
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Egyptian Art: What can we learn?

Do you remember the Stone Age Art? All those paintings about hunts, animals, fighting? Remember all the things we could "see" and "learn" from them? Well, now let us try the same thing with Egypt. Because of Egypt's writing system, we can learn about them by actually reading about them. However, studying their artwork can help us look into the past of Ancient Egypt and enable us to discover their culture, their beliefs, their way of life. I have attached a picture of Ancient Egyptian art. Click on the picture to see a larger version.
Task: Look at the picture. Study the picture. Think about the picture. Analyze and post your comments about the picture.
I want you to tell me what you think about this picture. First start in general terms: What do you see? What does the picture mean? What is happening? What is going on in the picture?
Here are a few things to focus on, perhaps: Why is the smaller person facing the opposite direction from the other two larger people? Why is the small person holding on to the larger person's leg? Why do the larger people look different than the smaller person? What is different about them? What is with all the birds? What is on the far left side? Weeds? flowers? grass? What is the largest figure doing? Where are they? Why do you think that?
Share your thoughts, but be prepared because your opinions and thoughts are up for debate. Read other people's comments and agree/disagree with them. Remember, it is very important that you say why you agree/disagree. Be Respectful.

**Thank you for your effort thus far in the Ancient Egypt Unit. I greatly appreciate your enthusiasm and positive attitudes. You kids rock.


  1. What I think is that the egyption person has a hunting tool in their hand and it is resembling a lucky day of hunting because all of the fish. So maybe the Egyptions had a gigantic fish dinner.

  2. I think that the person in the middle is carrying a message or something, and a lot of things are included in the message. I think that his family didn't want him to go, so thats why theres someone holding onto his leg. The lady in the backround is the one that sent him with the message, and shes probably royalty or something...That's what I see, somehow.

  3. I think the picture lookslike he is attacking birds with a stick to protect aprincess. It looks kind of neet to se this guy protecting a girl thats is so nice. Ithink it meens that they had gaurdsfor the princesses so thats wat i think

  4. i think that this represents him dancing and that he is standing on a broken bridge. the cat looks like it is eating the bird

  5. i see birds, a cat, and a queen. What i think is happening is they are catching birds to eat. and i also think that the queen is there to make sure he is doing their job.

  6. i see birds, a cat, and a queen. What i think is happening is they are catching birds to eat. and i also think that the queen is there to make sure he is doing their job.

  7. i see a fish some birds and some cat standing on two birds some cat tails people a cat on two birds

  8. i see a man with a stick in his hand. i see a bird by a lot of feathers that look like a chicken. i see alot of birds in the sky and the man looks like hes hunting them. I see a girl that looks like a queen. I see a boat under the water with fish with the boat. I see painting in the backround of the picture. i see a snake in the mans hand. I also see a girl that looks like a kings daughter.

  9. I think it is a really unique and detailed picture. Maybe the girl is looking at something that she notices about the person behind her. Myabe she is holding on the the persons leg becouse he is the dad or a god. I think the smaller person is a child. on the far left side it looks like alot of bird and a big peacock. I think the largest figure is releasing the birds. They are walking over a bridge..

  10. Pherhaps the person facing opposite is looking at something interesting. It looks like a few people are talking together.

  11. I think it means a guy is hunting the bird or taking the bird for medicene for that little ladie holding his leg. That large ladie is a God i think. Also the weeds is a peacock. Thats what I think.

  12. In this picture I see people, birds, writing, some kind of thing he is standing on, fish, ducks, somekind of bush.

    To be continued.............

  13. The picture looks like it has animals and people in this picture. It almost looks like it has peacock feathers off to the side. I think the person who is the biggest person in the picture was pharoah, or the person who made the picture. I also see a cat, I think cats are sacred to the egyptians. Th person who is holding onto the man's leg is his girlfriend, or wife. The reason there are fish in the water is because they fish.

  14. i think thare showing how the hunters were strong and brave

  15. I think that he scaring the burds and the biger the person the more empotant they are.

  16. I think the laragest person may be hunting. Maybe the plants are weeds? I can't really tell where they are becuase there is writing behind the people but there is birds, ducks, and fish.

  17. I think that they were getting ready for winter because it looks like the fish are frozen....also i think that their getting enough food for the winter so they will not me it looks like the girl is kinda like reling on the elder to feed her...Also it seems that the Women is making something like cloth so they can be warm during the winter...That's All for now!!!!BYE!BYE!BYE!BYE!!

  18. it looks like someone holding a stick and a bird and some people are getting fish from the river.and a whole lot of animals and i think hes looking at a god.

  19. I see alot of dferant stuff but some stuf just jumps out like the snake and the birds but the thing that rely grabs my atention is what is he standing on? I think the picture means that there is going to be a hunt. I think he is trying his new bird caching snake.He also looks like he is surfing

  20. What I see is people and animals. I think that the guy who is bigger then the rest of the people is a god and the person holding him is trying to get protection or something. With the animals i think that the big person was a god of earth so the animals like him.

