
Monday, March 16, 2009

To Scotland, From USA

American Students, please answer the following questions for our friends in Scotland. Answer some of the questions or all of the questions. Do a good job teaching them about what it is like in the United States. They are learning from you. You are the teacher now. Answer the questions thoroughly. You do not have to write the question, just the number of the question you are answering.

1. What kinds of food do you eat? Do you like Chinese food? Have you ever tried haggis?
2. What hobbies do you do in your spare time? What games do you play in the playground at school?
3. What time do you finish school for the day?
4. Do you play American football and do you have a school team? What is ‘lynx’? (We have Lynx deodorant in Scotland!)
5. What is a middle school?
6. What kind of books do you read?
7. What’s your favourite film?
8. Do you like PE? Your PE hall looks massive! What activities do you get in PE?
9. What school trips do you get to go on?
10. Have you ever been in a hurricane?


  1. ok mr.klumper am I still the master blogger haha(notice i didn't say lol)

    #1-----= Well I eat a lot and usally junk food like candy bars and no I dont get fat weird....
    Any way and I do like Chinese food do You? No I haven't tried haggis Is it good? Back to the first part I also eat Chimmie Chongas There a mexican food and good too, you should try them!

    #2------=Well we don't have a school playground but last year we did and we played tag and even though it was aganist the rules i still did it (haaahaaa bad me just kiddin. My hobbies are playing a mean game of softball just kidding but i do play softball. I also hang out with all my friends like my neighbor Caiti and Jordan there cool and my BFFL's (best friends for life) if you didn't know. And I eat a lot i mean a lot!!! I also liston to music and go on try it. and I sing in church and take singing lessons and am in the play.

    #3-------=The time I finish the day is Ummm.......3:18 it seems like forever!!!!!!!!!!

    #4-------=yes we play football but, not me i am a girl so ya and my brother was on the high school football teams and i say teams because of the grades we have a lot of kids so freshman and up to seniors. My brother was a freshman and on the Seniors or varicity team pretty cool i guess and the only freshman on the team.And lynx is an animal but i don't know why we are the lynx though but it sounds cool. do you have a name?

    #5-------=The middle school is a place Where you are neithor a groun up or a little kid we are tweens haha.

    #6-------=I really don't reading but I like the hank the cow dog
    books. (and plus i am no so good at it)

    #7-------=film as in movie i think. Right? Well ok my favorite movie is i dont know i like lots of movies and i like funny movies really much.

    #8-------=I liked PE last year and this year all you do is push up and sit ups and i am very weak!
    :() :(

    no laughing just kidding.

    #9--------=Well i have been to dismit and peirror and museums and that fun stuff.dismit if you ever read the laura Engles Wilder thats were she lives well used to so and my grandpa's friend is realated to laura engles wilder cool huh i just learned that.

    #10((())))=no and we don't live by the water well not big lakes. Have you.

  2. 1. Some of the most common foods that I eat are fast food, (Mickie D's) hamburgers, steak, potatoes, pizza, pasta. The only chinese food i like is rice and terryaki chicken (If that chinese). I've never tried haggis (isn't a sheep turned inside out?)

    2.Most of the hobbies I do are play video games, football (the american version) (and i'm not so good at it either {= ) and we don't have a plaground at our school cause we only get that during elementry school.

    3.Our school day starts at 8:10 and ends at 3:18.

    4.I do like to play american football but you can't try out for the school team till 7th or 8th grade but ya we have a team. The formal term for a lynx is a medium sized member of the cat family, but here it's just the schools mascot

    5.A middle school is grades 6-8 (It's between elemtry and high school Hence the name "middle").

    6. I mostly read old classic novels like uncle tom's cabin.

    7.I'd have to say my favorite film is little nicky with adam sandler.

    8.Ya I do like P.E. but that doesn't mean I'm good at it(= zing!, Any way were doing the fittnes gram tests like sit ups, push ups, pacer all that good stuff.

