
Monday, October 12, 2009

The Great Debate: Which is Better: money, wheel, irrigation, or writing

Whether it was through Powerpoint, discussion, video, or digging for artifacts, we have learned about some "firsts" of Mesopotamia. We have discovered that Mesopotamia, the first Civilization of the world, was the first to invent written language(cuneiform), irrigation, the wheel, and money. Four things that directly affect us in 2009. I think we can all agree that those are four very important things, especially in today's world. However, let us take a few moments to think about which, exactly, of the four is the most important in 2009. Your first instincts may tell you it's money. But do not be so quick to answer, think about the world without each of the four. What is it like? You may think money is most important. With money, you can buy a car. However, without the wheel, your car is not going anywhere. With money, you can buy food, but without irrigation, crops would not get sufficient water, therefore, we would not have food to eat. No written language? It would make things quite difficult. We would not be able to communicate with each other which means no talking on the phone, no emailing, no texting and the worst of all, no blogging. Your task is to discuss your thoughts on what you think is the most important invention and why. You MUST support your answer with why you think that.

Task #2: Explain to the rest of the class which of the four inventions you think is the most important. Support your answer with details and your opinions.

Task #3: Respond to someone elses comments. At some point, you need to read other peoples' comments and reply to them. You need to respond to someone that you agree with and disagree with. You must disagree respectfully, however.
When you are responding to someones comments, here is the proper format: Whoever you are replying to, write: "Hi, (name). I agree with you because...." OR "Hi (name). I disagree with you because....." That way the person knows when someone is replying to them. You may reply to as many people as you want.

Let the Discussion begin....

In-Class Blogging.


  1. Task #1
    Wheel is use to transport people from one place to another.
    Money is used for people to get the things they need for their sevices
    Irrigatio is how we water our crops
    The system of writeing is how we can learn about the past and communicate
    Task #2
    I think irrigation is the most important invention because without that our crops would not grow and then we could not suvive.

  2. Irragation is used to water crops. Wheels to move around with cars. Money to buy stuff. Written language to talk.

  3. 1.To commitcate
    2.To water planets
    3.To get places
    4.To buy things

    I think that irrigation is the one most need because without it we would not be able to live. We need food.

  4. irragion is to water crops. the wheel is to move stuff money is to buy stuff. writing is to commenicate.

    I think irragation is the best because .we need to water stuff,without it crops would die and so would we.

  5. Irrigation is a great invention because without it, everyones crops would die then everyone would starve to death.

    Money is also a good invention because without money, you would die if you didn't have land to plant crops onto.

    The wheel is a useful invention because if you didn't have a wheel, you would have to lift really heavy things around.

    Writing is a great invention because without writing, we would never know about the Mesopotamians.

    I think that irrigation is the best invention because without it, all of our crops would die and so would we without food.

  6. I think that irrigation was the most importent. Because if you had know crop you would die.

  7. I think irragation is the most important. Because with out food you cannot live.

  8. I think irrigation is the most important because if you have money you can buy food and survive but you can't get more money, so if you don't have any money, and your cropes donn't grow than you have to resort to your animals for food (if you have any).

  9. I agree with Nicole, because we would die if our crops died

  10. Hi Nicole. I argree with you because we need food and without water to water our plants they would die.

  11. we use writing in school. we use irragation for our yards. we use money to buy things. we use the wheel for our cars.

  12. the wheel is good because it's good for transapation for the car. money is good because it can bye stuff like food or a car. irrigation is good because it waters the grass or the crops. written language is good because it allows you to talkto each other for commoonication. i think written language is the best because we can ask someone for money to bye irrigation,wheels to invent the car and the talk to people if they want to bye a car.

  13. I think Irrigation was the most important invention since without it. We would of died during droughts. Also crops where the main tool for trading long ago without it we all would of died.

  14. 1. the wheel is for veicles,money is for buying and irrigation is for drinking.
    2. irigation,becase irigation is a need not a want like cars mony an so on.

  15. Task #1
    Written language is used to communicate.
    Irrigation is used to control how much water the crops get.
    The wheel is used to haul heavy things.
    Money is used to buy things you need.

    Task #2
    I think irrigation is the most important because if you can't grow a crop you don't have any food to eat.

  16. Hi Nicole,
    I think you are right because without irrigation, our crops would die and so would we.

  17. Hi Grace i agree with you because irigation i very important

  18. 1. Irrigaton is used to water crops.
    2.Wheels are used to move stuff around and ride.
    3.Money is to buy different seeds to plant.
    4.Written language is to talk.

