
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, Sixth Graders! I hope you enjoy your five day vacation. Try to do something constructive over break like reading, blogging, or spending time with your family. Don't play video games the entire five days!
Thanksgiving is worthy of a post on Water for Sixth Grade. So, my 6th graders, here is what I want you to do: Tell us your Thanksgiving Day Traditions. Sharing on the blog not only allows your classmates to read, but also allows the whole world to read as Water for Sixth Grade continues to span the globe. Perhaps others from the United States will be moved to blog about their Thanksgiving traditions, thus offering different persepctives of this holiday from around the US.
**Some items to consider when talking about your traditions: What food do you eat? Anything special? Any traditional games you play? Where do you go? Do you travel a lot? Is it a big get togehter? Or is it a small gathering? Do you watch football? Does everyone fall asleep after eating the turkey? Do you go hunting? What do you do? What do you like best about Thanksgiving? Etc....


  1. On Thanksgiving we normally go to my Mom's Dad's house, to just hang out for a while. Then we go to my Great-Grandparents house for turkey and food. We have a really big family on both of my parents sides. The turkey is 20 pounds this year. A lot of people are coming, so it'll be gone fast. A few days after that we go to my Dad's family's houses and have turkey and stuff there. Normally theres around 20 or so people at the house at once. The best part about Thanksgiving is the food.

  2. well for thanksgiving i go to my grandmas and celebrate. its usally a small get together. we end up having the girls talk up stiars wile the boys are all downstairs watching tv after we eat. but my brother and i usally go to my grandmas to make pies. well i make the pie and my brother just eats the apples. on my dads side we usally go to my step grandmas and my grandpas house on sunday. my cousin jaron usally comes and visits to. so does my cousin jerrony she jaron sister. then we go home and watch movies and hang with friends

  3. I go to my grandpas house. He lives an hour away. After that I go to my cousins house in omaha. We eat turkey or ham. I dotn know if we watch football. I fall asleep when i feel like it. I hope we dont have homework. It is a small get together. I like mashed potatoes. I dont like hunting. We have corn too. I dont play video games at all but i do go on the computer. i like thangsgiving because i get to see all my family.

  4. I go to Colorado.My cousins play football basketball video games go on hikes in the mountains.

  5. I am going to my great grandmothers house for thanksgiving lunch and then I am going to my other grandmothers house with my dad for thanksgiving dinner. I pretty much just eat and hang for thanksgiving....I am not looking forward to seeing my super annoying cousins.... :-( would not believe how annoying and freaky they are.

  6. Normally my whole family on my dad's side would go to my grandma & grandpa's house in DeSmet, but this year just my grandma & grandpa are coming to my house. So anyways if I were to be going to my G&G's house we would arrive there, of course, before anyone else. When everyone finnaly got there we would have a huge turkey, potatoes, corn, ect. Then the boys/men would watch football or go hunting...sometimes, they like to watch football better. And the girls/woman would either talk read books to little cousins, and lots of other stuff. But this year it's just me, my mom&dad, my brother, and my G&G, plus my dog who is garrenteed to get a boatload of turkey ang gravey.

  7. My family does what ever falls into place. normaly we go to my grandmas for dinner and then go shopping. Because the boys always want to go to something like a video game place, the girls out rule the boys. they just go over to my cousins house why we go to the mall or somewhere else.
    Thats nbasicly what we do, but this year we are just staying home.

  8. The best thing about Thanksgiving is spending time with family. For Thanksgiving I spend it at my house with my mom, dad, brother, grandmd, grandma,and other grandma. The food I look forword to is the turkey ov course and the thing I ALWAYS look forward to is the bread my Grandma always brings from a bakery in Flandrue, South Dakota!!!! So that is what my Thanksgivings like!

  9. I am super close to hating my cousins...exept for josh...he is 4 yrs. old and he is pretty cool his sis however is clingy and I cant stand it I feel bad for her mom...wish me luck on thanksgiving.

