
Friday, November 7, 2008

The Great River Nile

The fact that we learn about the Nile River first during our Ancient Egypt Unit is by no accident. The Nile is by far the most important and essential element for Ancient Egypt. Without the Nile, Ancient Egypt would be a meaningless blip on the Ancient Civilization radar screen. We discussed the importance of the Nile and the various purposes the Nile serves the people of Egypt. Let's take some time to discuss what we have learn about the Nile. You may use your Nile River Notes if you get stuck.

Your discussion should include ALL of the following:
--Describe the picture I have attached to this post. Explain why the picture looks as it does.
--Discuss both the "Black Land" and the "Red Land." Why is it called that? What is possible in the Black land? Why? What is not possible in the Red land? Why?
--Describe how the Nile River is a "Giver of Life" and how it is a "Taker of Life"
--Why is the Nile River so important? Things to keep in mind/discuss: why do people live so close to the Nile, the many uses of the Nile, what Egypt would be like if the Nile River did not exsist, etc...

Good Luck on this very important Nile River post. This is the most essential element to understand in dealing with ancient Egypt. Be confident in your ability to adequately disucss the Nile.

The Egypt Unit is well underway. Thank you for your continued effort and enthusiasm about Social Studies.


  1. 1. The picture you posted is a picture of the nile river. It empties into the mediterannean sea, and is surrounded by deserts known as the burning deserts.

    2. The black land is called the black land because silt is left behind there when the nile floods. This allows crops to grow here. The red land is very dead land, and doesn't receive any silt when the nile floods, so crops can't grow here.

    3.The nile is called the giver of life because it floods and waters there crops and leaves fertile silt behind. It is also called the taker of life because when it floods, it could drown farmers, or it wouldn't flood, and kill crops.

    4. The nile is important because it transported Egyptians goods, watered their crops, and irrigated their land.

    *If the Nile didn't exist, Egypt wouldn't have been able to exist. Egypt depended on the nile for nearly everything they needed to survive.

  2. The pisture shows wat the nile looks like from above.the nile flowsnorthwordbecause its going down hill. it sounds weriod butits the same asgoing south for a river.
    its called the black land becausethe land is very fertile to plant crops. its also called the red land because,no crops cangrow there.
    it is called giver of life becauseit helps the crops whenit over flowbut,whenit s called the taker of life it kills some of the crops and it kills some people.(harsh)
    the nile is so important to the people because,without it allthe people would die of hunger or thirst.

  3. it is big at the south end then it gets smaller ritee about 3/4ths of the way then its huge. its smaller 3/4s of the way because its desert dried it all up and then it got bigger at the end of the nile.

  4. it looks like that because it flows north and the delta is at the top and the black land was good for growing and it was fertile the red land was hot and dry and not good for growing the nile was a giver of life because it gave water for them to plant crops and taker of life because it would overflow to less or to much causing death from drowing or stavation it was inportant because if they didnt have the nile it wouldnt be a civilization and they couldve died without fertile land from the water

  5. The nile river has an upper part and lower part. they call these parts upper egypt and lower egypt. THe nile river flows north. THe black land and the red land. THe black land is closest to the nile and its called the black land cause when it floods the people get very fertile soil. THe red land is desert and dosnt get any water unless it rains. NO crops can grow there.
    THe nile is the giver of life and the taker of life. Liver of life because it irragates land for farming. THe nile transfers goods and food means to survive. Taker of life cause if it overflows to much it could kill somebody and destroy crops. If it overflows to little crops dont grow and surplus has to be used. If the nile didnt exist then there might not have been an ancient egypt and thats why its so important.

  6. It is big at the South and

    more to come

  7. It is big at the South and

    more to come

  8. It is big at the South and

    more to come

  9. the green is were the nile river is and all th green stuff is like trees and plants. more comeing

  10. THe Nile River is very important, many people depend on it for many things. Such as survival, irrigation, & crops. It gets it's name from the Greek word "Nelios" meaning river valley. The Nile River is 4184 miles long. It's source is Lake Victoria, Uganda. Along the Nile, lower Egypt is NORTH, and upper Egypt is SOUTH. The "Black land" is very fertile. It is located along the banks of the Nile. The river overflows, making it very fertile. The giver of Life has irrigated land for farming.

  11. The black land is right next to the Nile River. When the Nile overflows the land becomes more fertile because of the silt it leaves behind. In the black land it is possible to farm because of the fertie soil the Nile leaves behind. The red land however is very dry because the flood waters of the Nile don't reach that far, making it immpossible to farm. The Nile is a giver of life because it makes it possible to farm, and it gave water for the egyptains to drink. It is also a taker of life because it overflows too much flooding crops and somtimes killing people. It also overflows too little, causing crops not to grow and the food surplus had to be used. The Nile is so important because it provideds food and water for the egyptains, That is why the egyptais live so close to the nile. Without the nile the egyptains would have either died or moved away towards another river.