  19. task#1
    irragation is to water your crops farmers use it alot.
    the wheel is in the car to make it go and we use that alot in cars or wagons.
    money is to buy the things u need or want.
    written language is to talk to other people and we use that to send mail.

  20. I agree with Grace B That irrigation is the most important since without it we would of all died.

  21. i dsiagree with you andy i think the wheel is the most important.

  22. I agree with Andy and Drew because with out irrigation we would all die

  23. Task #1 The wheel is used for moving vechiles,Money is used for buying stuff,The Writing System is used to communicate,and irrigation is used to water the grass or crops.

    Task #2 I think that irrigation is the most important because you need food to live or you will die.

  24. #1 They are used for the well being of humans.

    #2 I think languige is the best invention so we can talk it out.

  25. 1. A wheel is used for a car. Irrigration is used for watering crops. Money is used for buying anything. 2 Irrigation is important for watering crops and you sell the crops plus you ethier trade the crops or get money.

  26. Hey dwight h 3, I agree with you because if I didn't have any food and no irrigation system, I'd die.

  27. Dwight,I think you are right because without crops you will die. If you chose a different thing you would probably die no matter what.

  28. task#2
    i think irragation its the most important beacuse u can wanter the crops with it and it gives u food and without food u can not live.

  29. hi andy I think you are right because with out food you will die.

  30. #2 I think writing is the most important beacuse without it how could we communicate.

  31. I agree with Braeden and Dwight because irigation i the reason we are alive

  32. Written language (cuneiform) is a good invention because we would not have a way to communicate if it wasn't for cuneiform.

    Irrigation is also a good invention because if you didn't have it you would have no way of watering your crops.

    The wheel is another good invention because if you didn't have the wheel it would be hard to move things.

    Money is another good invention because you wouldn't be able to buy things without it.

    I think that irrigatiion is the best because if you didn't have irrigation we would not be able to live because the crops would die because of lack of water.

  33. Hi Grace!
    I agree with you because if we don't have food we can't live.

  34. Hi, Grace I agree with you that irrigation is the most important and that you would die without it.

  35. Hi DwightH, Bradeon A, Grace B,and Andy H. I agree with all of you because without irragation we would die

  36. #1wheel is to take people to place to place.Money is to get people what they need. Irrigationis how we water our crops.Writing is how they can learn from the past.
    #2 I think irragation beacause you need to know how much you water and when you need to water.

  37. task#1 irragation is used for watering crops
    wheel today is used for moving people and things
    money is used for buying things you need to sirvive or things you want
    writing is used to comunicate with people
    i thing irragation is the most important thing becuase without irragation crops will die and people wont sirvive

  38. task#1
    I think the wheel helps us so now we can get around.and irragtion is used for farming.
    money is used to buy stuff.
    Is used to tell what something is.

  39. 1. Money is used for buying stuff.
    Wheel is used for tires. Irrigation is for crops and farming. Writing is used in books.

    2. Money becase you can buy all that stuff with cash

  40. I disagree with Jordan V.
    I Think irrigation was the most important invention. since it waters our food.

  41. #1 the wheel is used on cars ,irragation is used to water crops, money is used to buy things and written language is used in books and stuff.#2 I think irragation is the most important thing because without it there will be less crops so alot of people will die. #3 HI Andy I agree with you beacause witout irragation people will die of starvation.

  42. Hi dwight i agree beacse we need water to live

  43. Hi dwight i agree beacse we need water to live

  44. you are all wrong. written language is the best becuase you can commoonicate so you can talk to people and get every thing.

  45. irragation,becouse its mainly food without paying for it.

  46. Aaron, I agree with you becaoseirraggation gives you a choice of when to water your plants.

  47. i thank irrogation is most inporant becaus without it the crops would die and we eould not survive

  48. hi nocole i agree with you becaus without erogation we would die

  49. hellow nicole i agree with you because without irragation you dont need the other thigs.

    hellow keaton I dissagree with you because with out irragation you would not have food to live and you wouldn't need writting because you would not live.

  50. Amy Vardsveen 4periodOctober 13, 2009 at 11:10 AM

    I think irrigation is the most important. With out irrigation we wouldn't have very many crops to eat and sell.

  51. #2 I think irrigation is the most important because if we didnt have any crops, we wouldnt have any food and then we wouldnt be able to survive.