  10. For thank giving i eat turkey mashed patatas and corn or corn on the cob. Every thanks giving i go to my grandmas and have a diner and eat the food i said above me. I always liked thanksgiving because i 'd always give to poor(sometimes).

  11. During thanksgiving we whatch football.We eat turkey with gravy.

  12. Usually, my family and I go to my grandma's house in Minnesota and eat turkey, mashed potatoes and other stuff, but this year my family and I are going to my uncle's house. (My uncle and grandma live in the same city.) It is a big get together this year because my grandma, aunt and uncle, cousins, my family, my cousins other side of the family, (their other aunt and uncle, their other cousins.) Alot of my aunt and unle's friends are also coming. The day after Thanksgiving my family and I, my aunt and uncle, cousins, and grandma are all going bowling. The thing I like best about Thanksgiving is spending time with my family and everyone else I metioned before and having alot of fun.

  13. we have a tradition for what we eat on thanksgiving we eat turkey and my mom and i always make ham raps and home made mash potatos

    we always go to clark to see my step dads family and us kids sometimes play pool in the basemen its usually about 15 people because after we eat my step dads brother comes

    then after were done eating and playing pool we usually sit down and watch football

    then we go home and enjoy the rest of thanksgiving here in brandon

  14. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........gravy is one of my favorite parts of thanksgiving....I eat it plain sometimes times haha.....I love mashed potatoes to.

  15. i like thanks giving

  16. I don't really do alot. On Thanksgiving morning I watch the parade on TV. At about 1:00pm we start unwrapping the turkey. We don it soooooooooooooooooooooooooo late because my family buys it already cooked. It is probaly a 12- 13 pounder this year. Unlike Taisia's party There is only 4 people at my house, me, mom, dad, and my annoying brother.

  17. normally we go to my great aunts house or my grandmas house, but this year i think we are going to stay home. thats a bummer, but on the bright side we might go to my grandmas house for a littloe bit to say hi and happy thanks giving. when we go to my great aunts house for thanks giving my great uncle will do this little church thing, hes a bishop so we do that. he doesnt do it at my grandmas house. i wonder why sometimes.well that's all im going to put so see ya later.

  18. I go to my cousin's is sister is mean on trips though sometimes she punches me and it hurts!I don't like eating turkey cause it reminds me of my dog, and i dont want to eat my dog.although it is sometimes fun. I dont like my grammy cause sometimes she overcooks the corn and it turns brown and looks ugly. that is usually how my trip goes.

  19. Well...during thanksgiving we travel VERY far...just kidding we just go into Sioux Falls...because both of my sets of grandparents live their....we go to my mom's mom and dad and eat turkey, ham, homeade masked potatoes, homeade stuffing, my aunts deserts, and my dad's mom and dad we eat mashed potatoes, ham, pickles,(and dont ask me why) stuffing, and LOTS of CANDY!!!!!
    belive me after all that food im stuffed....we usally come home around 10:20....because my dad plays poker with his brothers and i get to play with my cousins...that our thanksgiving!!!BYE BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I travel 2 hours to my grandma's. this tear i'm doing the same but i am hunting with my dad. if we get one then we are goiong to side my grandma's house

  21. It has become a tradition for the last 3 years for my Aunt from Texas to come up here. I have farley large family with both sides together. We usually have Thanksgiving at my house. My cousins come over and play with my brother while I eat and hang out with my uncle, dad, and grandpa. Another person who comes is a guy from Ohio. He is not related to us but he is kind of like family. His closes family is in Ohio so he stays here for thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving.

  22. we always have ham turkey patotes biscuts fruit salad some times beans my pesonal favorite. My brother uncle and me all eat the most maby my other uncle eats as much as us but I don't think so.

