
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Students, What is the Roman Republic?

Welcome back to Water for Sixth Grade. Time to do some serious blogging about Ancient Rome. Yesterday we discussed in class the Roman Republic. The republic of Rome is the first half of the Ancient Rome Unit. With this blog post, please share with me, your fellow classmates and the world what you know about the Roman Republic by discussing the follow topics on your Guided Notes: "Republic Begins", "Early Days of the Republic", and "Republic Ends." Use your guided notes we covered yesterday to summarize each section.
Format: For each section, type the Section heading, followed by AT LEAST five sentences.

In-Class blogging.

The above picture is a scene from the Shakespeare play: Julius Caesar


  1. in rome they had patricians that were really rich and some called plebians that were like you and me.
    they got to vote like us for a representitive. kind of like our senate.( wich they had too.) senates used to be the people that were rch until the plebians faught back at them. then juleaus ceasur took over as a fare leader. but then some one killed him and republic ends.

  2. Well at first the patricians ran the Republic then plebians started getting mad because the rich people only card about themselves.

    Soon senators and representatives took over making it fair for all.

  3. There were 2 types of people- Patrans and Plebains. Patrains were rich and powerful. Plebains were poor. At first only ran by Patrains but then as Rome got bigger Plebains. Wealth poured into Rome. Julis Cesar came and made it equal. Then he got killed. War broke out and lasted for 500 years.

  4. I know that there were two kinds of people the Patricians and Plebians. Also, that they would yell VETO!!! alot.

  5. There are two types of people in te roman republic the patricians and the plebians.
    The plebians had to live in small apartments with no bathroom no running water and one room wich all of the realatives stayed.
    on the other hand the patricians had single family houses which had a bathroom had a bath tub and had running water plus they had very little chance of people breaking in because they windows faced inside of the courtyard.

  6. I know that there were two kind of people who fighted against eachother are patricians and plebians. they also yelled out veto many times.

  7. At the start there were only 2 Types of people Plebians and patricians. The Patricians Were really rich and powerful but the plebians where just like normal people.Then that is were things started to go wrong The plebians needed help and were willing to fight for it so then Julius Caesar came around and helped out with that problem but then the Patricans feared that Julius would end the Republic so they killed him then a war broke out for 120 years but finally the plebians one then every one was equal.

    I know that their were two kinds of people in rome the Patricians and the Plebians. The Patricians made up about 10% and they were extremly rich. Where as the Plebians made up the remaining 90%
    and were the common people.

    From this i learned that at first Republic was ran only by the rich people. But then the Plebeians spoke out against the power of the Patricians. So they demanded more rights for them. The reason they did this was because they were having a hard time surviving.

    Cathage was a large city state located in Northern Africa. It had great power and had a pewerful millitary. Rome fought carthage in 3 wars that took all of 120 years. These were called, "Punic Wars". What's surprising is that rome won all of the wars with Carthage.

    Weath came into rome and the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Home and lots of land were destroyed in the wars....MORE TO COME

  9. Republic begins
    Citezens of the republic had the right to vote and veto any decision.leaders of rome were called .

  10. In Ancient Rome had two types of poeple, Plebians and Patricians. The Plebians made up 90% of the population they were just the common people. The Patricians made up the other 10% of the population, The were rich and powerful. More to come.

  11. hi hi
    when the republic began there were two kinds of people. The patricians(there was only 10% of people that were patricians) and the plebians( the rest were plebians so 90%).the republic started after the romans ran the etruscans out. the citizens of the republic could vote and chose leaders. the leaders of the roman republic were called represntatived(sorry if i spelled that wrong i had to get the guide from macy) and the representatives served in the governing body called the senate.
    part first they would only allow patricians to be senates. every two years two patricians would be choosen to be as consuls

    more to come

  12. there were only two types of people. one was patricians wich took up 10% of their population and their was plebians that took up 90% of their population. soon after senaters and representatives took over and made it fair for all.
    partricians were rich and wealthy and plebians were poor. plebians had a hard time trying to find Rome got bigger plebians spoke out against the power of the patricians.the plebians demanded more rights.Julious Ceaser came and made it equal. but short after he got killed. war then broke out and lasted for 500 years. but before war broke out the republic ends.

  13. there were only two types of people. one was patricians wich took up 10% of their population and their was plebians that took up 90% of their population. soon after senaters and representatives took over and made it fair for all.
    partricians were rich and wealthy and plebians were poor. plebians had a hard time trying to find Rome got bigger plebians spoke out against the power of the patricians.the plebians demanded more rights.Julious Ceaser came and made it equal. but short after he got killed. war then broke out and lasted for 500 years. but before war broke out the republic ends.

