinx was made out of limestone.

    Q #4
    One thing is green eye shadow.

    Q #5
    One thing at Giza is the sphinx.

  61. ok 1 is to put in the mummy in the pyrmid.2 is to drid out the body.3 isthe land south is higher then in the north.4 is it mad them smell good.5is gold copper.

  62. To Nicole:
    1.They both wore makeup on their faces.
    2.The Red land is basically a desert.
    3.The Sphinx is a pyramid.
    4.The Nile River is 4,184 miles long.
    5.Removal of Internal Organs

  63. Here are joles ansers
    #1by Nile
    #2 7
    #3 gold jewlerey
    #4 Khufu
    #5 4183

  64. Hi Grace,

    #1 Feather.

    #2 To grow crops.

    #3 Limestone and Granite.

    #4 Mostly linen man skirts and dresses for the women.

    #5 The great pyramid.

    P.S. Great Questions! :)

  65. Shelby
    It flows north because the south is higher than the north.
    Is a large cemetry or burying place.

  66. Morgan
    The Nile River is 4,184
    the 7 steps are announcemeut of death.

  67. Kylieh here are the anwser to your qestion.
    1.pyramid are used for toombs for the pharaohss.
    2.They did that so the mummy would dry out.
    3.The nile river flous north because the lan in the south is higher than the land in the north.
    4.So they dont stink. jewerly and green eye shadow.

  68. dwight here are ansers
    #2 North
    #3preserve body for after life
    #4gaudian of giza
    #5 4123

  69. andy your first question is announce the death. you second question is true. your second question is

  70. andy your first question is announce the death. you second question is true. your second question is

  71. 1 what were pyramids made out of

    2 where does the nile river start

    3 how did mumifacation get its name

    4 what did moms do

  72. Robin V. and Amy V. pd. 4November 19, 2009 at 10:56 AM

    1. Why does the Nile flow North?
    2. Why did they mummify the body?
    3. What did they wear?
    4. What is the smallest pyramid at Giza?
    5. Waht is the name of the pyramid with the head of a man and the body of a Lion?

  73. 1: Where did the Nile get its name from?
    2: What three things did daily life in Ancient Egypt center around?
    3: Why did they Mummify?
    4: What were the four main things located at Giza?
    5: What were the womens duties at the home?

  74. Questions

    #1: Where did they put the organs in the process of mummification?
    #2: Which pyrimid is the smallest pyrimid of the three at Giza?
    #3: Which way does the Nile flow?
    #4: What were their houses made out of?
    #5: True or false........... was mummification expensive?

  75. Amanda and Kirstyn Pd.4November 19, 2009 at 10:59 AM

    #1. What is it called when the Nile River empties into the ocean?

    #2. What are the children considered?

    #3. Why did they need to mummify the body?

    #4. What is the Sphinx nickname?

    #5. What was lost in the Mediterraean Sea?

  76. 1. Why was the Nile called the giver of life?
    2. Why did they build there houses feet off the ground?
    3. What is across from the Giza Necropolis?
    4. Why the need to mummify?
    5. What is step 3 in the mummification process?

  77. Ethan & Dante
    1# How long was the Nile River?
    2# Life in Ancient Egypt centered aroung 3 things?
    3# What did they weigh the heart to?
    4# Were the Egypt people polytheism?
    5# The pharaoh of Ancient Egypt was an absolute monarch. How does the power of such a ruler different from that of a constitutional monarch like Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain? (Explain with complete sentences)

  78. why is the nile river inportay

  79. 1. why was the nile river called the taker of life?
    2. the great piramid is the piramid of?
    3. were the childern important.
    4. having your body mummified was
    A.not impotant
    D.all of the above
    5. what was the nile used for?

  80. Riley b. Chase K. P.4November 19, 2009 at 11:00 AM

    1 where is the great pyramid located?

    2 what are pyramids made of?

    3why did they mummify bodys?

    4 what proctected Egypt from invanders?

    5 what did Egypt people do for a living?

  81. q1: why is the nile so important

    q2: why were the pyramids so important

    q3: why were the children so important

    q4: what is mummifacation

    q5:what color was the sand

  82. Kane Will and BraytonNovember 19, 2009 at 11:03 AM

    Kane, Brayton,and Will
    1. Why didn't crops grow in the red land?