  23. On thanksgiving i norrmally go to both of my familys houses. This year i have already had one early thanksgiving in IOWA (HAWKEYES ROCK). next i think we are going to clear lake a town by watertown. we basiclly just eat turkey and all the other thanksgiving foods. Then we play bingo. Me and my brother play video games inj my granparents basement to. But when we go to Dawson (Minniesota) we play pool on my great grandmas pool table in her basement. (i always win) Jordan and Ted nice comments.

  24. This thanksgiving we are going to my grandma's house because she just moved and has a really big house.We usually eat stuff like turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, mash potatoes and gravy, green bean cassorole, and of course pumpkin pie. We always have a big get together because my family is really big. But this year my grandparents are driving in from Rapid city. We do play some games such as clue, yahtzee, uno, and other games. i think thanksgiving is fun but sometimes my uncle does take a snooze or watch football. One thing I like best about Thanksgiving is the food! My great grandma that died this summer was a really good cook and we have a lot of her recipes. My favorite recipe of hers is pancakes so we might eat those on thanks giving morning too. thats just some of the stuff we will do and I am going to enjoy thanks giving!!!

  25. sorry if i just sent something wierd please dont sent this or that thing that might have sent

  26. On Thanksgiving me and my family eat turkey. We always have pumpkin pie exept for my mom she has peacan pie. We do not play alot of games. It is not to far for anybody to drive because it is usually at my house or at my grandma and granpa's house. My grandparents live in Mitchell South Dakota. I think Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays because you get to see your family and spend alot of time with them.

  27. During Thanksgiving my family comes over to our house. The kids play games the moms, grandmas, and aunts talk ant the dads, granpas, and uncles watch football. Then after the football game is done we eat supper or lunch wether it is afternoon or night we eat the same thing turkey, fruit, potatoes, and alot more. Then nobody goes home because it is really late and all of there houses are far away so they stay at my house. Finally in the middle of the night all the kids pull pranks on the adults, play my wii, and eat junk food. Thanksgiving at my house is awesome!!!

  28. Like idk... my family usually has omm Turkey Day at my house and we usually throw enormous parties so ya byeeeeeeeeee ;)

  29. My Thanksgivings aren't too special. Normally, my mom would make turkey and such, but this year we are going to the fire station where my stepdad works, as they are making a big dinner there. I hope I dont get bored to death!

  30. on thanksgiving i like to have turducken which is a turkey duck witch i dont like and a chicken we also have stuffing potatos and green bean casurole its a big get together and i get to shoot a turkey this year because everyday they stand in my grandparents yard so we asked the gfp if i could shoot and they said yes we dont whatch football but we do play bunko taboo and sometimes yatzee and texas holdem also pool i like getting together and playing games ecspecially pool the best

  31. Well it kind of depends on which side of the family I am spending Thanks Giving with. This year I get to do both sides. Im doing a short one with my moms side and a long one with my dads side. With my moms side we are going to my aunt and uncles house. on my dads side we are going to go to my aunt and uncles cabine in Minisota. There we get to go snowboarding with my brand new board. Then we will hang out with the cousins for a few days. After that we will have our feast. For the feast you must have turkey right, well thats what we have, and more. On my moms side we will most likely have a nice turkey dinner with all the family members. Thats my thanks giving this year.

  32. i like going to my grandma Pughs because she has my whole Pugh family come and I hang out with my cusins, listen to music, try to learn spanish from my step mother. Than we eat; my whole family makes whatever they want to make and usually everybody likes it.
    When I go with my mom we dont eat at home we go out to Apple Bees or Pizza Ranch which is ok with me. Sometimes my grandma and grandpa come down to my house and she brings really good food, she is a good cook. But they say they cant come down by them selves they say their to OLD.

  33. On thanksgiving i go to my grandmas,grandpas,aunts and my other grandma and i hope they dont make me eat a lot!!!!. At my aunt's house me and my cousins go down stairs and play video games.