    9. Not to long ago my homeroom went to a preschool program and played games with the preschoolers.

    10. I LOVE this question, no we have never had a hurricane in South Dakota the only natural disaters we have here are tornadoes and blizzerds and the reason we don't have any hurricanes is because South Dakota is about right smack dab in the middle of the country and are pretty far from any ocean.

  3. 1. Some kinds of food I eat here in America is chicken, candy, and other foods. I sometimes eat chinese food, and I have never tried a haggi.

    2. Some hobbies I do in my spare time are basketball, playing with my friends, and collecting sports cards. I play basketball, tag, football, and other games on the playground. We do not have recess at our school, but those are some games I played last year.

    3. We finish school at about 3:20.

    4. We play American football and our team name is Lynx. Lynx is a type of animal kid of like a wolve.

    5. Middle school is when you move on from an elemtary school to a higher grade and bigger school.

    6. I like to read mysteries and sports book. (I am a big sports fanatic.)

    7. My favorite film is that movie that is in theaters Paul Blart: Mall Cop. It is so funny!

    8. I like PE. Some activities we do in PE is running, push-ups, sit-ups, games such as deckert ball. (Our PE teachers last name is Deckert so thats why its called deckert ball.)

    9. We have these things called mini courses where do things to either help little kids or elderly people, and two weeks ago I went to my old elemtary school and helped 1st graders learn.

    10. No, I have never been in a hurricane because a state like South Dakota never gets hurricanes. I have been in a tornado which is a smaller version of a hurricane.

  4. 1.]I like to eat anything sweet and I also like pizza.
    2.]I like to shop alot and hang with firends and we don't have a playground.
    3.]We finish school at 3:18.
    4.]A lynx is a animal that is like a mountain lion.
    5.]A middle school is a school having grades 6-8.
    6.The books I like to read are the Clique book series.
    7.]I don't have a favorite film i like alot of them.
    8.]I do and don't like P.E. We play decert ball.
    9.]We have no school trips so far.
    10.]No I have not been in a hurrican because we live in South Dakota not by a ocean at ALL.

  5. 1.We eat types of food like pizza, hotdogs, sandwhiches, etc. I personally love Chinese food. I have never tried haggis but it sounds good.
    2.Some hobbies I have are swimming, running, riding my bike, and playing with friends in my spare time. Unfortunately, we no longer have a playground, because we're in middle school.
    3.We finish school at 3:18 p.m.

    Well thats all I have time for now!

  6. hi hi

    1. Yeah as macy said we do eat a lot of junk food like pizza that has a lot of grease on it(sick but good!;D). I haven't tried haggis(it kind of sounds gross im sure it isnt though. And I LOVE chinese food its like the best.

    2.We dont have a playground in middle school but i use to play tag. in my spare time i go to drumline thats where you get to compete and play in quads( its a drum with 5 drums very difficult but thats what i play, snare only 1 drum, bass only one drum very easy, vibes that a kind of thing that you play with mallets i play that too, yeah a lot more too but my sister needs to use the computer)
    3. we finish school at 3:18

    4. I dont play football because im a girl NOT saying some girls would dont want to play but im more into tennis and yes we do have a team. A lynx is a kind of cat

    5.middle school is just higher levels of education its just like your "college" i think mr.klummper said but i dont remember.

    6. I love to read horror and mysterys they are the best.

    7. My favorite movie is Disturbia. oh its the beat so is the bone collecter that is SCAREY.

    8. i kind of like PE now to much work sometimes(MACY YOU ARE NOT WEAK YOU FLIP A GUY ONCE)we get to play kick ball a lot

    9. we dont really have a lot of field trips but we use to go to musuems.

    10.we dont have hurricanes in South Dakota we have tornatos though (sorry if i spelled that wrong)

  7. I like to eat chinese and no I havent tried haggis. I like salad.

    I am in dance and softball. We don't have a playground at our school but if we did I would probably play tag.