    #2.Why do they remove the brain?
    #3.why is religion so important?
    #4.Where is giza located?
    #5.why is mummifation so expenseve?

  83. #1 why was the Nile River the taker of life?

    #2 why do they pore salt on the body?

    #3 Whats is accross the street from the pyrimids?

    #4 Why is the children so important?

    #5 What would they wheigh the heart with?

  84. Dear Andy
    1 4184
    2 Announcment of death
    3 true
    4 KFC
    5 The Great pyramid

  85. Mckenzie and Kasara prd.4November 19, 2009 at 11:04 AM

    Robin and Amy here are the answers to your questions............

    #1: because the land is tilted
    #2: To perseve is in the after life
    #3: white tunics
    #4: Pyrimid of Menkaure
    #5: Sphinx

  86. Amanda and Kirstyn Pd. 4November 19, 2009 at 11:05 AM

    Robin V. and Amy V,
    we are going to answer you questions.

    #1. The land is higher in the south.

    #2. The physical body needed to be preserved.

    #3. They wore tunics.

    #4. The Menkaure pyramid.

    #5. The Great Sphinx

  87. Brayton Kayne and WillNovember 19, 2009 at 11:06 AM

    conner and angel
    it gave food
    there were pharohs housesand buriel chambers
    couse they feel like it

  88. to andy
    1 4187 miles
    2 announcement of death
    3 true
    4 kfc pizza hut
    5 the pyramid of khufu

  89. Taleor & lvi:
    2:Upper Egypt
    3:It came from the word "mummia"
    4:They would cook, clean, and raise the children
    ONLY HAD FOUR!!!!!

  90. dear ethan 3 dante
    #1 4184 miles long
    #2 A cone of scented fat
    #3 Natron salt
    #4 Pyramid of Menkaure
    #5 Pizza Hut and KFC

  91. Robin V. and Amy V. pd4.November 19, 2009 at 11:08 AM

    Dear emily and abby,
    the answer to your questions are...
    1. from the greek word Nelious.
    2. Religion, pharaoh, and family
    3. to preserve the body for the afterlife.
    4. shpinx, pyramid of Mankaure, pryanid of Khufu, and pyramid of Khafre.
    5. cook, clean, and take care of the children.

  92. riley b. chase k. p.4November 19, 2009 at 11:08 AM

    ethan and dante your answers to your question are

    1 4184 miles

    2reigion pharohs family

    3a feather

    4 yes

    the queen is just a symbol for England

  93. andy this is our anwers for your questions.

    1. 4184
    2. messanger of death
    4. pizza hut and KFC
    5.the great pyrimid

  94. kasara and Mckenzie 4thNovember 19, 2009 at 11:09 AM

    Brayten and Kane here are your answers.........

    #1. the water wouldnt over flow that far.

    #2: Because they thought it was a waste of space.
    #3.Thats what they believed..... Because if the gods were happy than good things would happen.
    #4. right along the Nile
    #5.because there is alot of steps.

  95. Brayton will and kayneNovember 19, 2009 at 11:10 AM

    Jordan and Carissa
    Because, it overfrowed to much.
    to dry it out
    KFCand pizza hut
    they grow up and work in fields
    a feather

  96. Robin V. and Amy V. question 1. The land in the South is higher than in the North. 2. To ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. 3. They wore tunics,green eye shadow,and gold jewelery. 4.The pyramid of Menkarure. 5. The Sphinix.

  97. Amanda and Kirstyn pd. 4November 19, 2009 at 11:11 AM

    We are responding to Mckenzie and Kasara.

    #1. Canopic Jars

    #2. The Menkaure Pyramid.

    #3. It flows north

    #4. Sun-dried bricks

    #5. True

  98. Dear Jordin and Carissa,
    the answers to your questions are...
    1. it overflows to much and to little.
    2. to dry it out.
    3. KFC and Pizza Hut.
    4. They are part of the future.
    5. The feather.

  99. Robin an amy question 1. it flows north because the land in the south is higher than the land in the north so it flows north.

    question 2. Because they belived in the afterlife so they wanted the pharoh to have a safe passage there.
    question 3.tunics
    question 4.pyramid of Menkarure
    question 5.spinkx (oh its not a pyramid robin&amy)though id though let ya know.