  12. 1. The Nile looks that way because it is from google earth so thats why it looks green and the delta is empting in the Medditeranean Sea.
    2.The black land is very fertile soil


  13. The picture looke like it does because it is on river (the Nile) flowing through and pretty much all desert around it, the Sahara.

    The reason the call it "Black Land" is because it is so fertile for grown crops, and because the Nile overflows to make it that feritle.

    The reason they call it the "Red Land" is because it is part of the desert and it would be pretty much inpossible for crops to grow there.

    The Nile River is so important because it helps grow grops because the land next to it is so feritle ("Black Land") and helps transport goods for the Egyptians.
    The Nile is the Giver of Life because it helps grow crops. The Nile is the taker of life because it can overflow too much of too little.

  14. 2.the lack land is called that because it has fertile soil and its closer to the river,so its called that because on the map it
    looks black. the red land is called how it is because its really hot in the red land. TO BE CONTINUED?

  15. the picture you atached to the bolg is picture of the nile river it is greenbecause of the vegataion along the nile river.
    BLACKLAND= it is called the black land because of the vegation along the nile.
    RED LAND=its a desert
    GIVER OF LIFE=it provides water
    TAKER OF LIFE= it floods and kills people

  16. 1. The picture that was posted is about the Nile River, it it very dirty at the delta.

    2.The Black Land is very fertile soil.

    3.Red Land is very dry and dull.

    4.At the giver of life the river brings life to plants.

  17. 1. the nile river flows into the mediteranian sea and is surrounded by the buring deserts and the nile is very long.

    2.the black land is called the "black land" because it was very fertile land. and they called the red land "red land" because no crops could grow there ( it was all deserts) for the black land it was possible to live because there was crops and it was not possible to live

  18. The pitur elooks the way it does because it was taken way up high and looks small and thin but is not.
    The Black land is fertil and ggod for growing crops.The Red land has no fertil soil and can't grow crops.
    The Nile is so important beacuse they gey there water from it and use the water to farm

    to be contiued.....

  19. the water in the pictcher dose not look fresh. but that is becuse of the blake land. to be posted....

  20. The picture shows the Nile River.It looks like that because the Red Land And the Black Land make it look like that greenish color.
    The Black Land is called the black land because it has very fertile land.
    The Red Land is called the Red Land because no crops could grow in that area because it would only overflow into the Black Land.
    The Nile River is a "Giver of life" because it has irragated land for farming which the Egyptians need for survival.
    The Nile River was a "taker of life" because it would overflow too much and kill people and destroy crops. Also sometimes it would overflow too little which made the crops not grow which led to surplus.

  21. the blakc land is for fertile soil and because it gets fertile soil is from the nile oer flowing.
    the red land was to protect the nile from invaders.
    the rier started at upper egypt and ended at the medditerrainian sea.

  22. 1.because of all the vegitaition around the river it looks green .2the balck land is nwere its most fertile the red land is were it is not fertile becouse its farther awayfrom the river.the nile is the giver of life cause it waters all their crops and the tacker of life is when it floods and killing people 3the nile is important because it gives the people good water

  23. The river is green because there are things growing in and around the nile. when it floods it makes the land fertile thats the giver of life. the taker of life is it floods and crops and villages are destroyed. the nile is impotant because it gave them a lot of needed tools from the papyrus. the black land gets water when it floods the red land does not because it is farther out.

  24. 1.The Nile looks as it does because around it...the nile has swampy area.....
    2.Black land means...very fertile land/good for farming...and Red land means,the land cant grow crops because when the nile overflows the water doesnt reach it...
    3.The giver of life means the god will give them a very good year of farming...and taker of life means the harverst wont grow very well and they will have difficulys...
    4.The nile is very important because without it the Egyptians counldnt have had they could wash their chlotes and more...their wouldnt have done good...

  25. The picture looks like that because there is a lot of plants growing around the nile.the red land isthe desert and th black land is near the nile because it provides water and crops.It is so important because it provides essential life to the egyptians.

  26. the nile has other names to like the giver of life and taker.
    the reason it was called the taker of life cause when it would overflow it would either over flow to much and destroy the crops or drown the people along the river.
    And its also the giver of life to because of it overflowing and giving the crops water.

  27. the black land is called the black land because it has very fertile land. the red land is called the red land because it is bad for growing crops.the giver of life is a land for erragation land for farming.the taker of life over flows to much destroys crops kills people

  28. the picture is the Nile river it looks that way because the mountains drop water from the snow
    the black land is more fertile then the red land because more water gets there and the red land doesnt get is possible to grow crops in the black land because of the water that gets there.its not possible to grow crops because of no water.the river is the giver of life because it giver water to the people

  29. the picture represents how big the nile isand it also shows that the nile is green from above.
    the black land is black because

  30. the picture represents how big the nile isand it also shows that the nile is green from above.
    the black land is black because

  31. This picture is a picture of the nile river it looks green because of papurus and the tan is desert

    the black land is very fertile because the river over flows
    the red land is not fetile so you cant grow crops there

    the nile is the giver of life becuase

  32. The picture of the nile looks green because of all the trees by it. The nile is importnt because it helped egyptions with irrigation,food,and transportation and thats why they called it the giver of life.