  14. 1.After rome droveout the utrustcans they established a republik to be continued

  15. I know that the there were two types of people patricions who were really rich and powerful and plebians who were common people.

    I also know that the patricians ruled the Republice. Each year 2 patricions were chosen as consuls. they would yell VETO if they did not want something to happen.

    lastly I know Julius Caesar reduced slaves and increased jobs. He was also murdered by patricians because they thought he would end the republic because he was increasing jobs and making the poor wealthy. Rome also won all wars with Carthage. The Carthage wars lasted 120 years.

  16. Republic begins

    the patricians are rich and powerful and make 10% of the people in rome

    to be continued

  17. There were 2 kinds of people in
    greece and they are the Patricians and the Plebians. more coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. the roman republic is a way of government

  19. There were two types of people plebians and patricians they veto alot and they had represenitives and senaters

    rome ran by patricans plebians hard to survive and they demande more rights they also had senates who wouls listen to your stuff then thAt WOULS BE CALLED a tribune

    patricians became more powerful and started getting really rich war ended and julius caesar had gotten killed

  20. Republic Begins
    There were two types of people in Ancient Rome. The Patricians were the weathy and powerful, and made up 10% of the population. The Plebians were the common people that made up the rest of the 90%.
    When the Estrucans were driven out of Rome, they established a republic. Voting and choosing leaders were the rights of citizens in the repulblic. Representatives, or leaders, served in the Senate.

    Early Days of the Republic
    Patricians first ran the Republic.

  21. Republic begins:
    Patricians were the wealthy and powerful people. They made up 10% of the population. Plebians were the comman, lower-class people. They made up the other 90% of the population. After Rome drove out the Etruscans they established a Republic.

  22. Republic Begins
    The republic began after Rome drove out th Etruscans. So citizens had the right to vote and choose leaders. Leaders of the roman republic were called representatives. They served in the goverment body called the senate.

    Early days
    The republic was first run by the patricians, or the wealthy. Each year two patricianschoosen as consuls

    to be continued.....................


    Patricians were wealthy and powerful. The Plebians were the common people. Citizens of the republic have the right to vote and they are leaders.


    Patricians were wealthy and powerful. The Plebians were the common people. Citizens of the republic have the right to vote and they are leaders.

  25. REPUBLIC BEGINS: Patricians were wealthy, plebians were common. Citizens of the republic could vote and choose leaders.

    EARLY DAYS OF THE REPUBLIC: Republic was only run by the patricians. The senate was all patricians. Each year two patricians were chosen as consul. Consul would veto each other and manage army.


    The two types of people were the patricians who were very rich. The other people were the Plebians who were more common. Citizens could vote and go to choose leaders. Leaders of the republic were called the Representatives. These representatives served in the governing body called the senate.


  27. In Ancient Rome there were two types of people Patricians and Plebians. The Patricians were the ones that ruled Ancient Rome just because they were wealthy. As Rome got bigger the Plebians spoke out against the power of the Patricians because the Patricians didn't care about the Plebians, they just wanted to get richer. Rome fought Carthage in 3 wars that lasted 120 years. Rome won all of them. These wars were called the Punic Wars. Wealth poured into Rome. The Rich got Richer and the Poor got Poorer. Eventually Julius Caeser came along and became the leader of Rome. He was a great ruler he made everything fair. Caeser was eventually killed and the republic ended. Which started the Civil War.

  28. In Ancient Rome there were two types of people Patricians and Plebians. The Patricians were the ones that ruled Ancient Rome just because they were wealthy. As Rome got bigger the Plebians spoke out against the power of the Patricians because the Patricians didn't care about the Plebians, they just wanted to get richer. Rome fought Carthage in 3 wars that lasted 120 years. Rome won all of them. These wars were called the Punic Wars. Wealth poured into Rome. The Rich got Richer and the Poor got Poorer. Eventually Julius Caeser came along and became the leader of Rome. He was a great ruler he made everything fair. Caeser was eventually killed and the republic ended. Which started the Civil War.

  29. the roman republic they had alot of hard time surviving.The gain great wealth and power by leading conquest.the most famous person is juli caeser. the leader of roman republic was called frist, republic ran only patricians. Each year:two patricians choosen as consol. Roman fought cartage in 3 wars that took 120 years

  30. Patrician the rich.Plebian very boby.AfterRome drove out the Etruscars they estblish a Republie.

    At first Republice ran by only Patricians.Each year two patricians choosen as Consuls.