  100. Riley & Chase:
    3:To preserve them
    4:The Red Land
    5:Build pyramids, scribe, etc.

  101. dear taylor and levi
    upper egypt
    It came from the word "mummia"
    They would cook, clean, and raise the children
    they only had four

  102. to james s
    1 cuz egyipt would not exist with out it
    2 a tomb for pharohs
    3 to dry out a dead body to prevent roting
    4 wheat vegies
    5 4184 miles

  103. Kirstyn and amanda here are the anwsers to your Questions......

    1. delta

    #2. important

    #3. to preserve it into the after life

    #4. Guardian of Giza

    #5. a sarcophagus

  104. 1 limestone

    2upper egypt


    4cook clean and raise childern

    5 it gives egpt life

  105. Dustin J. here are the answers to your questions.
    1. 4,184 miles
    2. Pharaohs mummies
    3. work
    4. canopic jars
    5. black land

  106. Drew here are the answers to your questions.
    1. announcement of death
    embalming the body
    removal of brain
    removal of internal organs
    drying out process
    wrapping the body
    final procession
    2. 3
    3. 4,184 miles long
    4. green eye shadow
    black eye liner
    red lipstick
    5. 1,270

  107. andy this is our anwers for your questions.

    1. 4184
    2. messanger of death
    4. pizza hut and KFC
    5.the great pyrimid

  108. Kylieh here are the anwser to your qestion.
    1.pyramid are used for toombs for the pharaohss.
    2.They did that so the mummy would dry out.
    3.The nile river flous north because the lan in the south is higher than the land in the north.
    4.So they dont stink. jewerly and green eye shadow.

  109. 1.How long is the nile river?

    2.What is the process of mummification?

    3.How WIDE is the nile river?

    4.What was really important in Egypt?

    5.What is the biggest pyramid EVER?

  110. My 5 Questions

    1.Why did the people mummify the bodies?
    2.What was put in the pyramids?
    3.Why was the nile important? toke care of the children?
    5.What did the shinx look like?

  111. Questions:
    1.Why is the nile a taker of life?
    2.What are the 7 steps to MUMMIFACATION.
    3.Why did the people of Egypt make such big pyramids.
    4.What were the three things that centered around the daily life in Egypt?
    5.Having your body mummified was very.?.?.?.?.

  112. Questions:

    1. What type of head does the Sphynx?

    2. What type of eye shadow did the Egyptians where?

    3. What did the Egyptians put on the mummy?

    4. Why did the Egyptians call the Nile the giver and taker of life?

    5. What type of head did the Spyhnx have?

  113. 1. What was the main piece of clothing in Egypt?.

    2. What did men and women both wear?

    3.were wigs worn by men and women?

    4. How many steps did the process of Mummification?

    5.Who is the god of mummification?

  114. Questions:

    1.What is the biggest pyramid ?

    2.How long is the Nile ?

    3.Why did they wrap the pharoah after he died ?

    4.What did the women/men wear ?

    5.What was the second to richest people ?

  115. 1. where is the pyramid of Giza located?
    2.what is one of the reasons why the nile is a giver of life?

    3.whats the seventh step of the mummification process?

    4.what were their homes made out of?

    5.What is the name of the mummification god?

  116. 1.What were pyramids made out of?
    2.How long is the Nile River?
    3.Who was mummified?
    4.What was important about daily life?
    5.What are 5 names of gods?

  117. #1. What did the Egyptians make the bricks for the pyramid out of?
    #2.What grew along side of the Nile?
    #3. How did the Egyptians get the brain out before mummifacation?
    #4. What did the egyptians wear on their feet? (two answers)
    #5. What did the Egyptians put the pharaoh's organs in?

  118. Questions:
    1. Whats the first step of the process of mummification?
    2. What greek word does the Nile get its name from?
    3. In daily Life how much were children important?
    4. What are pyramids used for?
    5. What are the four main things located at the Giza?

  119. questions:

    1.What happend when the Nile flooded?
    2.What is the most important in Anciet Egypt?
    3.What would happen if the Nile didnt exist?
    4.What woud happen if there was no laws in Anient Egypt?
    5.What are the pyramids made out of?