  52. Task #2:I think that the irrigation. I think that because you woudnt have any food and you would be able to survive.

  53. I think irrigation is the most important because you need to water the crops if you want them to grow. You need money to buy the crops but how are you going to eat them if there isnt any. You need to get there buy wheel but there isnt going to be any there if irrigation wasn't invented.

  54. Hi nicole i agree with you because with out water and with out trancpertaion we couldent go anywhere and we would die with out water and with our trancpertaion we couldent go out of that state

  55. hi braeden i diserge becaus i thenk errogetion is most helpful

  56. 2.I think that irrigation is the best becaus becaus we need food and water to live irrigation gives you both

  57. Task 2: I think launguage is the most important because withou it we would not be able to communicat.

  58. Task #2- In my opinion I think irrigation is the most important. If we didn't have irrigation we would possibly die without plants. If there is no irrigation there is no money. And therefor, if there is no money you can't buy a car. And if there isn't irrigation...

  59. I think irragation is the most important thing because you cant live with out it so you dont need anyting because you wouldn't live very long

  60. task 2. I think the weel is the most important thing. I think it is the most important because we would not have trasportation.

  61. today money is most im portent because with moneyyou can by almost eny thing

  62. today money is most im portent because with moneyyou can by almost eny thing

  63. I think that irragationis most important because if we didnt have irragation we would be in a drought which isnt good because we might die.

  64. Dante G.

    Task2# I think money is the best because when your rich u can just hire someone to make a wheel or you can just wait till sooner or later for the wheel to be crated.

  65. Hi Kasara
    I agree with you because without irrigation we wouldnt be able to live

  66. Hi Dante
    I disagree with you because without irrigation all the crops would die and we would have no food to eat.

  67. Hi Dante. I disagree with you because with money you can't water your crops and if you can't water your crops you can't live and if you can't live your money would be worthless.

  68. I disagree with Dante because without irrigation we would die.

  69. hi jacob.c i diserge because irrigation is not for drinking it is for crops and food that way you would not die.

  70. Hi Pete, I agree with you because with irrigation you can water your crops then you get a food surplus and with a food surplus you can trade extra food in for money.

  71. I agree with you levi S.
    because money is great you can buy a gun an go hunting you can also buy foods so you dont need a wheel =P whoever thinks that.

  72. Hi Dante, I disagree with you because without irragation you will not have crops and without crops you cannot live and will DIE.

  73. Hi Dillon,
    I think you are wrong because the wheel just makes it easier to carry heavy things and to get around faster. I think irrigation is the most important because without it, we would die.

  74. I disagree with you Dylan A.
    The wheel is the least needed because it is not the only way of getting around places or gettin things places and therfore andy and dwight would be right about irrigation.

  75. task #2 continued- If there isn't irrigation there isn't money to duy a car, there isn't cars, and there probably won't be a system of writing without this stuff.

  76. I think irrigation would be the most helpful because without it there would be a lower chance of living.

  77. i Think that irregation is important because food is the most important, without it we could not survive. We could live without money,writting,and wheels.

  78. Amber Thompson. pd.8October 13, 2009 at 2:08 PM

    I think the most important is the money, without the money we would get no where and we'll all die. That is why I think money is better cause we can by the food.

  79. I think that money is the most important because if they didn't have money they wouldn't be able to trade there items.

  80. I think money is the most helpful because, if you didnt have money you wouldnt have a house, cloths or insurance.

  81. Hi, Andy I think you are right because without irrigation you would die.

  82. 1.irrigation is the most important. It is most important because with irrigation you have food. Without food you would die !

  83. Written language is used to cummunacate. Irragation is when you have controll of watering plants. Money is a item you can trade allmost anything for other items. The wheel is used to move heavy objects.

    I think irragation is the most important because we will not have crops if there is not enaugh rainfall and we will all DIE!.

  84. I think irrigation is the most important because we would lack of food without it. Sure you could buy as much food as you want with money, but where would the food be without irrigation? I bet without irrigation a lot of them would have died, so it could of saved lots of lives.

  85. I think that the wheel is the most important because it helps carry heavy objects.

  86. I think that Irrigation is the most important becuase without it we might not have food if there was not enough rain then the crops or are food might not have enough water and then we would not have food.

  87. Hi Keaton I think you are wrong because we could learn how to talk instead of writing.

  88. Hi Dant'e this is Emma B. I agree with you because you need money to buy and trade things.

  89. Hi Grace B.I agree with you because irragation is an important thing

  90. Hi Dante I agree with you because with money you can buy the food you need money to buy things with, like food and water to live. Those are what I think so I agree with you.