    Wealth poured into Rome.Rich get richer and poor get poorer.Most fouse Julius Caesar. Became ruler of Rome.Reduced slaves.Increased the jobs.Caeser killed Civil war broke out Republic ends lasted 500 years

  31. Republic begins:
    There were two types of people in ancient rome. The patricians who were powerful and rich and the plebians who were normal average citizens. Etruscans were the ones to establish a republic. All of the citizens in the republic had the right to choose leaders. They also had the right to vote.

    Early Days of the republic:
    The first Republics were run by only patricians. There was a senate formed of all patricians. Each year two patricians were chosen as consuls. Consuls managed the army and would veto eachother. ONe consul was appointed in charge and he was called the dictator. Plepians spoke out against the power of the patricians and demanded more rights. The senate listened and protected the rights of the plebians.
    more coming!!!

  32. there were to kinds patricians and plebians .plebs were poor.pats were not.VETO!

  33. there were 2 kinds of people in rome patricians and plebians.then the senits came an dmade thing s fair.the republicans had the right to vote and lead.

  34. There are two types of people in the roman republic the patricians and the plebians.
    The plebians had to live in small apartments with no bathroom no running water and one room wich all of the realatives stayed.
    on the other hand the patricians had single family houses which had a bathroom had a bath tub and had running water plus they had very little chance of people breaking in because they windows faced inside of the courtyard.

  35. The Roman Republic was stablished so there would be no ruler. Their plan failed terribly because they were only letting patricians vote. The plebians thought that their doing was wrong and spoke out causin the tribune. tHEY HAD A SERIES OF THREE WARS WITH A TOWN CALLED cHARTHAGE AND THEY LASTED 120 YEARS.The Patricians killed Ceaser and ended the republic.

  36. Republic Begins
    The patricans were very wealthy, only 10% of the population. The plebians were everbody else, and covered 90% of the population. After Rome drove out the Etruscans, they established a republic. Citizens had the right to vote and choose leaders.

    Eary days of the republic
    At first the republic was run only by patricians. Each year 2 patricians were choosen as consuls. Consuls manage the army and can veto ech other. Plebians finally demanded rights as they were having a hard time surviving.

    Republic ends
    Wealth poured into rome. As a result the richer got richer and the poorer got poorer.When Julius Caeser became leader he reduced slaves and created more jobs.the republic ended when he was killed.

  37. REPUBLIC BEGINS: The Republic began with two types of people: Patricians and Plebians. Patricians are people who are rich, and very wealthy. They made up 10 percent of the Republic. Plebians were all the people who weren't Patricians. The Republic started when Rome drove out the Etruscans. Meanwhile, citizens of the republic have the right to vote and choose leaders. The leaders of the republic were called representatives. The representatives served in the senate.

    EARLY DAYS OF THE REPUBLIC: At first the early days were only ran by Patricians. All Patricians were in the senate. Each year two patricians were chosen as Consuls. The Consuls managed the army and they vetod each other. In a time of emergency, one consul was appointed in charge as a dictator. As Rome got bigger Plebians spoke out against the power of the Patricians. Plebians demanded more rights because they were having a hard time surviving. Meanwhile the Senate had to listen to these demands: Appointing men to protect the rights of the Plebians. This was called a tribune. Tribunes could stop the action of the senate by yelling veto. To be continued.

  38. there are two people the patricians and plebians when they drove out the etruscans the got the right to vote and chose the leader

  39. there was only 2 kinds of people,patricians and the Plebians.
    more coming

  40. I learned that the patrians were the rich people of rome and then the poor were called plebians.after rome drove out the etruscans they established the republic

    the senite was made up of all patricians and that two patricians were chosen to be the consols

  41. Republic Begins

    The patricians were very wealthy people. The other people were called plebians and they were not so wealthy. Citizens were allowed to vote and choose their leaders. The leaders of the republic were called the senaters.

  42. Republic Begins...The two types of people in Ancient Rome were the Patricians and the plebians. The Patricians were very wealthy and 10% of the population,however the Plebians were everybody else and they were 10% of the population. After Rome drove out the Etruscans they established a republic. The citizens could vote and choose their leaders. The leaders of rome were called the representatives and they served in the governing body called the senate.

  43. Republic Begins

    There were two types of people in Rome the Patricians ( the rich) and the plebians ( the regular). they drove the estrucans out and established a Senate with representitives.The citzens could vote. Also they picked their leaders. That seems fair but its not!!!!