  33. The picture looks like that because that is a picture from space. The black land is where the Nile floods to. The red land is where the Nile does not flood to. In the black land you can grow crops because the land is fertile and you cannot growcrops in the red land because there is no water to make it fertile. The Nile is called the taker of life because it kills some people during the flood. It is called the giver of life because it makes land fertile and you can grow crops to eat.

  34. 1. The picture shows the Nile. The funny thing is it is green. It is green because of all the trees and weeds that grow around it.

    2. Two parts of the Nile were the red land and the black land. The black land was very very fertile while the red land was dry as a desert. The only reason the black land is fertile is because the Nile overflows into the black and not the red.

    3.The Nile is called the Giver of Life because that is why we are studing the Egyptions. The nile gave them water and food. It is called the Taker of Life because it would overflow and flood.

    4. People were very fortunate to live close to the Nile. The main thing I would use the Nile for and so did the Egyptians is transportation.

  35. the picture shows the nile river .it looks like it does because, there is red land and black land and it lookks land is black land because it has very fertal land and located right along the nile land is red land because no crops could grow there,and there was a desert.the nile river is the giver of life because it has irrigated landfor farming.the nile river is so important because it gets its name from the greek word meaning nelios ,meaing rivervally.

  36. the nile flows north in to the medritrain sea because the upper land is higher than the lower land

    the black land is called the black land because it is very fertil land

    to be continued

  37. The black land is right next to the nile river. It's there because when it overflows, that is the land that gets watered. To be continude.

  38. 1. The picture of the Nile is green becuase there are plants growing around it.
    2. The red land is called the red land becuase it is very dry. The black land is called that becuase it has very rich soil becuase of the Nile.
    3. The Nile is called the giver of life becuase it gives water to the egyptians. It is called the taker of life becuase it floods and kills.
    4. It is important becuase it provides water to the people in egypt. The reason thet would be impotant is becuase water is rare in the egypt.

  39. 1. The picture is of the Nile river in Egypt.
    2.The black land is where overflowed water from the river was leaving very fertile land, the red land is where there is no water so they can not grow crops. 3.The Nile river is a giver of life because it gives water and fertile soil that is good for farming, it is a taker of life because many people got swept away when they were near the river and drowned many people.
    4.The Nile river is important because it gave water fertile land and papyrus to make something to right on.

  40. The Nile river gets its name from the Greek word "Neilos" meaning River Valley. Its length is 4000 miles long. Its in Lake Victoria,Uganda. The Black Land has very fertile land. Its located right along the Nile River. More to come

  41. 1 The picture you have posted here is of the Nile River that separates into canals that then lead to the Mediteranean Sea.

    2 The black land is called that because of the fertile soil the river leaves behind when it receades back after overflowing in the black land your able to grow crops.

    3 The red land is called that simply because when the river overflowes that is where the water and fertile soil doesn't meet there for you can't grow crops there.

    4 The Nile River is the giver of life because it provides the egyptians with food, paypuras plants, and transportation.

    5 The Nile River is also called the taker of life because if it overflows it can ruin crops and kill or drown people in it's murkey depths.

    6 Same answer as 4.

  42. The Nile I agree is the most important part of Egypt. The Black land is the place were the river flods and leaves A very fertil black mud behind. That mud was what the Egyptans used to grow crops.

  43. 1.The reason the picture looks that way is because it is a picture that was taken by a satelite and it makes the Red Land and the Black Land look green.

    2. The Black Land got its name because it has very fertile soil. In the Black Land there are alot of crops because when the river overflows it makes the soil wet and it waters the crops. The Red Land got its name because it doesnt get water when the Nile overflows.If you were in the Red Land you would find no crops.

    3.The Nile river is called the Giver of Life because it would irrigate land for farming, Transported goods, and produced food to survive.

    4.The reason the Nile is also called the Taker of Life is because it overflowed to much, destroyed crops, killed people, or it would overflow to little, crops could not grow, and surplus had to be used.

    5.The Nile is important because it produces fertile soil and it is the highway of Egypt.

  44. In the picture i see a river that is geen and flowing north.

    The picture is green because of all of the rich soil and and crops.

    The black land is black because it is very rich silt.

    The red land is called that because it is not rich.

    In the black land you can farm.

    In the red land you cant.

    The nile is the giver of life because when it floods just right it can produce crops.