    We finish at 3:18

    I dont play football but boys do. Lynx is our school team name. We are the Brandon Valley Lynx.

    It is grade 6th through 8th. The elementry school is kindergarden through 5th grade. High School is 9th through 12th.

    I read Harry Potter books and The Clique books.

    Is film a movie? I don't have a favorite movie.

    Yes I like PE. We play games do tests ( running tests,volley ball,basket ball ,and soccer.)

    We dont get to go on alot.

    Hurricanes only happen when you live by water and we are very far away from water so no. I have only seen them on televison.

  8. 1. The kinds of food I like is called chips and hotdags and hamburgers and othersandwhichs and other things like chocolate and cookies. I have never tried haggis what is that anyway?

    2. At my school we do not have a playground to play in or anything. The hobbies I do in my free time is I play basketball, football with my brothers, softball and I ride horses.
    3. In my state of South Dakota we end my school day at 3:18 after homeroom.
    4.We do have a football team in our school and a lynx is a giant big cat that is grey with really big fangs.
    5. A middle school is a school with the grades 6-8 and it is the middle grades and we dont go out to play. We switch classes and we have different teachers each time.
    6. The kind of books I read are chapter books. Have you ever heard of them? The are books usually small print and with at least a 100 pages.
    7. My favourite film is well, we call the dvds or cds and my favorite one is called FLIKA about a girl finding this mysterious stallion horse and trains her and calls her Flika.
    8. Yes, I love PE,We play derkert ball and other things.
    9. we dont get to go on very many we go to the elementary schools and meet little kids.
    10. I have never been in a huricane. Have you? If you have what was it like?

    I have one question for you what are some of your names.

  9. 1: I love chocolate, junk food, bread and chicken. I love chocolate. I eat chinese whenever I can, I love it! I have never tried haggis. Did I mention I love chocolate?
    2: I collect coins, paper money, and elements such as crystal, and copper. We do not have recess anymore. when you get all grown up, and in college, we don't have time for recess.
    3. We finish school at 3:18.
    4: I do not play soccer( that is what football is called here). or american football. in the summer, I play golf and sometimes tennis.
    the Lynx is our school disrict's mascot the Brandon Valley Lynx. It is also a species of wild cat.
    5: Middle School is 6th through 8th grade.
    6: I read realistic fiction and fiction books. such as hatchet.
    7: I have a lot of favorite movies. such as titanic, hoodwinked, the emperor's new groove, savannah smiles, thumb wars
    and thumbtanic.
    8: I hate pe. pe stinks! I am a weakling. we do not play many games. when we do, it is dekertball. which I don't like. What happened to dodgeball? We are currently in dance.
    9: Field trips don't happen very much in middle school. one time we went to a daycare at a church.
    10: Hurricanes are a type of tropical storm, and only occur at coastal areas. therefore, we do not get any in the middle of the country. I have only seen footage, and photos of them. (I used to study weather.)

  10. hi scotland!

    1. I like to eat chocolate, I also like to eat cereal, and I like this rice. It's rice that you cook and you add water and cheese to it. it's realy yummy.

    2.What I do is I go on my laptop and go on the enternet and talk to my friends on msn. I am also in cheer, we have practice every Monday. i aslo love to play outside. And we do not have recess in 6th grade.

    3. We get out of school at 3:18

    4. Um we do have a football team but it's not like the football in Scotland, a lynx is like big gray cat that lives in forests. And I think it's cool that you have lynx deoderent!

    5. A middle school in Brandon is 6th- 8th grade, you see when your in kindergarden-5th grade you go to elementry school when your in midddle school you go there 6th to 8th grade, high school is for the older kids, witch is 9th to 12th grade.