    Early Days of the republic

    Republic was run by the rich dudes and they chose two consuls who managed the army and vetoed each other. Only one consul was a dictator for time of emergency. the Plebians got mad and spoke out so they startd a tribune.

    Morre to come mwahahaha

  44. Republic begins
    Leaders of the roman republic were called represenitives.
    There were 2 types of romans.
    The 2 types were patricians and plebians.
    Patricians wer 10% of the population. They were very rich.

    Early days of the republic
    At first the republic was run only by the patricians.
    The senate was all patricians too.
    Each yer there was 2 patricians choosen as consols.
    Then the plebains wanted more rights. They wanted in.

    Republic ends

    Wealth poured in.
    Then the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
    Homes and land were deystroyed by war.
    farmers died so less food.
    But julieus ceaser changed all that.

  45. in anciant rome patricans were rich snoby people. and plebians were the smart people. the senate was a group of people who argeud about every thing.the republick ended when juleus ceseur died.

  46. There were two types Ancient Rome; The Patricians (wealthy) and the Plebians (poor). After Rome drove out the Etruscans, they established a Republic. Citizens of a Republic have the right to vote and choose leaders. At first, the Republic was ran only by Patricians. Senate = All Patricians. Each year two patricians were choosen as consuls. The Consuls managed the army and and vetoed each other. At time of emergency one consul was appointed as a Dictator. As Rome got bigger, Plebians spoke out against the power of the Patricians. When so, they demanded more rights because they were having a hard time surviving. The senate listened to certain demands, such as appointing men to protect the rights of the Plebians called the Tribune. Tribunes could stop the action of the Senate by yelling "VETO!"

  47. In the Rome Republic they had patrecians who were very rich. they also had plebians who were more like us. The citizans of the republic had the right to vote and choose leader. The leaders of the Roman republic were called representatives. The representatives served the gorerning body called the senate.

    Republic was only run by Patricians at first.

  48. Republic Begins
    Plebians were poor. They covered 10% of the pop.Petricians were wealthy. They covered 90% of the pop. Republics had the right to vote and therefore, choose their leaders.
    Early Days of the Republic
    At first the republic was ran by patricians. The senate was only patricians. Each year 2 patricians were chosen as consuls. They managed the army. The plebians could just shout Veto to stop something.
    Republic Ends
    The wealth pored into Rome. The rich got richer. The poor got poorer.

  49. 1. Republic Begins. The two types of people in Rome were patricians and plebians. Patricians made up 10% of the population and plebians made up 90%. After Rome drove out the Etruscans they established a republic. Citizens could vote and choose leaders noncitizens could not. Leaders of the Roman republic were called representitives.

    2. Early Days of the Republic. At first the Republic was only ran by patricians. The senate was all patricians. Each year two patricians were chosen as consuls.
    Consuls manage the army and veto each other. Plebians were having a hard time surviving.

    3. Republic Ends

    to be continued

  50. Republic Begins
    There are two types of people in rome.

    To be continued...

  51. "Republic Begins"
    Two Types of People: patricians:wealthy and powerful
    plebieans: everybody else
    Rome drove out Etrscans, established Republic
    Citizens of Republic have the right to: vote, and choose leaders.
    leaders of Roman republi:representatives
    representatives served in the governing body called a Senate.

    "Early Days of the Republic"
    at first, republic ran by only patricians
    Senate=ALL patricians
    each year two patricians choosen as consuls
    consuls: managed army, vetoed each other
    time of emergency:one consul appointed in charge:dictator
    plebians spoke out aganst power of patricians
    plebians demanded more rights
    Senate:appoints men to protect the rights of the plebians
    this is called a Tribune

    "Republic Ends"
    wealth poured into Rome
    rich get richer, poor get poorer
    homes and land were devastated by war
    Rome gained great wealth and power by leading conquests

    Julius Caesar conquered many lands. He became ruler of Rome.
    -reduced number of slaves
    -increased jobs

    increase of power angered patricians-they feared Caesar would end Republic

    Caesar was killed, a Civil war broke out.
    republic ends
    lasted 500 years

  52. Republic Begins
    There were to types of people in Ancient Rome. There were Patricians (the rich people) and Plebians (everybody else). After Rome drove out the Etruscans, they established a republic. The citizens of the republic could vote and chose their leaders. The leaders of the Roman Republic were called Representitives, which served in a senate.
    Early Days of the Republic
    At first the republic was only run by Patricians, which also meant that there were only Patricians in the Senate. Each year, two Patricians were chosen as Consuls, which managed the army and vetoed each other. As Rome got bigger. Plebians spoke out against the power of the Patricians. They demanded more rights because they were having a hard time surviving.