    It is the taker of life when it does not flood enough and it KILLS people.

    The nile is so important b ecause without it egypt would be a (blot) on the map.

  45. this picture is brown because of the sand and the river looks green becuase of the fertile land witch lets plants grow but only along the banks of the river. its a giver of life because it gives them everything and its a taker of life becuase it would drowned people

  46. The picturewho have posted isa picture of the Nile River. This picture looks asit doesbecause the Nile River is completly sorrounded by deserts. It is called black landbecause in the black land you can grow crops cause there is veryfertile land andit is located right along the Nile River. It is called the Red land because the red land is a desert like most deserts are reddish orangish and in the red land cropsd not grow cause when the nile river floods it doesnt hit the red land. Thenile river is so importantto ancient egypt because this river helps them grow crops, and it gives them very fertile land when it floods.n If the nile river didnt exist they would dyeof starvation. They caled it giver of life and taker of life becausegiverof life gives them food and water and irrigated land, and taker of life destroyes crops and they have to use surpus food.

  47. the picture looks green bacause tje river is to tiny to see so all you see is the furtle ground around it. The differace between the red land and the black land is the black land very furtle and the red land is not. the reason the black land is called the black land is that when the nile rivers floods is leaves bahind black fertal soil. And the reason the red land is called the red land is bacause it is a desert and the desert looks red the thing differense batween the red land and the black land is the black land is very fertils and the red land is not. the reason it is called the giver of live and the taker of life is when it is called the giver of live is when it floods just enough so the crops are not over watered or under watered. when it is called the taker of life it is eather when the the nile over floods and the cropps do not grow or the nile under floods and the cropse do not get any water and the cropse do not both times the people are forsed to use there surplus.the nile river is every thing to the people becouse the river gives the people water and food1 if t did not exsist there would probaley no one living in europe becase it would all be desert!

  48. The Nile is called the taker of life because if it overflows and your outside and cant swim. Your in trouble

  49. The Nile looks the way it does in the picture because even though the Nile isn't that wide, the river is looks wide and green because the fertile soil helps the plants grow easier. The rest of the picture is tan becuase it is desert.
    When the Nile overflows the fertile silt coveres the land in a
    thick covering of dark mud, thus they called that area the "Black Land." The area the floodwater didn't reach isn't fertilized so nothing grows. That area being desert, it got the name "Red Land."
    The Nile is considered the "Giver of Life" because it offered water and rich ground for farming. It was also titled the "Taker of Life" because if it overflowed too much it could drown people.
    The Nile is important to Ancient Egypt because it gave water, transportation of goods, and again, fertile ground for farming. Without the Nile, Egypt wouldn't have been as successful in farming, therefore they wouldn't have enough food to feed the people, causing a population decrease. Without as many people, there wouldn't be as many people to work on pyramids, and other famous structures.

  50. 1 the nile looks the way it does in the picture is because it's showing the black and fertile land so all you can see is the green

    2 the black land is the land right along the nile. it's where most of the people lived and it is very fertile because that is where the nile overflows there is dessart all around it and that's where the red land is the red land is the dessart that the nile does not reach when it overflows.

    3 one of the nicknames for the nile is taker of life. it's called that because if it overfolws to much it could kill crops and people. if it overflows to little then the land can not get fertlie enough and no crops would grow and the people would not have crops to eat. it's other nickname is giver of life because with out it the people could not trasfer goods, have freash water for drinking, or ne anle to grow crops.

    P.S to anyone who reads this please forgive my bad spelling :)

  51. thepicher is ploley green becusa it cuold be a tree.

    the black land is fertal becas it over flows.

    to be cuntind.

  52. the picture is of the nile river. The pictures look like that because thats the nile river. The reason it is called the black land is when the nile floods it leaves a big blanket of mud. The reason they call it the red land is it can never get enough water to make it fertil. The nile is called the giver of life is it gives you good land for farming. The reason it is called the taker of life is it over flows to much and it can kill people. The reason the nile is so inportant is if they didnt have the nile river you wouldnt have food, water, or crops. Peole live so close to the nile is that you can farm and you can have alot of water. If the nile didnt exist you couldnt get crops,food,and water.

  53. [♥]The picture shown here is a picture of the Nile River, which is sorrounded by deserts and empties into the Meditterranean Sea.

    [♥]The "Black Land" is an area of land that is very fertile. It gets its name from the silt that floods from the river, turning the land a black-ish color.

    [♥]The "Red Land" is an area that is very dry, desert land. The river's water does not reach here. No crops are able to grow in this area.

    [♥]The Nile River can be a "Giver of Life" or a "Taker of Life". When the river floods just right, crops are able to grow and it creates a surplus. But when it overflows, crops can be ruined and people can drown. It can also flood too little and crops don't grow so surplus needs to be used.

    [♥]The Nile River is very important to the Ancient Egyptians because it is a sorce of water, food, and many other things. With out it, there would be no civilization.