  120. logan bruce
    what is mummification
    how long is the nile
    What are pyrimids used for
    What is pyprus
    What is a pharho

  121. logan bruce
    what is mummification
    how long is the nile
    What are pyrimids used for
    What is pyprus
    What is a pharho

  122. Questions:
    #1. What does the pyramid protect?

    #2. Where does the Nile end?

    #3. What is the definition of mummification?

    #4. Why were the doors 4 feet off the ground?

    #5. How long is the Nile?

  123. Amber here are your answers:
    4.7 steps

  124. 1. How long is the Nile River in miles?

    2. What are all 7 things they did in mummifaction?

    3. True of False did boys where make up and if that is true what kind of make up?

    4. What do they say that guards the Shpinx?

    5. How much did a brick wiegh that is on a pyramid?

  125. Student studyguide.

    Question 1: What is the deffinition of mummification?

    Question 2: What was the necropilis called where the sphinx and kufus pyramid called.

    Question 3: Why mutch did pyranmid bricks weigh that were used for the great pyramids?

    Question 4: The Nile flows witch direction?

    Question 5: True or False, the egyptains were fun people who liked board games.

  126. 1. What type of rock are the pyramids made out of?
    2. What direction did the Nile River flow?
    3. What's the third step to mummification?
    4. What were children considered in Egypt?
    5. What was the land along the Nile River called?

  127. 1.What was the womens job?
    2.why did the Eygptions use mummification?
    3.what were the three pyramids of giza
    4.why was the nile importaint.
    5.the sphinx is the worlds biggest what?

  128. My first question is, why did Pharaoh Khufu got the best pyramid out of the other three?

    My second question is, why does the Nile River only flood through the black land? Why not go in some of the red land?

    My third question is, how come the houses have so many rooms?

    My fourth question is, how come the Great Spinx is the largest single stoned statue?

    My fifth and last question is,why did the men even wear jewlry?

  129. paige
    1. Egypt
    2.irragation prosses
    4.mud bricks

  130. 1.what color was the lipstick they wore?

    2.why did they put salt on the bodys?

    3.what restruant was across from giza?

    4.what are the the seven steps to mummification?

    5.what would they do to get the brain out?

  131. 1. what is the biggest pyramid called?

    2. Which way did the Nile flow?

    3. What are the seven steps of mummification?

    4. What would the mothers do all day?

    5. What are 4 organs taken out from the dead body?

  132. My five ? are
    #1. Why do they make pryimids?
    #2. what are the stepes of mummification.
    #3. with out the ---- -----
    egypt would not exist.
    #4. defin mummification
    #5. defin ritual 1 & 2

  133. this is logan b

    1.What happend when the Nile flooded? it hurt their crops.

    2.What is the most important in Anciet Egypt? nile river.

    3.What would happen if the Nile didnt exist? ancient eygyt wouldnt have existied.

    4.What woud happen if there was no laws in Anient Egypt? evrey one would have died.

    5.What are the pyramids made out of? lime stone pyprus mud.

  134. Amber, these are the answers to your questions.
    1. White Tunic
    2. Wigs
    3. yes
    4. Mummification had 7 steps
    5. Anubis

  135. 1. Which way does the Nile flow?

    2. What color eye shadow did they wear?

    3. What reastrants are accross from Geza?

    4. Why is the Nile important to them?

    5. How long is the Nile?

  136. Dear my bestest friend mady,
    your first question answer is

    1. It is the taker of life because it flooded to much

    2. the 1 step is announcment of death next was embaling the body then was removal of the brain then removal of internal organs then the drying out process then wrapping the body then the final process.

    3. expensive

  137. 1. What type of head does the Sphynx? head of man

    2. What type of eye shadow did the Egyptians where?

    3. What did the Egyptians put on the mummy?

    4. Why did the Egyptians call the Nile the giver and taker of life?

    5. What type of head did the Spyhnx have?

  138. Jake :}
    1. 4,184
    removal of brain
    removal of organs
    drying out prosses
    wraping the body
    final prosses
    3.true {green eyeshadow red lipstick black e

  139. Paige here is the answers to your questions. 1. The pyramid of Giza is located at

  140. Alex 8th pd. these are your answers
    #1. The people mummified bodies because they belived that in order to go into the afterlife, they had to mummify.
    #2. Mostly pharaohs were put in the pyramids, along with their gold.
    #3. There are many reasons why the Nile was important, for irragation, drinking, and more.