    That's it for now!

    After the Romans chased out the eatruscans, they established the republic. The citizens had the right to vote and to chose their leaders. The leaders of rome are called the represenatives.

  54. REPUBLIC ENDS: The ending of the republic started when wealth poured into Rome. The result of that is that the rich got richer, and the poor got poorer. Homes and land were devastated by war, which led to rival leaders leading their armies against each other. They gained great wealth and power by leading conquests. The most famous conquest was Julius Caesar. He conquered many lands and became ruler of rome. He also reduced slaves and increased jobs. But, the increase of power angered Patricians, because they feared Ceasar would end republic. So, Patricians killed Caesar and the Civil War broke out. The republic ends and the civil war lasts 500 years.

  55. there were two kinds of people Patrans and Plebains. patrans were rich and the plebains were pour. there was a guy named julius caesar and he thought that the plebains should have more rights. i know that the plebains would also shout veto if they disagreed. i think

  56. 3. Repulic Ends- Wealth poured into Rome. The result is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer . Homes and lands were now devistated by war. Then Julius Caesar came to rule he was very famous. Caesar was killed, civil war broke out, and the republic that had lasted 500 years met it's downfall.

  57. Rebublic Begins-
    There were two types of people in the roman republic there was the patricians who were very rich and powerful that controled most of the goverment but they only made up 10% of roman society. The other kind of people were the plebians or the citizens that were not rich and powerful (this does not mean there poor)they made up about 90% of roman soceity. In the early days of rome a people called the etruscans ruled over rome and her people the etruscans were very skilled builders and taught the romans how to build aquaducts (aquaducts are used to transport water through a city) but a man named Judius Brutius swore he would overthrow the etruscans so he kept to that promise anddrove the etruscans out of rome after this shift in power the roman pepole established a republic. In a republic citizens had the right to vote and choose leaders. The leaders of the republic were the reprisenitives (the reprisenitives were all patricains) these represenitives served in a governing body known as the senate.

    Early Days of the Republic-
    When the romans adopted a republic as there form of goverment it was only ruled by the patricians because all the pepole who served in the senate were patritions leaving the plebians without representation.Every year in the senate two patricians were chose as consuls the duty of a consul was to manage the army and if one consul disagreeded with desicion of the other he had the authority to stop it.In a time of great emergency such as war one consul would become that of a dictator because he would have complete control of all matters with rome. The early days of the rebublic had many important events one of these includes the war with carthage there were actually three wars with carthage these were called the punic wars overall the duration of these three wars lasted 120 years.The second punic war was a very gallent war for both parties it is so because a general from carthage by the name of hannibal crossed the alps on elephants to surprise rome and while this campian was proceeding another was as well scipio a roman general was going to carthage just as hannibal was doing himself and when hannibal heard of the attack he was forced to retraet home to save carthage.

    Republic Ends-
    After the wars with carthage great wealth poored into rome so the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.Because of this turmoil rival leaders in rome led armies to attack each other.Julius ceaser concored many lands for rome gaining much wealth and power in the procces because of this he became leader of rome. Even though his rise to power was through military conquest he was not a pushover reduced the number of sevents in rome and also crated many more jobs for his pepole. Over time ceaser became a very powerfull individual this angered the patricians because they feared that he would end the republic so they ceasar killed with a stab in the back (litterally) in this chain of events a civil war breaks out in rome this lasts 500 years and so ends the republic.

    hope your satisfied EVAN OUT! (=

  58. Early days
    A consul is a person who manages the army and can veto eachother.
    In time of emergency one consul was chosen as a dictator. the plebians eventualy spoke up for more rights because they had a hard time surviving. So they apointed men to be tribunes. A tribune is a defender of the plebian rights and can veto if the senat goes past the plebian rights.

    Republic ends
    The republic ends after wealth purs into Rome so the rich get richer and the pour get pourer. homes and land were devistated. The only way to gain power was to Lead a conquest. The most famous person for that was Julius Ceaser. He quonqered many lands and became the ruler of rome. So he reduced the # of slaves and increased jobs. The patricians got mad fearing that he would end the republic. So they kill him and civil war broke out so the republic ends. after a 500 year rule of Rome.


    When the republic ended alot of wealth poured into rome. Since alot of wealth was pouring into, the rich people got richer and the poor got poorer. Back then you could get money by doing conquests. The most famous person was Julius Caesar. The patritians were angered by his power and killed him which started them "time of peace".

