
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Election '08

6th Graders, You are not too young to be involved with Politics. You are not too young to have an opinion about who should be President of our great country. You have a voice. You have an opportunity. Voice your opinion right here on Water for Sixth Grade. Who should be President? The Democrate Candidate Barack Obama? Or the Republican Candidate John McCain? Let's Blog about it. Remember, it is okay to disagree. It is NOT okay to disagree by being mean to each other. Respect each other. Respect each others' differences.
Do not forget to vote for your choice on the poll!!


  1. Great poll Mr.Klumper

  2. VOTE FOR JOHN McCAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    VOTE FOR JOHN McCAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow.
    I was searching for some blogs for my 5th graders to read and I stumbled upon your site. Quite impressive! Our curriculum seems to align with yours, so I'm 'borrowing' some ideas from your site. Feel free to check out our site at The blog (still in the very, very, early stages) is in the Kids Section. It's called Monkey Island.
    Well, just wanted to say Hi and Good Job!

  4. I think that Obama should win because he is good and knows are ecomey and he would try to make it beter for us to win. 1 thing i like about him is because he is give women a right to chhose if they want abortion or not because he thinks that they wont choose abortion but i dont thik abortion is right. another thing i like about him is he wants to help the middle class with jobs and stuff like that. he wants to slowly withdraw our troups fron iraq. i like his choice of his vice president but i think he could have chosen hailery clinton. he wants to invest in runible fueels so we can limet are self ifron being dependint in foran oil. He wants to get are econamy back on track. That is why i think obama should win but i like john mican but i dont thinik are contrey could go with someone like gorge bush but i like mcanin to but i think obama would be better!!!! that is why i think obama should win!!!!

  5. I belive that McCain is right for the job as our leader....The reason i dont like OBAMA is cause my number one issuse is abortion.. and obama does not think that that is right.... i heard McCain say that he knows everyone should have a voice in this and that's right... and in the i hope soon to be law... it says that if the woman is very sick and cant then that's alright.... but i dont think it's necessary to kill baby's...SO that's what i think...cause MAYBE JUST MAYBE that baby's gonna be the next superstar!!!!!LIKE MINE...
    !!!!!~*~*~*JUST KIDDING~*~*~*!!!!!

  6. I think Barack Obama should be president because he will help boost our economy. Another reason I feel that Barack Obama should be our president is that his vice president Joe Biden has expierence and he will help boost our economy.

  7. I think Barack Obama should be our next president. Our economy stinks!
    If we were 12th graders right now, instead of 6th graders, we probably would not have the money to go to collage. I agree with Andrew that Joe Biden was a great choice for the vice presidential candidate. Another problem is the National Debt. Our generation has been given a great burden, one over 4 billion dollars, and is rising about $1000 every second. Barack Obama would help lower this debt. VOTE BARACK OBAMA!!!!!

  8. I think Barack Obama should be president because we need change and John McCain voted with George W. Busch 90% of the time.

  9. First of all,I want to say that cool! a new person blogged! secondly, I am a Republican and I am proud!!!! I think that Obama is not the one for president because of his policies on abortion, the war, FACT: we are WINNING!!!!! If we give up now, we will be attacked again! we are over there because of 9-11. obama went over there to play basketball with foreign leaders for his presidential photos!!!! Mccain went over there to visit the troops! Let's stay there and win, do we want our to children have to go over there???? also he wants to change our national anthem
    and our presidential seal! I will tell you right now, if that man gets elected, at a baseball game, I am going to sing the star spangled banner during the national anthem. free healthcare is not free! taxes will go up and we will have to wait months for an operation. we have a friend named Georgina, who lives in England who says they had to fire nurses and wait months for an operation. obama has also done DRUGS!!! this is all true. BELIEVE ME! this is america, and we cannot afford to elect obama because this the and of the free and the home of the brave. and I will not sit here and watch that title slip away!!! please, for the sake of this great nation, PLEASE!!! vote Mccain!!! MORE TO COME!!!!!

  10. I think that Jhon McCain should become prezedent. Barak would handle the econimy well but, thats not going to be the only problem for the next 4 years. Plus McCain would handle the war and enviorment better than Barak ever could (No Offence to Barak) Also I see alot of kids seen to LOVE Barak, FOR NO REASON! I think that kids should have a reason to like a canidate. By the way, I AM NOT RESIST JUST BECAUSE I DON'T SUPORT BARAK.