    6. You probly haven't heard of the series but I like the land of eylon books.

    7. Mine is... well I don't have a favorite film.

    8. Yes I do like PE, and ya our gym is pretty big, we do this game called deckert ball it's like kick ball.

    9. Um we didn't go on any real school trips this year.

    10. No, we don't have hurricanes in South Dakota, We don't live anywhere near the ocean.

  11. Hi Scotland, here are some answers to the questions that you asked use.
    1.The kinds of foods that I like is mostly Italian food. I like spagetti, lasagna, and pizza. I also like ice cream and chocolate. They are really really good.

    2.Well, I like to play basketball and softball. I also like to go to the movies with friends and just hang out with friends to. In 6th grade, we don't have recess any more, but last year we did. I liked to swing, play four square, and talk with friends.

    3.We finish school at 3:18pm. I wish we could get out earlier though!

    4.Um I don't play football because I not very interested in getting hurt like every single time the ball is thrown. A Lynx is an animal here in the U.S. It is just like a moutain lion and if you don't know what a moutain lion is, it is just like a really big cat.

    5.A middle school is just like a college in Scotland(I think!)

    6.I like to read mysteries, some sports books, and funny books too.

    7.I don't really have any favorite movies but I lave comedies and I hate scary movies. My favorite comedian is Will Farrel.

    8.P.E. is pretty fun. It depends on what we are doing that day. I like to play the games instead of running, pullups, pushups, or any type of non-action or game things that we do.

    9.We haven't gone on any school trips yet this year. With the bad economy, the school just needs to save the money for more important things.

    10.I live in South Dakota and we are not by any type of ocean so we can't be in a hurricane. There might be some other kids that I been in one but I haven't.

    I hope that I answered some of your questions. Hannah(Banana) Poppens

  12. 1 The kinds of food I eat are mashed patoes, pineapple, and italin dunkers. I do not like chinese food. I have never tried a haggis.

    2 In my spare time I jump on my trampoline, make forts in the forest right beside my house. I am in sixth grade and do not go outside and play at school.
    We finish school at three fifteen.

    4 I do not play american football.
    A lynx is a type of animal.

    5 A middle school is a place where 6 through 8 graders go.

    6 I read like mysteries and funny books.

    7 My favorite film is I don't have one.

    8 I do not like pe. Activites i play are dekert ball.

    9 We havn't gone on any school trips.

    10 I have never been in a hurricane.

  13. 1. The food that I eat is Spagetti, pizza(thats the food I like). For disert I like ice cream, lefsa, choclate chips, and for cake I like angel food cake.

    2. In my spare time I like to play softball, hangout with my friends and, volleyball.

    3. 3:18

    4. Yes, I play catch in the fall and summer with my brother and dad. We do have a school team you have to be in 7th grade to start football or any other sport. Lynx is like a mt. Lion but smaller. The lynx is are school mascot.

    5. The middle school is were we go to school and its grades 6-8th and then we go the high school and thats 10-12th. Before Middle School we went to the elementary school and thats grades Jr.K-5th.

    6. The book that im reading know is Found. The books in the past that I liked were Schooled, the Twilight series.

    7. My favorite movie is Fire Proof.

    8. Yes we have a PE class and we do a lot of fun games. Some games are Dekert Ball and softball with a tennis raket.

    9. Not in Middle school we havent but in the past we have!

    10. Yes on T.V. but else no.

  14. 1. The food I eat is generally pretty healthy. I like vegetables and fruit. Apples are off limits for me though because I have braces. I have had haggis, but I didn't like it. I didn't know what it was until after I ate it. Chinese food is okay. I like eggrolls.

    2. In my spare time I take Hip Hop and tap classes. In middle school we don't have a playground or recess, but we move classes a lot so the time still flies.

    3. We finish school for the day at 3:18 pm.

    4. I personally don't, bu most of the boys do. We have severl different teams depending on your grade level.

    5. A middle school for us is a school for kids in 6th through 8th grade. Mr Klumper informed us that a middle school in Scotland is called an academy, I do believe.

    6. I enjoy historical fiction diaries. Especially ones about the Tudor family (English royal family in the 1500's). My favorite book is "The Catchr in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger.