  91. I think that you need irrigation most because it gives you water for your plants. You can eat crops if you irrigate them. Plus you can plant trees for air and flowers for decoration.

  92. Irrigation is a great invention because without it, everyones crops would die then everyone would starve to death.

    Money is also a good invention because without money you would die if you didn't have land to plant crops onto.

    I also think writing is great invention beacuse its just one more way to communicate.

    But i think irrigation is the best invention out of all of them beacuse without it there would be no such think as crops or mesopitamia

  93. Irrigation is a great invention because without it, everyones crops would die then everyone would starve to death.

    Money is also a good invention because without money you would die if you didn't have land to plant crops onto.

    I also think writing is great invention beacuse its just one more way to communicate.

    But i think irrigation is the best invention out of all of them beacuse without it there would be no such think as crops or mesopitamia

  94. Hi Amber thompson i will have to agree with you that money is the most important. You wold not have any thing if you did not have money.

  95. hi Mady,
    i agree with you because without food we would all be dead!!!
    Mr. Klumper we would be dead right now and we couldn't blog!! So thank god for all the irrigation and food !!!

  96. I think that irragation is the most important mesopotamian discovery. Without this most of Earth couldn't be civilized and wouldn't be civilized.

  97. I think writing was most importen because. It would be very hard to communicate with others who are far away.

  98. I think that the wheel is the most important because we would not have any cars,bikes,rollerblades,skateboards,dirtbikes,and race cars or anything like that. And the only way of transportation except walking or running.

  99. Hi Alex J. I disagree with you because i don't think that money is the most important thing in life.

  100. Hi Grace whats up sorry I disagree with you because you need money to buy the things for irragation. This is Emma B. See ya!

  101. I would choose the wheel because without it we would not have cars today. And alot of people would not be able to travel to certain places today. and a;ot of busnisess would go bankrupt.

  102. Hi breaden a pd.m my name is logan b i agree with you hi i agree with you ok bye

  103. i agree with both of you because it is true you would die and there was not any rainfall or less rainfall!

  104. Hi Kayla i think that what you wrote was really good becuase i did the same thing. without Irragation we might not have food.

  105. I think irrigation is the is the one most needed because without it we would not be able to live.we need food and if we didn't have food we would all die!

  106. I think that the written languege is the most important because if we didn't have it, we would have to go over to some body's house just to talk to them in some grunts and noises. And what if they were all the way across the country. We couldn't call them either because the languege hadn't developed

  107. Hi Amber T. i disagree with you because money is NOT the most important thing in life

  108. I would choose the wheele because it would be easier to carry heavy things. And you wouldnt need to walk far away.

  109. Hi Andy H. I agree with you because you need irrigation for crops. Plus you need trees for air.

  110. Hi kayla T.
    I agree with you because we would starve and die.

  111. Hi Paige i have to disorrgre with you because you dont need crops you need money to buy tho stuff for the crops any way so money is the most important thing in life [so ha ha ha].

  112. 1 I think writting is the best because we can learn about things.

  113. hi austin h pd.8 I think the wheel is the most important it helps live things w

  114. I tjink money is the best because how would we live with out miney cause if you had no money we can not survive cause we need a house and food and water and a bed and clothes so that is why we need money!!!!!!!

  115. hi, Dante i think you are wrong because without the wheel you wouldent have any transportation.

  116. I think that money is the must important thing because you pay with it.

  117. I think that money is the must important thing because you pay with it.

  118. I think that money is the must important thing because you pay with it.

  119. I think irrigation is the best one. If we did not have irrigation we would not live easaily.

  120. I disagree with you emily because back then you could just go hunt for something.

  121. 1.I think that the wheel was the best invention because wuthout it we would have no transportation and it would be very hard to move heavy objects. If you think about it we would be nowhere in life.

  122. I think that the most important invention is writing because if we didn't have writing I woudn't be typing this right now.

  123. I think money was the most inportant thing beacuse you need money to survie.

  124. I think that irrigation is the most important ivention because without it there would be no plants or crops. Without plants or crops all the people would die away and then we would not be here today.

  125. money is use to buy stuff
    the wheel is used to pull heavy stuff
    irrigation is used to control how much water they use to water their crops
    writing to help them talk to eachother

    i think irragation is the best because they need their crops so they can eat and so they can feed their cattle

  126. i think irrigation is the most important because there would be no trees to get paper for dollars from and there would be no food and no paper to wright on without irrigation.

