
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Teach Timmers about ancient Greece

Teach Timmers is back! After taking a little break from Teach Timmers, (his brain was starting to hurt because of all the knew things he learned from the first semester) we will now resume teaching our good friend about ancient civilization. In Ancient Greece, Mr. Ellingworth taught you many things about this very intriguing ancient civilization. Perhaps the favorite and most intriguing is Greek Mythology. With this version of Teach Timmers, you will teach him about Greek Mythology. So, with that said, let's get to the specifics so we can begin to Teach Timmers!

Task 1: Teach Timmers about the difference between Olympians, Monster children, and Titans.

Task 2: Post a comment to Timmers teaching him about Greek mythology by telling him about five characters of Greek Mythology. The characters you choose can be Olympians, Titans, or monster children. Simply state their name and one characteristic. (Example: Zeus: ruler of all the gods)

Task 3: Tell Timmers about how Zeus became king of the gods. (to explain the story about Zeus, you may use the Greek Mythology PowerPoint to help you)

Students, thank you for Teaching Timmers. He has a strong thirst for knowledge, especially about Greek Mythology. Good Luck!

Sixth Grade Survey

Please take this survey today in the computer lab. All the data compiled with this survey will be used in a competition at a later date. Thank you very much.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Major Milestone: WSG reaches 100,000 hits

On Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011, Water for Sixth Grade reached a major milestone in its history: 100,000 hits. Since WSG began in 2008, it has become a very essential and useful tool for students studying ancient civilization. It will continue to evolve and improve, striving to be the most dynamic blog education has ever seen. A big "thanks" needs to go out to all the students who blog on Water for Sixth Grade and all those who have blogged in the past. Without their participation, support, and enthusiasm, this blog would have died out long ago. At this point, Water for Sixth Grade has featured 224 blog posts, which have been designed to help students learn about ancient civilization, discover new things, review material, and think. Currently, WSG has been viewed in over 150 countries around the world. Water for Sixth Grade: Live. Learn. Blog.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Greek Mythology Spotlight: Hydra

This horrid looking creature brought death and destruction to Greek Mythology. The hydra had eight heads, with the middle head being immortal. What would happen if you happened to cut off one of the heads in battle? It would grow back, every time. This fire breathing monster met Hercules in battle and it was one for the ages. In battle, Hercules used his club to knock off the heads of Hydra. Unfortunately for Hercules, each time Hercules would knock off a head, two more would grow back. Finally, Hercules used a torch and burned off the heads. This worked, but he still had to deal with the middle, immortal head. For this head, Hercules buried it under a rock, which sealed the victory for Hercules. Thought Hydra was now dead, its blood continued to cause problems. Arrow tips dipped in the blood of Hydra was very poisonous. In fact, Hercules accidentally killed Chiron, the good/wise centaur, with one of these arrows.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Greek Mythology Creature Spotlight: Pegasus

Pegasus, though considered a "monster child" is a majestic, beautiful animal. As you can see from the picture,Pegasus is a white horse with wings. The wings are very significant, for they allow Pegasus to fly. The story of the Pegasus chronicles its beginnings and the rise tothunderbolt carrier for the mighty Zeus. Pegasus is the offspring of Poseidon and Medusa. The famous hero Perseus fought Medusa and cut off her head. When this happened, Pegasus was born out of the body of Medusa. Bellerophon tamed Pegasus and rode it in many adventures, including Bellerophon's slaying of the Chimera. However, Bellerophon made a costly mistake when he tried to fly Pegasus to Mt. Olympus. On the way there, Zeus struck Bellerophon down, but Pegasus continued on its way to Mt. Olympus. There, Pegasus served Zeus by carrying his thunderbolts.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Greek Mythology Spotlight: Medusa

For our second Greek Mythology creature spotlight, we will focus on Medusa. Perhaps you have heard of Medusa or seen a picture of her. As you can clearly see in the picture above, Medusa is very ugly with snakes for her. Medusa is so ugly, that simply looking at her would cause one to turn to stone. It may seem simple, just don't look at her and everything will be fine. However, the ancient Greeks could not resist looking at her because of the snakes coming out of her head. The temptation proved too hard to resist and people looked, then turned to stone. Medusa was not always ugly. In fact, she used to be very beautiful. Here is what happened: Medusa was one of three sisters known as the Gorgons. Medusa was the only mortal sister and very beautiful. She lived in a place in the far north that the sun never visited. She longed to see the sun, so she asked Athena if she could visit the south and see the sun. Athena refused Medusa's request. This angered Medusa, who lashed out and said that the only reason Athena refused her request is because Medusa was more beautiful than Athena. This, in return, angered Athena, who used her powers to change Medusa's hair into snakes and cause her to be so ugly just the sight of her would turn you to stone. Will the main character in the I Series be able to overcome the temptation? Or will he turn to stone like the rest?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Greek Mythology Creature Spotlight: Chimera

The Chimera was a very well-knonw creature in Greek Mythology. The Chimera is a combination of three animals: Lion, Goat, and Snake. Allow me to explain: The Chimera had a head of a lion, the body of a goat, with a goat head coming out of the spin, and a tail of a snake. The gruesome looking creature breathed fire. The Chimera was siblings with the Cerberus (three headed dog) and the Hydra (8 headed monster). The Chimera is a female. Will the main character of the I Series be able to defeat this horrific monster? Coming soon...
Editors Note: The Chimera can sometimes look different than the picture above. Some believe the Chimera has a lions head, a goats, head, and a dragon head, with dragon-like wings.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Perhaps a little humor in your day. Check out these interesting pictures. I don't know about you, but when I look at these pictures, I think to myself, "What?"