  54. *The picture you attached is a picture of the Nile River. The green that we see is the irrigated areas where the nile river floods. The tan part is desert where no plantation can survive. Th really green branched out area is the Nile Delta, which empties into the Medditeranean Sea.
    *The Black Land is the area that is green surrounding the Nile. It is called that because when the Nile floods, it leaves behind fertile sediment. It is posseble to farm there with the use of canals.
    *The Red Land is the tan area on the sides of the Black Land. It is not passible to farm there because there is no water from floods.
    *The Nile is a giver of life because it provides irrigation for the people to farm.
    *The Nile is a taker of life because if it floods to much to crops will be destroyed and the people will die. If it floods to little the crops will not grow, which means they have to use their surplus, which can lead them to starve to death.
    *The Nile is so important because without it people would not survive in Egypt, because they could not grow food, and would die of thriest.

  55. 1.The picture you have posted is a picture of the nile river.It looks like it is green because the papyrus grass growing along the nile and also it is fertile land right next to the nile river.
    2.The black land is the land right next to the river.This land is very fertile.The Red land is right next to the black land and is is not possible to grow crops in this area.
    3.The nile is the giver of life because it has irrigated land for farming,transported goods,and food to survive.It is the taker of life because if it overflows to little crops could not grow and they would eventually run out of a food surplus.If it overflowed too much it would destroy the crops and it would kill people.

  56. 1 this picture is from outer space so that you can see the nile, the black land, and the red land. you can see the fertile land near the delta.
    2 the black land is there to give them fertile land for thier crops. they get the fertile land because the blak is so close to the nile river.
    3 the red land is called what it is because the red land is so far away from the nile so it does not get any water that is good for housing or something.
    4 the nile is a giver of life and a taker of life. the giver of life is #1. good for irrigating land for farming #2. the nile transported really good and #3. gave them food to be countined

  57. The picture you posted is a picture of the Nile river which emties into the Meditranean sea.

    The Black land is called the black land because of all the leftover slt from when the nile fooled.

    The red land is called the red land because all it is is desert.

    The Nile river is the giver of life because it is irrigated land for farming

    to be contidued

  58. 1.The picture is the Nile River and it looks like that cause of the swanmpy or grassy area.
    2.Black land means very fertile land and Red land means no crops could grow there.
    3.For the Taker of Life it would overflow too much and it destroyed crops and killed people. It would overflow too little and crops could not grow and surplus had to had to be used.
    4.For the Giver of Life irrigated land for farming and transpotred goods and also food means to survive.
    5.the nile is important cause without water the egyptains would not be able to wash clothes.

  59. 1. The picture you posted is a picture of the nile river. It empties into the mediterannean sea, and is surrounded by deserts known as the burning deserts.

    2. The black land is called the black land because the water overflows from the Nile River onto the Black Land which makes it able so you con grow your crops. The red land is very dry land, and doesn't receive any water when the nile floods, so crops can't grow there.

    3.The nile is called the giver of life because it floods and waters there crops and leaves fertile ground behind. It is also called the taker of life because when it floods, it could drown farmers, or it wouldn't flood, and kill crops.

    4. The nile is important because it transported Egyptians goods, watered their crops, and irrigated the land.

  60. 1. the pic is the nile as it enpties land you can farm, red land is a desert
    3.the nile is a giver of life because it produces fertile silt you can farm, its a taker of life because it might not flood
    4.the nile is important to the eygptshons because it produces pretty much all they need

  61. the picture is of the nile and the plants around it you can't see the nile from there but you can see the plants land is used for crops sence it is so close it can hae more the red land cannot grow plants there becouse it is desert and water can't get there
    3. the nile is a gier of life becouse it gies them water and it oer flows leaving good fertel land to grpw crops
    it is the taker of life becouse it overflows too littel and no crops grow witch made them use surplus and it overflows too much and it kills people and kills the crops becouse it destoys them
    4. it is important becouse it gie them water to live and everyone needs water and it gives them food. They live close to it becouse they grow crops there and it helps travel

  62. The Nile River gets bigger in the south part of the river.The Nile River flows North because the land is higherin upper Egypt.The Black Land is very fertile land and is located along the nile river.

  63. 1. a radar picture of egypt
    2.The Black land is very fertile land due to it is along the river and whan the river floods it leaves behind silt. the red land you can not grow crops because its all desert. can be the giver of life because it can grow good crops not overflow to much and it can be th taker of life because it can overflow to much and kill people.
    4.without the nile river ther would have never been a egypt

  64. 1. the piture is amazing it is cool how the nile river goes through all of those countress and how all of those people had to live so close to that thing

    2. the red land is all dessert
    and the black land is all mud and silt and if the river would over flow that far into the red land then it would still vaporate in minuetes.