    7. My favorite film is "The Bad Seed." It's a black and white movie from like the fifties.

    8. Yes, I like PE. It's pretty active and I like working out.

    9. Recently, we went on a two trips, but not everyone went to the same place. Some of us went to Brandon Elementary (grades pre-kindergarten-5th grade) and the rest went to Helping Hands. I went to the elementary schools where my class helped fourth graders with a social studies project.

    10. No, I haven't been in a hurricane. We are in the middle of the continent, so there aren't any oceans for several thousand miles.

    It took me awhile to write this!

    Hmmm... Bye!

  15. 1. I eat pizza, ice cream, and yes I do like Chinese food but not all of it. No i haven't tried haggis I really have no idea what that is exactlly. Sorry.
    2. Ok I really like to run around with my friends like going to the parks we have in our town and just hanging out with my friends. I also like going on the computer and playing games. We really don't have recess anymore we did last year but we don't anymore.
    3. Our school gets out at 3:18p.m.
    4. Yes but I don't. Our team is called the lynx, and a lynx to us is an animal a cat type animal only bigger.
    5.A middle school is sixth, seventh, and eighth grade together.
    6.I like mysteries, secpension, and funny books.
    7. My favorite movie would have to be The Clique or Twilight.
    8. I don't like PE because I have it first period and thats when I'm really tired. We run 10 laps, 3 second wall sits, lunges, and pull-ups sometimes.
    9. Well so far the only trip we have been on is going to Helping Hands for me but not everybody.
    10. No I hane not been in a hurricane because I don't live by an ocean or sea we live in the middle of the state.

  16. a lynx is like a 3 feet tall cat and it is usually gray, but its paws are really round.

    a middle school is a school that is grades 6-8 we switch classes and have fun.

    I read twilight books and so do most girls in my school.

    our school day ends at 3:18 pm
    or in military time 13:18 pm

    i personaly like chinese food but no i have never eaten haggis.....wat is it?

    We dont have a playground at school we dont even have recess instead we have longer lunch and pe time.

    My favorite film is aquamarine.

  17. 1.I eat foods like hmburgers, french fries, cheese, spegetti, fish sticks, pizza, icecream, apples bananas, oranges, pears, corn, pudding, chicken,lettuce, tacos, nachos,and potatoe olays
    I love Chinese, it is my favorite thing to eat.I have never tried haggis.

    2.I play soccer, football, basketball, and I like to play matball in gym.

    3.We start school at 8:10am and end school at 3:18pm.

    4. Yes, We have a high scool team, and a lynx is an animal.

    5.A middle school is a school for the grades 6-8.

    6.A read a series called the Clique. It is about girls in middle school.

    7.My favorite flim is eight below.

    8. yes we play games like matball, we dance sometimes, and we run alot.

    9.We have only gone to one of the elementary schools, and played games, and helped them.


  18. 1) I eat junk food like pizza anything chocolate, gummi bears/wormms. I LOVE chinese food and have no idea what haggis is. Is that a food from your country?

    2)In my spare time I read, play on the computer, text, and watch tv. We dont have recess in middle school.

    3) We finish school at 3:18 pm.

    4)We have football and have a school team. The lynx is our masscott and a animal in the cat family.

    5)Middle school is the grades between elementry and high school. Normally grades 6-8.

    6)I read books like the Twilight Saga (its about vampires) Lurlene McDaniels (their about haow people get cancer and usally die and have someone they love).

    7) My favorite movie is Twlight.

    8)no i hate pe dont bring up the subject again.

    9) In middle school there are no real field trips.

    10) NO i have never been in a hurricane i never want to be in one either but i have been in a tornado

  19. 1. The kind of food we eat is like steak burgers all of that good stuff. yes I like Chinese it is the best. No I have never had haggis what is it?
    2. My hobbies in jy spare time are mainly sports. Usually I am outside playing basketball football or baseball. We do not have recess so no playground but when we did I played football or basketball.
    3. We finish school at 3:18 pm our time.
    4. Yes I play american football I am a wide riecever. Yes we have a school team they are the Brandon Valley Lynx. We cant play school football until we are in 7th grade. A lynx is a gray animal that is about three feet with paws. The lynx is also our school mascot also.
    Alright that is all for now there is much more to come though.