  141. Jake H. #1. The Nile River is about 4,000 feet long.

    #2 The seven steps are 1 announcement of death 2 embalming the body 3 removal of brain.

  142. 2.How long is the Nile River?
    3.Who was mummified?
    4.What was important about daily life?
    5.What are 5 names of gods?
    James, hi, here are the answers to your questions.

    1. limestone and granite
    2. about 4,000 miles
    3. pharaohs
    4. religion, pharaoh, and family
    5. I don't know

  143. questions
    1.Why the need to Mummify?
    2.What is the definition of Mummification?
    3.How did the Nile River flows.
    4.How did they take the brain out?
    5.Who did they put the toilet paper on the mummies?

  144. Emily here are your anwsers
    1.the mummi
    2. in the south
    3. the way into the after life
    4. so when the Nile flooded
    5. about 4,000 miles

  145. Emily here are your anwsers
    1.the mummi
    2. in the south
    3. the way into the after life
    4. so when the Nile flooded
    5. about 4,000 miles

  146. 1. What are pyramids used for.

    2. Why was the Nile so important.

    3. What was the daily life of women.

  147. 1. what was used for paper?

    2. what is the biggest pyramid called?

    3. what is a necropolis?

    4. what was the king called?

    5. why was the Nile important?

  148. Here are my qestions:
    1. What is the most important "thing" in Egypt?
    2. How long is the Nile River?
    3. How many steps are in mummification?
    4. What did the Egytians wear?
    5. What are the 3 make-up things that both men and women wore?

  149. 1 why are the pyramids shaped like a pyramid?
    2 why was the nile so immportant?
    3 for mummification why did they put natrate salt on a body.
    4 why was religion so important?
    5 why did the nile overflow every summer

  150. Makayla Peterson pd. 9November 19, 2009 at 2:48 PM

    1. What are the pyramids made out of?
    2. How lond is the Nile River?
    3. What is the definition of mummification?
    4. What were the duties at home that the women did?
    5. What is the first step of mummification?

  151. Madison Mogck 8th periodNovember 19, 2009 at 2:48 PM


    1. Where is the Giza located?
    2. What is the nickname of the Great Sphinx?
    3. What is one thing about the red land?
    4. Why do they call the Nile River the Giver of Life?
    5. What would the egypatians put on mummies during the process of mummification?

  152. 1.What is the source of the Nile?
    2.What did the men do in Ancient Egypt?
    3.Which pharaoh's pyramid is the Great Pryamid?
    4.What did the Egyptions think the brain was?
    5.What was the cones on women's heads filled with?

  153. #1what where pyramids used for?

    #2what was the name of the major river in egypt?

    #3who was the god of mummification?

    #4what was an egyptians diet?

    #5what plant did the egyptians use for paper that grew near the nile?

  154. Q1 Where is the giza located?
    Q2 Why is the land so fertile by the Nile?
    Q3 In daily life appearance where did women where their hair down to?
    Q4 What did they use to dry out the body???

  155. Questions
    1. How long is the nile?
    2. Which pyramid was the biggest?
    3. What did they use to dry out the bodies?
    4. Why did the egyptians sleep on the roofs of their houses?
    5. What was the king of Egypt called?

  156. Here are my questions:
    1.What was the nickname for the Sphinx?
    2.What way does the Nile flow?
    3.What is the 7th step in mummification?
    4.What was the main type of clothing in Egypt?
    5.How long is the Nile?

  157. bailey durfee 9th prd.November 19, 2009 at 2:51 PM

    my questions are:
    1.- what is the 7th step of mummifaction?
    2.- what was the name of the clothing ancievt egyptains wore?
    3.- what was the pyrimids made out of?
    4.- one of the reasons the nile river is called the taker of life is because it floods to little? (true or false)
    5.- why wouldnt crops grow in the red land?

  158. Questions:
    1. What was the name of the fertile soil out side of the Nile river
    2. What did they pour on the body for 40 days.
    3. What was the purpouse of a pyramid.
    4. What was a game they played that was like checkers.
    5. How long was the Nile River.

  159. Madison Mogck 9th periodNovember 19, 2009 at 2:53 PM

    Nicole, here are the answers to your questions....