    3.when it was the giver of life that would mean that the water would give peoplevegitachen andwater for food drinking water and for plant life and transportation.

    4.the nile river was so important that with out it the egypt coloney would therfore not even exict it would just be a baren waste land it was also yused for transportation irragation and food.
    the reason people live so close to it is because there were no more big rivers like the nile to give food drinking water and trasnport.

  65. 1. The picture on the post is a picture of the Nile River.

    2.The Black Land has very fertile land. It is located right along the Nile River. The land is so fertile because the river floods.

    3. The Red Land is different from the black land. On the red land no crops can grow because of the desert.

    4. The Nile River is a giver of life because their is irrigated land for farming and transported goods.

    5. The Nile River is a taker of life because it will overflow too much which means it destroyed crops and killed people. Then, it would overflow too little which means crops could not grow and a surplus has to be used and then you will have no food.

    6.The Nile River is so important because it helps crops grow and it helps people survive. If the nile river didn't exist people would probably would not survive.

  66. the piture you posted is of the nile river wich appears green because of all of the trees that surround it.

    black land is called black land because of the silt left behind from the previously flooded nile river.the red land is very dead because the niles' overflooding stops at the end of the black land.

    giver of life because it overfloods giving fertile soil called silt.also because it is a main resource for water for crops.

    taker of life because it sometimes overflows to little causing the farmers to sell or use all of the little surplus that they had.

    the nile is important because it is a main resource for water to water the crops.
    *it dont exist egypt would not exist*

  67. the black land is very fertil. the red land can't grow crop there. the taker of life transport goods from place to place. it had distroy crops;and killed people.

    zach thomas 8th pirod

  68. 1.the red land was called that because it did not get any water.
    2.the black land was called that because it got all ogthe water when it flowded and made the land good for farming.
    3.the nile is called the giver of life becaouse it gives people food and gives them good land for farming is called the taker of life because when it floods it over flows and drounds people.
    5.the nile gets its name from the greek word nelios meaning river vally.
    6.the nile is also used for transportaion of goods.
    7.the nile is the longest river on the whole planet, the amozon is only a little smaller.

  69. H, the picture is of the Nile river. The green part is where the water reaches, which is refeared to as the black land. And the tanish area is the desert, which is Red land where the water cannot reach. In the black land crops can grow because of the water when it floods, crops cant grow in the red land because the water cant reach it.
    The Nile is called the giver of life, because it provides water for the people, and for the crops. It is also alled the taker of life because when it floods it can drown people, and it can kill the crops, which means no food. The Nile is important because it provides water for crops and the people, and it is known as th highway of Egypt, because that is what they would travel on. Without the Nile there would be no egypt its that simple no wate, and no crops.

  70. #1. This is a picture of the Nile River, and the tanish stuff is the desterts that surround it.

    #2. The black land is called the black land because it is black in color, and crops could grow here well because it is very fertile.
    The red land is a reddish color and it is not sucessful because no crops could grow here.

    #3. The nile river is nicknamed the taker of life because irrigated land for farming, transported goods, and food: means to survive.
    "Taker of life overflow to much, destroyed crops, killed people, overflow to little, crops could not grown and the surplus has to be used.

    #4. The nile river is so important because without it egypt and egypiands would not exist.

  71. Black land is called "black land" because the river leaves behind black sediment and/or thick layors of mud. which makes the land v ery fertile or rich which is perfect for growing land is land where it does not grow plants very well and the soil is very bad and is mostley desert land.

  72. hey hozit goin? here is my awesome disscution...

    1 The black land is the closest layer of land to the nile, and also the most fertile. The red land is all around the nile and the black land

    more to come

  73. Black Land
    Very fertile land
    right a long the Nile River.

    Red Land
    can't go crops there
    In the Desert.
    Giver of Life
    Irrigated land for forming

  74. the green is the fertal land so the crops that grow there.

    the brown is dry land so not alot of crops can grow there.

    the nile river emptys in to the mediteranian sea.

  75. hey hozit goin? here is my awesome disscution...

    1 The black land is the closest layer of land to the nile, and also the most fertile. The red land is all around the nile and the black land

    more to come

  76. It looks like this because of all the green plants growing by the shore. Also the big part is the delta.
    2.the balack land is the fertile part where crops can grow.the red land is far away and nothing can grow. nobody can live here either.
    3. it is the giver of life because it helps irragate crops and give people food and water. taker because it over flows too much forcing them to use a surplus.
    it helps them survive in the egypt. without the nile egypt wont exsist.

  77. very fertile land and it is located right along the nile river no crops could grow here and it is at the desert

  78. the green is the fertile.

    The black land is good for farming and the red land is a place that is so dry that you can't grow anything.

    the nile river is the giver of life because it gives you fish,water,and birds.