  11. I think Mccain should win also because he will not higher taxes at al and he will not increase th amont of taxes. Another big issue of mine is that Obama wants Aborion which means that he would kill pretty much all of the new little born tiny babies that are really cute and adorable. So if u want to vote for killing babies vote Obama[Booooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] And if u want to not kill babies VOTE FOR MCCAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![And its TRUE]

  12. It is clear at this point I need to interject some comments about an issue brought up by several students: The issue of abortion. I by no means am telling you what to believe. However, I do feel the need to clarify the issue, which is a hot issue in every presidential election. John McCain is pro-life, which means thinks abortion should be illegal. Barack Obama is pro-choice, which means the decision to have an abortion or not lies with the woman. The issue I need to clear up a bit is what pro-choice means. Several students have stated that Obama "wants abortions." That is not what pro-choice means. Pro-choice means that the woman can choose what she wants to do. It is possible that people can be pro-choice and strongly against abortion at the same time. Again, I'm not telling you what to think, and I'm not telling you who I think is better. I just felt the need to clear up some things on a topic brought up by multiple students.
    Continue thinking and blogging!

  13. Ok, well here's my thing. At first, I thought "Yeah, Obama would be good for president" but I think after watching the debates (I've watched them all) I'm not too fond of either. I now think the Hilary Clinton would be the person for the job. She's a woman and she understands the whole abortion thing. She knows that when a woman can't deliver a child for either the life of the mother or for the life of the child, that an abortion can be absolutely nessisary. I mean come on, would you want to be born with such horrible conditions, such as maybe brain disfunctions? And those churches that say that abortions are so horrible and that your just killing a child for the sake of killing it, well do they wish to raise the 700 odd babies? What if the mother doesn't have the money, or was raped, and just cant handle life with a baby. Thats my opinion on the whole abortion thing, and though I dont really think either candidate is best, I would go for Obama, becuase of his take on those laws that McCain wants to make legal.

  14. I thinkk Barack Obama should win because he wants to give tax breaks for the middle class. THis means higher taxes for the upper class, but guess what? The rich people have enough money as it is! Why not lend some more for taxes, it won't kill them! He also wants to withdrawl and make peace with Iraq. Mcain wants to stay in the war and win from war, I don't believe in war. Mcain wants to send more troops out to Iraq until we win, do you know how much money that costs? Billions of dollars, EACH time. Also, Mcain has voted with George Bush NUMEROUS times, do you want anothe GB? I don't think so! He even admitted it at a Debate! George Bush is The reason in this country for debt, he is never going to get us out of the whole , u no y? Sending the troops out to war! THat is exactly what Mcain wants! If we elect Mcain it's gonna be just like George Bush!! He's the person we are trying to get RID OF, not get the newer versin of!! I also disagree with Mcains policy on abortion. Obama wants to have abortion PROCHOICE OR AVAILABLE, NOT MANDATORY. No, I don't believe in abortion, but there are some circumstances where the baby is in danger or the mother is in danger if they follow through with natural born birth. Mcain is having natural born birth MANDATORY, basically, he is going to kill out more than half the population! Do you want all these mothers & children to die? That's what I thought.

  15. VOTE FOR BARAK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    VOTE FOR PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I agree with Mr. Klumper. Obama doesn't beleive in abortion but just thinks that the mother has a choice if she wants to keep her baby or not. I'm not sure who I would vote for if I could because I dislike very much how both canidates instead of stating their own opinions they keep going at each other and saying how the others is wrong! That needs to stop or people are going to loose faith in that canidate. And then there's Sarah Palin, I think she is a very nice hockey mom going through alot of minor hardships right now who does not have alot of experience but she was the governor of Alaska. Thats all byeeeeeee

  17. i think that barack obama should be our president because he is a great man he will inspires many americans if he gets voted

  18. Well... there are things i don't like about either of them. I started going 100% for Obama, but then i heard his speeches. John Mccain is a better choice because he doesn't want to raise taxes and that he actully knows what he is doing, unlike Obama who is a total rookie. Obama believes in abortion which in my mind is EXTEAMLY WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know people that say things like, " But what if the mother doesn't want it?" She should have thought about that before!!!!!! And a bonus for Mccain is he has Sarah Palin, and with that Obama is going DOWWWWWWWWWWWNNNN!!!!!!!