    1. They wore green eye shadow and lipstick.
    2. The red land is on the outside of the black land and the red land cant grow crops in it.
    3. The sphinx is a head of a man, body of a lion, and is made out of limestone.
    4. About 4,000 miles.
    5. The removal of internal organs.

  160. Ande- here are the answers

    1. Victoria, Uganda
    2. worked
    3. Khufu
    4. empty space?
    5. scented wax

  161. 1.How many times did the nile flood?
    2.What materials did they use_____ and ________.
    3.Why did they preserve the body?
    4*_____ of the three pyramids at Giza?
    5.Was king tut famoues?

  162. Questions:

    1.childern considered?:
    2.the mummies will be covered? whith?

    3.the bigest pyramid is? long is the nile river?
    5.what type of chothing would they wear?

    (hint: there are two anwsers)

  163. Hi Logan, here are the answers to your qustions.....
    1. 4,184 (I memorized that)
    2. The Great Pyradid (Khufu's Pyramid.
    3. natron salt
    4. To keep cool!!!!
    5. the pharaoh

    Your Clasmate,
    Elise Oren

  164. 1.which of the pyramids are the smallest of the three pyramids
    2.whats step three of mummification. long was the Nile River

    4.what was one of the womens duties at home.

    5.what pyramid is the second largest.

  165. wasup logan the nile is about 4000 miles ong
    the great pyramid was the largest but the secong largest pyramid loooks bigger because of its steeps sides
    3 natrate salt
    4 because it was too hot inside
    5 phaoroh

  166. Questions:
    1. How long was the Nile River?

    2.What was across the street from the Giza Necropolis?

    3. What was the fourth step of mummification?

    4. In the daily life what did they do to bricks?

    5. Where was the black land located?

  167. question 1. What are the 4 main things located at Giza?
    2. What is the sorce of the Nile River?
    3.What are some of the things that Ancient Egyptian homes were made of?
    4. What are the first 5 steps of mummifacation?
    5. What did the Ancient Egyptians were on their face?

  168. 1.True or fulse. Each block on the pyrimids weighs 2.5 tons.
    2. across the street from giza is ____________________.
    3. the length of the Nile river is about ___________.
    4. the 6 step is ...
    5. mummification means...

  169. I have five questions about ancient egypt.

    1. how heavy where the bricks for the pyramids.

    2. wich way did the Nile flow.

    3.what was the first step in mummifacation.

    4. what was life in ancient egypt centered around.

    5. what did the people in ancient Egypt whear.

  170. questions: does the Nile River flow North?
    2.why the need to mummify?
    3.where is the Giza located?
    4.whats the main piece of clothing?
    5.why is this land so fertile?

  171. Hey Logan this is your answers:
    1. 4184 mials long
    2. The Great Pyramid.
    3. Salt
    4. So it was cooler.
    5. Pharaoh

  172. Hi, Kaite here are your answers
    2.The Great Pyramid
    3.An Ancient burial ground
    4.The pharaoh
    5.beacause without it Egypt would not exist


  173. Kelli Q5 oops!
    What is the fourth step of mummification???? :)

  174. Makayla Peterson pd. 9November 19, 2009 at 2:56 PM

    Madison Mogck,
    1. along the Nile
    2. Sphinx
    3. dessert
    4. because it gave them alot of stuff like food, water, and irriagation also alot more!
    5. salt

  175. Sheila Coyle 9 pd :)November 19, 2009 at 2:56 PM

    Questions about Ancient Egypt:

    1. What did the word mummy come from?

    2. What were the womens duties?

    3. How long is the Nile River?

    4. Where is the Giza located?

    5. What happend to the sliter after he cut the body?

    6. What did men AND women both wear?

    7. Where does the Nile flow?

  176. Hi Makayla,
    2.4184 miles long
    3.Drying out a body to prevent it from rotting
    4.cook, clean, take care of children
    5.Announing the death

  177. 1. what does delta meen
    2. what is the nile used for.
    3. what was paper made out of.
    4. were people forse to build the pyramid yes of no

  178. 1.Which of the three pyramids is the largest?

    2.Why is the Nile River the taker of life?

    3.What was the main clothing in Ancient Egypt?

    4. What is the definition of Mummification?

    5.What are the pyramids used for?