  127. i think irrigation is the most important because there would be no trees to get paper for dollars from and there would be no food and no paper to wright on without irrigation.

  128. I think that the wheel is the most important because if we didnt have the wheel we would have to walk or bike to your job,school,resturaunt,and to the store.

  129. Task #2

    I think irrigation is the most important because without it how would we live? You need irrigation to grow things and if we couldn't grow trees we would have no paper, which would mean no money. Without paper how would we write? If we didn't have irrigation how would we be able to be able to enjoy things like money, books(or writing), or the wheel(cars) We wouldn't even be alive. Everything would be desert!

  130. I think that irragation was the most important thing they invented. It helped them with farming and with watering crops they were able to water there plants when ever.

  131. Irrgation because u can water plants and food. If we did not have irrgation we would all die so i think irrgation was great to invent.

  132. task #2
    Hi Grace B. I agree with you because we do need food to live.

  133. i think irrigation is imortant because we need food to live and if we dont have food we wont be alive. We can live without writting, wheels, and money.

  134. I think iratgation is the most important because witout it you would just be hungry and probably die!! :)

  135. hi keaton i dissagre with you beacuse they did not need that stuff to survie sorry pizza rocks

  136. Task 2#
    I think irrigation is the most important because the water can water the crops. That is how you get something to eat. You could not even live without irrigation.

  137. 2.hi Trin i agree with you because i think the wheel was a great invention

  138. hi hanna pow i dissagree with u because without irrigaton there would be no people to invent the wheel because they would die and no goods to transport

  139. I think irragation is the best be cause without it we wouldnt have enough food.

  140. I think irragation is the best be cause without it we wouldnt have enough food.

  141. I think irragation is the best be cause without it we wouldnt have enough food.

  142. 1. I think that the wheel was the best invention because without it we would have no transportation abd it would be very hard to move heavy objects. If you think about it we would be nowhere in life

  143. Task #2
    Hi Hannah Paauw I disagree with you because we need irrigation more than wheels. Without irrigation you would be DEAD by now worse than that you never would have been BORN!!!!!

  144. :)SUP MOGRAN J;) I agree with you that irragation is the best thing!!:)

  145. :)SUP MOGRAN J;) I agree with you that irragation is the best thing!!:)

  146. 1. I think writing is the best invention because without it we would not be able to comunicate with each other and not able to read and write.

  147. Madison Mogck 9th periodOctober 13, 2009 at 3:01 PM

    Task #2

    The wheel is used to carry supplies around. Money is used to buy things for your services. Irrigation is by you controling how much you crops get watered. Written language is how we communicate with others.

    Task #3

    I think money irrigation would be the best because you can get things for your services.

  148. Hannah, I disagree with you because without irrigation, you wouldn't live! You have to have water to water your crops in order to eat. So, plain and simple, without irrigation you die.

  149. i disagree with braeden because i think irragation is better because you would get stronger if you keep carrying heavy stuff but with irragation you can not control the weather

  150. I think the wheel is the most important invention. It is the most important because it would take us a long time to get from place to place. We would not ave cars and it would be hard to farm.

  151. I think that the wheel would be the best invention because without the wheel we would not have any fast way of getting to town to do our errands.

  152. Hi Kelli H I disagree with you because the wheel is more important because we would have to walk to jobs and stuff

  153. Hi logan H i disagree with you because i think that irragation is the most important thing because then they can water there crops when ever they want to.

  154. I think that the wheal is the best because it helps us move heavy things easier.

  155. i tottaly agree with grace b because irragation helps us a ton and we could die if we did not have that

  156. Logan H. um maybe the people need the exercise and the strengh so that what i like to say for a disagree!!!! :)

  157. I think irrigation is the most important because without irrigation people wouldnt know when to water their crops. We need crops for food

  158. 2.Hi Elise i dis agree with you because here in south dakota our plants could live without it(most the time) and we have plenty of live stock to live.

  159. Wrighting for shure because we need wrighting for money wich buys us irrigation systems and wheels wrighting also lets us speak read and learn.

  160. hi emma is austin p I agree 1 vikings rock best bud

  161. dana.k
    I really think the wheel. Because it will really help you and plus you dont need to care that heavy and u dont.

  162. Sup seth ur right because we do need irrgation.

  163. i think that the wheal is the best because it can roll hevy stuff easier than tring to push it.