  19. Okay not to any specific person. But, if you like Obama just because he might be nice isn't a really good reason because, being a president you can't always be nice. Same for his anti-war thing, like it or not there will always be some type of war in our world Obama can't change that however hard he tries.

    I already left a comment saying why i like McCain.

  20. I think Barack Obama should be our next president. The main two things I agree with him on are abortion, and the war. I think that a woman should decide if she should have an abortion or not. There are various reasons she may want to have an abortion. She may not have the money, the child may be born with some serious disabilities, or it might be a life-threatening situation. I think women should be trusted to make their own decisions. The war on the other hand, well, we are spending billions of dollars we don't need to over there. On top of that we are sending many soldiers over there, some young, and we are taking the lives of many of them. Those are my opinions, sorry they came a little late.

  21. I am leaning both ways and it is really hard to chose the president. John Maccain has a lot of experiance, but Barock Obama would start a new record for him being part black.

  22. Good Job SHAMBREE!!!!
    Good Job TROY!!!
    Good Job CHRIS!!!
    Good Job RACHEL!!!
    Good Job MOLLY!!!
    Good Job EVERYONE THATS VOTING MC.CAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Keep Voting MC.CAIN!!!HORRAY!!

  23. i think that OBAMA
    because he wants to stop the war,(i think we should stop the was, its a waste of time). i like that obama belives in abortion,(becaouse he belives in choice)
    that is why i think obama is a great chocie fo becoming our next presidant
    obama(: McCain ):

  24. First of all I honestly don't think that kids should be worried about this abortion stuff.Although abortion is a major problem we have bigger problems. I know we are kids but some of us should really take a minute and think of how are economy is doing.What I'm saying is our debt is over 10 and 1/2 TRILLION BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! Take a sec and think of your allowance...ya that is a pretty big number. Also, President Bush obviously didn't do such a great job and truth hurts Mcain you voted with Bush 90 percent of the time. Do we really want 4 more years of that? What I honestly think is Obauma is a better choice, but he isn't going to get us anywhere close to out of debt. That is nearly IMPOSSIBLE. Obauma is the better choice because I think we should be worried about our families jobs and NOT abortion.


    P.S MR. Klumper is still AWESOME!!

  25. Barack all the way!!!!
    I am a fellow democrat that aggree's with barack quite a bit of the time.
    Barack believes that the only time we have abortion is under certain circumstances such as the mothers life being in danger but even then do we try to save the baby.

    McCain has HUGE problems.
    first of all he does not have the best choice for our economy and taxes. People have repeatedly said that if McCain somehow under some miracle gets elected you will not see your taxes go down a cent.
    As for our economy, Bush new what was going on and his big head couldnt generate enough steam to get us even partly out of this mess? The same goes for McCain if he is elected. Don't even get me started on Sarah palin, she is a lying, manipulating fool who thinks she can do much more than she really can. What is up with her grammar? Does she really exept people to take her seriously when she is using words like you betcha'? Joe Biden however uses rather well grammar. She is probably one of the best choises out there. Sure she has a few tiny faults but doesnt everybody?
    Obama is in the lead either way. I have no doubt in my mind that if Obama is elected the economy will become better than it would with McCain elected, noting that McCain agree's with Bush 90% of the time. Did Bush do anything for us major while he was in office? Think about it.
    Alyssa M

  26. I think this is great that you are doing this with your students. The comments from your students regarding this election were price priceless. I only wish some of the adults could be as civil as your students :)

    I love your blog. It will be added to my blogroll.

    I also teach 6th grade Ancient History.

  27. Makenzie I would have to disagree with you because.....

    OBAMA ROCKS!!!!!

  28. Makenzie,Troy and Rachel you guys are right with somethings but first i want to say rachel abortion is not killing babies AFTER they are born abortion is killing the babies when they are starting to form. troy 2 things we are not in Iraq because of 9-11 we are in Iraq because of bush and second of all where did you hear Obama did drugs he usede to smoke but he stoped for the sake of his kids,and Makenzie i kind of agree with you about abortion but i dont think McCain is right for the job in the news they say he had a temper.(and i agree with alli im starting to think Hilary Clinton is better for the job she would give women the choice of abortion


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