  179. hi hannah
    1 the gaurdian of the pyramids
    2 north
    3 the final procession
    4 tunic
    5 4000 miles

  180. Alana- here are the answers

    1. tombs of pharoahs
    2. Nile
    3. anubis
    4. bread
    5. papyrus

  181. Q1.The Great Sphinx has a body of a lion and a head of what?
    Q2. Did the Nile produce enough food for everyone?
    Q3.What is step 3 in the prosess of mummification?
    Q4.Is the daily life in Ancient Egypt Center around mummification?
    Q5.As the land would start to dry out how did the Egyptians keep it watered?

  182. bailey durfee 9th prd.November 19, 2009 at 2:58 PM

    makayla, the answers to your questions are-
    #1- lime stone and granet
    #2-4,184 miles long
    #3-drying out a dead body to stop it from rotting
    #4cooking cleaning and taking care of children
    #5- anouncement of death.

  183. Hi Kelli H
    1. Giza is located across the street from KFC and Pizza Hut
    2. Because the nile would flood every year
    3. Their sholders
    4. Natron salt
    5. Removal of internal organs

  184. Logan here are the answers to your questians.

    1.the Nile is about 4000 miles long.
    2.The great pyramid.
    3.natron salt.
    4.for the cooler temp.
    5.a pharaoh

  185. Makayla :)
    2.about 4,000 miles long
    3. drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting,cleaning,and watching the children
    5. announcment of death

  186. Madison Mogck 9th periodNovember 19, 2009 at 3:00 PM

    Giana, here are the answers to your question..............

    1. It flows higher.
    2. To keep the pieces of the person together and so that you may eat and do all of things you want to do in heaven.
    3. Near the Nile River.
    4. White tunic.
    5. Because it floods making the land fertile.

  187. Cortney- answers

    1. 4184m
    2. KFC
    3. removal of organs
    4. made of mud
    5. by the Nile

  188. Hi Katie,
    3.Ancient baryal ground
    5. Because it helped grow crops

  189. Makayla Peterson pd. 9November 19, 2009 at 3:02 PM

    Conner R,
    1. Menkaure
    2. removal of the brain
    3. 4184 miles long
    4. cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children.
    5. Knafre

  190. Hi, Zack here are the answers
    1.The big ones did
    2.K.F.C and Pizza Hut
    3.4,184 miles long
    4.of mummification is, Wrapping the Body
    5.drying out a dead body to prevent it form rotting

  191. Zack these are answers from yours:
    2.Pizza Hut and KFC
    3.4000 miles
    4.Wraping the body.
    5.To perserve a dead body so it would be recounzed when it was going to the after life.

  192. 1.4184 miles long
    2.KFC and Pizza Hut
    3.Removal of Organs
    4.Used straw and mud and dried them in sun
    5.along the Nile

  193. Madison Mogck 9th periodNovember 19, 2009 at 3:03 PM

    Makayla the answers to your question are............

    1. granet and limestone
    2. about 4,000 miles long
    3. drying out a dead body to prevent it from rotting
    4. cleaning, cooking and taking care of your kids
    5. announcement of the death

  194. 1.what is the major iver in egypt?
    2.what was papyrus used for?
    3.where was the pharoh mummified?
    4.what was the pharoh whering on his head?
    5.what was the names of the pharoh wifes?:-)

  195. Isaiah,

    1.the blocks where roughly 2 tons flowed north.
    3.the anouccment of the death.

    so there u gooo.

  196. 1. 2.5 tons
    2. North
    3. Announcement of Death
    4. Religion Pharoah and family
    5. green eye shadow black eye liner and gold jewelry

  197. Isaiah Blok- Here are the answers to your ?'s
    1. 2.5 tons
    3.announcement of death, religion, pharaoh

  198. zackthe answer to your questions are-
    1 true
    2 kfc
    3 4,184
    4 wrapping the bodie
    5 drying out the dead body so it wouldnt rot

  199. tate waston pd9 :) :(November 19, 2009 at 3:04 PM

    Hanna Paauw I know your anwsers:)

    1. they called it the geat sphinx


    3.the seveth step was ( the final step)


    5.4,000 miles long

  200. First seth no one knows.
    second with out it egypt would not exist.
    third to dry the body.
    4. I don't know.
    5. It din't it fuded every year.


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