  34. for thanksgiving we go over to my dads side of the family but unforunetly we are not getting together this year but we are getting together with my moms side of the family and we play wii then we eat thanksgiving diner and then we play pool with all my uncles and my grandpa and my dad then my grandpa always beats us because he has been playing for about oooooooh 57 years but we all have a great time so that is the good part about so HAVE GREAT THANKSGIVING I LOVE THANKSGIVING

  35. i eat ALOT of strange food like for example, corned beef andchinese food . I KNOW WE ARE WIERD.

  36. for thank giving we usually stay at our house and all my family mempers will come over well eat then play then clean up then go play wii or something else

  37. My thanksgiving tradition is my family goes to brunch at the minnehaha country club. Then when we get home me and my dad watch football until 4:00. Finally after that me and my family go bowling in Sioux Falls or Brandon. Unfortunately, we do not see family on thanksgiving because they live in Wisconsin and that is eight hours away. When we get home from bowling we usually watch a movie and that is my families thanksgiving tradition.

  38. my thanksgiving traditions are we usaully go to watertown or everyone from both my moms dads side come to our house. everyone eats then watch thankgiving football! depending on who is there we go hunting,but no everytime. lots of people are here probally about 25-30. we eat ham or turkey and i never go on the computer or play video games on thanksgiving!!!!!!! i hope it is loads of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. This Thanksgiving i will go to my moms half of the family on thursday for a few hours and then go to my dads for a little bit of his family, but on friday-sunday i will go to Chamberlin SD for the whole of my family.....

  40. we always have our big feast at my house my grandma comes my brother and sisters. My sister is not coming this year becouse she has to work :( . It takes about 1 hour to eat but this year we got a new yellow lab dog, but my mom said he could not be by my grandma or else he would eat her or something. My mom gets in a big rush at the last minute but it always turns out good. I sit by my brother always, but he does not like me as much
    so have a happy thanksgiving to all hope you like it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. My thansgiving tradition is my family goes to brunch at the minnehaha country club. Then me and my dad watch football until 4:00. Then finally my family goes bowling in either sioux falls or Brandon. That is my thanksgiving tradition.

  42. I go to my grandmas and grandpas (in worthington)and have turkey with my uncle steve, aunt alice, aunt jean, uncle brian and cousins. We dont sleep after we eat turkey. My dad and steve go hunting but not on thanksgiving. No football for us. I normally make movies with my cousin and sister after everybody leaves because we stay at our grandmas.

  43. My going to St.Cloud. To see my family . Im going to go to the mall . Im leaveing Wesnday .

  44. On thanksgiving we go to my Grandparent's house. It can be a big get together, usually my dad's side of the family comes. We don't play games because when it comes to my dad and his 3 brothers you dont get in their way of eating!
    After were done some of my anunts and uncles will go and fall asleep in the living room.
    What I like the best is being around all my cousins and other family, but i do miss the other side of my family, but were going to my other grandparents house next weekend.[ its my grandpas 75th b day!!!!]

  45. Hey Mr. Klumper!

    Usually I go to my grandmas house and she usually has about 10 to 20 people over at her house for thanksgiving. This year i am having thanksgiving at my house so my aunt, uncle and the rest of my family over for thanksgiving! My mom and i have been going crazy about if we are going to have enough food at my house for about 18 people! i am so excited i cant wait

  46. Usually, I go to my grandma's and grandpa's house with my mom's side of the familey {my grandma make the best stuffing ever!} and then I go to my grandpa's and grandma's with my dad's side of the family {my grandpa makes the best turkey every!} and then I have to go back to school:(

  47. i love thaksgiving because i get to eat and watch football. i watch every game. i dont play vidieo games but i do sleep when footballs done. i go hunting. im going pheasant hunting on wendsday.

  48. on thanksgiving we eat turkey& mashed potatos.we usualy eat at my house. wich has a huge back yard. we also have a big the end of the day we watch a movie. thats how my family spends thanks giving.