  79. The Nile had two lands right along the sides of it and the names are Black land and Red land the red land is dessert and the black land is fertile good growing land. THe nile is a giver of life by giving water food and the water for crops the nile is also a taker of life by drowning people not enough water when it floods. The nile is 4,814 miles long

  80. The picture shows the farmland.i think the nile should be deeper.

    the black land is ideal for farming.the soil is nice and fertile.the RED LAND is desolet and deadly for plants and is dry.

    giver:it would bring life to people and plants yeah!!!:)

    taker:it would flood and kill people and plants BOOO!!!!!>:(

    the nile is important beacause it is the center of there world,water,food,transportation.i could go on forever but i don't think YOU want tn read this for hours.

  81. 1. The picture is the nile, but it looks green due to all of the plants growing on it's banks.
    2. The Black land is the land right next to the nile, It is called the black land because of the black silt deposotied by the nile when it floods, it is verry fertile and good for growing crops. The Red land is the land beyond the black land, The red land is a desert and crops cannot grown here.
    3. The nile is a giver of life because it will deposi]te fertile silt that is good for farming, and it is also good for transporting goods along thr nile on boat. It is a taker of life when it floods to much, or not enough.
    4.The nile os verry important because with ut it egypt uold look like the rest of the red land.

  82. Mythology is defined as a collection of interrelated stories of a given culture. Myths tend to describe the creation of the world and give a culture an understanding of the events of nature and the world around them. Myths are also generated to tell the story of the first people to inhabit the earth. These people are elevated to gods and goddesses, which usually associate them as having supernatural and special powers. Myths also express the values or beliefs of a culture, and every culture studied has their own myths distinctive to their group.

    Ancient Egyptians tried to understand their place in the universe and their mythology centers itself on nature, the earth, sky, moon, sun, stars, and the Nile River. Heliopolis, the City of the Sun, is located in the ruins of Yunu in northeast Cairo. This is where the cosmic creation of Egyptian myth began. Ancient Egyptian mythology states that in the beginning of time everything began with Nu. Nu is the description of what the planet was before land appeared. Nu was a vast area of swirling watery chaos and as the floods receded the land appeared. The first god to appear out of this watery mess was Atum. This myth was probably created because of the large source of water from the Nile River. In one interpretation, Atum is credited with the fertile land that springs up when the water's of the Nile River recedes, because he was the first to arise out of the watery mess.

  83. 1. The picture you showed is about the Nile river. It is green because the Nile produces rich soil that allows many crops to grow.
    2. The black land is closest to the Nile river because when it overflows the rich soil goes in the black land.
    3. The red land is the land that isn't near the Nile river so it is a realy hot desert.
    4. The Nile river is the giver of life because it allows the crops to grow and allows the people drink.The Nile river allowed the eygptians to build a great civilization.
    5. The Nile is the taker of life because it can kill people.
    6. Same as # 5.

  84. the black land is very fertil cause of irrigation and it is located right along the nile river the land id do fertile cause it floods alot there....

    red land no crops grow there because it is all the desert....

    the reason it is the giver of life is cause there is irrigation for farming ans there is transporting goods ...

    why is it the taker of like it is taker of life cause it over flows to much and it destroys crops and it kills people.. it can over flow to little and then crops can not grow and then theyt would have to use thesurpls!!!!!!!

  85. Blackland=vegetation along the line.
    red land=desert and horibble for growing.
    NILE RIVER=longest river on the earth.
    the egyptians relied on the nile for everything.

  86. The picture is green because weed, trees, and marshy areas are in the great river and it splits at its source emptying in the Meditteranean Sea.
    It is named the "Black Land" because it has silt from the river that is black making the land color black and also because it is very, very, very fertile because of the overslows! Also it is called the "Red Land" because it is such terrible land for farming and it is practically desert.
    It is sometimes known as the "Giver of Life" because it gives the Egyptians food and fresh water for farming and cooking! It is also known as the "Taker of Life" because it may overflow too much and ruin crops and even kill people! Also it can overflow too little and ruin their crops of drought because their is no water for them to survive. Overall it helps the Egyptians more than it hurts them!!
    What makes the Nile River so important is that it gives them fresh water for drinking and farming, iriigation for the crops, and lastly a transpotation system! Koo Koo Katchoo!

  87. The picture you have shown is green because there are plants around the nile. it also gets wider because it goes into a delta and its from google maps satalite.
    the black land is called that because it is very firtile land because the nile floods. the red land is called that becaus it is a dry desert it guards is the giver of life because

  88. The picture looks like it is going north.
    the black land is called the black land because it has fertile land, located right along the nile river, and it is so fertile because the nile river floods.
    the red land is called the red land because no crops grow there and they wouldn't grow because it is by a desert.
    the nile river is called the giver of life because it transported goods and had enough food.
    the nile river is the taker of life because when it overflowed to much it destroyed crops and killed people.
    the nile is importat because it gives people water for farming and it would be hard to grow crops without.