  21. i see geese,indians or people,boat,cat with wings and so on.
    what i like about this picture is that there is a whole bunch of pictures and there so relistic thats in my own way.

  22. I think it has something to do with peace and life. I think the smaller one is looking up to the big one. i think the birds are a sign of peace.

  23. This picture is a lot like stone age! 3 people are in the picture. they are all different sizes. Is that guy scary to the birds? It looks like they are an water. In the background there are hieroglyphics. This painting is amazing and is going to help me with my mural!

  24. I think that the picture is some sort of looks like the smaller person is looking at the person on the right and looks like there on a pond and their are some ducks.

  25. i think its the hunt of the birds i think the smaller person is a child and she/he is scared of the birds the larger person is hunting the birds. or they are on a picknic and the birds are in the way

  26. i see birds,people,writing in the background.i think the picture means they hunt as a family and they stay as a family.i think they are in a tomb because of the writing in the background
    there will be more

  27. I am not to sure about what is happening but it looks they were in the pyramid because i can see hierogliphics in the back round and plant could grow and it is possible that the birds wandered in and i think that the man is trying to get rid of the bird because it looks like there is a snake in his hand CONTINUED......

  28. A few things that I see in this picture are 3 people, lots of birds, some fish, some kind of boat,and lots of water. Hannah

  29. I see egyptians by a lake and they are looking at the birds maybe because they are flyng south...

    To be continued...

  30. i see a person who is holding a snake in one hand and i see a duck or a bird and a bost to more comming..

  31. I see a woman holding 3 birds in one hand and a snake in the other. I also see a duck, water, and many other animals. Also I see 2 other woman one under the large one and one to the fright of the large one. I believe that the bigger person is the god of nature I believe the other person is the god of nature I think the smaller person is the real egyptian and like she's holding on to her leg because they need her to survive.

  32. i see a person who is holding a snake in one hand and i see a duck or a bird and a bost to more comming..

  33. i see a man like casting a spell or something and all the birds are flying away and the fish are starting to drowned and its a drought

  34. When I look at the picture I see a queen, a servant, and alot of birds. I think this picture means is that the queen is telling the servant to kill some of the birds for supper.

  35. i see a three people and lots of birds, grass, the man is standing on a type of boat. i thimk the picture means that the man is hunting the birds by the river for the weman. i think it means that the man is a servant for the queen and he is hunting for them.

  36. I see a picture of a guy/woman holding a whip in their hand so i thick that he is whiping a person that is doing something bad.

  37. I believe that the big man is of royalty, like a prince, and the big girl is like a princess. I agree with that the man is hunting with a throwing stick. They probably had a good day of hunting, and wanted it to remembered, so they had scribe draw it. I believe the little girl is facing the other way because she is not as high in royalty as the big people. I belive that the tings in the corner are reeds, which grew along the banks of the nile.

  38. I seea man carrying a message i think and in the other hand a stick. and in the back on the right there is a women holding something. I think that the picture means that the man is trying to have one of the birds send a message and the guy is on some type of boat. The picture is very interesting cause of all the detail in it.

  39. i see a guy throwing a spear ducks fish and i see writing and a swamp i think the person sitting down is holding the persos leg becouse other wise he could fall in the water or so he cant get more birds

  40. I think the picture looks like the guy is attacking the birds with sticks! I think that the older people look different than the younger people because the older people look like they just wear not as much clothes as the younger people. I thinkmaybe the one person is facing the other way because maybe he is the one who has too look out for other animals coming from the other way! Im pretty sur4e that the smaller person is holding onto the persons leg so then he doesnt loose the older person if the older person is going too chase after the bird. I think maybe there is alot of birds because maybe the hunter saw one bird and threw a stick at that bird and then all these other birds kept coming out because there is a pond type thing in the corner.

  41. I think the picture is of a family on a hunting trip. I think the person standing up is the dad, and I think he is hunting because the men were usually the hunters. I think the person standing beside him is his wife and she is holding the hunting tools that he is not using. I think the person holding on to the other ones leg is a child who is clinging on to their father.

  42. I think the little girl is looking the other way because she might not be as important?

  43. I see a grown man with his wife and son they are on a boat with fish in the lake or pond. they look like they are hunting to get food for themseaves or pharoh. the grown man has a snake in one hand and he is tring to catch something with the other. I can see cotail growing in front of them.

  44. i think that we canall tell that they wore little to no clothes and that they had some of the same anials we see often today. i think that they had lots of food to eat.

  45. i think that they are triy to get dinner.

  46. I think that the lagest person is dead, and is trying to succeed in the afterlife. The woman on the right is a godess watching him attempt to complete task. Perhaps the task is to catch a certain type of animal, like the birds he is holding. The snake in his other hand may be the snake that they placed in his tomb to help him succeed in the afterlife. Perhaps the small person is trying to set him back, as sort of a challenge to not go on to the afterlife.