  49. For Thanksgiving we either go to Sioux City with family or we just stay home kick back and relax eat some ham or turkey which ever i like the Turkey we watch or fav movies we eat cranberries and potatoes and sleep over at my cousins house and go to a movie maybe. What do you do on Thanksgiving?

  50. What I do is I have a big dinner on Thanksgiving day starting at 3:00 and ending at 9:00. We ussually eat turky. I can hardly remember my Thanksgiving traditions, because i've been in California for the past 4 years.

  51. we stay at are house cause we have the whole familey there cousins are there and we hang out and we raace eachother and we eat and we go shopping all the girls and we stay the night and just have fun we eat and talk forever yah yah

  52. What my family dose for thanksgiving is we have about 2 to 3 thanksgiving 2 at both of are grandparents and some times at are house we always have either ham or turky thats all we do on thankgiving.

  53. Heyy! On Thanksgiving most of my family goes out to Chamberlin to get together. We have a nice meal of turkey, ham, stuffing, and more. After eating, most of my guy cousins that are 12-17 years old go hunting. The area is farm land so we see alot of pheasants and a couple of bucks. It is normally a tradition to see who gets the most pheasants. But my cousin Drew and I just shoot racoons, squirrels, and blackbirds. It is alot of fun. Also we have a barn where we have a rope swing that is like 20 feet tall and we swing on it. It is a BLAST! I never miss a game on Thanksgiving and they are usually pretty exciting. Thanksgiving is a good holiday but not the best ~in my opinion~ but anyway.... Thats what I do on Thanksgiving! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  54. At thanksgiving time we usually go to one of my grandparents houses and have a thanksgiving meal with them. Not this year though we are going to Lincoln, Nebraska. We have a great hotel down there with a pool. And my dad says that the resturaunt across the street is Bon' apetite. Then we are going to the Nebraska vs. Colorado game.

  55. On thanksgiving i go hunting with fam up at the farm. its a big gathering i hav 25 cousins on that side.we race motorcross bikes and 4-wheelers. lots of fun most of the time depends if all the little ones are craby.this yr i hav 2new cousins i get to meet. ttyl

  56. at my house me and my family we take turns standing on the table and poor wip cream into peoples mouths.


  57. During thanksgiving my family goes to one of my cousins house and we eat alot of turkey, mash potatoes, and don't forget the gravy and pumkin pie,YUM. Everyone usually plays games like heartland stagity (most popular) or other card games.This year I might get to see my new baby cousin,but they live far away so that might not happen. It is abut a median gathering, but it is really fun. we usually don't tavel alot maybe an hour or two at the most. Every thanksgiving the tv is always on and they are watching football.My family likes the Vikings but i don't really care.I am one of the youngest ones in both my moms and dads side.My sister in collage comes home so that is alot of fun.Those are some of the things we do at thanksgiving.

  58. Every Thankgiving we go to my dad's mom and dads house! Will we eat turkey or ham (most of the time we have turkey, mash potatoes, sweet potatoes and more just can't think of all them, and for desert we have pumkin pie. I do not like pumkin pie so I stay away from that! There usally is a t.v. show on that we sometimes watch, my grandma got a wii so we will probobly play a turnement! When we go my dad's brother and his family are usally there. NO i dont go hunting but sometimes my dads brother goes to get a turkey but we always get a turkey incase if he does not catch one! Then if we catch one than we have alot of leftovers!!! After thankgiving my brother has hokey so this year were going to Maple Grove, Minnesota. So then were going to Mall Of America!!!! This year is going to be so much fun because Sammie Peterson is going to Mall of America!!!!! :)

  59. im at my grandmas hanging with my cusin Kevin

  60. im at my aunts house and i am having ham not turkey some corn and sald. afterwards we are going to have pecon pie , apple pie ,and some pupkin pie yum yummy. we also are going to have supper at my aunts house probly left overs. plus there are all boys that are my cousins not cool but its okey i've got to go now chow for now.


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