  89. In the black land you can grow crops because of the fertile land.
    In the red land you can't grow crops because it's desert. The Nile River is a taker of life because if it overflows to much it can kill people, and crops. If it overflows to little there is not enough water for crops.

  90. The picture looks like it is going north.
    the black land is called the black land because it has fertile land, located right along the nile river, and it is so fertile because the nile river floods.
    the red land is called the red land because no crops grow there and they wouldn't grow because it is by a desert.
    the nile river is called the giver of life because it transported goods and had enough food.
    the nile river is the taker of life because when it overflowed to much it destroyed crops and killed people.
    the nile is importat because it gives people water for farming and it would be hard to grow crops without.

  91. 1. the picture you posted is a bird's eye view of the Nile River.
    2. The black land is black because it's land is black. life is possible becauseit's close to the nile. The red land more to come

  92. I know that the Nile River gets its name from Greek word "River Valley"

    I also kow that the Nile River is 4184 miles long.

    The Nile River source Lake Victoria, Uganda.

    The Nile flows throught the land is going down hill to the North.

    The Black Land is very fertile land located right along the Nile River.

  93. The picture looks like it is going north.
    the black land is called the black land because it has fertile land, located right along the nile river, and it is so fertile because the nile river floods.
    the red land is called the red land because no crops grow there and they wouldn't grow because it is by a desert.
    the nile river is called the giver of life because it transported goods and had enough food.
    the nile river is the taker of life because when it overflowed to much it destroyed crops and killed people.
    the nile is importat because it gives people water for farming and it would be hard to grow crops without.

  94. the Nile River is called the taker of life because if it does not flood enough they do not have good land for farming.the Nile River is called the giver of life because sometimes it floods and gives them good land for farming. They call it the black land because that is the area that it floods so it gives them good land for farming. they call it the red land because it does not flood in that area.

  95. 1. The picture shows the Nile River.
    2.The biack land shows were fertil land is. The red land shows were desert land is.
    3. The Giver of life is irrigated land for farming, they transported means to survive. The Taker of Life is were it killed people destroyed crops if it overflowed too much and if it overflowed too little crops would not grow and surplus food had to be used.
    4.The reason the Nile River is so important.....TO BE CONTINUED

  96. Hello blogers It is me again to finish my coment.I left off telling you how the Nile is imortant!The Nile is because they get there water,fish and use it to travel without it they would be out of luck.
    So that is my finished work! :]

  97. 3. the nile river is a giver or life because it gives water/irragation to the egyptians
    4.the nile river is important because it watered there crops and transported there goods.

  98. The picture that was attached is of the Nile River. The Nile River is flowing into the delt to the Mediterranean Sea. The landscape is brown, therefore showing the Sahara Desert. The landscapes also gets wider at the north, which represents lower Egypt. The narrower part represents Upper Egypt.

    The "Black Land" is called black due to the Nile River overflowing and the river leaves behind black silt. The black silt is rich and fertile soil, therefore land was excellent for growing crops once plowed. The Nile could also be used to irrigate the crops during the dry spell.

    The "Red Land" is called red due to the desert region surrounding the Nile River. Crops could not grow in the "Red Land" because the land was not fertile.

    The Nile River is referred to as the "Giver of Life" because it provides water for irrigation and drinking. It also provides fish for food. The river was also a good place to transport goods on boats along the river.

    The Nile River is referred to as the "Taker of Life" because the people never knew when it would flood. When the Nile River did flood, it destroyed villages, crops and took the lives of the village people. If the Nile River did not overflow, then the crops would not grow and the surplus would have to be used. Eventually the surplus would run out.

    The Nile River was important because it helped to start the first civilizations in Egypt. The River provided water for crops, drinking. It also provided fish for food. The Nile River also provided a place for boats to travel to distribute goods. This also created larger civilizations along the Nile, since people could share their cultures up/down the river. Egypt would be basically a desert and nonexistent without the Nile River. The Nile River is 4,184 miles long, provided water/food/transportation for all those living amond the river bed.

  99. The picture makes it look like the nile is green but it is not the green is forests on the out side of the nile.
    The black land is closist to the nile and is good for farming because it gets water.

    The red land is farther from the nile and bad for farming because it dousn't get much water.

    The nile is called the giver of life because without it they couldn't live.

    The nile is called the taker of life because if it floods people could die.

    The nile is so important because it gives them food and water. People live so close to the nile to farm and geting fresh water. Egypt would be nothing without the nile.

  100. 1.the taker of life is that the river would overflow to much which lead too destroyed crops and killed poeple. Overflowed too little which lead to the crops would not be able to grow and Surplus has to be used.
    2.The river would suport them with food and water. the reason why they would live by the nile is because thats where thier life is. the nile helps them with washing clothes, fresh water, good food, and, kept cool.


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