  60. It was very wealthy,10% of it was wealthy and 90% of pelib.

    At first Republice ran by only Patricians.Each year two patricians choosen as Consuls

    Republic ends

    Wealth poured into rome. As a result the richer got richer and the poorer got poorer.When Julius Caeser became leader he reduced slaves and created more jobs.the republic ended when he was killed.ians.

    At first Republice ran by only Patricians.Each year two patricians choosen as Consuls.

  61. in rome they had rich people called patricians and normal people called plebians. when the republic ended alot of wealth poured into rome. was very wealthy,10% of it was wealthy and 90% of pelibians.Caesar was killed, civil war broke out, and the republic that had lasted 500 years met it's downfall.

  62. Jesus brings the romans christianaity. They have many wars. Pax Romana.

  63. in rome partricians were rich and the plebians were like everyone else. 90% of roman people were plebians.

  64. First of all I want to know is that picture real?

    Rome simiar to other civilizations because it has a major river and that river is called the Tiber River. Rome is similar to Greece beacause they depend on a major sea too, and the two seas are The Tyrrhenian Sea, and Mediterranean Sea. Rome is different to other cicilizations because it depends on both a river and a sea, or two, and it is not a country.

  65. Rome begins
    Patricians were very wealthy people and made up 10% of Rome. Plebeians common people today who made up 90% of Rome. After Rome drove out the Etruscan they established a republic. Citizens of the republic have the right to vote, and choose leaders. Representatives were leaders of the Roman republic and also served in the governing body called the senate.

    Early Days of the Republic
    At first the Republic was all patricians and so was the senate. Each year two patricians chosen as Consuls. A Consuls manages army and can veto each other. In time of emergency one consul appointed in charge called a dictator. As Rome got bigger plebeians spoke out against patricians and demanded more rights. The senate listened and appointed man to protect the rights or the plebeians called a tribune. Tribunes could stop the action of the Senate by yelling Veto.

    Republic ends
    Wealth poured into Rome the result was the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Homes and land were devastated by war=Rival leaders led armies against each other. They gained great wealth and power by leading, most famous Julius Caesar, Conquered many lands. Became ruler of Rome reduce slaves and Increased jobs. Increase of power angered patricians they feared Caesar would end Republic. Caesar killed the Civil war broke out and repubic ended it lasted 500 years.

  66. In Rome there is two kinds of people called: Patricians that made up 10% of the wealthy peopl which means like rich and the other type of person is Plebians which made up about 90% of the people. What makes me wonder about Rome is that I dont know what kind of things they depended on for the culture or even anything.

  67. There were only two diffrent types of people the Plebains and the Patrains. Plebians were poor. Patrans were wealthy and powerful. At first they onnly ran by Patrains but then as Rome got bigger Plebains. Wealth poured into Rome. Julis Cesar came and made everything equal. Then he got killed and died. War broke out and lasted for five hundred years.

  68. Hey ummm Mr.Klumper the new colors on the blog makes it sort hard to read words so aaaaaa yeah you should change the colors back to blue and black.


    ok, there were 2 kinds of people 1) Patricians = rich and powerful
    2) Plebians = common people
    citizens have the right to VOTE and
    CHOSE LEADERS. There are represntatives and senates


    patricians ran the rebublic.
    senate all patricians
    every 2yrs new consuls come in
    dictator is used in emergencys
    Got bigger plebians spoke out aganst patricians Plebians wanted more rights


    carthage=large city punic wars
    carthage=great power and GOod Millitary rome faught carthage in 3 wars that took 120yrs.(punic wars). rome won all 3 wars
    Hannibal was carthage general elephants attacked rome
    Scopio=roman generall


    Gain great weath and power by leading conquest.
    most famous: JULIUS CAESER
    conquered many lands
    became ruler caesar killed cilvil war broke out republic ends lasted 500yrs((()))

    thanks macy**4Murren

  70. the plebians were the common poeple and made up 90% of the people.the leadersof roman republic were called represenitives.


    at first republic was ran by only patricians. as rome got bigger,plebians spoke out aginst the powerofthe patricians. plebians demanded more rights


    carthrage is a large city state located in north africa. they had great power and a powerful millitary. tesewars were called the punic wars. rome won all wars with carthradge.


    wealth poured into rome. the result is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer . homes and land were devestated by war

  71. Hey Mr.Klumper
    Thanks for that awesome e-mail.


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