  20. 1. I like most Italian food its really good! I love chinese food it is amazingly good! I have never tried haggis let alone heard of it.
    2.I like to hang out with friends and have a good time. We do not have a playground in middle school.
    3. We finish school at 3:18pm
    4.I have attempted football but i suck at it....I prefer volleyball basketball, or softball. I played your guys version of football when i was little...we call it soccer by the way...I think your name for it is better. Our school team is actually a really good team.
    5.A middle school is the school between elementery school, which is kids 5-11 years old , and high school, which is the school for mainly ages 14-18years old. Middle school is for kids 11-14 years old.
    6.I like science fiction books. Fiction basically means fake. So its fake science.
    7.Twilight is my favorite film. It is a really big thing right now in the states (USA).
    8.I enjoy Physical Education. You really think its that big? I've seen bigger but I guess its a decent size. We do many different exersizes and if we are lucky we get to play Deckert ball. Deckert ball is my gym teachers strange variation of kick ball.
    9.We really dont go on many school trips. The only one we have gone on so far was to go and help little kids at the pre-schools.
    10.We dont have massive bodies of water in south Dakota....We have lakes and rivers. We are in the central part of the USA. We tend to get tornados in the summer though.

  21. 1. I eat pizza, hamburger, etc. Yes I like Chinese food! And no never heard of haggis.
    2. Well I like playing basketball, baseball, football, and occasionly skateboarding. And at school we do not have recess :'(.
    3. We finish school at 3:18 to be exact.
    4. Yeah I play american football, and school ball for me doesnt start until 7th grade, but we do have a high school team. A lynx is an animal somewhat like a puma or a vicious kitty.
    5. A middle school is a school from ages 11-14. It is between high school and elementry school.
    6. I read sports books ( Mike Lupica and Carl Deuker) and fantasy/suspense books ( Lemony Snicket and J.K. Rowling)
    7. My favorite movie/film is probably Gridiron Gang.
    8. Love PE! Yeah it is pretty big. And we do basketball, physical tests, dodgeball, etc.
    9. We get to go to the other schools in our district, and to fun places in our town.
    10. No, I never have been in a hurricane. Probably because I don't live by an ocean or a large body of water.

    Thanks for the questions! Looking to answer more later!

  22. 1.The kinds of food that I eat are pizza, hamburgers,steak,chicken, etc. Yes I like chinese food.I have NO clue what haggis is.
    2.Some hobbies that I do in my spare time are shooting hoops(basketball),playing baseball,and playing football.We dont have recess and there is no playground.
    3.We end at 3:18pm
    4.yes I play american football. We do have a highschool team. Lynx is an animal.
    5. a middle school is between elementary school and high school and is for ages 11 to 14
    6.I read sports books.
    7.well i like alot of movies so i dont have a favorite one.
    8.Yes i do like pe.some activities we do are basketball, deckert ball, etc.
    9.We havent really went on any school trips besides when we went to the elementary school to help little kids.
    10.No I have never been in a hurricane.

  23. 1. I personally like pizza and ice cream. I'm not the biggest fan of chinese. no i havent tried haggis.
    2. my hobbies are football, basketball, and baseball.
    3. 3:18
    4. yes we do have american football it is one of my favorite sports. we do have a school team. a lynx is a wild jungle cat. is a junior high with grades 6-8.
    6.i like sport books and mysterys.
    7. Longest Yard.
    8.yes i like PE.
    9. idk

  24. Hi there
    we are all writing together as a class to say thanks for all the effort answering our questions.

    We want to know if you have youtube and bebo sites? Or msn?

    Thanks for now


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