  164. I agree with you, cortney, that irrigation is the most important because without it we would die.

  165. Madison Mogck 9th periodOctober 13, 2009 at 3:04 PM

    I disagree with Morgan because all you really needed back then was food to survive and crops is food and without irrigation alot of people would be dead, because some people didnt have money to buy other kinds of foods.

  166. Hi Conner R i agree that irragation is the best thing they invented

  167. I disagree with Austin P because i could hunt for my food and use the fur to keep me warm instead of buying it with money

  168. Hi Madison, I disagree with you because you would not beable to live without irrigation.

  169. Hi Grace, you are right we do need food so irrigation is important:).

  170. Hi isaih b i think that the wheel is more important because we would have to walk to jobs and stuff

  171. hi isaiah blok i agree with you because without a writing system we could not comunicate with eachouther.

  172. Hi Lexie G. I agree withyou because you need the wheel for transportation.

  173. Dear Sheila
    I disagree with you because without money how would we buy food and we would not be here right know

  174. I disagree with you Austin, because money is just an object i mean we could pay with seashells and it wouldn't mean anything different.

  175. I agree with you Jordan V. of all those things you said

  176. I think writing is the one thing that has helped mankind progress more rapidly than anything else. It has lead to the rapid development of so many other things just because we could communicate with one another. It has also allowed us to learn about those who came before us. We could probably live fairly good lives without a system of money. We could live without the wheel, although many things in our lives would be more difficult. Also, we could surely live without irrigation. Although we would have less food, we would still find ways to get water to our crops somehow. Writing, and all forms of communication, is something that is used every second of every day, and without it our society would still be living more like Neanderthals than like the advanced technological sociey we have become. Thanks to the cultures of Mesopotamia for all the inventions that we still use today.

  177. Hi Cortney B! I agree with her because its true we would die without irragation. The crops do need water too live and we need food to live! So without irragation we wouldn't live very long.

  178. Hi Nicole T. I agree with you because exactly what we said because we need crops to grow
    and if our crops don't grow
    we won't survive and that would
    not be good!

  179. Hi Nicole!
    I agree with because if you don't have irrigation and can't grow crops you can't live.

  180. Hi Keaton
    I disagree because I think if you don't have irrigation and can't grow crops you don't have enough food to survive.

  181. Hey Katie, I agree with you because we do need irrigation to live or we would be dead. That is how we get our food. Good point about trees needing water to grow and money is made from paper witch comes from trees.

  182. Hi Amber Thompson I disagree with you I think irrigation because you need food like different crops to live.

  183. hi, Seth M I disagree because without a system of writing we would not be able to comunicate with each other

  184. Hi Dawson K I think the wheel is more important because if there was no wheel we would have to walk to jobs and stuff.

  185. Hi James B I think the wheel is more important because I dont want to walk to school wvery day

  186. Hi krista, i agree with you beacause we would not live if we didnt have water to grow our crops.

  187. To Morgan :)

    I agree with u on both things u said. So ya

  188. Hi Austin p I think that the wheel is more important than money because we could survive with out money with the wheel we would not have to walk places

  189. Hi Tye S I think that the wheel is more important because without it we would have to walk to places

  190. Hi Amber, i disagree with you beacause if u had money you would not get anywhere you would just have money and no water to keep you alive and the crops that you grow.

  191. Hi Zack B I agree with you because without the wheel we would have to walk to places

  192. Hi Amber

    I disagree with u because without irrigation u wont have crops. You also wont have very much money as u would without ur crops then irrigation.

  193. I agrey with Lexie G. i think that we need food and ather thing's.

  194. Hi Brayden

    I agree with you because without the wheel we would not be able to travel to certain places and a bunch of busnises would go bankrupt. and that's why i agree with you

  195. iI disagree with Andy H because you can buy food with we have many

  196. iI disagree with Andy H because you can buy food with we have many

  197. Hi Emma B. I disagree with you because you need irrigation not money. Irrigation gives us food and air but money just buys things.

  198. Hi Kyle H. I asgree with you because without irrigation we would not know when to water are crops. We need crops for food.

  199. money is important becauseif we didnt have any money we couldnt by any thang.

    irrigation is very very important because if we didnt have it we could not plant crop in the desert.

    the written language is very important because we wouldnt know about mesopatamia as much as we do now.

  200. Hi Nicole,
    Agree with you because one i meant to put that down but didn't and two i saw yours first and thought that yes that is most important.


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