
Friday, December 19, 2008

Time to Reflect...

Water for Sixth Grade has passed the 10,000 visitor Milestone. Water for Sixth Grade has also traveled to over 111 countries since it was launched in August of 2008. Despite the high number of countries blogging with Water for Sixth Grade, we are not satisified. There are still countries in the world that have not had the W.S.G. Experience and it is our goal to give that to them. There are about 80 countries that W.S.G. has not been represented at, so our work is not done. We are still on the quest to spread W.S.G. throughout the entire world, to change lives, to create a culture, to create a way of life and to make 6th Grade an unforgettable experience. That is what life is all about, Experiences that one will remember forever. My students, You, are part of something that is bigger than just this grade, bigger than just this city. It is something that is beyond these school walls. It is spanning the globe. It is not me alone that has pushed W.S.G. to this position, you, the student are a major part of making Water for Sixth Grade what it is. I Thank you. The World Thanks you.
Because of this monumental occasion, I think it is fitting to stop and take a moment to reflect on W.S.G.
Here you can post whatever you want about Water for Sixth Grade, about how it has changed your life, about how it has changed the world, about 6th grade in general, about blogging in general, about thoughts you have, ideas you have, stories you have, anything you have. Share it all here, on this post, all Winter Break long. Despite the two week break from school, let us stay connected and continue to share ideas and share experiences.
Blog On!


  1. that picture is awesome!!!!!

    I wonder if Tom Roberts could do that !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  2. that picture is very cool(((())))and why is there only one comment.

    my little thing in my name is winking ;);););)

  3. Hey Dan what's up. How has your life been? I like your slide show, you should of had your face done. You should add to your pole lime green and cerlean blue. Are you having fun on your vacation? I like blogging and you should make a new pole about your favorite things to do on vacation, like sledding, blogging, tubbing, opening presents, singing Christmas carols, or eating christmas goodies.Or another pole could be, what is your favorite goodie to eat on christmas. Have you ever played ink, it is so fun? Bye

  4. Hi Mr.Klumper ya I think Water For Sixth Grade has been a great chance for me to learn a few things about poeple.

  5. Mr.Klumper I love Water for sixth grade I like how there's something new on it everyday. I think it brings the class together and builds skills that will help us in the near future. I'm glad that we are able to be on your blog it's great! My favorite video is the Chinese warriors fighting. My favorite slide show is the one with the battle you made. W.S.G. makes even homework fun. I hope I can make a blog like this someday. Every time I come to W.S.G. I look at the map of were everyone has visited from it's so cool. I can't wait to do more on W.S.G.

  6. Water for sixth grade is awsome!!!!!!!!I like all the things you can do like games,blogging,pictures,and more!Mr.Klumer you should post a posting about things we like so other people can get to know us. During this break if been on the blog quite alot. Have a good break Mr.Klumper!! :} :} :} :}

  7. I guess Water for Sixth Grade has changed my impact on the computer...whenever i get on it's usally just to check my e-mails... but now....NOPE....i BLOG!!!!

    Thanks for making this blog:) :) :) :) :) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
    :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)....p.s. that's ALOT of smily faces

  8. that picture is awesome!!!!!

    I wonder if Tom Roberts could do that !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


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