  47. I think the big person in the middle is dead and he is going up to heaven with the birds and the person holding onto his leg doesn't want him to die because she loves him. Or I think the peson in the middle is hunting the birds and the person holding his leg doesn't want him to get hurt and the person on the right is like the queen or a godess.

  48. For our project in drawing pictures I found a picture of the same thing. But a diferent picture. They were hunting.

  49. I think in the picture is a eygptians hunting in the Spring or Fall with arrows....for fisheys !!!!

  50. i see a bird he is holding like a worm or a snake there are 3 men and weeds. it looks like the dude is going to fight someone. to be continued

  51. I think that the person in the middle is carrying a message or something, and a lot of things are included in the message. I think that his family didn't want him to go, so thats why theres someone holding onto his leg. The lady in the backround is the one that sent him with the message, and shes probably royalty or something...That's what I see, somehow.

  52. i think the big one is the king and the mediam size one it the queen and the other on is a farmer. i think it shows the importans of the king.

  53. I think the guy is studying some animals to paint them. And the little dudes his son or helper

  54. I think the guy is studying some animals to paint them. And the little dudes his son or helper

  55. I think the guy is studying some animals to paint them. And the little dudes his son or helper

  56. Ithink the person is hunting for food and it means they are great hunters. they are gathering food for their group. the person sitting between thier legs is a spirit

  57. I see a man holding three birds and I also see some more birds flying around. I also see some Hieroglyphics, their systemof writing.

  58. I see alor of birds, a snake, weeds, and the other girls are is doughter and wife and he might be king and this picture is showing how he ruled practily everything.

  59. I think he is attacking someone

  60. I think it's an egyption god that controls all animals cause in the hand is like a snake and then there is all animals around there or it was a good hunt.


    ZACH PD8

  62. It looks like to me that the person in the middle has a scroll of some sort and is going somewhere. There are hyroglyphics in the background, but I don't know what they mean. There seems to be a woman, maybe of high rank in the background. I think she has something to do with the scroll in the person's hand. That is what I see in the picture.

  63. i think it shows the person in the middle hunting or stalking or whatever it is those people did. maybe its kind of like the stone age pictures and tells a story of... i dont no... a really big hunt or something. maybe it shows some sort of leader leading a hunt. i think that cuz of all the birds and fish and their all things that people could hunt. i think that the thing that person is standing on is some sort of boat.

  64. It looks like the closest eyaigyptian is catching birds.

  65. I think the picture looks like a man hunting with his hands. He catches a stork to bring back to his family . The other animals ecape.

  66. The picture here just looks like a person standing on a board and hold a stick with some birds with him and a peakok and some hieroglyphics and he is on a boat and there is some fish in the water and there is a women in the background with a lady on the ground and has a backwards head and just a little weird.

  67. It looks like the guy is holding a snake and fish, and a queen/godess is standing behind him. I thnk this may mean someting about hunting, domestication, farming, or realy the only person who realy knows would be the egyptions who made it, so, we may never know the real awnser.

  68. what i think is that they are looking for somthing and they big people are looking one way while the little one is looking the other way.the birds i think are going the other direction cause it is getting coolder out.

  69. I think this guy didn't have breakfast so he got hungary and decided to go hunting.... He brought his stick weapon thing and saw a flock of birds so he chased them and got close enough to grab a bird and he probably will kill it later..... He may have wanted Blue Bird toast and it sounds dumb but we will never know so..... There is alot of hieroglyphics around the picture so it must say something but I bet no one can read it in 6th grade! Thats my take on this Ancient Egyptian picture! BYEEEEEEEEEEEE

  70. I think here hunting and are trying to catch a large animal. all the fish is a sign of luck that they will have good hunting.

  71. I think the large figure is tamming the animals. I think the small figure is looking at the wowman beacause she is the pharo.

  72. In the picture I see three people and it looks like one of the people is chaseing the birds in the picture. I think it is a family and their by the NILE river. I also think the picture is cool!!

  73. I think the big person is protecting the girl and maybe the little boy is a slave or helping protect the girl or princess.

  74. I think this picture means that the person in this picture is a very coordinated person because he is catching all those birds in his hands.

  75. It looks like hes hunting or fishing. It looks like that because there is fish under him and birds above him.

  76. I think it looks like a symble that represents god and worships god

  77. I think that the she/he is talking to the may be of the man/lady is a god...or there king...or maybe the person is ether attacking them or prasing them!!!

  78. I found this website and i thought it was cool how you could type your name and see what it looks like in hieroglypics and more about what your name would stand for.

  79. i see three prople lot of birds some fish weeds ducks butterflies an eye one man holding a bird by its feet some tools and a snake by the way cool picture mr. klumper

  80. This website explains alot of stuff about Egypt

  81. here is some egyptian games i have only played one and it was fun.


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